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synced 2022-11-09 12:12:34 -05:00
rexml is only used in the xml_mini backend and it should be the users choice if they want to use that feature or not. If they do we will warn them that installing rexml is needed like we do with all backends.
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41 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
version = File.read(File.expand_path("../RAILS_VERSION", __dir__)).strip
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
s.name = "activesupport"
s.version = version
s.summary = "A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework."
s.description = "A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework. Rich support for multibyte strings, internationalization, time zones, and testing."
s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.5.0"
s.license = "MIT"
s.author = "David Heinemeier Hansson"
s.email = "david@loudthinking.com"
s.homepage = "https://rubyonrails.org"
s.files = Dir["CHANGELOG.md", "MIT-LICENSE", "README.rdoc", "lib/**/*"]
s.require_path = "lib"
s.rdoc_options.concat ["--encoding", "UTF-8"]
s.metadata = {
"bug_tracker_uri" => "https://github.com/rails/rails/issues",
"changelog_uri" => "https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/v#{version}/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md",
"documentation_uri" => "https://api.rubyonrails.org/v#{version}/",
"mailing_list_uri" => "https://discuss.rubyonrails.org/c/rubyonrails-talk",
"source_code_uri" => "https://github.com/rails/rails/tree/v#{version}/activesupport",
# NOTE: Please read our dependency guidelines before updating versions:
# https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/security.html#dependency-management-and-cves
s.add_dependency "i18n", ">= 1.6", "< 2"
s.add_dependency "tzinfo", "~> 2.0"
s.add_dependency "concurrent-ruby", "~> 1.0", ">= 1.0.2"
s.add_dependency "zeitwerk", "~> 2.3"
s.add_dependency "minitest", ">= 5.1"