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synced 2022-11-09 12:12:34 -05:00
Goals: 1. Default to :random for newly generated applications 2. Default to :sorted for existing applications with a warning 3. Only show the warning once 4. Only show the warning if the app actually uses AS::TestCase Fixes #16769
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require File.expand_path('../../../load_paths', __FILE__)
require 'active_support/core_ext/kernel/reporting'
# These are the normal settings that will be set up by Railties
# TODO: Have these tests support other combinations of these values
silence_warnings do
Encoding.default_internal = "UTF-8"
Encoding.default_external = "UTF-8"
require 'active_support/testing/autorun'
require 'action_mailer'
require 'action_mailer/test_case'
require 'mail'
# Emulate AV railtie
require 'action_view'
ActionMailer::Base.send(:include, ActionView::Layouts)
# Show backtraces for deprecated behavior for quicker cleanup.
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.debug = true
# Disable available locale checks to avoid warnings running the test suite.
I18n.enforce_available_locales = false
FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH = File.expand_path('fixtures', File.dirname(__FILE__))
ActionMailer::Base.view_paths = FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH
module Rails
def self.root
File.expand_path('../', File.dirname(__FILE__))
# Skips the current run on Rubinius using Minitest::Assertions#skip
def rubinius_skip(message = '')
skip message if RUBY_ENGINE == 'rbx'
# Skips the current run on JRuby using Minitest::Assertions#skip
def jruby_skip(message = '')
skip message if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
require 'mocha/setup' # FIXME: stop using mocha
# FIXME: we have tests that depend on run order, we should fix that and
# remove this method call.
require 'active_support/test_case'
ActiveSupport::TestCase.test_order = :sorted