* lib/soap/**/*.rb, lib/wsdl/**/*.rb, lib/xsd/**/*.rb: changed license; GPL2 -> Ruby's.
* lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb, lib/soap/streamHandler.rb: add interface to streamhandler.
* lib/soap/marshal.rb: raise error if parse fails.
* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: add https support. Patched by Oliver M. Bolzer.
* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: dump HTTP response message body by itself.
* lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb, lib/soap/rpc/proxy.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb: add driver#mandatorycharset interface to foce using charset for parsing response from buggy server.
* lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb: support Apache Axis's half typed multi-ref array.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb, lib/soap/mapping/registry.rb: map SOAPStruct which has multi-accessors which name are the same, to an array.
* lib/soap/rpc/element.rb: fixed illegal parameter order.
* lib/soap/rpc/element.rb: element name of response message could have the name other than 'return'.
* lib/wsdl/operation.rb, lib/wsdl/operationBinding.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreator.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreatorSupport.rb: WSDL/1.1 allows plural fault definition in a operation. [ruby-talk:84948]
* test/wsdl/multiplefault.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_multiplefault.rb: add test for above fix.
* lib/wsdl/soap/complexType.rb: support WSDL array definition with maxOccures="unbound".
* lib/xsd/charset.rb: use cp932 under emx. Patched by Siena. / SHINAGAWA, Norihide in [ruby-dev:21972]
* lib/xsd/xmlparser/parser.rb: set @charset nil by default. Nil means 'follow encoding declaration in XML'.
* sample/soap/digraph.rb, sample/wsdl/amazon/wsdlDriver.rb, sample/wsdl/googleSearch/sampleClient.rb, sample/wsdl/googleSearch/wsdlDriver.rb, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb, test/wsdl/marshal/test_wsdlmarshal.rb, test/xsd/test_xmlschemaparser.rb: use File.open(...) { |f| f.read } instead of File.open(...).read. [ruby-dev:21964]
* test/wsdl/emptycomplextype.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb: simplify the test case.
* test/wsdl/axisArray/*: add tests for axis's array encoding.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5022 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2003-11-25 07:31:33 +00:00
# soap/baseData.rb: SOAP4R - Base type library
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003-2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <nahi@ruby-lang.org>.
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
* lib/soap/**/*.rb, lib/wsdl/**/*.rb, lib/xsd/**/*.rb: changed license; GPL2 -> Ruby's.
* lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb, lib/soap/streamHandler.rb: add interface to streamhandler.
* lib/soap/marshal.rb: raise error if parse fails.
* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: add https support. Patched by Oliver M. Bolzer.
* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: dump HTTP response message body by itself.
* lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb, lib/soap/rpc/proxy.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb: add driver#mandatorycharset interface to foce using charset for parsing response from buggy server.
* lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb: support Apache Axis's half typed multi-ref array.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb, lib/soap/mapping/registry.rb: map SOAPStruct which has multi-accessors which name are the same, to an array.
* lib/soap/rpc/element.rb: fixed illegal parameter order.
* lib/soap/rpc/element.rb: element name of response message could have the name other than 'return'.
* lib/wsdl/operation.rb, lib/wsdl/operationBinding.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreator.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreatorSupport.rb: WSDL/1.1 allows plural fault definition in a operation. [ruby-talk:84948]
* test/wsdl/multiplefault.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_multiplefault.rb: add test for above fix.
* lib/wsdl/soap/complexType.rb: support WSDL array definition with maxOccures="unbound".
* lib/xsd/charset.rb: use cp932 under emx. Patched by Siena. / SHINAGAWA, Norihide in [ruby-dev:21972]
* lib/xsd/xmlparser/parser.rb: set @charset nil by default. Nil means 'follow encoding declaration in XML'.
* sample/soap/digraph.rb, sample/wsdl/amazon/wsdlDriver.rb, sample/wsdl/googleSearch/sampleClient.rb, sample/wsdl/googleSearch/wsdlDriver.rb, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb, test/wsdl/marshal/test_wsdlmarshal.rb, test/xsd/test_xmlschemaparser.rb: use File.open(...) { |f| f.read } instead of File.open(...).read. [ruby-dev:21964]
* test/wsdl/emptycomplextype.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb: simplify the test case.
* test/wsdl/axisArray/*: add tests for axis's array encoding.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5022 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2003-11-25 07:31:33 +00:00
# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
require 'xsd/datatypes'
require 'soap/soap'
module SOAP
## Mix-in module for SOAP base type classes.
module SOAPModuleUtils
include SOAP
def decode(elename)
d = self.new
d.elename = elename
2003-10-14 15:14:02 +00:00
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
## for SOAP type(base and compound)
2003-10-14 15:14:02 +00:00
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
module SOAPType
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
attr_accessor :encodingstyle
attr_accessor :elename
attr_accessor :id
attr_reader :precedents
attr_accessor :root
attr_accessor :parent
attr_accessor :position
attr_reader :extraattr
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
attr_accessor :definedtype
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
def initialize(*arg)
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@encodingstyle = nil
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
@elename = XSD::QName::EMPTY
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@id = nil
@precedents = []
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
@root = false
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@parent = nil
@position = nil
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
@definedtype = nil
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@extraattr = {}
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
def inspect
if self.is_a?(XSD::NSDBase)
sprintf("#<%s:0x%x %s %s>", self.class.name, __id__, self.elename, self.type)
sprintf("#<%s:0x%x %s>", self.class.name, __id__, self.elename)
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
def rootnode
node = self
while node = node.parent
break if SOAPEnvelope === node
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
## for SOAP base type
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
module SOAPBasetype
2003-10-14 15:14:02 +00:00
include SOAPType
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
include SOAP
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
def initialize(*arg)
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
## for SOAP compound type
module SOAPCompoundtype
include SOAPType
include SOAP
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
def initialize(*arg)
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
## Convenience datatypes.
class SOAPReference < XSD::NSDBase
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
attr_accessor :refid
# Override the definition in SOAPBasetype.
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
def initialize(obj = nil)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
@type = XSD::QName::EMPTY
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
@refid = nil
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@obj = nil
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
__setobj__(obj) if obj
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def __getobj__
def __setobj__(obj)
@obj = obj
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
@refid = @obj.id || SOAPReference.create_refid(@obj)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@obj.id = @refid unless @obj.id
@obj.precedents << self
# Copies NSDBase information
@obj.type = @type unless @obj.type
# Why don't I use delegate.rb?
# -> delegate requires target object type at initialize time.
# Why don't I use forwardable.rb?
# -> forwardable requires a list of forwarding methods.
# ToDo: Maybe I should use forwardable.rb and give it a methods list like
# delegate.rb...
def method_missing(msg_id, *params)
if @obj
@obj.send(msg_id, *params)
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
def refidstr
'#' + @refid
def self.create_refid(obj)
'id' + obj.__id__.to_s
def self.decode(elename, refidstr)
if /\A#(.*)\z/ =~ refidstr
refid = $1
elsif /\Acid:(.*)\z/ =~ refidstr
refid = $1
raise ArgumentError.new("illegal refid #{refidstr}")
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
d = super(elename)
d.refid = refid
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
class SOAPExternalReference < XSD::NSDBase
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
def initialize
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
@type = XSD::QName::EMPTY
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
def referred
rootnode.external_content[external_contentid] = self
def refidstr
'cid:' + external_contentid
def external_contentid
raise NotImplementedError.new
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
class SOAPNil < XSD::XSDNil
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
# SOAPRawString is for sending raw string. In contrast to SOAPString,
# SOAP4R does not do XML encoding and does not convert its CES. The string it
# holds is embedded to XML instance directly as a 'xsd:string'.
class SOAPRawString < XSD::XSDString
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
## Basic datatypes.
class SOAPAnySimpleType < XSD::XSDAnySimpleType
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPString < XSD::XSDString
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPBoolean < XSD::XSDBoolean
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPDecimal < XSD::XSDDecimal
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPFloat < XSD::XSDFloat
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPDouble < XSD::XSDDouble
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPDuration < XSD::XSDDuration
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPDateTime < XSD::XSDDateTime
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPTime < XSD::XSDTime
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPDate < XSD::XSDDate
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPGYearMonth < XSD::XSDGYearMonth
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPGYear < XSD::XSDGYear
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPGMonthDay < XSD::XSDGMonthDay
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPGDay < XSD::XSDGDay
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPGMonth < XSD::XSDGMonth
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPHexBinary < XSD::XSDHexBinary
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPBase64 < XSD::XSDBase64Binary
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
Type = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, Base64Literal)
# Override the definition in SOAPBasetype.
def initialize(value = nil)
@type = Type
def as_xsd
@type = XSD::XSDBase64Binary::Type
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPQName < XSD::XSDQName
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPInteger < XSD::XSDInteger
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
2004-12-20 13:50:15 +00:00
class SOAPNonPositiveInteger < XSD::XSDNonPositiveInteger
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPNegativeInteger < XSD::XSDNegativeInteger
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
class SOAPLong < XSD::XSDLong
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPInt < XSD::XSDInt
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPShort < XSD::XSDShort
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
2004-12-20 13:50:15 +00:00
class SOAPByte < XSD::XSDByte
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPNonNegativeInteger < XSD::XSDNonNegativeInteger
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPUnsignedLong < XSD::XSDUnsignedLong
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPUnsignedInt < XSD::XSDUnsignedInt
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPUnsignedShort < XSD::XSDUnsignedShort
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPUnsignedByte < XSD::XSDUnsignedByte
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
class SOAPPositiveInteger < XSD::XSDPositiveInteger
include SOAPBasetype
extend SOAPModuleUtils
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
## Compound datatypes.
class SOAPStruct < XSD::NSDBase
include SOAPCompoundtype
include Enumerable
def initialize(type = nil)
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
@type = type || XSD::QName::EMPTY
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@array = []
@data = []
def to_s()
str = ''
self.each do |key, data|
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
str << "#{key}: #{data}\n"
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def add(name, value)
add_member(name, value)
def [](idx)
if idx.is_a?(Range)
elsif idx.is_a?(Integer)
if (idx > @array.size)
raise ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError.new('In ' << @type.name)
if @array.include?(idx)
def []=(idx, data)
if @array.include?(idx)
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
data.parent = self if data.respond_to?(:parent=)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@data[@array.index(idx)] = data
add(idx, data)
def key?(name)
def members
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
def to_obj
hash = {}
proptype = {}
each do |k, v|
value = v.respond_to?(:to_obj) ? v.to_obj : v.to_s
case proptype[k]
when :single
hash[k] = [hash[k], value]
proptype[k] = :multi
when :multi
hash[k] << value
hash[k] = value
proptype[k] = :single
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def each
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
idx = 0
while idx < @array.length
yield(@array[idx], @data[idx])
idx += 1
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def replace
members.each do |member|
self[member] = yield(self[member])
def self.decode(elename, type)
s = SOAPStruct.new(type)
s.elename = elename
def add_member(name, value = nil)
* lib/soap/**/*.rb, lib/wsdl/**/*.rb, lib/xsd/**/*.rb: changed license; GPL2 -> Ruby's.
* lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb, lib/soap/streamHandler.rb: add interface to streamhandler.
* lib/soap/marshal.rb: raise error if parse fails.
* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: add https support. Patched by Oliver M. Bolzer.
* lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: dump HTTP response message body by itself.
* lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb, lib/soap/rpc/proxy.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb: add driver#mandatorycharset interface to foce using charset for parsing response from buggy server.
* lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb: support Apache Axis's half typed multi-ref array.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb, lib/soap/mapping/registry.rb: map SOAPStruct which has multi-accessors which name are the same, to an array.
* lib/soap/rpc/element.rb: fixed illegal parameter order.
* lib/soap/rpc/element.rb: element name of response message could have the name other than 'return'.
* lib/wsdl/operation.rb, lib/wsdl/operationBinding.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreator.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreatorSupport.rb: WSDL/1.1 allows plural fault definition in a operation. [ruby-talk:84948]
* test/wsdl/multiplefault.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_multiplefault.rb: add test for above fix.
* lib/wsdl/soap/complexType.rb: support WSDL array definition with maxOccures="unbound".
* lib/xsd/charset.rb: use cp932 under emx. Patched by Siena. / SHINAGAWA, Norihide in [ruby-dev:21972]
* lib/xsd/xmlparser/parser.rb: set @charset nil by default. Nil means 'follow encoding declaration in XML'.
* sample/soap/digraph.rb, sample/wsdl/amazon/wsdlDriver.rb, sample/wsdl/googleSearch/sampleClient.rb, sample/wsdl/googleSearch/wsdlDriver.rb, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb, test/wsdl/marshal/test_wsdlmarshal.rb, test/xsd/test_xmlschemaparser.rb: use File.open(...) { |f| f.read } instead of File.open(...).read. [ruby-dev:21964]
* test/wsdl/emptycomplextype.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb: simplify the test case.
* test/wsdl/axisArray/*: add tests for axis's array encoding.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5022 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2003-11-25 07:31:33 +00:00
value = SOAPNil.new() if value.nil?
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
value.elename = value.elename.dup_name(name)
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
value.parent = self if value.respond_to?(:parent=)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
# SOAPElement is not typed so it is not derived from NSDBase.
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
class SOAPElement
include Enumerable
attr_accessor :encodingstyle
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
attr_accessor :elename
attr_accessor :id
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
attr_reader :precedents
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
attr_accessor :root
attr_accessor :parent
attr_accessor :position
attr_accessor :extraattr
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
attr_accessor :qualified
def initialize(elename, text = nil)
if !elename.is_a?(XSD::QName)
elename = XSD::QName.new(nil, elename)
@encodingstyle = LiteralNamespace
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
@elename = elename
@id = nil
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@precedents = []
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
@root = false
@parent = nil
@position = nil
@extraattr = {}
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
@qualified = nil
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@array = []
@data = []
@text = text
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
def inspect
sprintf("#<%s:0x%x %s>", self.class.name, __id__, self.elename)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
# Text interface.
attr_accessor :text
2004-12-20 13:50:15 +00:00
alias data text
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
# Element interfaces.
def add(value)
add_member(value.elename.name, value)
def [](idx)
if @array.include?(idx)
def []=(idx, data)
if @array.include?(idx)
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
data.parent = self if data.respond_to?(:parent=)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@data[@array.index(idx)] = data
def key?(name)
def members
def to_obj
if members.empty?
hash = {}
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
proptype = {}
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
each do |k, v|
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
value = v.respond_to?(:to_obj) ? v.to_obj : v.to_s
case proptype[k]
when :single
hash[k] = [hash[k], value]
proptype[k] = :multi
when :multi
hash[k] << value
hash[k] = value
proptype[k] = :single
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def each
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
idx = 0
while idx < @array.length
yield(@array[idx], @data[idx])
idx += 1
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def self.decode(elename)
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
o = SOAPElement.new(elename)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
def self.from_obj(obj, namespace = nil)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
o = SOAPElement.new(nil)
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
case obj
when nil
o.text = nil
when Hash
obj.each do |elename, value|
if value.is_a?(Array)
value.each do |subvalue|
child = from_obj(subvalue, namespace)
child.elename = to_elename(elename, namespace)
child = from_obj(value, namespace)
child.elename = to_elename(elename, namespace)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
o.text = obj.to_s
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
def self.to_elename(obj, namespace = nil)
if obj.is_a?(XSD::QName)
elsif /\A(.+):([^:]+)\z/ =~ obj.to_s
XSD::QName.new($1, $2)
XSD::QName.new(namespace, obj.to_s)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def add_member(name, value)
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
value.parent = self if value.respond_to?(:parent=)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
if RUBY_VERSION > "1.7.0"
def add_accessor(name)
methodname = name
if self.respond_to?(methodname)
methodname = safe_accessor_name(methodname)
Mapping.define_singleton_method(self, methodname) do
Mapping.define_singleton_method(self, methodname + '=') do |value|
@data[@array.index(name)] = value
def add_accessor(name)
methodname = safe_accessor_name(name)
instance_eval <<-EOS
def #{methodname}
def #{methodname}=(value)
@data[@array.index(#{name.dump})] = value
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def safe_accessor_name(name)
"var_" << name.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/, '')
class SOAPArray < XSD::NSDBase
include SOAPCompoundtype
include Enumerable
attr_accessor :sparse
attr_reader :offset, :rank
attr_accessor :size, :size_fixed
attr_reader :arytype
def initialize(type = nil, rank = 1, arytype = nil)
2004-07-03 13:33:20 +00:00
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
@type = type || ValueArrayName
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@rank = rank
@data = Array.new
@sparse = false
@offset = Array.new(rank, 0)
@size = Array.new(rank, 0)
@size_fixed = false
@position = nil
@arytype = arytype
def offset=(var)
@offset = var
@sparse = true
def add(value)
self[*(@offset)] = value
def [](*idxary)
if idxary.size != @rank
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
raise ArgumentError.new("given #{idxary.size} params does not match rank: #{@rank}")
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def []=(*idxary)
value = idxary.slice!(-1)
if idxary.size != @rank
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
raise ArgumentError.new("given #{idxary.size} params(#{idxary})" +
" does not match rank: #{@rank}")
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
idx = 0
while idx < idxary.size
if idxary[idx] + 1 > @size[idx]
@size[idx] = idxary[idx] + 1
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
idx += 1
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
data = retrieve(idxary[0, idxary.size - 1])
data[idxary.last] = value
2003-10-14 15:14:02 +00:00
if value.is_a?(SOAPType)
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
value.elename = ITEM_NAME
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
# Sync type
unless @type.name
@type = XSD::QName.new(value.type.namespace,
SOAPArray.create_arytype(value.type.name, @rank))
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
value.type ||= @type
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
@offset = idxary
* import soap4r/1.5.2;
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
external content.
* lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
* lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
* lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
* lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
* lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
* lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
string <-> Ruby class name matching.
* lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
* test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
* test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@5384 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2004-01-06 02:20:51 +00:00
value.parent = self if value.respond_to?(:parent=)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def each
@data.each do |data|
def to_a
def replace
@data = deep_map(@data) do |ele|
def deep_map(ary, &block)
ary.collect do |ele|
if ele.is_a?(Array)
deep_map(ele, &block)
new_obj = block.call(ele)
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
new_obj.elename = ITEM_NAME
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def include?(var)
traverse_data(@data) do |v, *rank|
if v.is_a?(SOAPBasetype) && v.data == var
return true
def traverse
traverse_data(@data) do |v, *rank|
unless @sparse
yield(v, *rank) if v && !v.is_a?(SOAPNil)
def soap2array(ary)
traverse_data(@data) do |v, *position|
iteary = ary
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
rank = 1
while rank < position.size
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
idx = position[rank - 1]
if iteary[idx].nil?
iteary = iteary[idx] = Array.new
iteary = iteary[idx]
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
rank += 1
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
if block_given?
iteary[position.last] = yield(v)
iteary[position.last] = v
def position
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
ITEM_NAME = XSD::QName.new(nil, 'item')
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def retrieve(idxary)
data = @data
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
rank = 1
while rank <= idxary.size
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
idx = idxary[rank - 1]
if data[idx].nil?
data = data[idx] = Array.new
data = data[idx]
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
rank += 1
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def traverse_data(data, rank = 1)
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
idx = 0
while idx < ranksize(rank)
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
if rank < @rank
traverse_data(data[idx], rank + 1) do |*v|
v[1, 0] = idx
yield(data[idx], idx)
2005-09-15 14:33:53 +00:00
idx += 1
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
def ranksize(rank)
@size[rank - 1]
def offsetnext
move = false
idx = @offset.size - 1
while !move && idx >= 0
@offset[idx] += 1
if @size_fixed
if @offset[idx] < @size[idx]
move = true
@offset[idx] = 0
idx -= 1
move = true
# Module function
def self.decode(elename, type, arytype)
typestr, nofary = parse_type(arytype.name)
rank = nofary.count(',') + 1
plain_arytype = XSD::QName.new(arytype.namespace, typestr)
o = SOAPArray.new(type, rank, plain_arytype)
size = []
nofary.split(',').each do |s|
if s.empty?
size << s.to_i
unless size.empty?
o.size = size
o.size_fixed = true
o.elename = elename
def self.create_arytype(typename, rank)
* lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
== SOAP client and server ==
=== for both client side and server side ===
* improved document/literal service support.
style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
supported. for the detail about combination, see
* let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
* let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
=== client side ===
* WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
* added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
* allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
not http-access2.
=== server side ===
* added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
or not.
* added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
fcgi handler at the bottom.)
* allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
* added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
(CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
== WSDL ==
=== WSDL definition ===
* improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
* reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
each QName).
* importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
=== code generation from WSDL ===
* generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
* added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
* sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@8500 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2005-05-22 13:03:38 +00:00
"#{typename}[" << ',' * (rank - 1) << ']'
2003-09-24 15:18:44 +00:00
TypeParseRegexp = Regexp.new('^(.+)\[([\d,]*)\]$')
def self.parse_type(string)
TypeParseRegexp =~ string
return $1, $2
require 'soap/mapping/typeMap'