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Carl Lerche & Yehuda Katz 906aebceed Bring abstract_controller up to date with rails/master
Resolved all the conflicts since 2.3.0 -> HEAD. Following is a list
of commits that could not be applied cleanly or are obviated with the
abstract_controller refactor. They all need to be revisited to ensure
that fixes made in 2.3 do not reappear in 3.0:

AR not available
  * This will be reimplemented with ActionORM or equivalent

implicitly rendering a js response should not use the default layout
[#1844 state:resolved]
  * This will be handled generically

Improve view rendering performance in development mode and reinstate
template recompiling in production [#1909 state:resolved]
  * We will need to reimplement rails-dev-boost on top of the refactor;
    the changes here are very implementation specific and cannot be
    cleanly applied. The following commits are implicated:


workaround for picking layouts based on wrong view_paths
[#1974 state:resolved]
  * The specifics of this commit no longer apply. Since it is a two-line
    commit, we will reimplement this change.

make action_controller/layouts pick templates from the current instance's
view_paths instead of the class view_paths [#1974 state:resolved]
  * This does not apply at all. It should be trivial to apply the feature
    to the reimplemented ActionController::Base.

fix HTML fallback for explicit templates [#2052 state:resolved]
  * There were a number of patches related to this that simply compounded
    each other. Basically none of them apply cleanly, and the underlying
    issue needs to be revisited. After discussing the underlying problem
    with Koz, we will defer these fixes for further discussion.
2009-04-13 15:18:45 -07:00

304 lines
13 KiB

module ActionController
module HttpAuthentication
# Makes it dead easy to do HTTP Basic authentication.
# Simple Basic example:
# class PostsController < ApplicationController
# USER_NAME, PASSWORD = "dhh", "secret"
# before_filter :authenticate, :except => [ :index ]
# def index
# render :text => "Everyone can see me!"
# end
# def edit
# render :text => "I'm only accessible if you know the password"
# end
# private
# def authenticate
# authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |user_name, password|
# user_name == USER_NAME && password == PASSWORD
# end
# end
# end
# Here is a more advanced Basic example where only Atom feeds and the XML API is protected by HTTP authentication,
# the regular HTML interface is protected by a session approach:
# class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# before_filter :set_account, :authenticate
# protected
# def set_account
# @account = Account.find_by_url_name(request.subdomains.first)
# end
# def authenticate
# case request.format
# when Mime::XML, Mime::ATOM
# if user = authenticate_with_http_basic { |u, p| @account.users.authenticate(u, p) }
# @current_user = user
# else
# request_http_basic_authentication
# end
# else
# if session_authenticated?
# @current_user = @account.users.find(session[:authenticated][:user_id])
# else
# redirect_to(login_url) and return false
# end
# end
# end
# end
# In your integration tests, you can do something like this:
# def test_access_granted_from_xml
# get(
# "/notes/1.xml", nil,
# :authorization => ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(users(:dhh).name, users(:dhh).password)
# )
# assert_equal 200, status
# end
# Simple Digest example:
# require 'digest/md5'
# class PostsController < ApplicationController
# REALM = "SuperSecret"
# USERS = {"dhh" => "secret", #plain text password
# "dap" => Digest:MD5::hexdigest(["dap",REALM,"secret"].join(":")) #ha1 digest password
# before_filter :authenticate, :except => [:index]
# def index
# render :text => "Everyone can see me!"
# end
# def edit
# render :text => "I'm only accessible if you know the password"
# end
# private
# def authenticate
# authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest(REALM) do |username|
# USERS[username]
# end
# end
# end
# NOTE: The +authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest+ block must return the user's password or the ha1 digest hash so the framework can appropriately
# hash to check the user's credentials. Returning +nil+ will cause authentication to fail.
# Storing the ha1 hash: MD5(username:realm:password), is better than storing a plain password. If
# the password file or database is compromised, the attacker would be able to use the ha1 hash to
# authenticate as the user at this +realm+, but would not have the user's password to try using at
# other sites.
# On shared hosts, Apache sometimes doesn't pass authentication headers to
# FCGI instances. If your environment matches this description and you cannot
# authenticate, try this rule in your Apache setup:
# RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [E=X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},QSA,L]
module Basic
extend self
module ControllerMethods
def authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic(realm = "Application", &login_procedure)
authenticate_with_http_basic(&login_procedure) || request_http_basic_authentication(realm)
def authenticate_with_http_basic(&login_procedure)
HttpAuthentication::Basic.authenticate(self, &login_procedure)
def request_http_basic_authentication(realm = "Application")
HttpAuthentication::Basic.authentication_request(self, realm)
def authenticate(controller, &login_procedure)
unless authorization(controller.request).blank?
def user_name_and_password(request)
decode_credentials(request).split(/:/, 2)
def authorization(request)
request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
request.env['X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
request.env['X_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
def decode_credentials(request)
ActiveSupport::Base64.decode64(authorization(request).split.last || '')
def encode_credentials(user_name, password)
"Basic #{ActiveSupport::Base64.encode64("#{user_name}:#{password}")}"
def authentication_request(controller, realm)
controller.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = %(Basic realm="#{realm.gsub(/"/, "")}")
controller.__send__ :render, :text => "HTTP Basic: Access denied.\n", :status => :unauthorized
module Digest
extend self
module ControllerMethods
def authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest(realm = "Application", &password_procedure)
authenticate_with_http_digest(realm, &password_procedure) || request_http_digest_authentication(realm)
# Authenticate with HTTP Digest, returns true or false
def authenticate_with_http_digest(realm = "Application", &password_procedure)
HttpAuthentication::Digest.authenticate(self, realm, &password_procedure)
# Render output including the HTTP Digest authentication header
def request_http_digest_authentication(realm = "Application", message = nil)
HttpAuthentication::Digest.authentication_request(self, realm, message)
# Returns false on a valid response, true otherwise
def authenticate(controller, realm, &password_procedure)
authorization(controller.request) && validate_digest_response(controller.request, realm, &password_procedure)
def authorization(request)
request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
request.env['X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
request.env['X_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
# Raises error unless the request credentials response value matches the expected value.
# First try the password as a ha1 digest password. If this fails, then try it as a plain
# text password.
def validate_digest_response(request, realm, &password_procedure)
credentials = decode_credentials_header(request)
valid_nonce = validate_nonce(request, credentials[:nonce])
if valid_nonce && realm == credentials[:realm] && opaque == credentials[:opaque]
password = password_procedure.call(credentials[:username])
[true, false].any? do |password_is_ha1|
expected = expected_response(request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'], request.env['REQUEST_URI'], credentials, password, password_is_ha1)
expected == credentials[:response]
# Returns the expected response for a request of +http_method+ to +uri+ with the decoded +credentials+ and the expected +password+
# Optional parameter +password_is_ha1+ is set to +true+ by default, since best practice is to store ha1 digest instead
# of a plain-text password.
def expected_response(http_method, uri, credentials, password, password_is_ha1=true)
ha1 = password_is_ha1 ? password : ha1(credentials, password)
ha2 = ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest([http_method.to_s.upcase, uri].join(':'))
::Digest::MD5.hexdigest([ha1, credentials[:nonce], credentials[:nc], credentials[:cnonce], credentials[:qop], ha2].join(':'))
def ha1(credentials, password)
::Digest::MD5.hexdigest([credentials[:username], credentials[:realm], password].join(':'))
def encode_credentials(http_method, credentials, password, password_is_ha1)
credentials[:response] = expected_response(http_method, credentials[:uri], credentials, password, password_is_ha1)
"Digest " + credentials.sort_by {|x| x[0].to_s }.inject([]) {|a, v| a << "#{v[0]}='#{v[1]}'" }.join(', ')
def decode_credentials_header(request)
def decode_credentials(header)
header.to_s.gsub(/^Digest\s+/,'').split(',').inject({}) do |hash, pair|
key, value = pair.split('=', 2)
hash[key.strip.to_sym] = value.to_s.gsub(/^"|"$/,'').gsub(/'/, '')
def authentication_header(controller, realm)
controller.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = %(Digest realm="#{realm}", qop="auth", algorithm=MD5, nonce="#{nonce}", opaque="#{opaque}")
def authentication_request(controller, realm, message = nil)
message ||= "HTTP Digest: Access denied.\n"
authentication_header(controller, realm)
controller.__send__ :render, :text => message, :status => :unauthorized
# Uses an MD5 digest based on time to generate a value to be used only once.
# A server-specified data string which should be uniquely generated each time a 401 response is made.
# It is recommended that this string be base64 or hexadecimal data.
# Specifically, since the string is passed in the header lines as a quoted string, the double-quote character is not allowed.
# The contents of the nonce are implementation dependent.
# The quality of the implementation depends on a good choice.
# A nonce might, for example, be constructed as the base 64 encoding of
# => time-stamp H(time-stamp ":" ETag ":" private-key)
# where time-stamp is a server-generated time or other non-repeating value,
# ETag is the value of the HTTP ETag header associated with the requested entity,
# and private-key is data known only to the server.
# With a nonce of this form a server would recalculate the hash portion after receiving the client authentication header and
# reject the request if it did not match the nonce from that header or
# if the time-stamp value is not recent enough. In this way the server can limit the time of the nonce's validity.
# The inclusion of the ETag prevents a replay request for an updated version of the resource.
# (Note: including the IP address of the client in the nonce would appear to offer the server the ability
# to limit the reuse of the nonce to the same client that originally got it.
# However, that would break proxy farms, where requests from a single user often go through different proxies in the farm.
# Also, IP address spoofing is not that hard.)
# An implementation might choose not to accept a previously used nonce or a previously used digest, in order to
# protect against a replay attack. Or, an implementation might choose to use one-time nonces or digests for
# POST or PUT requests and a time-stamp for GET requests. For more details on the issues involved see Section 4
# of this document.
# The nonce is opaque to the client. Composed of Time, and hash of Time with secret
# key from the Rails session secret generated upon creation of project. Ensures
# the time cannot be modifed by client.
def nonce(time = Time.now)
t = time.to_i
hashed = [t, secret_key]
digest = ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest(hashed.join(":"))
Base64.encode64("#{t}:#{digest}").gsub("\n", '')
# Might want a shorter timeout depending on whether the request
# is a PUT or POST, and if client is browser or web service.
# Can be much shorter if the Stale directive is implemented. This would
# allow a user to use new nonce without prompting user again for their
# username and password.
def validate_nonce(request, value, seconds_to_timeout=5*60)
t = Base64.decode64(value).split(":").first.to_i
nonce(t) == value && (t - Time.now.to_i).abs <= seconds_to_timeout
# Opaque based on random generation - but changing each request?
def opaque()
# Set in /initializers/session_store.rb, and loaded even if sessions are not in use.
def secret_key