2012-11-29 06:52:18 +00:00
# Basic OpenSSL-based package signing class.
class Gem::Security::Signer
# The chain of certificates for signing including the signing certificate
attr_accessor :cert_chain
# The private key for the signing certificate
attr_accessor :key
# The digest algorithm used to create the signature
attr_reader :digest_algorithm
# The name of the digest algorithm, used to pull digests out of the hash by
# name.
attr_reader :digest_name # :nodoc:
# Creates a new signer with an RSA +key+ or path to a key, and a certificate
# +chain+ containing X509 certificates, encoding certificates or paths to
# certificates.
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def initialize key, cert_chain, passphrase = nil
2012-11-29 06:52:18 +00:00
@cert_chain = cert_chain
@key = key
unless @key then
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default_key = File.join Gem.default_key_path
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@key = default_key if File.exist? default_key
unless @cert_chain then
2013-06-04 21:54:58 +00:00
default_cert = File.join Gem.default_cert_path
2012-11-29 06:52:18 +00:00
@cert_chain = [default_cert] if File.exist? default_cert
@digest_algorithm = Gem::Security::DIGEST_ALGORITHM
@digest_name = Gem::Security::DIGEST_NAME
2013-07-09 23:21:36 +00:00
@key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new File.read(@key), passphrase if
2012-11-29 06:52:18 +00:00
@key and not OpenSSL::PKey::RSA === @key
if @cert_chain then
@cert_chain = @cert_chain.compact.map do |cert|
next cert if OpenSSL::X509::Certificate === cert
cert = File.read cert if File.exist? cert
OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new cert
# Loads any missing issuers in the cert chain from the trusted certificates.
# If the issuer does not exist it is ignored as it will be checked later.
def load_cert_chain # :nodoc:
return if @cert_chain.empty?
while @cert_chain.first.issuer.to_s != @cert_chain.first.subject.to_s do
issuer = Gem::Security.trust_dir.issuer_of @cert_chain.first
break unless issuer # cert chain is verified later
@cert_chain.unshift issuer
# Sign data with given digest algorithm
def sign data
return unless @key
if @cert_chain.length == 1 and @cert_chain.last.not_after < Time.now then
Gem::Security::SigningPolicy.verify @cert_chain, @key
@key.sign @digest_algorithm.new, data
# Attempts to re-sign the private key if the signing certificate is expired.
# The key will be re-signed if:
# * The expired certificate is self-signed
# * The expired certificate is saved at ~/.gem/gem-public_cert.pem
# * There is no file matching the expiry date at
# ~/.gem/gem-public_cert.pem.expired.%Y%m%d%H%M%S
# If the signing certificate can be re-signed the expired certificate will
# be saved as ~/.gem/gem-pubilc_cert.pem.expired.%Y%m%d%H%M%S where the
# expiry time (not after) is used for the timestamp.
def re_sign_key # :nodoc:
old_cert = @cert_chain.last
2013-06-04 21:54:58 +00:00
disk_cert_path = File.join Gem.default_cert_path
2012-11-29 06:52:18 +00:00
disk_cert = File.read disk_cert_path rescue nil
disk_key =
2013-06-04 21:54:58 +00:00
File.read File.join(Gem.default_key_path) rescue nil
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if disk_key == @key.to_pem and disk_cert == old_cert.to_pem then
expiry = old_cert.not_after.strftime '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
old_cert_file = "gem-public_cert.pem.expired.#{expiry}"
2013-06-04 21:54:58 +00:00
old_cert_path = File.join Gem.user_home, ".gem", old_cert_file
2012-11-29 06:52:18 +00:00
unless File.exist? old_cert_path then
Gem::Security.write old_cert, old_cert_path
cert = Gem::Security.re_sign old_cert, @key
Gem::Security.write cert, disk_cert_path
@cert_chain = [cert]