# frozen_string_literal: true require "set" module ActiveJob # Raised when an exception is raised during job arguments deserialization. # # Wraps the original exception raised as +cause+. class DeserializationError < StandardError def initialize #:nodoc: super("Error while trying to deserialize arguments: #{$!.message}") set_backtrace $!.backtrace end end # Raised when an unsupported argument type is set as a job argument. We # currently support NilClass, Integer, Fixnum, Float, String, TrueClass, FalseClass, # Bignum, BigDecimal, and objects that can be represented as GlobalIDs (ex: Active Record). # Raised if you set the key for a Hash something else than a string or # a symbol. Also raised when trying to serialize an object which can't be # identified with a Global ID - such as an unpersisted Active Record model. class SerializationError < ArgumentError; end # The ActiveJob::Serializers module is used to store a list of known serializers # and to add new ones. It also has helpers to serialize/deserialize objects module Serializers extend ActiveSupport::Autoload extend ActiveSupport::Concern autoload :ArraySerializer autoload :BaseSerializer autoload :GlobalIDSerializer autoload :HashWithIndifferentAccessSerializer autoload :HashSerializer autoload :ObjectSerializer autoload :StandardTypeSerializer mattr_accessor :_additional_serializers self._additional_serializers = Set.new class << self # Returns serialized representative of the passed object. # Will look up through all known serializers. # Raises `ActiveJob::SerializationError` if it can't find a proper serializer. def serialize(argument) serializer = serializers.detect { |s| s.serialize?(argument) } raise SerializationError.new("Unsupported argument type: #{argument.class.name}") unless serializer serializer.serialize(argument) end # Returns deserialized object. # Will look up through all known serializers. # If no serializers found will raise `ArgumentError` def deserialize(argument) serializer = serializers.detect { |s| s.deserialize?(argument) } raise ArgumentError, "Can only deserialize primitive arguments: #{argument.inspect}" unless serializer serializer.deserialize(argument) end # Returns list of known serializers def serializers self._additional_serializers end # Adds a new serializer to a list of known serializers def add_serializers(*new_serializers) self._additional_serializers += new_serializers end # Returns a list of reserved keys, which cannot be used as keys for a hash def reserved_serializers_keys RESERVED_KEYS end end # :nodoc: GLOBALID_KEY = "_aj_globalid".freeze # :nodoc: SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY = "_aj_symbol_keys".freeze # :nodoc: WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY = "_aj_hash_with_indifferent_access".freeze # :nodoc: OBJECT_SERIALIZER_KEY = "_aj_serialized" # :nodoc: RESERVED_KEYS = [ GLOBALID_KEY, GLOBALID_KEY.to_sym, SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY, SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY.to_sym, WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY, WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY.to_sym, ] private_constant :RESERVED_KEYS add_serializers GlobalIDSerializer, StandardTypeSerializer, HashWithIndifferentAccessSerializer, HashSerializer, ArraySerializer end end