2020-01-01 02:04:41 +09:00
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
require 'irb/ruby-lex'
2019-12-27 13:17:02 -05:00
require 'test/unit'
2020-01-01 01:37:38 +09:00
require 'ostruct'
2019-12-27 13:17:02 -05:00
module TestIRB
class TestRubyLex < Test::Unit::TestCase
Row = Struct.new(:content, :current_line_spaces, :new_line_spaces)
class MockIO
def initialize(params, &assertion)
@params = params
@assertion = assertion
def auto_indent(&block)
result = block.call(*@params)
def assert_indenting(lines, correct_space_count, add_new_line)
lines = lines + [""] if add_new_line
last_line_index = lines.length - 1
byte_pointer = lines.last.length
ruby_lex = RubyLex.new()
io = MockIO.new([lines, last_line_index, byte_pointer, add_new_line]) do |auto_indent|
error_message = "Calculated the wrong number of spaces for:\n #{lines.join("\n")}"
assert_equal(correct_space_count, auto_indent, error_message)
context = OpenStruct.new(auto_indent_mode: true)
def test_auto_indent
input_with_correct_indents = [
Row.new(%q(def each_top_level_statement), nil, 2),
Row.new(%q( initialize_input), nil, 2),
Row.new(%q( catch(:TERM_INPUT) do), nil, 4),
Row.new(%q( loop do), nil, 6),
Row.new(%q( begin), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( prompt), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( unless l = lex), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( throw :TERM_INPUT if @line == ''), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( else), 8, 10),
Row.new(%q( @line_no += l.count("\n")), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( next if l == "\n"), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( @line.concat l), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( if @code_block_open or @ltype or @continue or @indent > 0), nil, 12),
Row.new(%q( next), nil, 12),
Row.new(%q( end), 10, 10),
Row.new(%q( end), 8, 8),
Row.new(%q( if @line != "\n"), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( @line.force_encoding(@io.encoding)), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( yield @line, @exp_line_no), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( end), 8, 8),
Row.new(%q( break if @io.eof?), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( @line = ''), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( @exp_line_no = @line_no), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( ), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( @indent = 0), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( rescue TerminateLineInput), 6, 8),
Row.new(%q( initialize_input), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( prompt), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( end), 6, 6),
Row.new(%q( end), 4, 4),
Row.new(%q( end), 2, 2),
Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0),
lines = []
input_with_correct_indents.each do |row|
lines << row.content
assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false)
assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true)