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Actionable errors let's you dispatch actions from Rails' error pages. This can help you save time if you have a clear action for the resolution of common development errors. The de-facto example are pending migrations. Every time pending migrations are found, a middleware raises an error. With actionable errors, you can run the migrations right from the error page. Other examples include Rails plugins that need to run a rake task to setup themselves. They can now raise actionable errors to run the setup straight from the error pages. Here is how to define an actionable error: ```ruby class PendingMigrationError < MigrationError #:nodoc: include ActiveSupport::ActionableError action "Run pending migrations" do ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrate end end ``` To make an error actionable, include the `ActiveSupport::ActionableError` module and invoke the `action` class macro to define the action. An action needs a name and a procedure to execute. The name is shown as the name of a button on the error pages. Once clicked, it will invoke the given procedure.
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# frozen_string_literal: true
require "active_support/concern"
module ActiveSupport
# Actionable errors let's you define actions to resolve an error.
# To make an error actionable, include the <tt>ActiveSupport::ActionableError</tt>
# module and invoke the +action+ class macro to define the action.
# An action needs a name and a procedure to execute. The name can be shown by
# the action dispatching mechanism.
module ActionableError
extend Concern
NonActionable = Class.new(StandardError)
included do
class_attribute :_actions, default: Hash.new do |_, label|
raise NonActionable, "Cannot find action \"#{label}\" for #{self}"
def self.===(other) # :nodoc:
super || Module === other && other.ancestors.include?(self)
def self.actions(error) # :nodoc:
error = error.constantize if String === error
raise NonActionable, "#{error.name} is non-actionable" unless self === error
def self.dispatch(error, label) # :nodoc:
module ClassMethods
# Defines an action that can resolve the error.
# class PendingMigrationError < MigrationError
# include ActiveSupport::ActionableError
# action "Run pending migrations" do
# ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrate
# end
# end
def action(label, &block)
_actions[label] = block