# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "abstract_unit" require "active_support/execution_context/test_helper" class ErrorReporterTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # ExecutionContext is automatically reset in Rails app via executor hooks set in railtie # But not in Active Support's own test suite. include ActiveSupport::ExecutionContext::TestHelper class ErrorSubscriber attr_reader :events def initialize @events = [] end def report(error, handled:, severity:, context:) @events << [error, handled, severity, context] end end setup do @reporter = ActiveSupport::ErrorReporter.new @subscriber = ErrorSubscriber.new @reporter.subscribe(@subscriber) @error = ArgumentError.new("Oops") end test "receives the execution context" do @reporter.set_context(section: "admin") error = ArgumentError.new("Oops") @reporter.report(error, handled: true) assert_equal [[error, true, :warning, { section: "admin" }]], @subscriber.events end test "passed context has priority over the execution context" do @reporter.set_context(section: "admin") error = ArgumentError.new("Oops") @reporter.report(error, handled: true, context: { section: "public" }) assert_equal [[error, true, :warning, { section: "public" }]], @subscriber.events end test "#handle swallow and report any unhandled error" do error = ArgumentError.new("Oops") @reporter.handle do raise error end assert_equal [[error, true, :warning, {}]], @subscriber.events end test "#handle can be scoped to an exception class" do assert_raises ArgumentError do @reporter.handle(NameError) do raise ArgumentError end end assert_equal [], @subscriber.events end test "#handle passes through the return value" do result = @reporter.handle do 2 + 2 end assert_equal 4, result end test "#handle returns nil on handled raise" do result = @reporter.handle do raise StandardError 2 + 2 end assert_nil result end test "#handle returns the value of the fallback as a proc on handled raise" do result = @reporter.handle(fallback: -> { 2 + 2 }) do raise StandardError end assert_equal 4, result end test "#handle raises if the fallback is not a callable" do assert_raises NoMethodError do @reporter.handle(fallback: "four") do raise StandardError end end end test "#handle raises the error up if fallback is a proc that then also raises" do assert_raises ArgumentError do @reporter.handle(fallback: -> { raise ArgumentError }) do raise StandardError end end end test "#record report any unhandled error and re-raise them" do error = ArgumentError.new("Oops") assert_raises ArgumentError do @reporter.record do raise error end end assert_equal [[error, false, :error, {}]], @subscriber.events end test "#record can be scoped to an exception class" do assert_raises ArgumentError do @reporter.record(NameError) do raise ArgumentError end end assert_equal [], @subscriber.events end test "#record passes through the return value" do result = @reporter.record do 2 + 2 end assert_equal 4, result end test "can have multiple subscribers" do second_subscriber = ErrorSubscriber.new @reporter.subscribe(second_subscriber) error = ArgumentError.new("Oops") @reporter.report(error, handled: true) assert_equal 1, @subscriber.events.size assert_equal 1, second_subscriber.events.size end test "handled errors default to :warning severity" do @reporter.report(@error, handled: true) assert_equal :warning, @subscriber.events.dig(0, 2) end test "unhandled errors default to :error severity" do @reporter.report(@error, handled: false) assert_equal :error, @subscriber.events.dig(0, 2) end class FailingErrorSubscriber Error = Class.new(StandardError) def initialize(error) @error = error end def report(_error, handled:, severity:, context:) raise @error end end test "subscriber errors are re-raised if no logger is set" do subscriber_error = FailingErrorSubscriber::Error.new("Big Oopsie") @reporter.subscribe(FailingErrorSubscriber.new(subscriber_error)) assert_raises FailingErrorSubscriber::Error do @reporter.report(@error, handled: true) end end test "subscriber errors are logged if a logger is set" do subscriber_error = FailingErrorSubscriber::Error.new("Big Oopsie") @reporter.subscribe(FailingErrorSubscriber.new(subscriber_error)) log = StringIO.new @reporter.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(log) @reporter.report(@error, handled: true) expected = "Error subscriber raised an error: Big Oopsie (ErrorReporterTest::FailingErrorSubscriber::Error)" assert_equal expected, log.string.lines.first.chomp end end