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synced 2022-11-09 12:12:34 -05:00
This patch has two main portions: 1. Add SQL comment support to Arel via Arel::Nodes::Comment. 2. Implement a Relation#annotate method on top of that. == Adding SQL comment support Adds a new Arel::Nodes::Comment node that represents an optional SQL comment and teachers the relevant visitors how to handle it. Comment nodes may be added to the basic CRUD statement nodes and set through any of the four (Select|Insert|Update|Delete)Manager objects. For example: manager = Arel::UpdateManager.new manager.table table manager.comment("annotation") manager.to_sql # UPDATE "users" /* annotation */ This new node type will be used by ActiveRecord::Relation to enable query annotation via SQL comments. == Implementing the Relation#annotate method Implements `ActiveRecord::Relation#annotate`, which accepts a comment string that will be appeneded to any queries generated by the relation. Some examples: relation = Post.where(id: 123).annotate("metadata string") relation.first # SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = 123 # LIMIT 1 /* metadata string */ class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base scope :foo_annotated, -> { annotate("foo") } end Tag.foo_annotated.annotate("bar").first # SELECT "tags".* FROM "tags" LIMIT 1 /* foo */ /* bar */ Also wires up the plumbing so this works with `#update_all` and `#delete_all` as well. This feature is useful for instrumentation and general analysis of queries generated at runtime.
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# frozen_string_literal: true
class Pirate < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parrot, validate: true
belongs_to :non_validated_parrot, class_name: "Parrot"
has_and_belongs_to_many :parrots, -> { order("parrots.id ASC") }, validate: true
has_and_belongs_to_many :non_validated_parrots, class_name: "Parrot"
has_and_belongs_to_many :parrots_with_method_callbacks, class_name: "Parrot",
before_add: :log_before_add,
after_add: :log_after_add,
before_remove: :log_before_remove,
after_remove: :log_after_remove
has_and_belongs_to_many :parrots_with_proc_callbacks, class_name: "Parrot",
before_add: proc { |p, pa| p.ship_log << "before_adding_proc_parrot_#{pa.id || '<new>'}" },
after_add: proc { |p, pa| p.ship_log << "after_adding_proc_parrot_#{pa.id || '<new>'}" },
before_remove: proc { |p, pa| p.ship_log << "before_removing_proc_parrot_#{pa.id}" },
after_remove: proc { |p, pa| p.ship_log << "after_removing_proc_parrot_#{pa.id}" }
has_and_belongs_to_many :autosaved_parrots, class_name: "Parrot", autosave: true
module PostTreasuresExtension
def build(attributes = {})
super({ name: "from extension" }.merge(attributes))
has_many :treasures, as: :looter, extend: PostTreasuresExtension
has_many :treasure_estimates, through: :treasures, source: :price_estimates
has_one :ship
has_one :update_only_ship, class_name: "Ship"
has_one :non_validated_ship, class_name: "Ship"
has_many :birds, -> { order("birds.id ASC") }
has_many :birds_with_method_callbacks, class_name: "Bird",
before_add: :log_before_add,
after_add: :log_after_add,
before_remove: :log_before_remove,
after_remove: :log_after_remove
has_many :birds_with_proc_callbacks, class_name: "Bird",
before_add: proc { |p, b| p.ship_log << "before_adding_proc_bird_#{b.id || '<new>'}" },
after_add: proc { |p, b| p.ship_log << "after_adding_proc_bird_#{b.id || '<new>'}" },
before_remove: proc { |p, b| p.ship_log << "before_removing_proc_bird_#{b.id}" },
after_remove: proc { |p, b| p.ship_log << "after_removing_proc_bird_#{b.id}" }
has_many :birds_with_reject_all_blank, class_name: "Bird"
has_one :foo_bulb, -> { where name: "foo" }, foreign_key: :car_id, class_name: "Bulb"
accepts_nested_attributes_for :parrots, :birds, allow_destroy: true, reject_if: proc(&:empty?)
accepts_nested_attributes_for :ship, allow_destroy: true, reject_if: proc(&:empty?)
accepts_nested_attributes_for :update_only_ship, update_only: true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :parrots_with_method_callbacks, :parrots_with_proc_callbacks,
:birds_with_method_callbacks, :birds_with_proc_callbacks, allow_destroy: true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :birds_with_reject_all_blank, reject_if: :all_blank
validates_presence_of :catchphrase
def ship_log
@ship_log ||= []
def reject_empty_ships_on_create(attributes)
attributes.delete("_reject_me_if_new").present? && !persisted?
attr_accessor :cancel_save_from_callback, :parrots_limit
before_save :cancel_save_callback_method, if: :cancel_save_from_callback
def cancel_save_callback_method
def log_before_add(record)
log(record, "before_adding_method")
def log_after_add(record)
log(record, "after_adding_method")
def log_before_remove(record)
log(record, "before_removing_method")
def log_after_remove(record)
log(record, "after_removing_method")
def log(record, callback)
ship_log << "#{callback}_#{record.class.name.downcase}_#{record.id || '<new>'}"
class DestructivePirate < Pirate
has_one :dependent_ship, class_name: "Ship", foreign_key: :pirate_id, dependent: :destroy
class FamousPirate < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = "pirates"
has_many :famous_ships
validates_presence_of :catchphrase, on: :conference
class SpacePirate < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = "pirates"
belongs_to :parrot
belongs_to :parrot_with_annotation, -> { annotate("that tells jokes") }, class_name: :Parrot, foreign_key: :parrot_id
has_and_belongs_to_many :parrots, foreign_key: :pirate_id
has_and_belongs_to_many :parrots_with_annotation, -> { annotate("that are very colorful") }, class_name: :Parrot, foreign_key: :pirate_id
has_one :ship, foreign_key: :pirate_id
has_one :ship_with_annotation, -> { annotate("that is a rocket") }, class_name: :Ship, foreign_key: :pirate_id
has_many :birds, foreign_key: :pirate_id
has_many :birds_with_annotation, -> { annotate("that are also parrots") }, class_name: :Bird, foreign_key: :pirate_id
has_many :treasures, as: :looter
has_many :treasure_estimates, through: :treasures, source: :price_estimates
has_many :treasure_estimates_with_annotation, -> { annotate("yarrr") }, through: :treasures, source: :price_estimates