2004-05-01 12:09:54 -04:00
# radio2.rb
2003-08-02 17:39:23 -04:00
# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
# several radiobutton widgets.
# radiobutton widget demo (called by 'widget')
# toplevel widget
if defined? ( $radio2_demo ) && $radio2_demo
$radio2_demo . destroy
$radio2_demo = nil
# demo toplevel widget
$radio2_demo = TkToplevel . new { | w |
2004-05-01 12:09:54 -04:00
title ( " Radiobutton Demonstration 2 " )
iconname ( " radio2 " )
2003-08-02 17:39:23 -04:00
positionWindow ( w )
# label
msg = TkLabel . new ( $radio2_demo ) {
font $font
wraplength '5i'
justify 'left'
text " Three groups of radiobuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button then the button will become selected exclusively among all the buttons in its group. A Tcl variable is associated with each group to indicate which of the group's buttons is selected. Click the \" See Variables \" button to see the current values of the variables. "
msg . pack ( 'side' = > 'top' )
size = TkVariable . new
color = TkVariable . new
align = TkVariable . new
# frame
TkFrame . new ( $radio2_demo ) { | frame |
TkButton . new ( frame ) {
text 'Dismiss'
command proc {
tmppath = $radio2_demo
$radio2_demo = nil
$showVarsWin [ tmppath . path ] = nil
tmppath . destroy
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' )
TkButton . new ( frame ) {
text 'Show Code'
2004-05-01 12:09:54 -04:00
command proc { showCode 'radio2' }
2003-08-02 17:39:23 -04:00
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' )
TkButton . new ( frame ) {
text 'See Variables'
command proc {
showVars ( $radio2_demo ,
2004-10-11 00:51:21 -04:00
[ 'size' , size ] , [ 'color' , color ] , [ 'compound' , align ] )
2003-08-02 17:39:23 -04:00
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' )
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'bottom' , 'fill' = > 'x' , 'pady' = > '2m' )
# frame
f_left = TkLabelFrame . new ( $radio2_demo , 'text' = > 'Point Size' ,
2004-10-11 00:51:21 -04:00
'pady' = > 2 , 'padx' = > 2 )
2003-08-02 17:39:23 -04:00
f_mid = TkLabelFrame . new ( $radio2_demo , 'text' = > 'Color' ,
2004-10-11 00:51:21 -04:00
'pady' = > 2 , 'padx' = > 2 )
2003-08-02 17:39:23 -04:00
f_right = TkLabelFrame . new ( $radio2_demo , 'text' = > 'Alignment' ,
2004-10-11 00:51:21 -04:00
'pady' = > 2 , 'padx' = > 2 )
2003-08-02 17:39:23 -04:00
f_left . pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' , 'padx' = > '.5c' , 'pady' = > '.5c' )
f_mid . pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' , 'padx' = > '.5c' , 'pady' = > '.5c' )
f_right . pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' , 'padx' = > '.5c' , 'pady' = > '.5c' )
# radiobutton
[ 10 , 12 , 18 , 24 ] . each { | sz |
TkRadioButton . new ( f_left ) {
text " Point Size #{ sz } "
variable size
relief 'flat'
value sz
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'top' , 'pady' = > 2 , 'anchor' = > 'w' , 'fill' = > 'x' )
[ 'Red' , 'Green' , 'Blue' , 'Yellow' , 'Orange' , 'Purple' ] . each { | col |
TkRadioButton . new ( f_mid ) {
text col
variable color
relief 'flat'
value col . downcase
anchor 'w'
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'top' , 'pady' = > 2 , 'fill' = > 'x' )
label = TkLabel . new ( f_right , 'text' = > 'Label' , 'bitmap' = > 'questhead' ,
2004-10-11 00:51:21 -04:00
'compound' = > 'left' )
2003-08-02 17:39:23 -04:00
label . configure ( 'width' = > TkWinfo . reqwidth ( label ) , 'compound' = > 'top' )
label . height ( TkWinfo . reqheight ( label ) )
abtn = [ 'Top' , 'Left' , 'Right' , 'Bottom' ] . collect { | a |
lower = a . downcase
TkRadioButton . new ( f_right , 'text' = > a , 'variable' = > align , 'relief' = > 'flat' ,
2004-10-11 00:51:21 -04:00
'value' = > lower , 'indicatoron' = > 0 , 'width' = > 7 ,
'command' = > proc { label . compound ( align . value ) } )
2003-08-02 17:39:23 -04:00
Tk . grid ( 'x' , abtn [ 0 ] )
Tk . grid ( abtn [ 1 ] , label , abtn [ 2 ] )
Tk . grid ( 'x' , abtn [ 3 ] )