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Richard Macklin c96139af71 Convert ActionCable javascript to ES2015 modules with modern build environment
We've replaced the sprockets `//= require` directives with ES2015
imports. As a result, the ActionCable javascript can now be compiled
with rollup (like ActiveStorage already is).

- Rename action_cable/index.js.erb -> action_cable/index.js

- Add rake task to generate a javascript module of the ActionCable::INTERNAL ruby hash

  This will allow us to get rid of ERB from the actioncable javascript,
  since it is only used to interpolate ActionCable::INTERNAL.to_json.

- Import INTERNAL directly in ActionCable Connection module

  This is necessary to remove a load-order dependency conflict in the
  rollup-compiled build. Using ActionCable.INTERNAL would result in a
  runtime error:
  TypeError: Cannot read property 'INTERNAL' of undefined
  because ActionCable.INTERNAL is not set before the Connection module
  is executed.

  All other ActionCable.* references are executed inside of the body of a
  function, so there is no load-order dependency there.

- Add eslint and eslint-plugin-import devDependencies to actioncable

  These will be used to add a linting setup to actioncable like the one
  in activestorage.

- Add .eslintrc to actioncable

  This lint configuration was copied from activestorage

- Add lint script to actioncable

  This is the same as the lint script in activestorage

- Add babel-core, babel-plugin-external-helpers, and babel-preset-env devDependencies to actioncable

  These will be used to add ES2015 transpilation support to actioncable
  like we have in activestorage.

- Add .babelrc to actioncable

  This configuration was copied from activestorage

- Enable loose mode in ActionCable's babel config

  This generates a smaller bundle when compiled

- Add rollup devDependencies to actioncable

  These will be used to add a modern build pipeline to actioncable like
  the one in activestorage.

- Add rollup config to actioncable

  This is essentially the same as the rollup config from activestorage

- Add prebuild and build scripts to actioncable package

  These scripts were copied from activestorage

- Invoke code generation task as part of actioncable's prebuild script

  This will guarantee that the action_cable/internal.js module is
  available at build time (which is important, because two other modules
  now depend on it).

- Update actioncable package to reference the rollup-compiled files

  Now that we have a fully functional rollup pipeline in actioncable, we
  can use the compiled output in our npm package.

- Remove build section from ActionCable blade config

  Now that rollup is responsible for building ActionCable, we can remove
  that responsibility from Blade.

- Remove assets:compile and assets:verify tasks from ActionCable

  Now that we've added a compiled ActionCable bundle to version control,
  we don't need to compile and verify it at publish-time.

  (We're following the pattern set in ActiveStorage.)

- Include compiled ActionCable javascript bundle in published gem

  This is necessary to maintain support for depending on the ActionCable
  javascript through the Sprockets asset pipeline.

- Add compiled ActionCable bundle to version control

  This mirrors what we do in ActiveStorage, and allows ActionCable to
  continue to be consumed via the sprockets-based asset pipeline when
  using a git source instead of a published version of the gem.
2018-11-02 08:41:05 -07:00

47 lines
1,006 B

# frozen_string_literal: true
require "rake/testtask"
require "pathname"
require "open3"
require "action_cable"
task default: :test
task :package
Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
t.libs << "test"
t.test_files = Dir.glob("#{__dir__}/test/**/*_test.rb")
t.warning = true
t.verbose = true
t.ruby_opts = ["--dev"] if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
namespace :test do
task :isolated do
Dir.glob("test/**/*_test.rb").all? do |file|
sh(Gem.ruby, "-w", "-Ilib:test", file)
end || raise("Failures")
task :integration do
require "blade"
if ENV["CI"]
Blade.start(interface: :ci)
Blade.start(interface: :runner)
namespace :assets do
desc "Generate ActionCable::INTERNAL JS module"
task :codegen do
require "json"
require "action_cable"
File.open(File.join(__dir__, "app/javascript/action_cable/internal.js").to_s, "w+") do |file|
file.write("export default #{JSON.generate(ActionCable::INTERNAL)}")