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José Valim 2801786e1a Get rid of config.preload_frameworks in favor of config.eager_load_namespaces
The new option allows any Ruby namespace to be registered and set
up for eager load. We are effectively exposing the structure existing
in Rails since v3.0 for all developers in order to make their applications
thread-safe and CoW friendly.
2012-08-21 14:47:19 -03:00

212 lines
6.2 KiB

require 'rails/initializable'
require 'rails/configuration'
require 'active_support/inflector'
require 'active_support/core_ext/module/introspection'
require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation'
module Rails
# Railtie is the core of the Rails framework and provides several hooks to extend
# Rails and/or modify the initialization process.
# Every major component of Rails (Action Mailer, Action Controller,
# Action View and Active Record) is a Railtie. Each of
# them is responsible for their own initialization. This makes Rails itself
# absent of any component hooks, allowing other components to be used in
# place of any of the Rails defaults.
# Developing a Rails extension does _not_ require any implementation of
# Railtie, but if you need to interact with the Rails framework during
# or after boot, then Railtie is needed.
# For example, an extension doing any of the following would require Railtie:
# * creating initializers
# * configuring a Rails framework for the application, like setting a generator
# * +adding config.*+ keys to the environment
# * setting up a subscriber with ActiveSupport::Notifications
# * adding rake tasks
# == Creating your Railtie
# To extend Rails using Railtie, create a Railtie class which inherits
# from Rails::Railtie within your extension's namespace. This class must be
# loaded during the Rails boot process.
# The following example demonstrates an extension which can be used with or without Rails.
# # lib/my_gem/railtie.rb
# module MyGem
# class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
# end
# end
# # lib/my_gem.rb
# require 'my_gem/railtie' if defined?(Rails)
# == Initializers
# To add an initialization step from your Railtie to Rails boot process, you just need
# to create an initializer block:
# class MyRailtie < Rails::Railtie
# initializer "my_railtie.configure_rails_initialization" do
# # some initialization behavior
# end
# end
# If specified, the block can also receive the application object, in case you
# need to access some application specific configuration, like middleware:
# class MyRailtie < Rails::Railtie
# initializer "my_railtie.configure_rails_initialization" do |app|
# app.middleware.use MyRailtie::Middleware
# end
# end
# Finally, you can also pass :before and :after as option to initializer, in case
# you want to couple it with a specific step in the initialization process.
# == Configuration
# Inside the Railtie class, you can access a config object which contains configuration
# shared by all railties and the application:
# class MyRailtie < Rails::Railtie
# # Customize the ORM
# config.app_generators.orm :my_railtie_orm
# # Add a to_prepare block which is executed once in production
# # and before each request in development
# config.to_prepare do
# MyRailtie.setup!
# end
# end
# == Loading rake tasks and generators
# If your railtie has rake tasks, you can tell Rails to load them through the method
# rake_tasks:
# class MyRailtie < Rails::Railtie
# rake_tasks do
# load "path/to/my_railtie.tasks"
# end
# end
# By default, Rails load generators from your load path. However, if you want to place
# your generators at a different location, you can specify in your Railtie a block which
# will load them during normal generators lookup:
# class MyRailtie < Rails::Railtie
# generators do
# require "path/to/my_railtie_generator"
# end
# end
# == Application and Engine
# A Rails::Engine is nothing more than a Railtie with some initializers already set.
# And since Rails::Application is an engine, the same configuration described here
# can be used in both.
# Be sure to look at the documentation of those specific classes for more information.
class Railtie
autoload :Configurable, "rails/railtie/configurable"
autoload :Configuration, "rails/railtie/configuration"
include Initializable
ABSTRACT_RAILTIES = %w(Rails::Railtie Rails::Engine Rails::Application)
class << self
private :new
def subclasses
@subclasses ||= []
def inherited(base)
unless base.abstract_railtie?
base.send(:include, Railtie::Configurable)
subclasses << base
def rake_tasks(&blk)
@rake_tasks ||= []
@rake_tasks << blk if blk
def console(&blk)
@load_console ||= []
@load_console << blk if blk
def runner(&blk)
@load_runner ||= []
@load_runner << blk if blk
def generators(&blk)
@generators ||= []
@generators << blk if blk
def abstract_railtie?
def railtie_name(name = nil)
@railtie_name = name.to_s if name
@railtie_name ||= generate_railtie_name(self.name)
def generate_railtie_name(class_or_module)
ActiveSupport::Inflector.underscore(class_or_module).tr("/", "_")
delegate :railtie_name, :to => "self.class"
def config
@config ||= Railtie::Configuration.new
def railtie_namespace
@railtie_namespace ||= self.class.parents.detect { |n| n.respond_to?(:railtie_namespace) }
def run_console_blocks(app) #:nodoc:
self.class.console.each { |block| block.call(app) }
def run_generators_blocks(app) #:nodoc:
self.class.generators.each { |block| block.call(app) }
def run_runner_blocks(app) #:nodoc:
self.class.runner.each { |block| block.call(app) }
def run_tasks_blocks(app) #:nodoc:
extend Rake::DSL
self.class.rake_tasks.each { |block| instance_exec(app, &block) }
# Load also tasks from all superclasses
klass = self.class.superclass
while klass.respond_to?(:rake_tasks)
klass.rake_tasks.each { |t| instance_exec(app, &t) }
klass = klass.superclass