2018-03-04 15:09:32 +00:00
require_relative '../../spec_helper'
2017-05-07 12:04:49 +00:00
require 'uri'
describe " URI.extract " do
it " behaves according to its documentation " do
URI . extract ( " text here http://foo.example.org/bla and here mailto:test@example.com and here also. " ) . should == [ " http://foo.example.org/bla " , " mailto:test@example.com " ]
it " treats contiguous URIs as a single URI " do
URI . extract ( 'http://example.jphttp://example.jp' ) . should == [ 'http://example.jphttp://example.jp' ]
it " treats pretty much anything with a colon as a URI " do
URI . extract ( 'From: XXX [mailto:xxx@xxx.xxx.xxx]' ) . should == [ 'From:' , 'mailto:xxx@xxx.xxx.xxx]' ]
it " wraps a URI string in an array " do
URI . extract ( " http://github.com/brixen/rubyspec/tree/master " ) . should == [ " http://github.com/brixen/rubyspec/tree/master " ]
it " pulls a variety of protocol URIs from a string " do
URI . extract ( " this is a string, it has http://rubini.us/ in it " ) . should == [ " http://rubini.us/ " ]
URI . extract ( " mailto:spambait@example.com " ) . should == [ " mailto:spambait@example.com " ]
URI . extract ( " ftp://ruby-lang.org/ " ) . should == [ " ftp://ruby-lang.org/ " ]
URI . extract ( " https://mail.google.com " ) . should == [ " https://mail.google.com " ]
URI . extract ( " anything://example.com/ " ) . should == [ " anything://example.com/ " ]
it " pulls all URIs within a string in order into an array when a block is not given " do
URI . extract ( " 1.3. Example URI
The following examples illustrate URI that are in common use .
ftp : / / ftp . is . co . za / rfc / rfc1808 . txt
- - ftp scheme for File Transfer Protocol services
gopher : / /s pinaltap . micro . umn . edu / 00 / Weather / California / Los % 20 Angeles
- - gopher scheme for Gopher and Gopher + Protocol services
http : / / www . math . uio . no / faq / compression - faq / part1 . html
- - http scheme for Hypertext Transfer Protocol services
mailto : mduerst @ifi . unizh . ch
- - mailto scheme for electronic mail addresses
news : comp . infosystems . www . servers . unix
- - news scheme for USENET news groups and articles
telnet : / /me lvyl . ucop . edu /
- - telnet scheme for interactive services via the TELNET Protocol
" ).should == [ " ftp : / / ftp . is . co . za / rfc / rfc1808 . txt " , " gopher : / /s pinaltap . micro . umn . edu / 00 / Weather / California / Los % 20 Angeles " , " http : / / www . math . uio . no / faq / compression - faq / part1 . html " , " mailto : mduerst @ifi . unizh . ch " , " news : comp . infosystems . www . servers . unix " , " telnet : / /me lvyl . ucop . edu / " ]
it " yields each URI in the given string in order to a block, if given, and returns nil " do
results = [ " http://foo.example.org/bla " , " mailto:test@example.com " ]
URI . extract ( " text here http://foo.example.org/bla and here mailto:test@example.com and here also. " ) { | uri |
uri . should == results . shift
} . should == nil
results . should == [ ]
it " allows the user to specify a list of acceptable protocols of URIs to scan for " do
URI . extract ( " 1.3. Example URI
The following examples illustrate URI that are in common use .
ftp : / / ftp . is . co . za / rfc / rfc1808 . txt
- - ftp scheme for File Transfer Protocol services
gopher : / /s pinaltap . micro . umn . edu / 00 / Weather / California / Los % 20 Angeles
- - gopher scheme for Gopher and Gopher + Protocol services
http : / / www . math . uio . no / faq / compression - faq / part1 . html
- - http scheme for Hypertext Transfer Protocol services
mailto : mduerst @ifi . unizh . ch
- - mailto scheme for electronic mail addresses
news : comp . infosystems . www . servers . unix
- - news scheme for USENET news groups and articles
telnet : / /me lvyl . ucop . edu /
- - telnet scheme for interactive services via the TELNET Protocol
" , [ " http " , " ftp " , " mailto " ]).should == [ " ftp : / / ftp . is . co . za / rfc / rfc1808 . txt " , " http : / / www . math . uio . no / faq / compression - faq / part1 . html " , " mailto : mduerst @ifi . unizh . ch " ]