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# Ruby/Tk Goldverg demo (called by 'widget')
# Based on Tcl/Tk8.5a2 widget demos.
# The following is the original comment of TkGoldberg.tcl.
#>># TkGoldberg.tcl
#>># by Keith Vetter, March 13, 2003
#>># "Man will always find a difficult means to perform a simple task"
#>># Rube Goldberg
#>># Reproduced here with permission.
#>># Keith Vetter 2003-03-21: this started out as a simple little program
#>># but was so much fun that it grew and grew. So I apologize about the
#>># size but I just couldn't resist sharing it.
#>># This is a whizzlet that does a Rube Goldberg type animation, the
#>># design of which comes from an New Years e-card from IncrediMail.
#>># That version had nice sound effects which I eschewed. On the other
#>># hand, that version was in black and white (actually dark blue and
#>># light blue) and this one is fully colorized.
#>># One thing I learned from this project is that drawing filled complex
#>># objects on a canvas is really hard. More often than not I had to
#>># draw each item twice--once with the desired fill color but no
#>># outline, and once with no fill but with the outline. Another trick
#>># is erasing by drawing with the background color. Having a flood fill
#>># command would have been extremely helpful.
#>># Two wiki pages were extremely helpful: Drawing rounded rectangles
#>># which I generalized into Drawing rounded polygons, and regular
#>># polygons which allowed me to convert ovals and arcs into polygons
#>># which could then be rotated (see Canvas Rotation). I also wrote
#>># Named Colors to aid in the color selection.
#>># I could comment on the code, but it's just 26 state machines with
#>># lots of canvas create and move calls.
if defined?($goldberg_demo) && $goldberg_demo
$goldberg_demo = nil
# demo toplevel widget
$goldberg_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w|
title("Tk Goldberg (demonstration)")
# positionWindow(w)
* ext/tk/tcltklib.c: SEGV when tcltk-stubs is enabled. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: avoid error on a shared object. * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add document about --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: not work on $SAFE==4 * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: Object#methods returns Symbols on Ruby1.9. * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: add TkTimer#at_end(proc) to register the procedure which called at end of the timer. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb, ext/tk/lib/font.rb: support __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ about font options. * ext/tk/lib/*: treat __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: typo. call a wrong method. * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support alias names of option keys. * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: lack of module-method definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: increase supported parameter patterns of configure method. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#grid_anchor, grid_column, grid_row. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: methods of Tk::Wm_for_General module cannot pass the given block to methods of Tk::Wm module. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: Wm#overrideredirect overwrites arguemnt to an invalid value. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix memory (object) leak bug. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix memory leak. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/aniwave.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb: improve TPaned#add. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: support "if __FILE__ == $0" idiom. * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: add binding for 'Ctrl-u' at console mode. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: improve treating and control themes. add Tk::Tile.themes and Tk::Tile.set_theme(theme). * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: lack of autoload definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb: cannot use kanji (not UTF-8) characters for headings. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb: wrong package name. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: improve handling callback-subst-keys. Now, support longnam-keys (e.g. '%CTT' on tkdnd-2.0; however, still not support tkdnd-2.0 on tkextlib), and symbols of parameters (e.g. :widget=>'%W', :keycode=>'%k', '%x'=>:x, '%X'=>:root_x, and so on; those are attributes of event object). It means that Ruby/Tk accepts not only "widget.bind(ev, '%W', '%k', ...){|w, k, ...| ... }", but also "widget.bind(ev, :widget, :keycode, ...){|w, k, ...| ... }". It is potentially incompatible, when user passes symbols to the arguments of the callback block (the block receives the symbols as strings). I think that is very rare case (probably, used by Ruby/Tk experts only). When causes such trouble, please give strings instead of such symbol parameters (e.g. call Symbol#to_s method). * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: strings are available on subst_tables on TkUtil::CallbackSubst class (it is useful on Ruby 1.9). * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb: disable code piece became unnecessary by reason of the changes of ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: change strategy to define the constant WITH_ENCODING. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on Tk::Encoding.tk_encoding_names. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@17083 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2008-06-10 20:59:10 +00:00
base_frame = TkFrame.new($goldberg_demo).pack(:fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
# label
msg = TkLabel.new($goldberg_demo) {
font 'Arial 10'
wraplength '4i'
justify 'left'
text "This is a demonstration of just how complex you can make your animations become. Click the ball to start things moving!\n\n\"Man will always find a difficult means to perform a simple task\"\n - Rube Goldberg"
# frame
TkFrame.new($goldberg_demo) {|frame|
TkButton.new(frame) {
text 'Dismiss'
command proc{
tmppath = $goldberg_demo
$goldberg_demo = nil
}.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
TkButton.new(frame) {
text 'See Code'
command proc{showCode 'goldberg'}
}.pack('side'=>'left', 'expand'=>'yes')
}.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x', 'pady'=>'2m')
class TkGoldberg_Demo
def initialize(parent)
@parent = parent
@S = {}
@S['title'] = 'Tk Goldberg'
@S['speed'] = TkVariable.new(5)
@S['cnt'] = TkVariable.new(0)
@S['message'] = TkVariable.new("\\nWelcome\\nto\\nRuby/Tk")
@S['pause'] = TkVariable.new
@S['details'] = TkVariable.new(true)
@S['mode'] = TkVariable.new(:MSTART, :symbol)
# 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
@speed = [1, 10, 20, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500]
# colors
@C = {}
@C['fg'] = 'black'
# @C['bg'] = 'gray75'
@C['bg'] = 'cornflowerblue'
@C['0'] = 'white'; @C['1a'] = 'darkgreen'; @C['1b'] = 'yellow'
@C['2'] = 'red'; @C['3a'] = 'green'; @C['3b'] = 'darkblue'
@C['4'] = @C['fg']; @C['5a'] = 'brown'; @C['5b'] = 'white'
@C['6'] = 'magenta'; @C['7'] = 'green'; @C['8'] = @C['fg']
@C['9'] = 'blue4'; @C['10a'] = 'white'; @C['10b'] = 'cyan'
@C['11a'] = 'yellow'; @C['11b'] = 'mediumblue'; @C['12'] = 'tan2'
@C['13a'] = 'yellow'; @C['13b'] = 'red'; @C['14'] = 'white'
@C['15a'] = 'green'; @C['15b'] = 'yellow'; @C['16'] = 'gray65'
@C['17'] = '#A65353'; @C['18'] = @C['fg']; @C['19'] = 'gray50'
@C['20'] = 'cyan'; @C['21'] = 'gray65'; @C['22'] = @C['20']
@C['23a'] = 'blue'; @C['23b'] = 'red'; @C['23c'] = 'yellow'
@C['24a'] = 'red'; @C['24b'] = 'white';
@STEP = TkVariable.new_hash
@STEP.default_value_type = :numeric
@XY = {}
@XY6 = {
'-1'=>[366, 207], '-2'=>[349, 204], '-3'=>[359, 193], '-4'=>[375, 192],
'-5'=>[340, 190], '-6'=>[349, 177], '-7'=>[366, 177], '-8'=>[380, 176],
'-9'=>[332, 172], '-10'=>[342, 161], '-11'=>[357, 164],
'-12'=>[372, 163], '-13'=>[381, 149], '-14'=>[364, 151],
'-15'=>[349, 146], '-16'=>[333, 148], '0'=>[357, 219],
'1'=>[359, 261], '2'=>[359, 291], '3'=>[359, 318], '4'=>[361, 324],
'5'=>[365, 329], '6'=>[367, 334], '7'=>[367, 340], '8'=>[366, 346],
'9'=>[364, 350], '10'=>[361, 355], '11'=>[359, 370], '12'=>[359, 391],
'13,0'=>[360, 456], '13,1'=>[376, 456], '13,2'=>[346, 456],
'13,3'=>[330, 456], '13,4'=>[353, 444], '13,5'=>[368, 443],
'13,6'=>[339, 442], '13,7'=>[359, 431], '13,8'=>[380, 437],
'13,9'=>[345, 428], '13,10'=>[328, 434], '13,11'=>[373, 424],
'13,12'=>[331, 420], '13,13'=>[360, 417], '13,14'=>[345, 412],
'13,15'=>[376, 410], '13,16'=>[360, 403]
@timer = TkTimer.new(@speed[@S['speed'].numeric]){|timer|
# Start everything going
def do_display()
@ctrl = TkFrame.new(@parent, :relief=>:ridge, :bd=>2, :padx=>5, :pady=>5)
@screen = TkFrame.new(@parent, :bd=>2,
:relief=>:raised).pack(:side=>:left, :fill=>:both,
@canvas = TkCanvas.new(@parent, :width=>850, :height=>700,
:bg=>@C['bg'], :highlightthickness=>0){
scrollregion([0, 0, 1000, 1000]) # Kludge to move everything up
}.pack(:in=>@screen, :side=>:top, :fill=>:both, :expand=>true)
@canvas.bind('3'){ @pause.invoke }
@canvas.bind('Destroy'){ @timer.stop }
* ext/tk/tcltklib.c: SEGV when tcltk-stubs is enabled. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: avoid error on a shared object. * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add document about --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: not work on $SAFE==4 * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: Object#methods returns Symbols on Ruby1.9. * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: add TkTimer#at_end(proc) to register the procedure which called at end of the timer. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb, ext/tk/lib/font.rb: support __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ about font options. * ext/tk/lib/*: treat __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: typo. call a wrong method. * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support alias names of option keys. * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: lack of module-method definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: increase supported parameter patterns of configure method. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#grid_anchor, grid_column, grid_row. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: methods of Tk::Wm_for_General module cannot pass the given block to methods of Tk::Wm module. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: Wm#overrideredirect overwrites arguemnt to an invalid value. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix memory (object) leak bug. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix memory leak. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/aniwave.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb: improve TPaned#add. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: support "if __FILE__ == $0" idiom. * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: add binding for 'Ctrl-u' at console mode. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: improve treating and control themes. add Tk::Tile.themes and Tk::Tile.set_theme(theme). * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: lack of autoload definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb: cannot use kanji (not UTF-8) characters for headings. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb: wrong package name. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: improve handling callback-subst-keys. Now, support longnam-keys (e.g. '%CTT' on tkdnd-2.0; however, still not support tkdnd-2.0 on tkextlib), and symbols of parameters (e.g. :widget=>'%W', :keycode=>'%k', '%x'=>:x, '%X'=>:root_x, and so on; those are attributes of event object). It means that Ruby/Tk accepts not only "widget.bind(ev, '%W', '%k', ...){|w, k, ...| ... }", but also "widget.bind(ev, :widget, :keycode, ...){|w, k, ...| ... }". It is potentially incompatible, when user passes symbols to the arguments of the callback block (the block receives the symbols as strings). I think that is very rare case (probably, used by Ruby/Tk experts only). When causes such trouble, please give strings instead of such symbol parameters (e.g. call Symbol#to_s method). * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: strings are available on subst_tables on TkUtil::CallbackSubst class (it is useful on Ruby 1.9). * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb: disable code piece became unnecessary by reason of the changes of ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: change strategy to define the constant WITH_ENCODING. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on Tk::Encoding.tk_encoding_names. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@17083 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2008-06-10 20:59:10 +00:00
# msg = TkLabel.new(@parent, :bg=>@C['bg'], :fg=>'white') {
msg = Tk::Label.new(@parent, :bg=>@C['bg'], :fg=>'white') {
font 'Arial 10'
wraplength 600
justify 'left'
text "This is a demonstration of just how complex you can make your animations become. Click the ball to start things moving!\n\"Man will always find a difficult means to perform a simple task\" - Rube Goldberg"
msg.place(:in=>@canvas, :relx=>0, :rely=>0, :anchor=>:nw)
frame = TkFrame.new(@parent, :bg=>@C['bg'])
* ext/tk/tcltklib.c: SEGV when tcltk-stubs is enabled. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: avoid error on a shared object. * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add document about --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: not work on $SAFE==4 * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: Object#methods returns Symbols on Ruby1.9. * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: add TkTimer#at_end(proc) to register the procedure which called at end of the timer. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb, ext/tk/lib/font.rb: support __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ about font options. * ext/tk/lib/*: treat __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: typo. call a wrong method. * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support alias names of option keys. * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: lack of module-method definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: increase supported parameter patterns of configure method. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#grid_anchor, grid_column, grid_row. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: methods of Tk::Wm_for_General module cannot pass the given block to methods of Tk::Wm module. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: Wm#overrideredirect overwrites arguemnt to an invalid value. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix memory (object) leak bug. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix memory leak. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/aniwave.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb: improve TPaned#add. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: support "if __FILE__ == $0" idiom. * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: add binding for 'Ctrl-u' at console mode. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: improve treating and control themes. add Tk::Tile.themes and Tk::Tile.set_theme(theme). * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: lack of autoload definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb: cannot use kanji (not UTF-8) characters for headings. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb: wrong package name. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: improve handling callback-subst-keys. Now, support longnam-keys (e.g. '%CTT' on tkdnd-2.0; however, still not support tkdnd-2.0 on tkextlib), and symbols of parameters (e.g. :widget=>'%W', :keycode=>'%k', '%x'=>:x, '%X'=>:root_x, and so on; those are attributes of event object). It means that Ruby/Tk accepts not only "widget.bind(ev, '%W', '%k', ...){|w, k, ...| ... }", but also "widget.bind(ev, :widget, :keycode, ...){|w, k, ...| ... }". It is potentially incompatible, when user passes symbols to the arguments of the callback block (the block receives the symbols as strings). I think that is very rare case (probably, used by Ruby/Tk experts only). When causes such trouble, please give strings instead of such symbol parameters (e.g. call Symbol#to_s method). * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: strings are available on subst_tables on TkUtil::CallbackSubst class (it is useful on Ruby 1.9). * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb: disable code piece became unnecessary by reason of the changes of ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: change strategy to define the constant WITH_ENCODING. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on Tk::Encoding.tk_encoding_names. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@17083 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2008-06-10 20:59:10 +00:00
# TkButton.new(frame, :bg=>@C['bg'], :activebackground=>@C['bg']) {
Tk::Button.new(frame, :bg=>@C['bg'], :activebackground=>@C['bg']) {
text 'Dismiss'
command proc{
tmppath = $goldberg_demo
$goldberg_demo = nil
* ext/tk/tcltklib.c: SEGV when tcltk-stubs is enabled. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: avoid error on a shared object. * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add document about --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: not work on $SAFE==4 * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: Object#methods returns Symbols on Ruby1.9. * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: add TkTimer#at_end(proc) to register the procedure which called at end of the timer. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb, ext/tk/lib/font.rb: support __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ about font options. * ext/tk/lib/*: treat __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: typo. call a wrong method. * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support alias names of option keys. * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: lack of module-method definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: increase supported parameter patterns of configure method. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#grid_anchor, grid_column, grid_row. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: methods of Tk::Wm_for_General module cannot pass the given block to methods of Tk::Wm module. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: Wm#overrideredirect overwrites arguemnt to an invalid value. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix memory (object) leak bug. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix memory leak. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/aniwave.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb: improve TPaned#add. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: support "if __FILE__ == $0" idiom. * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: add binding for 'Ctrl-u' at console mode. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: improve treating and control themes. add Tk::Tile.themes and Tk::Tile.set_theme(theme). * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: lack of autoload definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb: cannot use kanji (not UTF-8) characters for headings. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb: wrong package name. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: improve handling callback-subst-keys. Now, support longnam-keys (e.g. '%CTT' on tkdnd-2.0; however, still not support tkdnd-2.0 on tkextlib), and symbols of parameters (e.g. :widget=>'%W', :keycode=>'%k', '%x'=>:x, '%X'=>:root_x, and so on; those are attributes of event object). It means that Ruby/Tk accepts not only "widget.bind(ev, '%W', '%k', ...){|w, k, ...| ... }", but also "widget.bind(ev, :widget, :keycode, ...){|w, k, ...| ... }". It is potentially incompatible, when user passes symbols to the arguments of the callback block (the block receives the symbols as strings). I think that is very rare case (probably, used by Ruby/Tk experts only). When causes such trouble, please give strings instead of such symbol parameters (e.g. call Symbol#to_s method). * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: strings are available on subst_tables on TkUtil::CallbackSubst class (it is useful on Ruby 1.9). * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb: disable code piece became unnecessary by reason of the changes of ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: change strategy to define the constant WITH_ENCODING. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on Tk::Encoding.tk_encoding_names. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@17083 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2008-06-10 20:59:10 +00:00
# TkButton.new(frame, :bg=>@C['bg'], :activebackground=>@C['bg']) {
Tk::Button.new(frame, :bg=>@C['bg'], :activebackground=>@C['bg']) {
text 'See Code'
command proc{showCode 'goldberg'}
}.pack('side'=>'left', 'padx'=>5)
* ext/tk/tcltklib.c: SEGV when tcltk-stubs is enabled. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: avoid error on a shared object. * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add document about --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: not work on $SAFE==4 * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: Object#methods returns Symbols on Ruby1.9. * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: add TkTimer#at_end(proc) to register the procedure which called at end of the timer. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb, ext/tk/lib/font.rb: support __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ about font options. * ext/tk/lib/*: treat __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: typo. call a wrong method. * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support alias names of option keys. * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: lack of module-method definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: increase supported parameter patterns of configure method. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#grid_anchor, grid_column, grid_row. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: methods of Tk::Wm_for_General module cannot pass the given block to methods of Tk::Wm module. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: Wm#overrideredirect overwrites arguemnt to an invalid value. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix memory (object) leak bug. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix memory leak. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/aniwave.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb: improve TPaned#add. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: support "if __FILE__ == $0" idiom. * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: add binding for 'Ctrl-u' at console mode. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: improve treating and control themes. add Tk::Tile.themes and Tk::Tile.set_theme(theme). * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: lack of autoload definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb: cannot use kanji (not UTF-8) characters for headings. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb: wrong package name. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: improve handling callback-subst-keys. Now, support longnam-keys (e.g. '%CTT' on tkdnd-2.0; however, still not support tkdnd-2.0 on tkextlib), and symbols of parameters (e.g. :widget=>'%W', :keycode=>'%k', '%x'=>:x, '%X'=>:root_x, and so on; those are attributes of event object). It means that Ruby/Tk accepts not only "widget.bind(ev, '%W', '%k', ...){|w, k, ...| ... }", but also "widget.bind(ev, :widget, :keycode, ...){|w, k, ...| ... }". It is potentially incompatible, when user passes symbols to the arguments of the callback block (the block receives the symbols as strings). I think that is very rare case (probably, used by Ruby/Tk experts only). When causes such trouble, please give strings instead of such symbol parameters (e.g. call Symbol#to_s method). * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: strings are available on subst_tables on TkUtil::CallbackSubst class (it is useful on Ruby 1.9). * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb: disable code piece became unnecessary by reason of the changes of ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: change strategy to define the constant WITH_ENCODING. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on Tk::Encoding.tk_encoding_names. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@17083 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2008-06-10 20:59:10 +00:00
# @show = TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'>>', :command=>proc{show_ctrl},
@show = Tk::Button.new(frame, :text=>'>>', :command=>proc{show_ctrl},
:bg=>@C['bg'], :activebackground=>@C['bg'])
frame.place(:in=>@canvas, :relx=>1, :rely=>0, :anchor=>:ne)
def do_ctrl_frame
* ext/tk/tcltklib.c: SEGV when tcltk-stubs is enabled. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: avoid error on a shared object. * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add document about --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: not work on $SAFE==4 * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: Object#methods returns Symbols on Ruby1.9. * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: add TkTimer#at_end(proc) to register the procedure which called at end of the timer. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb, ext/tk/lib/font.rb: support __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ about font options. * ext/tk/lib/*: treat __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: typo. call a wrong method. * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support alias names of option keys. * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: lack of module-method definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: increase supported parameter patterns of configure method. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#grid_anchor, grid_column, grid_row. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: methods of Tk::Wm_for_General module cannot pass the given block to methods of Tk::Wm module. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: Wm#overrideredirect overwrites arguemnt to an invalid value. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix memory (object) leak bug. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix memory leak. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/aniwave.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb: improve TPaned#add. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: support "if __FILE__ == $0" idiom. * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: add binding for 'Ctrl-u' at console mode. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: improve treating and control themes. add Tk::Tile.themes and Tk::Tile.set_theme(theme). * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: lack of autoload definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb: cannot use kanji (not UTF-8) characters for headings. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb: wrong package name. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: improve handling callback-subst-keys. Now, support longnam-keys (e.g. '%CTT' on tkdnd-2.0; however, still not support tkdnd-2.0 on tkextlib), and symbols of parameters (e.g. :widget=>'%W', :keycode=>'%k', '%x'=>:x, '%X'=>:root_x, and so on; those are attributes of event object). It means that Ruby/Tk accepts not only "widget.bind(ev, '%W', '%k', ...){|w, k, ...| ... }", but also "widget.bind(ev, :widget, :keycode, ...){|w, k, ...| ... }". It is potentially incompatible, when user passes symbols to the arguments of the callback block (the block receives the symbols as strings). I think that is very rare case (probably, used by Ruby/Tk experts only). When causes such trouble, please give strings instead of such symbol parameters (e.g. call Symbol#to_s method). * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: strings are available on subst_tables on TkUtil::CallbackSubst class (it is useful on Ruby 1.9). * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb: disable code piece became unnecessary by reason of the changes of ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: change strategy to define the constant WITH_ENCODING. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on Tk::Encoding.tk_encoding_names. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@17083 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2008-06-10 20:59:10 +00:00
@start = Tk::Button.new(@parent, :text=>'Start', :bd=>6,
* ext/tk/tcltklib.c: SEGV when tcltk-stubs is enabled. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: avoid error on a shared object. * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add document about --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: not work on $SAFE==4 * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: Object#methods returns Symbols on Ruby1.9. * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: add TkTimer#at_end(proc) to register the procedure which called at end of the timer. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb, ext/tk/lib/font.rb: support __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ about font options. * ext/tk/lib/*: treat __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: typo. call a wrong method. * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support alias names of option keys. * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: lack of module-method definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: increase supported parameter patterns of configure method. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#grid_anchor, grid_column, grid_row. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: methods of Tk::Wm_for_General module cannot pass the given block to methods of Tk::Wm module. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: Wm#overrideredirect overwrites arguemnt to an invalid value. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix memory (object) leak bug. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix memory leak. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/aniwave.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb: improve TPaned#add. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: support "if __FILE__ == $0" idiom. * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: add binding for 'Ctrl-u' at console mode. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: improve treating and control themes. add Tk::Tile.themes and Tk::Tile.set_theme(theme). * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: lack of autoload definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb: cannot use kanji (not UTF-8) characters for headings. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb: wrong package name. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: improve handling callback-subst-keys. Now, support longnam-keys (e.g. '%CTT' on tkdnd-2.0; however, still not support tkdnd-2.0 on tkextlib), and symbols of parameters (e.g. :widget=>'%W', :keycode=>'%k', '%x'=>:x, '%X'=>:root_x, and so on; those are attributes of event object). It means that Ruby/Tk accepts not only "widget.bind(ev, '%W', '%k', ...){|w, k, ...| ... }", but also "widget.bind(ev, :widget, :keycode, ...){|w, k, ...| ... }". It is potentially incompatible, when user passes symbols to the arguments of the callback block (the block receives the symbols as strings). I think that is very rare case (probably, used by Ruby/Tk experts only). When causes such trouble, please give strings instead of such symbol parameters (e.g. call Symbol#to_s method). * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: strings are available on subst_tables on TkUtil::CallbackSubst class (it is useful on Ruby 1.9). * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb: disable code piece became unnecessary by reason of the changes of ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: change strategy to define the constant WITH_ENCODING. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on Tk::Encoding.tk_encoding_names. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@17083 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2008-06-10 20:59:10 +00:00
if font = @start['font']
@pause = TkCheckbutton.new(@parent, :text=>'Pause', :font=>font,
:command=>proc{do_button(1)}, :relief=>:raised,
@step = TkButton.new(@parent, :text=>'Single Step', :font=>font,
@bstep = TkButton.new(@parent, :text=>'Big Step', :font=>font,
@reset = TkButton.new(@parent, :text=>'Reset', :font=>font,
@details = TkFrame.new(@parent, :bd=>2, :relief=>:ridge)
@detail = TkCheckbutton.new(@parent, :text=>'Details', :font=>font,
:relief=>:raised, :variable=>@S['details'])
@msg_entry = TkEntry.new(@parent, :textvariable=>@S['message'],
@speed_scale = TkScale.new(@parent, :orient=>:horizontal,
:from=>1, :to=>10, :font=>font,
:variable=>@S['speed'], :bd=>2,
:relief=>:ridge, :showvalue=>false)
@about = TkButton.new(@parent, :text=>'About',
:command=>proc{about}, :font=>font)
Tk.grid(@start, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>0, :sticky=>:ew)
@ctrl.grid_rowconfigure(1, :minsize=>10)
Tk.grid(@pause, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>2, :sticky=>:ew)
Tk.grid(@step, :in=>@ctrl, :sticky=>:ew)
Tk.grid(@bstep, :in=>@ctrl, :sticky=>:ew)
Tk.grid(@reset, :in=>@ctrl, :sticky=>:ew)
@ctrl.grid_rowconfigure(10, :minsize=>20)
Tk.grid(@details, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>11, :sticky=>:ew)
Tk.grid(@detail, :in=>@details, :row=>0, :sticky=>:ew)
@ctrl.grid_rowconfigure(50, :weight=>1)
@S['mode'].trace('w', proc{|*args| active_GUI(*args)})
@S['details'].trace('w', proc{|*args| active_GUI(*args)})
@S['speed'].trace('w', proc{|*args| active_GUI(*args)})
Tk.grid(@msg_entry, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>98, :sticky=>:ew, :pady=>5)
Tk.grid(@speed_scale, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>99, :sticky=>:ew)
Tk.grid(@about, :in=>@ctrl, :row=>100, :sticky=>:ew)
@reset.bind('3'){@S['mode'].value = -1} # Debugging
def do_detail_frame
@f_details = TkFrame.new(@details)
@label = TkLabel.new(@f_details, :textvariable=>@S['cnt'],
:bd=>1, :relief=>:solid, :bg=>'white')
Tk.grid(@label, '-', '-', '-', :sticky=>:ew, :row=>0)
idx = 1
loop {
break unless respond_to?("move#{idx}")
l = TkLabel.new(@f_details, :text=>idx, :anchor=>:e,
:width=>2, :bd=>1, :relief=>:solid, :bg=>'white')
@STEP[idx] = 0
ll = TkLabel.new(@f_details, :textvariable=>@STEP.ref(idx),
:width=>5, :bd=>1, :relief=>:solid, :bg=>'white')
row = (idx + 1)/2
col = ((idx + 1) & 1) * 2
Tk.grid(l, :sticky=>:ew, :row=>row, :column=>col)
Tk.grid(ll, :sticky=>:ew, :row=>row, :column=>(col + 1))
idx += 1
@f_details.grid_columnconfigure(1, :weight=>1)
def show_ctrl
if @ctrl.winfo_mapped?
@ctrl.pack(:side=>:right, :fill=>:both, :ipady=>5)
def draw_all
idx = 0
m = "draw#{idx}"
break unless respond_to?(m)
idx += 1
def active_GUI(var1, var2, op)
st = {false=>:disabled, true=>:normal}
m = @S['mode'].to_sym
@S['pause'].value = (m == :MPAUSE)
@start.state(st[m != :MGO])
@pause.state(st[m != :MSTART && m != :MDONE])
@step.state(st[m != :MGO && m != :MDONE])
@bstep.state(st[m != :MGO && m != :MDONE])
@reset.state(st[m != :MSTART])
if @S['details'].bool
Tk.grid(@f_details, :in=>@details, :row=>2, :sticky=>:ew)
@speed_scale.label("Speed: #{@S['speed'].value}")
def start
@S['mode'].value = :MGO
def do_button(what)
case what
when 0 # Start
reset if @S['mode'].to_sym == :MDONE
@S['mode'].value = :MGO
when 1 # Pause
@S['mode'].value = ((@S['pause'].bool)? :MPAUSE: :MGO)
when 2 # Step
@S['mode'].value = :MSSTEP
when 3 # Reset
when 4 # Big step
@S['mode'].value = :MBSTEP
def go(who = nil)
now = Tk::Clock.clicks(:miliseconds)
if who # Start here for debugging
@S['active'] = [who]
@S['mode'].value = :MGO
return if @S['mode'].to_sym == :MDEBUG # Debugging
# If not paused, do the next move
n = next_step if @S['mode'].to_sym != :MPAUSE
@S['mode'].value = :MPAUSE if @S['mode'].to_sym == :MSSTEP # Single step
@S['mode'].value = :MSSTEP if @S['mode'].to_sym == :MBSTEP && n # big step
elapsed = Tk::Clock.clicks(:miliseconds) - now
delay = @speed[@S['speed'].to_i] - elapsed
delay = 1 if delay <= 0
return delay
def next_step
retval = false # Return value
if @S['mode'].to_sym != :MSTART && @S['mode'].to_sym != :MDONE
@S['cnt'].numeric += 1
alive = []
who = who.to_i
n = send("move#{who}")
if (n & 1).nonzero? # This guy still alive
alive << who
if (n & 2).nonzero? # Next guy is active
alive << (who + 1)
retval = true
if (n & 4).nonzero? # End of puzzle flag
@S['mode'].value = :MDONE # Done mode
@S['active'] = [] # No more animation
return true
@S['active'] = alive
return retval
def about
msg = "Ruby/Tk Version ::\nby Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)\n\n"
msg += "Original Version ::\n"
msg += "#{@S['title']}\nby Keith Vetter, March 2003\n(Reproduced by kind permission of the author)\n\n"
msg += "Man will always find a difficult means to perform a simple task"
msg += "\nRube Goldberg"
Tk.messageBox(:message=>msg, :title=>'About')
# All the drawing and moving routines
# START HERE! banner
def draw0
color = @C['0']
TkcText.new(@canvas, [579, 119], :text=>'START HERE!',
:fill=>color, :anchor=>:w,
:tag=>'I0', :font=>['Times Roman', 12, :italic, :bold])
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [719, 119, 763, 119], :tag=>'I0', :fill=>color,
:width=>5, :arrow=>:last, :arrowshape=>[18, 18, 5])
@canvas.itembind('I0', '1'){ start }
def move0(step = nil)
step = get_step(0, step)
if @S['mode'].to_sym != :MSTART # Start the ball rolling
move_abs('I0', [-100, -100]) # Hide the banner
return 2
pos = [
[673, 119], [678, 119], [683, 119], [688, 119],
[693, 119], [688, 119], [683, 119], [678, 119]
step = step % pos.length
move_abs('I0', pos[step])
return 1
# Dropping ball
def draw1
color = @C['1a']
color2 = @C['1b']
[ 844, 133, 800, 133, 800, 346, 820, 346,
820, 168, 844, 168, 844, 133 ],
:width=>3, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
[ 771, 133, 685, 133, 685, 168, 751, 168,
751, 346, 771, 346, 771, 133 ],
:width=>3, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(812, 122, 9),
:tag=>'I1', :fill=>color2, :outline=>'')
@canvas.itembind('I1', '1'){ start }
def move1(step = nil)
step = get_step(1, step)
pos = [
[807, 122], [802, 122], [797, 123], [793, 124], [789, 129], [785, 153],
[785, 203], [785, 278, :x], [785, 367], [810, 392], [816, 438],
[821, 503], [824, 585, :y], [838, 587], [848, 593], [857, 601],
[-100, -100]
return 0 if step >= pos.length
where = pos[step]
move_abs('I1', where)
move15a if where[2] == :y
return 3 if where[2] == :x
return 1
# Lighting the match
def draw2
color = @C['2']
# Fulcrum
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, [750, 369, 740, 392, 760, 392],
:fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>@C['fg'])
# Strike box
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, [628, 335, 660, 383],
:fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'])
yy = 335 + y*16
TkcBitmap.new(@canvas, [628, yy], :bitmap=>'gray25',
:anchor=>:nw, :foreground=>@C['fg'])
TkcBitmap.new(@canvas, [644, yy], :bitmap=>'gray25',
:anchor=>:nw, :foreground=>@C['fg'])
# Lever
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [702, 366, 798, 366],
:fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>6, :tag=>'I2_0')
# R strap
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [712, 363, 712, 355],
:fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I2_1')
# L strap
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [705, 363, 705, 355],
:fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I2_2')
# Match stick
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [679, 356, 679, 360, 717, 360, 717, 356, 679, 356],
:fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I2_3')
# Match head
[ 671, 352, 677.4, 353.9, 680, 358.5, 677.4, 363.1,
671, 365, 664.6, 363.1, 662, 358.5, 664.6, 353.9 ],
:fill=>color, :outline=>color, :tag=>'I2_4')
def move2(step = nil)
step = get_step(2, step)
stages = [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1]
xy = []
xy[0] = [
686, 333, 692, 323, 682, 316, 674, 309, 671, 295, 668, 307,
662, 318, 662, 328, 671, 336
xy[1] = [
687, 331, 698, 322, 703, 295, 680, 320, 668, 297, 663, 311,
661, 327, 671, 335
xy[2] = [
686, 331, 704, 322, 688, 300, 678, 283, 678, 283, 674, 298,
666, 309, 660, 324, 672, 336
if step >= stages.length
return 0
if step == 0 # Rotate the match
beta = 20
ox, oy = anchor('I2_0', :s) # Where to pivot
i = 0
until @canvas.find_withtag("I2_#{i}").empty?
rotate_item("I2_#{i}", ox, oy, beta)
i += 1
# For the flame
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, [], :tag=>'I2', :smooth=>true, :fill=>@C['2'])
return 1
@canvas.coords('I2', xy[stages[step]])
return ((step == 7)? 3: 1)
# Weight and pulleys
def draw3
color = @C['3a']
color2 = @C['3b']
xy = [ [602, 296], [577, 174], [518, 174] ]
xy.each{|x, y| # 3 Pulleys
TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 13),
:fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 2), :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>@C['fg'])
# Wall to flame
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [750, 309, 670, 309], :tag=>'I3_s',
:width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true)
# Flame to pulley 1
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [670, 309, 650, 309], :tag=>'I3_0',
:width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true)
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [650, 309, 600, 309], :tag=>'I3_1',
:width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true)
# Pulley 1 half way to 2
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [589, 296, 589, 235], :tag=>'I3_2',
:width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'])
# Pulley 1 other half to 2
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [589, 235, 589, 174], :width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'])
# Across the top
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [577, 161, 518, 161], :width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'])
# Down to weight
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [505, 174, 505, 205], :tag=>'I3_w',
:width=>3, :fill=>@C['fg'])
# Draw the weight as 2 circles, two rectangles and 1 rounded rectangle
x1, y1, x2, y2 = [515, 207, 495, 207]
TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x1, y1, 6),
:tag=>'I3_', :fill=>color2, :outline=>color2)
TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x2, y2, 6),
:tag=>'I3_', :fill=>color2, :outline=>color2)
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, x1, y1 - 6, x2, y2 + 6,
:tag=>'I3_', :fill=>color2, :outline=>color2)
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, round_rect([492, 220, 518, 263], 15),
:smooth=>true, :tag=>'I3_', :fill=>color2, :outline=>color2)
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [500, 217, 511, 217],
:tag=>'I3_', :fill=>color2, :width=>10)
# Bottom weight target
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [502, 393, 522, 393, 522, 465],
:tag=>'I3__', :fill=>@C['fg'], :joinstyle=>:miter, :width=>10)
def move3(step = nil)
step = get_step(3, step)
pos = [ [505, 247], [505, 297], [505, 386.5], [505, 386.5] ]
rope = []
rope[0] = [750, 309, 729, 301, 711, 324, 690, 300]
rope[1] = [750, 309, 737, 292, 736, 335, 717, 315, 712, 320]
rope[2] = [750, 309, 737, 309, 740, 343, 736, 351, 725, 340]
rope[3] = [750, 309, 738, 321, 746, 345, 742, 356]
return 0 if step >= pos.length
@canvas.delete("I3_#{step}") # Delete part of the rope
move_abs('I3_', pos[step]) # Move weight down
@canvas.coords('I3_s', rope[step]) # Flapping rope end
@canvas.coords('I3_w', [505, 174].concat(pos[step]))
if step == 2
@canvas.move('I3__', 0, 30)
return 2
return 1
# Cage and door
def draw4
color = @C['4']
x0, y0, x1, y1 = [527, 356, 611, 464]
# Horizontal bars
y0.step(y1, 12){|y|
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [x0, y, x1, y], :fill=>color, :width=>1)
# Vertical bars
x0.step(x1, 12){|x|
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [x, y0, x, y1], :fill=>color, :width=>1)
# Swing gate
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [518, 464, 518, 428],
:tag=>'I4', :fill=>color, :width=>1)
def move4(step = nil)
step = get_step(4, step)
angles = [-10, -20, -30, -30]
return 0 if step >= angles.length
rotate_item('I4', 518, 464, angles[step])
return((step == 3)? 3: 1)
# Mouse
def draw5
color = @C['5a']
color2 = @C['5b']
xy = [377, 248, 410, 248, 410, 465, 518, 465] # Mouse course
xy.concat [518, 428, 451, 428, 451, 212, 377, 212]
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color2, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [
534.5, 445.5, 541, 440, 552, 436, 560, 436, 569, 440, 574, 446,
575, 452, 574, 454, 566, 456, 554, 456, 545, 456, 537, 454, 530, 452
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_0'], :fill=>color)
TkcLine.new(@canvas, [573, 452, 592, 458, 601, 460, 613, 456], # Tail
:tag=>['I5', 'I5_1'], :fill=>color, :smooth=>true, :width=>3)
xy = box(540, 446, 2) # Eye
xy = [540, 444, 541, 445, 541, 447, 540, 448, 538, 447, 538, 445]
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_2'], :fill=>@C['bg'],
:outline=>'', :smooth=>true)
xy = [538, 454, 535, 461] # Front leg
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_3'], :fill=>color, :width=>2)
xy = [566, 455, 569, 462] # Back leg
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_4'], :fill=>color, :width=>2)
xy = [544, 455, 545, 460] # 2nd front leg
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_5'], :fill=>color, :width=>2)
xy = [560, 455, 558, 460] # 2nd back leg
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>['I5', 'I5_6'], :fill=>color, :width=>2)
def move5(step = nil)
step = get_step(5, step)
pos = [
[553, 452], [533, 452], [513, 452], [493, 452], [473, 452],
[463, 442, 30], [445.5, 441.5, 30], [425.5, 434.5, 30], [422, 414],
[422, 394], [422, 374], [422, 354], [422, 334], [422, 314], [422, 294],
[422, 274, -30], [422, 260.5, -30, :x], [422.5, 248.5, -28], [425, 237]
return 0 if step >= pos.length
x, y, beta, nxt = pos[step]
move_abs('I5', [x, y])
if beta
ox, oy = centroid('I5_0')
(0..6).each{|id| rotate_item("I5_#{id}", ox, oy, beta) }
return 3 if nxt == :x
return 1
# Dropping gumballs
def draw6
color = @C['6']
xy = [324, 130, 391, 204] # Ball holder
xy = round_rect(xy, 10)
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true,
:outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :fill=>color)
xy = [339, 204, 376, 253] # Below the ball holder
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
:fill=>color, :tag=>'I6c')
xy = box(346, 339, 28)
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'') # Roter
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :style=>:arc,
:start=>80, :extent=>205)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :style=>:arc,
:start=>-41, :extent=>85)
xy = box(346, 339, 15) # Center of rotor
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>@C['fg'], :tag=>'I6m')
xy = [352, 312, 352, 254, 368, 254, 368, 322] # Top drop to rotor
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2)
xy = [353, 240, 367, 300] # Poke bottom hole
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
xy = [341, 190, 375, 210] # Poke another hole
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
xy = [
368, 356, 368, 403, 389, 403, 389, 464, 320, 464, 320, 403,
352, 403, 352, 366
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'',
:width=>2) # Below rotor
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2)
xy = box(275, 342, 7) # On/off rotor
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>@C['fg'])
xy = [276, 334, 342, 325] # Fan belt top
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [276, 349, 342, 353] # Fan belt bottom
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [337, 212, 337, 247] # What the mouse pushes
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I6_')
xy = [392, 212, 392, 247]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I6_')
xy = [337, 230, 392, 230]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>7, :tag=>'I6_')
who = -1 # All the balls
colors = %w(red cyan orange green blue darkblue)
colors *= 3
loc = -i
color = colors[i]
x, y = @XY6["#{loc}"]
TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 5),
:fill=>color, :outline=>color, :tag=>"I6_b#{i}")
draw6a(12) # The wheel
def draw6a(beta)
ox, oy = [346, 339]
b = beta + i * 45
x, y = rotate_c(28, 0, 0, 0, b)
xy = [ox + x, oy + y, ox - x, oy - y]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>'I6_0', :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2)
def move6(step = nil)
step = get_step(6, step)
return 0 if step > 62
if step < 2 # Open gate for balls to drop
@canvas.move('I6_', -7, 0)
if step == 1 # Poke a hole
xy = [348, 226, 365, 240]
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@canvas.itemcget('I6c', :fill),
return 1
s = step - 1 # Do the gumball drop dance
(0..(((s - 1)/3).to_i)).each{|i|
tag = "I6_b#{i}"
break if @canvas.find_withtag(tag).empty?
loc = s - 3*i
if @XY6["#{loc},#{i}"]
move_abs(tag, @XY6["#{loc},#{i}"])
elsif @XY6["#{loc}"]
move_abs(tag, @XY6["#{loc}"])
if s % 3 == 1
first = (s + 2)/3
i = first
loop {
tag = "I6_b#{i}"
break if @canvas.find_withtag(tag).empty?
loc = first - i
move_abs(tag, @XY6["#{loc}"])
i += 1
if s >= 3 # Rotate the motor
idx = s % 3
draw6a(12 + s * 15)
return((s == 3)? 3 : 1)
# On/off switch
def draw7
color = @C['7']
xy = [198, 306, 277, 374] # Box
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
:fill=>color, :tag=>'I7z')
xy = [275, 343, 230, 349]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>'I7', :fill=>@C['fg'], :arrow=>:last,
:arrowshape=>[23, 23, 8], :width=>6)
xy = [225, 324] # On button
x, y = xy
TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 3), :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>@C['fg'])
xy = [218, 323] # On text
font = ['Times Roman', 8]
TkcText.new(@canvas, xy, :text=>'on', :anchor=>:e,
:fill=>@C['fg'], :font=>font)
xy = [225, 350] # Off button
x, y = xy
TkcOval.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 3), :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>@C['fg'])
xy = [218, 349] # Off text
TkcText.new(@canvas, xy, :text=>'off', :anchor=>:e,
:fill=>@C['fg'], :font=>font)
def move7(step = nil)
step = get_step(7, step)
numsteps = 30
return 0 if step > numsteps
beta = 30.0 / numsteps
rotate_item('I7', 275, 343, beta)
return((step == numsteps)? 3: 1)
# Electricity to the fan
def draw8
sine([271, 248, 271, 306], 5, 8, :tag=>'I8_s', :fill=>@C['8'], :width=>3)
def move8(step = nil)
step = get_step(8, step)
return 0 if step > 3
if step == 0
sparkle(anchor('I8_s', :s), 'I8')
return 1
elsif step == 1
move_abs('I8', anchor('I8_s', :c))
elsif step == 2
move_abs('I8', anchor('I8_s', :n))
return((step == 2)? 3: 1)
# Fan
def draw9
color = @C['9']
xy = [266, 194, 310, 220]
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>color, :fill=>color)
xy = [280, 209, 296, 248]
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>color, :fill=>color)
xy = [
288, 249, 252, 249, 260, 240, 280, 234,
296, 234, 316, 240, 324, 249, 288, 249
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :smooth=>true)
xy = [248, 205, 265, 214, 264, 205, 265, 196] # Spinner
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color)
xy = [255, 206, 265, 234] # Fan blades
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>3, :tag=>'I9_0')
xy = [255, 176, 265, 204]
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>3, :tag=>'I9_0')
xy = [255, 206, 265, 220]
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>1, :tag=>'I9_1')
xy = [255, 190, 265, 204]
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>1, :tag=>'I9_1')
def move9(step = nil)
step = get_step(9, step)
if (step & 1).nonzero?
@canvas.itemconfigure('I9_0', :width=>4)
@canvas.itemconfigure('I9_1', :width=>1)
@canvas.lower('I9_1', 'I9_0')
@canvas.itemconfigure('I9_0', :width=>1)
@canvas.itemconfigure('I9_1', :width=>4)
@canvas.lower('I9_0', 'I9_1')
return 3 if step == 0
return 1
# Boat
def draw10
color = @C['10a']
color2 = @C['10b']
xy = [191, 230, 233, 230, 233, 178, 191, 178] # Sail
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :width=>3, :outline=>@C['fg'],
xy = box(209, 204, 31) # Front
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :style=>:pie,
:start=>120, :extent=>120, :tag=>'I10')
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
:start=>120, :extent=>120, :tag=>'I10')
xy = box(249, 204, 31) # Back
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>@C['bg'], :width=>3,
:style=>:pie, :start=>120, :extent=>120, :tag=>'I10')
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
:start=>120, :extent=>120, :tag=>'I10')
xy = [200, 171, 200, 249] # Mast
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I10')
xy = [159, 234, 182, 234] # Bow sprit
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I10')
xy = [180, 234, 180, 251, 220, 251] # Hull
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>6, :tag=>'I10')
xy = [92, 255, 221, 255] # Waves
sine(xy, 2, 25, :fill=>color2, :width=>1, :tag=>'I10w')
xy = @canvas.coords('I10w')[4..-5] # Water
xy.concat([222, 266, 222, 277, 99, 277])
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color2, :outline=>color2)
xy = [222, 266, 222, 277, 97, 277, 97, 266] # Water bottom
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = box(239, 262, 17)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
:start=>95, :extent=>103)
xy = box(76, 266, 21)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
def move10(step = nil)
step = get_step(10, step)
pos = [
[195, 212], [193, 212], [190, 212], [186, 212], [181, 212], [176, 212],
[171, 212], [166, 212], [161, 212], [156, 212], [151, 212], [147, 212],
[142, 212], [137, 212], [132, 212, :x], [127, 212], [121, 212],
[116, 212], [111, 212]
return 0 if step >= pos.length
where = pos[step]
move_abs('I10', where)
return 3 if where[2] == :x
return 1
# 2nd ball drop
def draw11
color = @C['11a']
color2 = @C['11b']
xy = [23, 264, 55, 591] # Color the down tube
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
xy = box(71, 460, 48) # Color the outer loop
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
xy = [55, 264, 55, 458] # Top right side
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [55, 504, 55, 591] # Bottom right side
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = box(71, 460, 48) # Outer loop
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
:start=>110, :extent=>-290, :tag=>'I11i')
xy = box(71, 460, 16) # Inner loop
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>'',
:width=>3, :tag=>'I11i')
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>@C['bg'], :width=>3)
xy = [23, 264, 23, 591] # Left side
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = box(1, 266, 23) # Top left curve
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
:style=>:arc, :extent=>90)
xy = box(75, 235, 9) # The ball
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color2, :outline=>'',
:width=>3, :tag=>'I11')
def move11(step = nil)
step = get_step(11, step)
pos = [
[75, 235], [70, 235], [65, 237], [56, 240], [46, 247], [38, 266],
[38, 296], [38, 333], [38, 399], [38, 475], [74, 496], [105, 472],
[100, 437], [65, 423], [-100, -100], [38, 505], [38, 527, :x], [38, 591]
return 0 if step >= pos.length
where = pos[step]
move_abs('I11', where)
return 3 if where[2] == :x
return 1
# Hand
def draw12
xy = [
20, 637, 20, 617, 20, 610, 20, 590, 40, 590, 40, 590,
60, 590, 60, 610, 60, 610
xy.concat([60, 610, 65, 620, 60, 631]) # Thumb
xy.concat([60, 631, 60, 637, 60, 662, 60, 669, 52, 669,
56, 669, 50, 669, 50, 662, 50, 637])
y0 = 637 # Bumps for fingers
y1 = 645
50.step(21, -10){|x|
x1 = x - 5
x2 = x - 10
xy << x << y0 << x1 << y1 << x2 << y0
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['12'], :outline=>@C['fg'],
:smooth=>true, :tag=>'I12', :width=>3)
def move12(step = nil)
step = get_step(12, step)
pos = [[42.5, 641, :x]]
return 0 if step >= pos.length
where = pos[step]
move_abs('I12', where)
return 3 if where[2] == :x
return 1
# Fax
def draw13
color = @C['13a']
xy = [86, 663, 149, 663, 149, 704, 50, 704, 50, 681, 64, 681, 86, 671]
xy2 = [
784, 663, 721, 663, 721, 704, 820, 704, 820, 681, 806, 681, 784, 671
radii = [2, 9, 9, 8, 5, 5, 2]
round_poly(@canvas, xy, radii, :width=>3,
:outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>color)
round_poly(@canvas, xy2, radii, :width=>3,
:outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>color)
xy = [56, 677]
x, y = xy
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 4), :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>3, :tag=>'I13')
xy = [809, 677]
x, y = xy
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, box(x, y, 4), :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>3, :tag=>'I13R')
xy = [112, 687] # Label
TkcText.new(@canvas, xy, :text=>'FAX', :fill=>@C['fg'],
:font=>['Times Roman', 12, :bold])
xy = [762, 687]
TkcText.new(@canvas, xy, :text=>'FAX', :fill=>@C['fg'],
:font=>['Times Roman', 12, :bold])
xy = [138, 663, 148, 636, 178, 636] # Paper guide
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [732, 663, 722, 636, 692, 636]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
sine([149, 688, 720, 688], 5, 15,
:tag=>'I13_s', :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
def move13(step = nil)
step = get_step(13, step)
numsteps = 7
if step == numsteps + 2
move_abs('I13_star', [-100, -100])
@canvas.itemconfigure('I13R', :fill=>@C['13b'], :width=>2)
return 2
if step == 0 # Button down
sparkle([-100, -100], 'I13_star') # Create off screen
return 1
x0, y0 = anchor('I13_s', :w)
x1, y1 = anchor('I13_s', :e)
x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (step - 1) / numsteps.to_f
move_abs('I13_star', [x, y0])
return 1
# Paper in fax
def draw14
color = @C['14']
xy = [102, 661, 113, 632, 130, 618] # Left paper edge
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>color,
:width=>3, :tag=>'I14L_0')
xy = [148, 629, 125, 640, 124, 662] # Right paper edge
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>color,
:width=>3, :tag=>'I14L_1')
xy = [
768.0, 662.5, 767.991316225, 662.433786215, 767.926187912, 662.396880171
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>color,
:width=>3, :tag=>'I14R_0')
# NB. these numbers are VERY sensitive, you must start with final size
# and shrink down to get the values
xy = [
745.947897349, 662.428358855, 745.997829056, 662.452239237, 746.0, 662.5
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :smooth=>true, :fill=>color,
:width=>3, :tag=>'I14R_1')
def draw14a(side)
color = @C['14']
xy = @canvas.coords("I14#{side}_0")
xy2 = @canvas.coords("I14#{side}_1")
x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 = xy
x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5 = xy2
zz = [
x0, y0, x0, y0, xy, x2, y2, x2, y2,
x3, y3, x3, y3, xy2, x5, y5, x5, y5
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, zz, :tag=>"I14#{side}", :smooth=>true,
:fill=>color, :outline=>color, :width=>3)
def move14(step = nil)
step = get_step(14, step)
# Paper going down
sc = 0.9 - 0.05*step
if sc < 0.3
return 0
ox, oy = @canvas.coords('I14L_0')
@canvas.scale('I14L_0', ox, oy, sc, sc)
ox, oy = @canvas.coords('I14L_1')[-2..-1]
@canvas.scale('I14L_1', ox, oy, sc, sc)
# Paper going up
sc = 0.35 + 0.05*step
sc = 1/sc
ox, oy = @canvas.coords('I14R_0')
@canvas.scale('I14R_0', ox, oy, sc, sc)
ox, oy = @canvas.coords('I14R_1')[-2..-1]
@canvas.scale('I14R_1', ox, oy, sc, sc)
return((step == 10)? 3: 1)
# Light beam
def draw15
color = @C['15a']
xy = [824, 599, 824, 585, 820, 585, 829, 585]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I15a')
xy = [789, 599, 836, 643]
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [778, 610, 788, 632]
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [766, 617, 776, 625]
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [633, 600, 681, 640]
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [635, 567, 657, 599]
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2)
xy = [765, 557, 784, 583]
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2)
sine([658, 580, 765, 580], 3, 15,
:tag=>'I15_s', :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
def move15a
color = @C['15b']
@canvas.scale('I15a', 824, 599, 1, 0.3) # Button down
xy = [765, 621, 681, 621]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :dash=>'-', :width=>3, :fill=>color, :tag=>'I15')
def move15(step = nil)
step = get_step(15, step)
numsteps = 6
if step == numsteps + 2
move_abs('I15_star', [-100, -100])
return 2
if step == 0 # Break the light beam
sparkle([-100, -100], 'I15_star')
xy = [765, 621, 745, 621]
@canvas.coords('I15', xy)
return 1
x0, y0 = anchor('I15_s', :w)
x1, y1 = anchor('I15_s', :e)
x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (step - 1) / numsteps.to_f
move_abs('I15_star', [x, y0])
return 1
# Bell
def draw16
color = @C['16']
xy = [722, 485, 791, 556]
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = box(752, 515, 25) # Bell
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'black',
:tag=>'I16b', :width=>2)
xy = box(752, 515, 5) # Bell button
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'black', :outline=>'black', :tag=>'I16b')
xy = [784, 523, 764, 549] # Clapper
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :width=>3, :tag=>'I16c', :fill=>@C['fg'])
xy = box(784, 523, 4)
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>@C['fg'], :tag=>'I16d')
def move16(step = nil)
step = get_step(16, step)
# Note: we never stop
ox, oy = [760, 553]
if (step & 1).nonzero?
beta = 12
@canvas.move('I16b', 3, 0)
beta = -12
@canvas.move('I16b', -3, 0)
rotate_item('I16c', ox, oy, beta)
rotate_item('I16d', ox, oy, beta)
return ((step == 1)? 3: 1)
# Cat
def draw17
color = @C['17']
xy = [584, 556, 722, 556]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [584, 485, 722, 485]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3)
xy = [664, 523, 717, 549] # Body
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>color, :width=>3,
:style=>:chord, :start=>128, :extent=>260, :tag=>'I17')
xy = [709, 554, 690, 543] # Paw
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>color,
:width=>3, :tag=>'I17')
xy = [657, 544, 676, 555]
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :fill=>color,
:width=>3, :tag=>'I17')
xy = box(660, 535, 15) # Lower face
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :style=>:arc,
:start=>150, :extent=>240, :tag=>'I17_')
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :width=>1,
:style=>:chord, :start=>150, :extent=>240, :tag=>'I17_')
xy = [674, 529, 670, 513, 662, 521, 658, 521, 650, 513, 647, 529] # Ears
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'', :width=>1,
:tag=>['I17_', 'I17_c'])
xy = [652, 542, 628, 539] # Whiskers
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
xy = [652, 543, 632, 545]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
xy = [652, 546, 632, 552]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
xy = [668, 543, 687, 538]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
:tag=>['I17_', 'I17_w'])
xy = [668, 544, 688, 546]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
:tag=>['I17_', 'I17_w'])
xy = [668, 547, 688, 553]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
:tag=>['I17_', 'I17_w'])
xy = [649, 530, 654, 538, 659, 530] # Left eye
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
:smooth=>true, :tag=>'I17')
xy = [671, 530, 666, 538, 661, 530] # Right eye
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
:smooth=>true, :tag=>'I17')
xy = [655, 543, 660, 551, 665, 543] # Mouth
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
:smooth=>true, :tag=>'I17')
def move17(step = nil)
step = get_step(17, step)
if step == 0
@canvas.delete('I17') # Delete most of the cat
xy = [655, 543, 660, 535, 665, 543] # Mouth
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
:smooth=>true, :tag=>'I17_')
xy = box(654, 530, 4) # Left eye
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :fill=>'',
xy = box(666, 530, 4) # Right eye
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :fill=>'',
@canvas.move('I17_', 0, -20) # Move face up
xy = [652, 528, 652, 554] # Front leg
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
xy = [670, 528, 670, 554] # 2nd front leg
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
xy = [ # Body
675, 506, 694, 489, 715, 513, 715, 513, 715, 513, 716, 525,
716, 525, 716, 525, 706, 530, 695, 530, 679, 535, 668, 527,
668, 527, 668, 527, 675, 522, 676, 517, 677, 512
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@canvas.itemcget('I17_c', :fill),
:outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :smooth=>true,
xy = [716, 514, 716, 554] # Back leg
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
xy = [694, 532, 694, 554] # 2nd back leg
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I17_')
xy = [715, 514, 718, 506, 719, 495, 716, 488] # Tail
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3,
:smooth=>true, :tag=>'I17_')
@canvas.raise('I17w') # Make whiskers visible
@canvas.move('I17_', -5, 0) # Move away from the wall a bit
return 2
return 0
# Sling shot
def draw18
color = @C['18']
xy = [721, 506, 627, 506] # Sling hold
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :width=>4, :fill=>@C['fg'], :tag=>'I18')
xy = [607, 500, 628, 513] # Sling rock
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'', :tag=>'I18a')
xy = [526, 513, 606, 507, 494, 502] # Sling band
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>4, :tag=>'I18b')
xy = [485, 490, 510, 540, 510, 575, 510, 540, 535, 491] # Sling
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>6)
def move18(step = nil)
step = get_step(18, step)
pos = [
[587, 506], [537, 506], [466, 506], [376, 506], [266, 506, :x],
[136, 506], [16, 506], [-100, -100]
b = []
b[0] = [490, 502, 719, 507, 524, 512] # Band collapsing
b[1] = [
491, 503, 524, 557, 563, 505, 559, 496, 546, 506, 551, 525,
553, 536, 538, 534, 532, 519, 529, 499
b[2] = [
491, 503, 508, 563, 542, 533, 551, 526, 561, 539, 549, 550, 530, 500
b[3] = [
491, 503, 508, 563, 530, 554, 541, 562, 525, 568, 519, 544, 530, 501
return 0 if step >= pos.length
if step == 0
@canvas.itemconfigure('I18b', :smooth=>true)
if b[step]
@canvas.coords('I18b', b[step])
where = pos[step]
move_abs('I18a', where)
return 3 if where[2] == :x
return 1
# Water pipe
def draw19
color = @C['19']
xx = [[249, 181], [155, 118], [86, 55], [22, 0]]
xx.each{|x1, x2|
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, x1, 453, x2, 467,
:fill=>color, :outline=>'', :tag=>'I19')
TkcLine.new(@canvas, x1, 453, x2, 453,
:fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>1) # Pipe top
TkcLine.new(@canvas, x1, 467, x2, 467,
:fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>1) # Pipe bottom
xy = box(168, 460, 16) # Bulge by the joint
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'')
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1, :style=>:arc,
:start=>21, :extent=>136)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1, :style=>:arc,
:start=>-21, :extent=>-130)
xy = [249, 447, 255, 473] # First joint 26x6
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
xy = box(257, 433, 34) # Bend up
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :width=>1,
:style=>:pie, :start=>0, :extent=>-91)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
:style=>:arc, :start=>0, :extent=>-90)
xy = box(257, 433, 20)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>@C['bg'], :width=>1,
:style=>:pie, :start=>0, :extent=>-92)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
:style=>:arc, :start=>0, :extent=>-90)
xy = box(257, 421, 34) # Bend left
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :width=>1,
:style=>:pie, :start=>0, :extent=>91)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
:style=>:arc, :start=>0, :extent=>90)
xy = box(257, 421, 20)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>@C['bg'], :width=>1,
:style=>:pie, :start=>0, :extent=>90)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
:style=>:arc, :start=>0, :extent=>90)
xy = box(243, 421, 34) # Bend down
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :width=>1,
:style=>:pie, :start=>90, :extent=>90)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
:style=>:arc, :start=>90, :extent=>90)
xy = box(243, 421, 20)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>@C['bg'], :width=>1,
:style=>:pie, :start=>90, :extent=>90)
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1,
:style=>:arc, :start=>90, :extent=>90)
xy = [270, 427, 296, 433] # 2nd joint bottom
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
xy = [270, 421, 296, 427] # 2nd joint top
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
xy = [249, 382, 255, 408] # Third joint right
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
xy = [243, 382, 249, 408] # Third joint left
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
xy = [203, 420, 229, 426] # Last joint
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>1)
xy = box(168, 460, 6) # Handle joint
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :outline=>'', :tag=>'I19a')
xy = [168, 460, 168, 512] # Handle bar
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>5, :tag=>'I19b')
def move19(step = nil)
step = get_step(19, step)
angles = [30, 30, 30]
return 2 if step == angles.length
ox, oy = centroid('I19a')
rotate_item('I19b', ox, oy, angles[step])
return 1
# Water pouring
def draw20
# do nothing
def move20(step = nil)
step = get_step(20, step)
pos = [451, 462, 473, 484, 496, 504, 513, 523, 532]
freq = [20, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40]
pos = [
[451, 20], [462, 40], [473, 40], [484, 40], [496, 40],
[504, 40], [513, 40], [523, 40], [532, 40, :x]
return 0 if step >= pos.length
where = pos[step]
y, f = where
h20(y, f)
return 3 if where[2] == :x
return 1
def h20(y, f)
color = @C['20']
sine([208, 428, 208, y], 4, f, :tag=>['I20', 'I20s'],
:width=>3, :fill=>color, :smooth=>true)
TkcLine.new(@canvas, @canvas.coords('I20s'), :width=>3,
:fill=>color, :smooth=>1, :tag=>['I20', 'I20a'])
TkcLine.new(@canvas, @canvas.coords('I20s'), :width=>3,
:fill=>color, :smooth=>1, :tag=>['I20', 'I20b'])
@canvas.move('I20a', 8, 0)
@canvas.move('I20b', 16, 0)
# Bucket
def draw21
color = @C['21']
xy = [217, 451, 244, 490] # Right handle
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :tag=>'I21_a')
xy = [201, 467, 182, 490] # Left handle
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :tag=>'I21_a')
xy = [245, 490, 237, 535] # Right side
xy2 = [189, 535, 181, 490] # Left side
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy + xy2, :fill=>color, :outline=>'',
:tag=>['I21', 'I21f'])
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :tag=>'I21')
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy2, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>2, :tag=>'I21')
xy = [182, 486, 244, 498] # Top
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>'', :width=>2,
:tag=>['I21', 'I21f'])
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'', :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
:tag=>['I21', 'I21t'])
xy = [189, 532, 237, 540] # Bottom
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>2,
:tag=>['I21', 'I21b'])
def move21(step = nil)
step = get_step(21, step)
numsteps = 30
return 0 if step >= numsteps
x1, y1, x2, y2 = @canvas.coords('I21b')
# lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2 = @canvas.coords('I21t')
lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2 = [183, 492, 243, 504]
f = step / numsteps.to_f
y2 = y2 - 3
xx1 = x1 + (lx1 - x1) * f
yy1 = y1 + (ly1 - y1) * f
xx2 = x2 + (lx2 - x2) * f
yy2 = y2 + (ly2 - y2) * f
@canvas.itemconfigure('I21b', :fill=>@C['20'])
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, x2, y2, x1, y1, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy1,
:tag=>['I21', 'I21w'], :outline=>'', :fill=>@C['20'])
@canvas.lower('I21w', 'I21')
return((step == numsteps - 1)? 3: 1)
# Bucket drop
def draw22
# do nothing
def move22(step = nil)
step = get_step(22, step)
pos = [[213, 513], [213, 523], [213, 543, :x], [213, 583], [213, 593]]
@canvas.itemconfigure('I21f', :fill=>@C['22']) if step == 0
return 0 if step >= pos.length
where = pos[step]
move_abs('I21', where)
h20(where[1], 40)
@canvas.delete('I21_a') # Delete handles
return 3 if where[2] == :x
return 1
# Blow dart
def draw23
color = @C['23a']
color2 = @C['23b']
color3 = @C['23c']
xy = [185, 623, 253, 650] # Block
TkcRectangle.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>'black', :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>2, :tag=>'I23a')
xy = [187, 592, 241, 623] # Balloon
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :tag=>'I23b')
TkcArc.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I23b',
:style=>:arc, :start=>12, :extent=>336)
xy = [239, 604, 258, 589, 258, 625, 239, 610] # Balloon nozzle
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :outline=>'', :fill=>color, :tag=>'I23b')
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I23b')
xy = [285, 611, 250, 603] # Dart body
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color2, :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>3, :tag=>'I23d')
xy = [249, 596, 249, 618, 264, 607, 249, 596] # Dart tail
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color3, :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>3, :tag=>'I23d')
xy = [249, 607, 268, 607] # Dart detail
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I23d')
xy = [285, 607, 305, 607] # Dart needle
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I23d')
def move23(step = nil)
step = get_step(23, step)
pos = [
[277, 607], [287, 607], [307, 607, :x], [347, 607], [407, 607],
[487, 607], [587, 607], [687, 607], [787, 607], [-100, -100]
return 0 if step >= pos.length
if step <= 1
ox, oy = anchor('I23a', :n)
@canvas.scale('I23b', ox, oy, 0.9, 0.5)
where = pos[step]
move_abs('I23d', where)
return 3 if where[2] == :x
return 1
# Balloon
def draw24
color = @C['24a']
xy = [366, 518, 462, 665] # Balloon
TkcOval.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>3, :tag=>'I24')
xy = [414, 666, 414, 729] # String
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :width=>3, :tag=>'I24')
xy = [410, 666, 404, 673, 422, 673, 418, 666] # Nozzle
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>color, :outline=>@C['fg'],
:width=>3, :tag=>'I24')
xy = [387, 567, 390, 549, 404, 542] # Reflections
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true,
:width=>2, :tag=>'I24')
xy = [395, 568, 399, 554, 413, 547]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true,
:width=>2, :tag=>'I24')
xy = [403, 570, 396, 555, 381, 553]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true,
:width=>2, :tag=>'I24')
xy = [408, 564, 402, 547, 386, 545]
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, :fill=>@C['fg'], :smooth=>true,
:width=>2, :tag=>'I24')
def move24(step = nil)
step = get_step(24, step)
return 0 if step > 4
return 2 if step == 4
if step == 0
@canvas.delete('I24') # Exploding balloon
xy = [
347, 465, 361, 557, 271, 503, 272, 503, 342, 574, 259, 594,
259, 593, 362, 626, 320, 737, 320, 740, 398, 691, 436, 738,
436, 739, 476, 679, 528, 701, 527, 702, 494, 627, 548, 613,
548, 613, 480, 574, 577, 473, 577, 473, 474, 538, 445, 508,
431, 441, 431, 440, 400, 502, 347, 465, 347, 465
TkcPolygon.new(@canvas, xy, :tag=>'I24', :fill=>@C['24b'],
:outline=>@C['24a'], :width=>10, :smooth=>true)
msg = Tk.subst(@S['message'].value)
TkcText.new(@canvas, centroid('I24'), :text=>msg, :tag=>['I24', 'I24t'],
:justify=>:center, :font=>['Times Roman', 18, :bold])
return 1
@canvas.itemconfigure('I24t', :font=>['Times Roman', 18 + 6*step, :bold])
@canvas.move('I24', 0, -60)
ox, oy = centroid('I24')
@canvas.scale('I24', ox, oy, 1.25, 1.25)
return 1
# Displaying the message
def move25(step = nil)
step = get_step(25, step)
if step == 0
@XY['25'] = Tk::Clock.clicks(:miliseconds)
return 1
elapsed = Tk::Clock.clicks(:miliseconds) - @XY['25']
return 1 if elapsed < 5000
return 2
# Collapsing balloon
def move26(step = nil)
step = get_step(26, step)
if step >= 3
@canvas.delete('I24', 'I26')
TkcText.new(@canvas, 430, 740, :anchor=>:s, :tag=>'I26',
:text=>'click to continue',
:font=>['Times Roman', 24, :bold])
@canvas.bind('1', proc{reset})
return 4
ox, oy = centroid('I24')
@canvas.scale('I24', ox, oy, 0.8, 0.8)
@canvas.move('I24', 0, 60)
@canvas.itemconfigure('I24t', :font=>['Times Roman', 30 - 6*step, :bold])
return 1
# Helper functions
def box(x, y, r)
[x - r, y - r, x + r, y + r]
def move_abs(item, xy)
x, y = xy
ox, oy = centroid(item)
dx = x - ox
dy = y - oy
@canvas.move(item, dx, dy)
def rotate_item(item, ox, oy, beta)
xy = @canvas.coords(item)
xy2 = []
0.step(xy.length - 1, 2){|idx|
x, y = xy[idx, 2]
xy2.concat(rotate_c(x, y, ox, oy, beta))
@canvas.coords(item, xy2)
def rotate_c(x, y, ox, oy, beta)
# rotates vector (ox,oy)->(x,y) by beta degrees clockwise
x -= ox # Shift to origin
y -= oy
beta = beta * Math.atan(1) * 4 / 180.0 # Radians
xx = x * Math.cos(beta) - y * Math.sin(beta) # Rotate
yy = x * Math.sin(beta) + y * Math.cos(beta)
xx += ox # Shift back
yy += oy
[xx, yy]
def reset
@S['mode'].value = :MSTART
@S['active'] = [0]
# Each Move## keeps its state info in STEP, this retrieves and increments it
def get_step(who, step)
if step
@STEP[who] = step
if !@STEP.exist?(who) || @STEP[who] == ""
@STEP[who] = 0
@STEP[who] += 1
def reset_step
@S['cnt'].value = 0
@STEP.keys.each{|k| @STEP[k] = ''}
def sine(xy0, amp, freq, opts = {})
x0, y0, x1, y1 = xy0
step = 2
xy = []
if y0 == y1 # Horizontal
x0.step(x1, step){|x|
beta = (x - x0) * 2 * Math::PI / freq
y = y0 + amp * Math.sin(beta)
xy << x << y
y0.step(y1, step){|y|
beta = (y - y0) * 2 * Math::PI / freq
x = x0 + amp * Math.sin(beta)
xy << x << y
TkcLine.new(@canvas, xy, opts)
def round_rect(xy, radius, opts={})
x0, y0, x3, y3 = xy
r = @canvas.winfo_pixels(radius)
d = 2 * r
# Make sure that the radius of the curve is less than 3/8 size of the box!
maxr = 0.75
if d > maxr * (x3 - x0)
d = maxr * (x3 - x0)
if d > maxr * (y3 - y0)
d = maxr * (y3 - y0)
x1 = x0 + d
x2 = x3 - d
y1 = y0 + d
y2 = y3 - d
xy = [x0, y0, x1, y0, x2, y0, x3, y0, x3, y1, x3, y2]
xy.concat([x3, y3, x2, y3, x1, y3, x0, y3, x0, y2, x0, y1])
return xy
def round_poly(canv, xy, radii, opts)
lenXY = xy.length
lenR = radii.length
if lenXY != 2*lenR
raise "wrong number of vertices and radii"
knots = []
x0 = xy[-2]; y0 = xy[-1]
x1 = xy[0]; y1 = xy[1]
xy << xy[0] << xy[1]
0.step(lenXY - 1, 2){|i|
radius = radii[i/2]
r = canv.winfo_pixels(radius)
x2 = xy[i+2]; y2 = xy[i+3]
z = _round_poly2(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, r)
x0 = x1; y0 = y1
x1 = x2; y1 = y2
TkcPolygon.new(canv, knots, {:smooth=>true}.update(opts))
def _round_poly2(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius)
d = 2 * radius
maxr = 0.75
v1x = x0 - x1
v1y = y0 - y1
v2x = x2 - x1
v2y = y2 - y1
vlen1 = Math.sqrt(v1x*v1x + v1y*v1y)
vlen2 = Math.sqrt(v2x*v2x + v2y*v2y)
if d > maxr * vlen1
d = maxr * vlen1
if d > maxr * vlen2
d = maxr * vlen2
xy = []
xy << (x1 + d * v1x / vlen1) << (y1 + d * v1y / vlen1)
xy << x1 << y1
xy << (x1 + d * v2x / vlen2) << (y1 + d * v2y / vlen2)
return xy
def sparkle(oxy, tag)
xy = [
[299, 283], [298, 302], [295, 314], [271, 331],
[239, 310], [242, 292], [256, 274], [281, 273]
xy.each{|x, y|
TkcLine.new(@canvas, 271, 304, x, y,
:fill=>'white', :width=>3, :tag=>tag)
move_abs(tag, oxy)
def centroid(item)
anchor(item, :c)
def anchor(item, where)
x1, y1, x2, y2 = @canvas.bbox(item)
when :n
y = y1
when :s
y = y2
y = (y1 + y2) / 2.0
when :w
x = x1
when :e
x = x2
x = (x1 + x2) / 2.0
return [x, y]
* ext/tk/tcltklib.c: SEGV when tcltk-stubs is enabled. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: avoid error on a shared object. * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add document about --with-tcltkversion * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: not work on $SAFE==4 * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: Object#methods returns Symbols on Ruby1.9. * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: add TkTimer#at_end(proc) to register the procedure which called at end of the timer. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb, ext/tk/lib/font.rb: support __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ about font options. * ext/tk/lib/*: treat __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: typo. call a wrong method. * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support alias names of option keys. * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: lack of module-method definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: increase supported parameter patterns of configure method. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#grid_anchor, grid_column, grid_row. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: methods of Tk::Wm_for_General module cannot pass the given block to methods of Tk::Wm module. * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: Wm#overrideredirect overwrites arguemnt to an invalid value. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix memory (object) leak bug. * ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix memory leak. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/aniwave.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb: improve TPaned#add. * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb: bug fix. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: support "if __FILE__ == $0" idiom. * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: add binding for 'Ctrl-u' at console mode. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: improve treating and control themes. add Tk::Tile.themes and Tk::Tile.set_theme(theme). * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: lack of autoload definitions. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb: cannot use kanji (not UTF-8) characters for headings. * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb: wrong package name. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: improve handling callback-subst-keys. Now, support longnam-keys (e.g. '%CTT' on tkdnd-2.0; however, still not support tkdnd-2.0 on tkextlib), and symbols of parameters (e.g. :widget=>'%W', :keycode=>'%k', '%x'=>:x, '%X'=>:root_x, and so on; those are attributes of event object). It means that Ruby/Tk accepts not only "widget.bind(ev, '%W', '%k', ...){|w, k, ...| ... }", but also "widget.bind(ev, :widget, :keycode, ...){|w, k, ...| ... }". It is potentially incompatible, when user passes symbols to the arguments of the callback block (the block receives the symbols as strings). I think that is very rare case (probably, used by Ruby/Tk experts only). When causes such trouble, please give strings instead of such symbol parameters (e.g. call Symbol#to_s method). * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb: ditto. * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: strings are available on subst_tables on TkUtil::CallbackSubst class (it is useful on Ruby 1.9). * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb: disable code piece became unnecessary by reason of the changes of ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: change strategy to define the constant WITH_ENCODING. * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on Tk::Encoding.tk_encoding_names. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@17083 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2008-06-10 20:59:10 +00:00