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Rafael Mendonça França 4ac81de52f Remove the deprecation of update_column.
update_column was suggested as replacement of update_attribute at the
last release of 3-2-stable, so deprecating it now will confuse the
2012-07-30 10:50:18 -03:00

400 lines
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require 'active_support/concern'
module ActiveRecord
# = Active Record Persistence
module Persistence
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
# Creates an object (or multiple objects) and saves it to the database, if validations pass.
# The resulting object is returned whether the object was saved successfully to the database or not.
# The +attributes+ parameter can be either a Hash or an Array of Hashes. These Hashes describe the
# attributes on the objects that are to be created.
# +create+ respects mass-assignment security and accepts either +:as+ or +:without_protection+ options
# in the +options+ parameter.
# ==== Examples
# # Create a single new object
# User.create(:first_name => 'Jamie')
# # Create a single new object using the :admin mass-assignment security role
# User.create({ :first_name => 'Jamie', :is_admin => true }, :as => :admin)
# # Create a single new object bypassing mass-assignment security
# User.create({ :first_name => 'Jamie', :is_admin => true }, :without_protection => true)
# # Create an Array of new objects
# User.create([{ :first_name => 'Jamie' }, { :first_name => 'Jeremy' }])
# # Create a single object and pass it into a block to set other attributes.
# User.create(:first_name => 'Jamie') do |u|
# u.is_admin = false
# end
# # Creating an Array of new objects using a block, where the block is executed for each object:
# User.create([{ :first_name => 'Jamie' }, { :first_name => 'Jeremy' }]) do |u|
# u.is_admin = false
# end
def create(attributes = nil, options = {}, &block)
if attributes.is_a?(Array)
attributes.collect { |attr| create(attr, options, &block) }
object = new(attributes, options, &block)
# Returns true if this object hasn't been saved yet -- that is, a record
# for the object doesn't exist in the data store yet; otherwise, returns false.
def new_record?
# Returns true if this object has been destroyed, otherwise returns false.
def destroyed?
# Returns true if the record is persisted, i.e. it's not a new record and it was
# not destroyed, otherwise returns false.
def persisted?
!(new_record? || destroyed?)
# Saves the model.
# If the model is new a record gets created in the database, otherwise
# the existing record gets updated.
# By default, save always run validations. If any of them fail the action
# is cancelled and +save+ returns +false+. However, if you supply
# :validate => false, validations are bypassed altogether. See
# ActiveRecord::Validations for more information.
# There's a series of callbacks associated with +save+. If any of the
# <tt>before_*</tt> callbacks return +false+ the action is cancelled and
# +save+ returns +false+. See ActiveRecord::Callbacks for further
# details.
def save(*)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
# Saves the model.
# If the model is new a record gets created in the database, otherwise
# the existing record gets updated.
# With <tt>save!</tt> validations always run. If any of them fail
# ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid gets raised. See ActiveRecord::Validations
# for more information.
# There's a series of callbacks associated with <tt>save!</tt>. If any of
# the <tt>before_*</tt> callbacks return +false+ the action is cancelled
# and <tt>save!</tt> raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved. See
# ActiveRecord::Callbacks for further details.
def save!(*)
create_or_update || raise(RecordNotSaved)
# Deletes the record in the database and freezes this instance to
# reflect that no changes should be made (since they can't be
# persisted). Returns the frozen instance.
# The row is simply removed with an SQL +DELETE+ statement on the
# record's primary key, and no callbacks are executed.
# To enforce the object's +before_destroy+ and +after_destroy+
# callbacks, Observer methods, or any <tt>:dependent</tt> association
# options, use <tt>#destroy</tt>.
def delete
self.class.delete(id) if persisted?
@destroyed = true
# Deletes the record in the database and freezes this instance to reflect
# that no changes should be made (since they can't be persisted).
# There's a series of callbacks associated with <tt>destroy</tt>. If
# the <tt>before_destroy</tt> callback return +false+ the action is cancelled
# and <tt>destroy</tt> returns +false+. See
# ActiveRecord::Callbacks for further details.
def destroy
raise ReadOnlyRecord if readonly?
destroy_row if persisted?
@destroyed = true
# Deletes the record in the database and freezes this instance to reflect
# that no changes should be made (since they can't be persisted).
# There's a series of callbacks associated with <tt>destroy!</tt>. If
# the <tt>before_destroy</tt> callback return +false+ the action is cancelled
# and <tt>destroy!</tt> raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed. See
# ActiveRecord::Callbacks for further details.
def destroy!
destroy || raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed)
# Returns an instance of the specified +klass+ with the attributes of the
# current record. This is mostly useful in relation to single-table
# inheritance structures where you want a subclass to appear as the
# superclass. This can be used along with record identification in
# Action Pack to allow, say, <tt>Client < Company</tt> to do something
# like render <tt>:partial => @client.becomes(Company)</tt> to render that
# instance using the companies/company partial instead of clients/client.
# Note: The new instance will share a link to the same attributes as the original class.
# So any change to the attributes in either instance will affect the other.
def becomes(klass)
became = klass.new
became.instance_variable_set("@attributes", @attributes)
became.instance_variable_set("@attributes_cache", @attributes_cache)
became.instance_variable_set("@new_record", new_record?)
became.instance_variable_set("@destroyed", destroyed?)
became.instance_variable_set("@errors", errors)
became.type = klass.name unless self.class.descends_from_active_record?
# Updates the attributes of the model from the passed-in hash and saves the
# record, all wrapped in a transaction. If the object is invalid, the saving
# will fail and false will be returned.
# When updating model attributes, mass-assignment security protection is respected.
# If no +:as+ option is supplied then the +:default+ role will be used.
# If you want to bypass the protection given by +attr_protected+ and
# +attr_accessible+ then you can do so using the +:without_protection+ option.
def update_attributes(attributes, options = {})
# The following transaction covers any possible database side-effects of the
# attributes assignment. For example, setting the IDs of a child collection.
with_transaction_returning_status do
assign_attributes(attributes, options)
# Updates its receiver just like +update_attributes+ but calls <tt>save!</tt> instead
# of +save+, so an exception is raised if the record is invalid.
def update_attributes!(attributes, options = {})
# The following transaction covers any possible database side-effects of the
# attributes assignment. For example, setting the IDs of a child collection.
with_transaction_returning_status do
assign_attributes(attributes, options)
# Updates a single attribute of an object, without calling save.
# * Validation is skipped.
# * Callbacks are skipped.
# * updated_at/updated_on column is not updated if that column is available.
# Raises an +ActiveRecordError+ when called on new objects, or when the +name+
# attribute is marked as readonly.
def update_column(name, value)
update_columns(name => value)
# Updates the attributes from the passed-in hash, without calling save.
# * Validation is skipped.
# * Callbacks are skipped.
# * updated_at/updated_on column is not updated if that column is available.
# Raises an +ActiveRecordError+ when called on new objects, or when at least
# one of the attributes is marked as readonly.
def update_columns(attributes)
raise ActiveRecordError, "can not update on a new record object" unless persisted?
attributes.each_key do |key|
raise ActiveRecordError, "#{key.to_s} is marked as readonly" if self.class.readonly_attributes.include?(key.to_s)
attributes.each do |k,v|
self.class.where(self.class.primary_key => id).update_all(attributes) == 1
# Initializes +attribute+ to zero if +nil+ and adds the value passed as +by+ (default is 1).
# The increment is performed directly on the underlying attribute, no setter is invoked.
# Only makes sense for number-based attributes. Returns +self+.
def increment(attribute, by = 1)
self[attribute] ||= 0
self[attribute] += by
# Wrapper around +increment+ that saves the record. This method differs from
# its non-bang version in that it passes through the attribute setter.
# Saving is not subjected to validation checks. Returns +true+ if the
# record could be saved.
def increment!(attribute, by = 1)
increment(attribute, by).update_columns(attribute => self[attribute])
# Initializes +attribute+ to zero if +nil+ and subtracts the value passed as +by+ (default is 1).
# The decrement is performed directly on the underlying attribute, no setter is invoked.
# Only makes sense for number-based attributes. Returns +self+.
def decrement(attribute, by = 1)
self[attribute] ||= 0
self[attribute] -= by
# Wrapper around +decrement+ that saves the record. This method differs from
# its non-bang version in that it passes through the attribute setter.
# Saving is not subjected to validation checks. Returns +true+ if the
# record could be saved.
def decrement!(attribute, by = 1)
decrement(attribute, by).update_columns(attribute => self[attribute])
# Assigns to +attribute+ the boolean opposite of <tt>attribute?</tt>. So
# if the predicate returns +true+ the attribute will become +false+. This
# method toggles directly the underlying value without calling any setter.
# Returns +self+.
def toggle(attribute)
self[attribute] = !send("#{attribute}?")
# Wrapper around +toggle+ that saves the record. This method differs from
# its non-bang version in that it passes through the attribute setter.
# Saving is not subjected to validation checks. Returns +true+ if the
# record could be saved.
def toggle!(attribute)
toggle(attribute).update_columns(attribute => self[attribute])
# Reloads the attributes of this object from the database.
# The optional options argument is passed to find when reloading so you
# may do e.g. record.reload(:lock => true) to reload the same record with
# an exclusive row lock.
def reload(options = nil)
fresh_object =
if options && options[:lock]
self.class.unscoped { self.class.lock.find(id) }
self.class.unscoped { self.class.find(id) }
@columns_hash = fresh_object.instance_variable_get('@columns_hash')
@attributes_cache = {}
# Saves the record with the updated_at/on attributes set to the current time.
# Please note that no validation is performed and no callbacks are executed.
# If an attribute name is passed, that attribute is updated along with
# updated_at/on attributes.
# product.touch # updates updated_at/on
# product.touch(:designed_at) # updates the designed_at attribute and updated_at/on
# If used along with +belongs_to+ then +touch+ will invoke +touch+ method on associated object.
# class Brake < ActiveRecord::Base
# belongs_to :car, :touch => true
# end
# class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
# belongs_to :corporation, :touch => true
# end
# # triggers @brake.car.touch and @brake.car.corporation.touch
# @brake.touch
def touch(name = nil)
attributes = timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model
attributes << name if name
unless attributes.empty?
current_time = current_time_from_proper_timezone
changes = {}
attributes.each do |column|
column = column.to_s
changes[column] = write_attribute(column, current_time)
changes[self.class.locking_column] = increment_lock if locking_enabled?
primary_key = self.class.primary_key
self.class.unscoped.where(primary_key => self[primary_key]).update_all(changes) == 1
# A hook to be overridden by association modules.
def destroy_associations
def destroy_row
def relation_for_destroy
pk = self.class.primary_key
column = self.class.columns_hash[pk]
substitute = connection.substitute_at(column, 0)
relation = self.class.unscoped.where(
relation.bind_values = [[column, id]]
def create_or_update
raise ReadOnlyRecord if readonly?
result = new_record? ? create : update
result != false
# Updates the associated record with values matching those of the instance attributes.
# Returns the number of affected rows.
def update(attribute_names = @attributes.keys)
attributes_with_values = arel_attributes_with_values_for_update(attribute_names)
return 0 if attributes_with_values.empty?
klass = self.class
stmt = klass.unscoped.where(klass.arel_table[klass.primary_key].eq(id)).arel.compile_update(attributes_with_values)
klass.connection.update stmt
# Creates a record with values matching those of the instance attributes
# and returns its id.
def create
attributes_values = arel_attributes_with_values_for_create(!id.nil?)
new_id = self.class.unscoped.insert attributes_values
self.id ||= new_id if self.class.primary_key
@new_record = false
def verify_readonly_attribute(name)
raise ActiveRecordError, "#{name} is marked as readonly" if self.class.readonly_attributes.include?(name)