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  • Add include_seconds option for datetime_local_field

    This allows to omit seconds part in the input field, by passing include_seconds: false

    Wojciech Wnętrzak

  • Guard against ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper#field_name calls with nil object_name arguments. For example:

    <%= fields do |f| %>
      <%= f.field_name :body %>
    <% end %>

    Sean Doyle

  • Strings returned from strip_tags are correctly tagged html_safe?

    Because these strings contain no HTML elements and the basic entities are escaped, they are safe to be included as-is as PCDATA in HTML content. Tagging them as html-safe avoids double-escaping entities when being concatenated to a SafeBuffer during rendering.

    Fixes rails/rails-html-sanitizer#124

    Mike Dalessio

  • Move convert_to_model call from form_for into form_with

    Now that form_for is implemented in terms of form_with, remove the convert_to_model call from form_for.

    Sean Doyle

  • Fix and add protections for XSS in ActionView::Helpers and ERB::Util.

    Escape dangerous characters in names of tags and names of attributes in the tag helpers, following the XML specification. Rename the option :escape_attributes to :escape, to simplify by applying the option to the whole tag.

    Álvaro Martín Fraguas

  • Extend audio_tag and video_tag to accept Active Storage attachments.

    Now it's possible to write


    Instead of


    image_tag already supported that, so this follows the same pattern.

    Matheus Richard

  • Ensure models passed to form_for attempt to call to_model.

    Sean Doyle

Please check 7-0-stable for previous changes.