2019-03-28 14:22:29 +00:00
require_relative '../spec_helper'
describe "The --enable and --disable flags" do
2021-07-29 22:11:21 +02:00
before :all do
# Since some specs disable reading RUBYOPT, we instead pass its contents as :options for those specs
rubyopt = [ENV["RUBYOPT"]]
rubyopt << ENV["#{RUBY_ENGINE.upcase}OPT"] unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby'
@rubyopt = RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" ? "" : rubyopt.compact.join(" ")
2019-03-28 14:22:29 +00:00
it "can be used with gems" do
ruby_exe("p defined?(Gem)", options: "--enable=gems").chomp.should == "\"constant\""
ruby_exe("p defined?(Gem)", options: "--disable=gems").chomp.should == "nil"
ruby_exe("p defined?(Gem)", options: "--enable-gems").chomp.should == "\"constant\""
ruby_exe("p defined?(Gem)", options: "--disable-gems").chomp.should == "nil"
it "can be used with gem" do
ruby_exe("p defined?(Gem)", options: "--enable=gem").chomp.should == "\"constant\""
ruby_exe("p defined?(Gem)", options: "--disable=gem").chomp.should == "nil"
ruby_exe("p defined?(Gem)", options: "--enable-gem").chomp.should == "\"constant\""
ruby_exe("p defined?(Gem)", options: "--disable-gem").chomp.should == "nil"
it "can be used with did_you_mean" do
ruby_exe("p defined?(DidYouMean)", options: "--enable=did_you_mean").chomp.should == "\"constant\""
ruby_exe("p defined?(DidYouMean)", options: "--disable=did_you_mean").chomp.should == "nil"
ruby_exe("p defined?(DidYouMean)", options: "--enable-did_you_mean").chomp.should == "\"constant\""
ruby_exe("p defined?(DidYouMean)", options: "--disable-did_you_mean").chomp.should == "nil"
it "can be used with rubyopt" do
ruby_exe("p $VERBOSE", options: "--enable=rubyopt", env: {'RUBYOPT' => '-w'}).chomp.should == "true"
2021-07-29 22:11:21 +02:00
ruby_exe("p $VERBOSE", options: "#{@rubyopt} --disable=rubyopt", env: {'RUBYOPT' => '-w'}).chomp.should == "false"
2019-03-28 14:22:29 +00:00
ruby_exe("p $VERBOSE", options: "--enable-rubyopt", env: {'RUBYOPT' => '-w'}).chomp.should == "true"
2021-07-29 22:11:21 +02:00
ruby_exe("p $VERBOSE", options: "#{@rubyopt} --disable-rubyopt", env: {'RUBYOPT' => '-w'}).chomp.should == "false"
2019-03-28 14:22:29 +00:00
it "can be used with frozen-string-literal" do
ruby_exe("p 'foo'.frozen?", options: "--enable=frozen-string-literal").chomp.should == "true"
ruby_exe("p 'foo'.frozen?", options: "--disable=frozen-string-literal").chomp.should == "false"
ruby_exe("p 'foo'.frozen?", options: "--enable-frozen-string-literal").chomp.should == "true"
ruby_exe("p 'foo'.frozen?", options: "--disable-frozen-string-literal").chomp.should == "false"
2021-12-27 22:28:15 -08:00
# frequently hangs for >60s on GitHub Actions macos-latest
# MinGW's YJIT support seems broken
platform_is_not :darwin, :mingw do
2020-10-24 15:52:37 +02:00
it "can be used with all for enable" do
e = "p [defined?(Gem), defined?(DidYouMean), $VERBOSE, 'foo'.frozen?]"
env = {'RUBYOPT' => '-w'}
# Use a single variant here because it can be quite slow as it might enable jit, etc
ruby_exe(e, options: "--enable-all", env: env).chomp.should == "[\"constant\", \"constant\", true, true]"
2020-09-17 11:42:26 +02:00
it "can be used with all for disable" do
e = "p [defined?(Gem), defined?(DidYouMean), $VERBOSE, 'foo'.frozen?]"
env = {'RUBYOPT' => '-w'}
2021-07-29 22:11:21 +02:00
ruby_exe(e, options: "#{@rubyopt} --disable=all", env: env).chomp.should == "[nil, nil, false, false]"
ruby_exe(e, options: "#{@rubyopt} --disable-all", env: env).chomp.should == "[nil, nil, false, false]"
2019-03-28 14:22:29 +00:00
it "prints a warning for unknown features" do
ruby_exe("p 14", options: "--enable=ruby-spec-feature-does-not-exist 2>&1").chomp.should include('warning: unknown argument for --enable')
ruby_exe("p 14", options: "--disable=ruby-spec-feature-does-not-exist 2>&1").chomp.should include('warning: unknown argument for --disable')
ruby_exe("p 14", options: "--enable-ruby-spec-feature-does-not-exist 2>&1").chomp.should include('warning: unknown argument for --enable')
ruby_exe("p 14", options: "--disable-ruby-spec-feature-does-not-exist 2>&1").chomp.should include('warning: unknown argument for --disable')