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synced 2022-11-09 12:12:34 -05:00
The current code base is not uniform. After some discussion, we have chosen to go with double quotes by default.
357 lines
11 KiB
357 lines
11 KiB
module InflectorTestCases
SingularToPlural = {
"search" => "searches",
"switch" => "switches",
"fix" => "fixes",
"box" => "boxes",
"process" => "processes",
"address" => "addresses",
"case" => "cases",
"stack" => "stacks",
"wish" => "wishes",
"fish" => "fish",
"jeans" => "jeans",
"funky jeans" => "funky jeans",
"my money" => "my money",
"category" => "categories",
"query" => "queries",
"ability" => "abilities",
"agency" => "agencies",
"movie" => "movies",
"archive" => "archives",
"index" => "indices",
"wife" => "wives",
"safe" => "saves",
"half" => "halves",
"move" => "moves",
"salesperson" => "salespeople",
"person" => "people",
"spokesman" => "spokesmen",
"man" => "men",
"woman" => "women",
"basis" => "bases",
"diagnosis" => "diagnoses",
"diagnosis_a" => "diagnosis_as",
"datum" => "data",
"medium" => "media",
"stadium" => "stadia",
"analysis" => "analyses",
"my_analysis" => "my_analyses",
"node_child" => "node_children",
"child" => "children",
"experience" => "experiences",
"day" => "days",
"comment" => "comments",
"foobar" => "foobars",
"newsletter" => "newsletters",
"old_news" => "old_news",
"news" => "news",
"series" => "series",
"miniseries" => "miniseries",
"species" => "species",
"quiz" => "quizzes",
"perspective" => "perspectives",
"ox" => "oxen",
"photo" => "photos",
"buffalo" => "buffaloes",
"tomato" => "tomatoes",
"dwarf" => "dwarves",
"elf" => "elves",
"information" => "information",
"equipment" => "equipment",
"bus" => "buses",
"status" => "statuses",
"status_code" => "status_codes",
"mouse" => "mice",
"louse" => "lice",
"house" => "houses",
"octopus" => "octopi",
"virus" => "viri",
"alias" => "aliases",
"portfolio" => "portfolios",
"vertex" => "vertices",
"matrix" => "matrices",
"matrix_fu" => "matrix_fus",
"axis" => "axes",
"taxi" => "taxis", # prevents regression
"testis" => "testes",
"crisis" => "crises",
"rice" => "rice",
"shoe" => "shoes",
"horse" => "horses",
"prize" => "prizes",
"edge" => "edges",
"database" => "databases",
# regression tests against improper inflection regexes
"|ice" => "|ices",
"|ouse" => "|ouses",
"slice" => "slices",
"police" => "police"
CamelToUnderscore = {
"Product" => "product",
"SpecialGuest" => "special_guest",
"ApplicationController" => "application_controller",
"Area51Controller" => "area51_controller"
UnderscoreToLowerCamel = {
"product" => "product",
"special_guest" => "specialGuest",
"application_controller" => "applicationController",
"area51_controller" => "area51Controller"
SymbolToLowerCamel = {
:product => "product",
:special_guest => "specialGuest",
:application_controller => "applicationController",
:area51_controller => "area51Controller"
CamelToUnderscoreWithoutReverse = {
"HTMLTidy" => "html_tidy",
"HTMLTidyGenerator" => "html_tidy_generator",
"FreeBSD" => "free_bsd",
"HTML" => "html",
"ForceXMLController" => "force_xml_controller",
CamelWithModuleToUnderscoreWithSlash = {
"Admin::Product" => "admin/product",
"Users::Commission::Department" => "users/commission/department",
"UsersSection::CommissionDepartment" => "users_section/commission_department",
ClassNameToForeignKeyWithUnderscore = {
"Person" => "person_id",
"MyApplication::Billing::Account" => "account_id"
ClassNameToForeignKeyWithoutUnderscore = {
"Person" => "personid",
"MyApplication::Billing::Account" => "accountid"
ClassNameToTableName = {
"PrimarySpokesman" => "primary_spokesmen",
"NodeChild" => "node_children"
StringToParameterized = {
"Donald E. Knuth" => "donald-e-knuth",
"Random text with *(bad)* characters" => "random-text-with-bad-characters",
"Allow_Under_Scores" => "allow_under_scores",
"Trailing bad characters!@#" => "trailing-bad-characters",
"!@#Leading bad characters" => "leading-bad-characters",
"Squeeze separators" => "squeeze-separators",
"Test with + sign" => "test-with-sign",
"Test with malformed utf8 \251" => "test-with-malformed-utf8"
StringToParameterizedPreserveCase = {
"Donald E. Knuth" => "Donald-E-Knuth",
"Random text with *(bad)* characters" => "Random-text-with-bad-characters",
"Allow_Under_Scores" => "Allow_Under_Scores",
"Trailing bad characters!@#" => "Trailing-bad-characters",
"!@#Leading bad characters" => "Leading-bad-characters",
"Squeeze separators" => "Squeeze-separators",
"Test with + sign" => "Test-with-sign",
"Test with malformed utf8 \xA9" => "Test-with-malformed-utf8"
StringToParameterizeWithNoSeparator = {
"Donald E. Knuth" => "donaldeknuth",
"With-some-dashes" => "with-some-dashes",
"Random text with *(bad)* characters" => "randomtextwithbadcharacters",
"Trailing bad characters!@#" => "trailingbadcharacters",
"!@#Leading bad characters" => "leadingbadcharacters",
"Squeeze separators" => "squeezeseparators",
"Test with + sign" => "testwithsign",
"Test with malformed utf8 \251" => "testwithmalformedutf8"
StringToParameterizePreserveCaseWithNoSeparator = {
"Donald E. Knuth" => "DonaldEKnuth",
"With-some-dashes" => "With-some-dashes",
"Random text with *(bad)* characters" => "Randomtextwithbadcharacters",
"Trailing bad characters!@#" => "Trailingbadcharacters",
"!@#Leading bad characters" => "Leadingbadcharacters",
"Squeeze separators" => "Squeezeseparators",
"Test with + sign" => "Testwithsign",
"Test with malformed utf8 \xA9" => "Testwithmalformedutf8"
StringToParameterizeWithUnderscore = {
"Donald E. Knuth" => "donald_e_knuth",
"Random text with *(bad)* characters" => "random_text_with_bad_characters",
"With-some-dashes" => "with-some-dashes",
"Retain_underscore" => "retain_underscore",
"Trailing bad characters!@#" => "trailing_bad_characters",
"!@#Leading bad characters" => "leading_bad_characters",
"Squeeze separators" => "squeeze_separators",
"Test with + sign" => "test_with_sign",
"Test with malformed utf8 \251" => "test_with_malformed_utf8"
StringToParameterizePreserceCaseWithUnderscore = {
"Donald E. Knuth" => "Donald_E_Knuth",
"Random text with *(bad)* characters" => "Random_text_with_bad_characters",
"With-some-dashes" => "With-some-dashes",
"Allow_Under_Scores" => "Allow_Under_Scores",
"Trailing bad characters!@#" => "Trailing_bad_characters",
"!@#Leading bad characters" => "Leading_bad_characters",
"Squeeze separators" => "Squeeze_separators",
"Test with + sign" => "Test_with_sign",
"Test with malformed utf8 \xA9" => "Test_with_malformed_utf8"
StringToParameterizedAndNormalized = {
"Malmö" => "malmo",
"Garçons" => "garcons",
"Ops\331" => "opsu",
"Ærøskøbing" => "aeroskobing",
"Aßlar" => "asslar",
"Japanese: 日本語" => "japanese"
UnderscoreToHuman = {
"employee_salary" => "Employee salary",
"employee_id" => "Employee",
"underground" => "Underground",
"_id" => "Id",
"_external_id" => "External"
UnderscoreToHumanWithoutCapitalize = {
"employee_salary" => "employee salary",
"employee_id" => "employee",
"underground" => "underground"
MixtureToTitleCase = {
"active_record" => "Active Record",
"ActiveRecord" => "Active Record",
"action web service" => "Action Web Service",
"Action Web Service" => "Action Web Service",
"Action web service" => "Action Web Service",
"actionwebservice" => "Actionwebservice",
"Actionwebservice" => "Actionwebservice",
"david's code" => "David's Code",
"David's code" => "David's Code",
"david's Code" => "David's Code",
"sgt. pepper's" => "Sgt. Pepper's",
"i've just seen a face" => "I've Just Seen A Face",
"maybe you'll be there" => "Maybe You'll Be There",
"¿por qué?" => "¿Por Qué?",
"Fred’s" => "Fred’s",
"Fred`s" => "Fred`s",
ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer.new("confirmation num") => "Confirmation Num"
OrdinalNumbers = {
"-1" => "-1st",
"-2" => "-2nd",
"-3" => "-3rd",
"-4" => "-4th",
"-5" => "-5th",
"-6" => "-6th",
"-7" => "-7th",
"-8" => "-8th",
"-9" => "-9th",
"-10" => "-10th",
"-11" => "-11th",
"-12" => "-12th",
"-13" => "-13th",
"-14" => "-14th",
"-20" => "-20th",
"-21" => "-21st",
"-22" => "-22nd",
"-23" => "-23rd",
"-24" => "-24th",
"-100" => "-100th",
"-101" => "-101st",
"-102" => "-102nd",
"-103" => "-103rd",
"-104" => "-104th",
"-110" => "-110th",
"-111" => "-111th",
"-112" => "-112th",
"-113" => "-113th",
"-1000" => "-1000th",
"-1001" => "-1001st",
"0" => "0th",
"1" => "1st",
"2" => "2nd",
"3" => "3rd",
"4" => "4th",
"5" => "5th",
"6" => "6th",
"7" => "7th",
"8" => "8th",
"9" => "9th",
"10" => "10th",
"11" => "11th",
"12" => "12th",
"13" => "13th",
"14" => "14th",
"20" => "20th",
"21" => "21st",
"22" => "22nd",
"23" => "23rd",
"24" => "24th",
"100" => "100th",
"101" => "101st",
"102" => "102nd",
"103" => "103rd",
"104" => "104th",
"110" => "110th",
"111" => "111th",
"112" => "112th",
"113" => "113th",
"1000" => "1000th",
"1001" => "1001st"
UnderscoresToDashes = {
"street" => "street",
"street_address" => "street-address",
"person_street_address" => "person-street-address"
Irregularities = {
"person" => "people",
"man" => "men",
"child" => "children",
"sex" => "sexes",
"move" => "moves",
"cow" => "kine", # Test inflections with different starting letters
"zombie" => "zombies",
"genus" => "genera"