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Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions.
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= REST Client -- simple DSL for accessing HTTP and REST resources A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra's microframework style of specifying actions: get, put, post, delete. == Usage: Raw URL require 'rest_client' RestClient.get 'http://example.com/resource' RestClient.get 'https://user:password@example.com/private/resource' RestClient.post 'http://example.com/resource', :param1 => 'one', :nested => { :param2 => 'two' } RestClient.post 'http://example.com/resource', :param1 => ['one', 'two', 'three'], => :param2 => 'foo' RestClient.post "http://example.com/resource", { 'x' => 1 }.to_json, :content_type => :json, :accept => :json RestClient.delete 'http://example.com/resource' == Multipart Yeah, that's right! This does multipart sends for you! RestClient.post '/data', :myfile => File.new("/path/to/image.jpg") This does two things for you: * Auto-detects that you have a File value sends it as multipart * Auto-detects the mime of the file and sets it in the HEAD of the payload for each entry If you are sending params that do not contain a File object but the payload needs to be multipart then: RestClient.post '/data', :foo => 'bar', :multipart => true == Usage: ActiveResource-Style resource = RestClient::Resource.new 'http://example.com/resource' resource.get private_resource = RestClient::Resource.new 'https://example.com/private/resource', 'user', 'pass' private_resource.put File.read('pic.jpg'), :content_type => 'image/jpg' See RestClient::Resource module docs for details. == Usage: Resource Nesting site = RestClient::Resource.new('http://example.com') site['posts/1/comments'].post 'Good article.', :content_type => 'text/plain' See RestClient::Resource docs for details. == Exceptions * for results code between 200 and 206 a RestClient::Response will be returned * for results code between 301 and 303 the redirection will be automatically followed * for other result codes a RestClient::Exception holding the Response will be raised, a specific exception class will be thrown for know error codes RestClient.get 'http://example.com/resource' ➔ RestClient::ResourceNotFound: RestClient::ResourceNotFound begin RestClient.get 'http://example.com/resource' rescue => e e.response end ➔ "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">\n<html><head>\n<title>404 Not Found</title>..." == Result handling A block can be passed to the RestClient method, this block will then be called with the Response. Response.return! can be called to invoke the default response's behavior (return the Response for 200..206, raise an exception in other cases). # Don't raise exceptions but return the response RestClient.get('http://example.com/resource'){|response| response} ➔ "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">\n<html><head>\n<title>404 Not Found</title>..." # Manage a specific error code RestClient.get('http://my-rest-service.com/resource'){ |response| case response.code when 200 p "It worked !" response when 423 raise SomeCustomExceptionIfYouWant else response.return! end } == Non-normalized URIs. If you want to use non-normalized URIs, you can normalize them with the addressable gem (http://addressable.rubyforge.org/api/). require 'addressable/uri' RestClient.get(Addressable::URI.parse("http://www.詹姆斯.com/").normalize.to_str) == Lower-level access For cases not covered by the general API, you can use the RestClient::Resource class which provide a lower-level API, see the class' rdoc for more information. == Shell The restclient shell command gives an IRB session with RestClient already loaded: $ restclient ➔ RestClient.get 'http://example.com' Specify a URL argument for get/post/put/delete on that resource: $ restclient http://example.com ➔ put '/resource', 'data' Add a user and password for authenticated resources: $ restclient https://example.com user pass ➔ delete '/private/resource' Create ~/.restclient for named sessions: sinatra: url: http://localhost:4567 rack: url: http://localhost:9292 private_site: url: http://example.com username: user password: pass Then invoke: $ restclient private_site Use as a one-off, curl-style: $ restclient get http://example.com/resource > output_body $ restclient put http://example.com/resource < input_body == Logging To enable logging you can * set RestClient.log with a ruby Logger * or set an environment variable to avoid modifying the code (in this case you can use a file name, "stdout" or "stderr"): $ RESTCLIENT_LOG=stdout path/to/my/program Either produces logs like this: RestClient.get "http://some/resource" # => 200 OK | text/html 250 bytes RestClient.put "http://some/resource", "payload" # => 401 Unauthorized | application/xml 340 bytes Note that these logs are valid Ruby, so you can paste them into the restclient shell or a script to replay your sequence of rest calls. == Proxy All calls to RestClient, including Resources, will use the proxy specified by RestClient.proxy: RestClient.proxy = "http://proxy.example.com/" RestClient.get "http://some/resource" # => response from some/resource as proxied through proxy.example.com Often the proxy url is set in an environment variable, so you can do this to use whatever proxy the system is configured to use: RestClient.proxy = ENV['http_proxy'] == Cookies Request and Response objects know about HTTP cookies, and will automatically extract and set headers for them as needed: response = RestClient.get 'http://example.com/action_which_sets_session_id' response.cookies # => {"_applicatioN_session_id" => "1234"} response2 = RestClient.post( 'http://localhost:3000/', {:param1 => "foo"}, {:cookies => {:session_id => "1234"}} ) # ...response body == SSL Client Certificates RestClient::Resource.new( 'https://example.com', :ssl_client_cert => OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read("cert.pem")), :ssl_client_key => OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read("key.pem"), "passphrase, if any"), :ssl_ca_file => "ca_certificate.pem", :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER ).get Self-signed certificates can be generated with the openssl command-line tool. == Meta Written by Adam Wiggins, major modifications by Blake Mizerany, maintained by Julien Kirch Patches contributed by many, including Chris Anderson, Greg Borenstein, Ardekantur, Pedro Belo, Rafael Souza, Rick Olson, Aman Gupta, François Beausoleil and Nick Plante. Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Main page: http://github.com/archiloque/rest-client Rdoc: http://rdoc.info/projects/archiloque/rest-client Mailing list: rest.client@librelist.com (send a mail to subscribe). IRC: #rest-client at freenode