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synced 2022-11-09 12:12:34 -05:00
I've moved the schema_format :sql config setting to application.rb because you would never enable this only for the test environment. If you use database constraints or database specific data types you would want all of your environments to use them.
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Blog::Application.configure do
# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb
# The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's
# test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that
# your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped
# and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there!
config.cache_classes = true
# Configure static asset server for tests with Cache-Control for performance
config.serve_static_assets = true
config.static_cache_control = "public, max-age=3600"
# Log error messages when you accidentally call methods on nil
config.whiny_nils = true
# Show full error reports and disable caching
config.consider_all_requests_local = true
config.action_controller.perform_caching = false
# Raise exceptions instead of rendering exception templates
config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false
# Disable request forgery protection in test environment
config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false
# Tell Action Mailer not to deliver emails to the real world.
# The :test delivery method accumulates sent emails in the
# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array.
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test
# Print deprecation notices to the stderr
config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr
# Allow pass debug_assets=true as a query parameter to load pages with unpackaged assets
config.assets.allow_debugging = true