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# frozen_string_literal: true
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :current_membership
has_one :selected_membership
has_one :membership
has_one :club, through: :current_membership
has_one :selected_club, through: :selected_membership, source: :club
has_one :favourite_club, -> { where "memberships.favourite = ?", true }, through: :membership, source: :club
has_one :hairy_club, -> { where clubs: { name: "Moustache and Eyebrow Fancier Club" } }, through: :membership, source: :club
has_one :sponsor, as: :sponsorable
has_one :sponsor_club, through: :sponsor
has_one :member_detail, inverse_of: false
has_one :organization, through: :member_detail
belongs_to :member_type
has_many :nested_member_types, through: :member_detail, source: :member_type
has_one :nested_member_type, through: :member_detail, source: :member_type
has_many :nested_sponsors, through: :sponsor_club, source: :sponsor
has_one :nested_sponsor, through: :sponsor_club, source: :sponsor
has_many :organization_member_details, through: :member_detail
has_many :organization_member_details_2, through: :organization, source: :member_details
has_one :club_category, through: :club, source: :category
has_one :general_club, -> { general }, through: :current_membership, source: :club
has_many :current_memberships, -> { where favourite: true }
has_many :clubs, through: :current_memberships
has_many :tenant_memberships
has_many :tenant_clubs, through: :tenant_memberships, class_name: "Club", source: :club
has_one :club_through_many, through: :current_memberships, source: :club
belongs_to :admittable, polymorphic: true
has_one :premium_club, through: :admittable
class SelfMember < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = "members"
has_and_belongs_to_many :friends, class_name: "SelfMember", join_table: "member_friends"