require 'active_support/core_ext/object/json' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation' module ActiveSupport class << self delegate :use_standard_json_time_format, :use_standard_json_time_format=, :subsecond_fraction_digits, :subsecond_fraction_digits=, :escape_html_entities_in_json, :escape_html_entities_in_json=, :encode_big_decimal_as_string, :encode_big_decimal_as_string=, :json_encoder, :json_encoder=, :to => :'ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding' end module JSON # Dumps objects in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). # See for more info. # # ActiveSupport::JSON.encode({ team: 'rails', players: '36' }) # # => "{\"team\":\"rails\",\"players\":\"36\"}" def self.encode(value, options = nil) end module Encoding #:nodoc: class JSONGemEncoder #:nodoc: attr_reader :options def initialize(options = nil) @options = options || {} end # Encode the given object into a JSON string def encode(value) stringify jsonify value.as_json(options.dup) end private # Rails does more escaping than the JSON gem natively does (we # escape \u2028 and \u2029 and optionally >, <, & to work around # certain browser problems). ESCAPED_CHARS = { "\u2028" => '\u2028', "\u2029" => '\u2029', '>' => '\u003e', '<' => '\u003c', '&' => '\u0026', } ESCAPE_REGEX_WITH_HTML_ENTITIES = /[\u2028\u2029><&]/u ESCAPE_REGEX_WITHOUT_HTML_ENTITIES = /[\u2028\u2029]/u # This class wraps all the strings we see and does the extra escaping class EscapedString < String #:nodoc: def to_json(*) if Encoding.escape_html_entities_in_json super.gsub ESCAPE_REGEX_WITH_HTML_ENTITIES, ESCAPED_CHARS else super.gsub ESCAPE_REGEX_WITHOUT_HTML_ENTITIES, ESCAPED_CHARS end end end # Mark these as private so we don't leak encoding-specific constructs private_constant :ESCAPED_CHARS, :ESCAPE_REGEX_WITH_HTML_ENTITIES, :ESCAPE_REGEX_WITHOUT_HTML_ENTITIES, :EscapedString # Convert an object into a "JSON-ready" representation composed of # primitives like Hash, Array, String, Numeric, and true/false/nil. # Recursively calls #as_json to the object to recursively build a # fully JSON-ready object. # # This allows developers to implement #as_json without having to # worry about what base types of objects they are allowed to return # or having to remember to call #as_json recursively. # # Note: the +options+ hash passed to +object.to_json+ is only passed # to +object.as_json+, not any of this method's recursive +#as_json+ # calls. def jsonify(value) case value when String when Numeric, NilClass, TrueClass, FalseClass value when Hash Hash[ { |k, v| [jsonify(k), jsonify(v)] }] when Array { |v| jsonify(v) } else jsonify value.as_json end end # Encode a "jsonified" Ruby data structure using the JSON gem def stringify(jsonified) ::JSON.generate(jsonified, quirks_mode: true, max_nesting: false) end end class << self # If true, use ISO 8601 format for dates and times. Otherwise, fall back # to the Active Support legacy format. attr_accessor :use_standard_json_time_format # If true, encode >, <, & as escaped unicode sequences (e.g. > as \u003e) # as a safety measure. attr_accessor :escape_html_entities_in_json # Configures the inclusion of subsecond resolution when serializing instances # of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone. attr_accessor :subsecond_fraction_digits # Sets the encoder used by Rails to encode Ruby objects into JSON strings # in +Object#to_json+ and +ActiveSupport::JSON.encode+. attr_accessor :json_encoder def encode_big_decimal_as_string=(as_string) message = \ "The JSON encoder in Rails 4.1 no longer supports encoding BigDecimals as JSON numbers. Instead, " \ "the new encoder will always encode them as strings.\n\n" \ "You are seeing this error because you have 'active_support.encode_big_decimal_as_string' in " \ "your configuration file. If you have been setting this to true, you can safely remove it from " \ "your configuration. Otherwise, you should add the 'activesupport-json_encoder' gem to your " \ "Gemfile in order to restore this functionality." raise NotImplementedError, message end def encode_big_decimal_as_string message = \ "The JSON encoder in Rails 4.1 no longer supports encoding BigDecimals as JSON numbers. Instead, " \ "the new encoder will always encode them as strings.\n\n" \ "You are seeing this error because you are trying to check the value of the related configuration, " \ "'active_support.encode_big_decimal_as_string'. If your application depends on this option, you should " \ "add the 'activesupport-json_encoder' gem to your Gemfile. For now, this option will always be true. " \ "In the future, it will be removed from Rails, so you should stop checking its value." ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn message true end # Deprecate CircularReferenceError def const_missing(name) if name == :CircularReferenceError message = "The JSON encoder in Rails 4.1 no longer offers protection from circular references. " \ "You are seeing this warning because you are rescuing from (or otherwise referencing) " \ "ActiveSupport::Encoding::CircularReferenceError. In the future, this error will be " \ "removed from Rails. You should remove these rescue blocks from your code and ensure " \ "that your data structures are free of circular references so they can be properly " \ "serialized into JSON.\n\n" \ "For example, the following Hash contains a circular reference to itself:\n" \ " h = {}\n" \ " h['circular'] = h\n" \ "In this case, calling h.to_json would not work properly." ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn message SystemStackError else super end end end self.use_standard_json_time_format = true self.escape_html_entities_in_json = true self.json_encoder = JSONGemEncoder end end end