2003-08-03 08:17:41 +00:00
# image3.rb
# This demonstration script creates a simple collection of widgets
# that allow you to select and view images in a Tk label.
# widget demo 'load image' (called by 'widget')
# toplevel widget
if defined? ( $image3_demo ) && $image3_demo
$image3_demo . destroy
$image3_demo = nil
# demo toplevel widget
$image3_demo = TkToplevel . new { | w |
title ( 'Image Demonstration #3' )
iconname ( " Image3 " )
positionWindow ( w )
def loadDir ( w )
w . delete ( 0 , 'end' )
Dir . glob ( [ $dirName , '*' ] . join ( File :: Separator ) ) . sort . each { | f |
w . insert ( 'end' , File . basename ( f ) )
# selectAndLoadDir --
# This procedure pops up a dialog to ask for a directory to load into
# the listobx and (if the user presses OK) reloads the directory
# listbox from the directory named in the demo's entry.
# Arguments:
# w - Name of the toplevel window of the demo.
def selectAndLoadDir ( w , lbox )
dir = Tk . chooseDirectory ( :initialdir = > $dirName , :parent = > w , :mustexist = > true )
if dir . length > 0
$dirName . value = dir
loadDir ( lbox )
def loadImage ( w , x , y )
$image3a . file ( [ $dirName , w . get ( " @ #{ x } , #{ y } " ) ] . join ( File :: Separator ) )
# label
msg = TkLabel . new ( $image3_demo ) {
font $font
wraplength '4i'
justify 'left'
text " This demonstration allows you to view images using a Tk \" photo \" image. First type a directory name in the listbox, then type Return to load the directory into the listbox. Then double-click on a file name in the listbox to see that image. "
msg . pack ( 'side' = > 'top' )
# frame
TkFrame . new ( $image3_demo ) { | frame |
TkButton . new ( frame ) {
text 'Dismiss'
command proc {
tmppath = $image3_demo
$image3_demo = nil
tmppath . destroy
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' )
TkButton . new ( frame ) {
text 'Show Code'
command proc { showCode 'image3' }
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' )
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'bottom' , 'fill' = > 'x' , 'pady' = > '2m' )
# variable
2004-05-01 16:09:54 +00:00
$dirName = TkVariable . new ( [ $demo_dir , '..' , 'images' ] . join ( File :: Separator ) )
2003-08-03 08:17:41 +00:00
# image
$image3a . delete
$image3a = TkPhotoImage . new
image3_f = TkFrame . new ( $image3_demo ) . pack ( :fill = > :both , :expand = > true )
image3_df = TkLabelFrame . new ( $image3_demo , :text = > 'Directory:' )
image3_ff = TkLabelFrame . new ( $image3_demo , :text = > 'File:' ,
:padx = > '2m' , :pady = > '2m' )
image3_lbx = TkListbox . new ( image3_ff , :width = > 20 , :height = > 10 ) {
pack ( :side = > :left , :fill = > :y , :expand = > true )
yscrollbar ( TkScrollbar . new ( image3_ff ) . pack ( :side = > :left , :fill = > :y ,
:expand = > true ) )
insert ( 0 , * ( %w( earth.gif earthris.gif teapot.ppm ) ) )
bind ( 'Double-1' , proc { | x , y | loadImage ( self , x , y ) } , '%x %y' )
image3_ent = TkEntry . new ( image3_df , :width = > 30 , :textvariable = > $dirName ) {
pack ( :side = > :left , :fill = > :both , :padx = > '2m' , :pady = > '2m' , :expand = > true )
bind ( 'Return' , proc { loadDir ( image3_lbx ) } )
TkButton . new ( image3_df , :pady = > 0 , :padx = > '2m' , :text = > " Select Dir. " ,
:command = > proc { selectAndLoadDir ( image3_ent , image3_lbx ) } ) {
pack ( :side = > :left , :fill = > :y , :padx = > [ 0 , '2m' ] , :pady = > '2m' )
image3_if = TkLabelFrame . new ( $image3_demo , :text = > 'Image:' ) { | f |
TkLabel . new ( f , :image = > $image3a ) . pack ( :padx = > '2m' , :pady = > '2m' )
Tk . grid ( image3_df , '-' ,
:sticky = > :ew , :padx = > '1m' , :pady = > '1m' , :in = > image3_f )
Tk . grid ( image3_ff , image3_if ,
:sticky = > :nw , :padx = > '1m' , :pady = > '1m' , :in = > image3_f )
TkGrid . columnconfigure ( image3_f , 1 , :weight = > 1 )