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* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
# tkcanvas.rb - Tk canvas classes
# $Date$
# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@caelum.co.jp>
# $Date$
# by Hidetoshi Nagai <nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp>
require "tk"
require 'tkfont'
module TkTreatCItemFont
include TkTreatItemFont
ItemCMD = ['itemconfigure', TkComm::None]
def __conf_cmd(idx)
def __item_pathname(tagOrId)
if tagOrId.kind_of?(TkcItem) || tagOrId.kind_of?(TkcTag)
self.path + ';' + tagOrId.id.to_s
self.path + ';' + tagOrId.to_s
class TkCanvas<TkWindow
include TkTreatCItemFont
include Scrollable
WidgetClassName = 'Canvas'.freeze
WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] = self
def self.to_eval
def create_self(keys)
if keys and keys != None
tk_call 'canvas', @path, *hash_kv(keys)
tk_call 'canvas', @path
def tagid(tag)
if tag.kind_of?(TkcItem) || tag.kind_of?(TkcTag)
private :tagid
def addtag(tag, mode, *args)
tk_send 'addtag', tagid(tag), mode, *args
def addtag_above(tagOrId, target)
addtag(tagOrId, 'above', tagid(target))
def addtag_all(tagOrId)
addtag(tagOrId, 'all')
def addtag_below(tagOrId, target)
addtag(tagOrId, 'below', tagid(target))
def addtag_closest(tagOrId, x, y, halo=None, start=None)
addtag(tagOrId, 'closest', x, y, halo, start)
def addtag_enclosed(tagOrId, x1, y1, x2, y2)
addtag(tagOrId, 'enclosed', x1, y1, x2, y2)
def addtag_overlapping(tagOrId, x1, y1, x2, y2)
addtag(tagOrId, 'overlapping', x1, y1, x2, y2)
def addtag_withtag(tagOrId, tag)
addtag(tagOrId, 'withtag', tagid(tag))
def bbox(tagOrId, *tags)
list(tk_send('bbox', tagid(tagOrId), *tags.collect{|t| tagid(t)}))
def itembind(tag, context, cmd=Proc.new, args=nil)
_bind([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, args)
def itembind_append(tag, context, cmd=Proc.new, args=nil)
_bind_append([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context, cmd, args)
def itembindinfo(tag, context=nil)
_bindinfo([path, "bind", tagid(tag)], context)
def canvasx(x, *args)
tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('canvasx', x, *args))
def canvasy(y, *args)
tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('canvasy', y, *args))
def coords(tag, *args)
if args == []
tk_split_list(tk_send('coords', tagid(tag)))
tk_send('coords', tagid(tag), *args)
def dchars(tag, first, last=None)
tk_send 'dchars', tagid(tag), first, last
def delete(*args)
tk_send 'delete', *args.collect{|t| tagid(t)}
alias remove delete
def dtag(tag, tag_to_del=None)
tk_send 'dtag', tagid(tag), tag_to_del
def find(mode, *args)
list(tk_send('find', mode, *args)).collect!{|id|
TkcItem.id2obj(self, id)
def find_above(target)
find('above', tagid(target))
def find_all
def find_below(target)
find('below', tagid(target))
def find_closest(x, y, halo=None, start=None)
find('closest', x, y, halo, start)
def find_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
find('enclosed', x1, y1, x2, y2)
def find_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
find('overlapping', x1, y1, x2, y2)
def find_withtag(tag)
find('withtag', tag)
def itemfocus(tagOrId=nil)
if tagOrId
tk_send 'focus', tagid(tagOrId)
ret = tk_send('focus')
if ret == ""
TkcItem.id2obj(self, ret)
def gettags(tagOrId)
list(tk_send('gettags', tagid(tagOrId))).collect{|tag|
TkcTag.id2obj(self, tag)
def icursor(tagOrId, index)
tk_send 'icursor', tagid(tagOrId), index
def index(tagOrId, index)
tk_send 'index', tagid(tagOrId), index
def insert(tagOrId, index, string)
tk_send 'insert', tagid(tagOrId), index, string
def itemcget(tagOrId, option)
* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
case option.to_s
when 'dash', 'activedash', 'disableddash'
conf = tk_send('itemcget', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{option}")
if conf =~ /^[0-9]/
when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file', 'maskdata', 'maskfile'
tk_send 'itemcget', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{option}"
tk_tcl2ruby tk_send('itemcget', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{option}")
def itemconfigure(tagOrId, key, value=None)
if key.kind_of? Hash
* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
key = _symbolkey2str(key)
if ( key['font'] || key['kanjifont'] \
|| key['latinfont'] || key['asciifont'] )
tagfont_configure(tagOrId, key.dup)
tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), *hash_kv(key)
* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
if ( key == 'font' || key == :font ||
key == 'kanjifont' || key == :kanjifont ||
key == 'latinfont' || key == :latinfont ||
key == 'asciifont' || key == :asciifont )
tagfont_configure(tagid(tagOrId), {key=>value})
tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}", value
# def itemconfigure(tagOrId, key, value=None)
# if key.kind_of? Hash
# tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), *hash_kv(key)
# else
# tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}", value
# end
# end
# def itemconfigure(tagOrId, keys)
# tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), *hash_kv(keys)
# end
def itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, key=nil)
if key
* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
case key.to_s
when 'dash', 'activedash', 'disableddash'
conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_send('itemconfigure',
tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}"))
if conf[3] && conf[3] =~ /^[0-9]/
conf[3] = list(conf[3])
if conf[4] && conf[4] =~ /^[0-9]/
conf[4] = list(conf[4])
when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file', 'maskdata', 'maskfile'
conf = tk_split_simplelist(tk_send('itemconfigure',
tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}"))
conf = tk_split_list(tk_send('itemconfigure',
tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}"))
conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
case conf[0]
when 'text', 'label', 'show', 'data', 'file', 'maskdata', 'maskfile'
when 'dash', 'activedash', 'disableddash'
if conf[3] && conf[3] =~ /^[0-9]/
conf[3] = list(conf[3])
if conf[4] && conf[4] =~ /^[0-9]/
conf[4] = list(conf[4])
if conf[3]
if conf[3].index('{')
conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
if conf[4]
if conf[4].index('{')
conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
def lower(tag, below=None)
tk_send 'lower', tagid(tag), tagid(below)
def move(tag, x, y)
tk_send 'move', tagid(tag), x, y
def postscript(keys)
tk_send "postscript", *hash_kv(keys)
def raise(tag, above=None)
tk_send 'raise', tagid(tag), tagid(above)
def scale(tag, x, y, xs, ys)
tk_send 'scale', tagid(tag), x, y, xs, ys
def scan_mark(x, y)
tk_send 'scan', 'mark', x, y
def scan_dragto(x, y)
tk_send 'scan', 'dragto', x, y
def select(mode, *args)
tk_send 'select', mode, *args
def select_adjust(tagOrId, index)
select('adjust', tagid(tagOrId), index)
def select_clear
def select_from(tagOrId, index)
select('from', tagid(tagOrId), index)
def select_item
def select_to(tagOrId, index)
select('to', tagid(tagOrId), index)
def itemtype(tag)
TkcItem.type2class(tk_send('type', tagid(tag)))
module TkcTagAccess
include TkComm
include TkTreatTagFont
def addtag(tag)
@c.addtag(tag, 'with', @id)
def bbox
def bind(seq, cmd=Proc.new, args=nil)
@c.itembind @id, seq, cmd, args
def bindinfo(seq=nil)
@c.itembindinfo @id, seq
def cget(option)
@c.itemcget @id, option
def configure(key, value=None)
@c.itemconfigure @id, key, value
# def configure(keys)
# @c.itemconfigure @id, keys
# end
def configinfo(key=nil)
@c.itemconfiginfo @id, key
def coords(*args)
@c.coords @id, *args
def dchars(first, last=None)
@c.dchars @id, first, last
def dtag(tag_to_del=None)
@c.dtag @id, tag_to_del
def find
@c.find 'withtag', @id
alias list find
def focus
@c.itemfocus @id
def gettags
@c.gettags @id
def icursor(index)
@c.icursor @id, index
def index(index)
@c.index @id, index
def insert(beforethis, string)
@c.insert @id, beforethis, string
def lower(belowthis=None)
@c.lower @id, belowthis
def move(xamount, yamount)
@c.move @id, xamount, yamount
def raise(abovethis=None)
@c.raise @id, abovethis
def scale(xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale)
@c.scale @id, xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale
def select_adjust(index)
@c.select('adjust', @id, index)
def select_from(index)
@c.select('from', @id, index)
def select_to(index)
@c.select('to', @id, index)
def itemtype
@c.itemtype @id
* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
# Following operators support logical expressions of canvas tags
# (for Tk8.3+).
# If tag1.path is 't1' and tag2.path is 't2', then
# ltag = tag1 & tag2; ltag.path => "(t1)&&(t2)"
# ltag = tag1 | tag2; ltag.path => "(t1)||(t2)"
# ltag = tag1 ^ tag2; ltag.path => "(t1)^(t2)"
# ltag = - tag1; ltag.path => "!(t1)"
def & (tag)
if tag.kind_of? TkObject
TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')&&(' + tag.path + ')')
TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')&&(' + tag.to_s + ')')
def | (tag)
if tag.kind_of? TkObject
TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')||(' + tag.path + ')')
TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')||(' + tag.to_s + ')')
def ^ (tag)
if tag.kind_of? TkObject
TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')^(' + tag.path + ')')
TkcTagString.new(@c, '(' + @id + ')^(' + tag.to_s + ')')
def -@
TkcTagString.new(@c, '!(' + @id + ')')
class TkcTag<TkObject
include TkcTagAccess
CTagID_TBL = {}
* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
Tk_CanvasTag_ID = ['ctag0000']
def TkcTag.id2obj(canvas, id)
cpath = canvas.path
return id unless CTagID_TBL[cpath]
CTagID_TBL[cpath][id]? CTagID_TBL[cpath][id]: id
def initialize(parent, mode=nil, *args)
if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
@c = parent
@cpath = parent.path
@path = @id = Tk_CanvasTag_ID[0]
CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
Tk_CanvasTag_ID[0] = Tk_CanvasTag_ID[0].succ
if mode
tk_call @c.path, "addtag", @id, mode, *args
def id
return @id
def delete
@c.delete @id
CTagID_TBL[@cpath].delete(@id) if CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
alias remove delete
alias destroy delete
def set_to_above(target)
@c.addtag_above(@id, target)
alias above set_to_above
def set_to_all
alias all set_to_all
def set_to_below(target)
@c.addtag_below(@id, target)
alias below set_to_below
def set_to_closest(x, y, halo=None, start=None)
@c.addtag_closest(@id, x, y, halo, start)
alias closest set_to_closest
def set_to_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
@c.addtag_enclosed(@id, x1, y1, x2, y2)
alias enclosed set_to_enclosed
def set_to_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
@c.addtag_overlapping(@id, x1, y1, x2, y2)
alias overlapping set_to_overlapping
def set_to_withtag(target)
@c.addtag_withtag(@id, target)
alias withtag set_to_withtag
class TkcTagString<TkcTag
def self.new(parent, name, *args)
if CTagID_TBL[parent.path] && CTagID_TBL[parent.path][name]
return CTagID_TBL[parent.path][name]
super(parent, name, *args)
def initialize(parent, name, mode=nil, *args)
if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
@c = parent
@cpath = parent.path
@path = @id = name
CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
if mode
tk_call @c.path, "addtag", @id, mode, *args
* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
TkcNamedTag = TkcTagString
class TkcTagAll<TkcTag
def initialize(parent)
if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
@c = parent
@cpath = parent.path
@path = @id = 'all'
CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
class TkcTagCurrent<TkcTag
def initialize(parent)
if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
@c = parent
@cpath = parent.path
@path = @id = 'current'
CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
class TkcGroup<TkcTag
Tk_cGroup_ID = ['tkcg00000']
def create_self(parent, *args)
if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
@c = parent
@cpath = parent.path
@path = @id = Tk_cGroup_ID[0]
CTagID_TBL[@cpath] = {} unless CTagID_TBL[@cpath]
CTagID_TBL[@cpath][@id] = self
Tk_cGroup_ID[0] = Tk_cGroup_ID[0].succ
add(*args) if args != []
def include(*tags)
for i in tags
i.addtag @id
def exclude(*tags)
for i in tags
i.delete @id
class TkcItem<TkObject
include TkcTagAccess
CItemTypeToClass = {}
CItemID_TBL = {}
def TkcItem.type2class(type)
def TkcItem.id2obj(canvas, id)
cpath = canvas.path
return id unless CItemID_TBL[cpath]
CItemID_TBL[cpath][id]? CItemID_TBL[cpath][id]: id
def initialize(parent, *args)
if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
@parent = @c = parent
@path = parent.path
fontkeys = {}
* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
if args.size == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
args[0] = _symbolkey2str(args[0])
coords = args[0].delete('coords')
if not coords.kind_of?(Array)
fail "coords parameter must be given by an Array"
args[0,0] = coords.flatten
if args[-1].kind_of? Hash
* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
['font', 'kanjifont', 'latinfont', 'asciifont'].each{|key|
fontkeys[key] = keys.delete(key) if keys.key?(key)
args += hash_kv(keys)
@id = create_self(*args).to_i ;# 'canvas item id' is integer number
CItemID_TBL[@path] = {} unless CItemID_TBL[@path]
CItemID_TBL[@path][@id] = self
font_configure(fontkeys) unless fontkeys.empty?
######## old version
# if args[-1].kind_of? Hash
# keys = args.pop
# end
# @id = create_self(*args).to_i ;# 'canvas item id' is integer number
# CItemID_TBL[@path] = {} unless CItemID_TBL[@path]
# CItemID_TBL[@path][@id] = self
# if keys
# # tk_call @path, 'itemconfigure', @id, *hash_kv(keys)
# configure(keys) if keys
# end
def create_self(*args); end
private :create_self
def id
return @id
def delete
@c.delete @id
CItemID_TBL[@path].delete(@id) if CItemID_TBL[@path]
alias remove delete
alias destroy delete
class TkcArc<TkcItem
CItemTypeToClass['arc'] = self
def create_self(*args)
tk_call(@path, 'create', 'arc', *args)
class TkcBitmap<TkcItem
CItemTypeToClass['bitmap'] = self
def create_self(*args)
tk_call(@path, 'create', 'bitmap', *args)
class TkcImage<TkcItem
CItemTypeToClass['image'] = self
def create_self(*args)
tk_call(@path, 'create', 'image', *args)
class TkcLine<TkcItem
CItemTypeToClass['line'] = self
def create_self(*args)
tk_call(@path, 'create', 'line', *args)
class TkcOval<TkcItem
CItemTypeToClass['oval'] = self
def create_self(*args)
tk_call(@path, 'create', 'oval', *args)
class TkcPolygon<TkcItem
CItemTypeToClass['polygon'] = self
def create_self(*args)
tk_call(@path, 'create', 'polygon', *args)
class TkcRectangle<TkcItem
CItemTypeToClass['rectangle'] = self
def create_self(*args)
tk_call(@path, 'create', 'rectangle', *args)
class TkcText<TkcItem
CItemTypeToClass['text'] = self
def create_self(*args)
tk_call(@path, 'create', 'text', *args)
class TkcWindow<TkcItem
CItemTypeToClass['window'] = self
def create_self(*args)
tk_call(@path, 'create', 'window', *args)
class TkImage<TkObject
include Tk
Tk_IMGTBL = {}
Tk_Image_ID = ['i00000']
def initialize(keys=nil)
@path = Tk_Image_ID[0]
Tk_Image_ID[0] = Tk_Image_ID[0].succ
tk_call 'image', 'create', @type, @path, *hash_kv(keys)
Tk_IMGTBL[@path] = self
def delete
Tk_IMGTBL.delete(@id) if @id
tk_call('image', 'delete', @path)
def height
number(tk_call('image', 'height', @path))
def inuse
bool(tk_call('image', 'inuse', @path))
def itemtype
tk_call('image', 'type', @path)
def width
number(tk_call('image', 'width', @path))
def TkImage.names
Tk.tk_call('image', 'names').split.collect!{|id|
(Tk_IMGTBL[id])? Tk_IMGTBL[id] : id
def TkImage.types
Tk.tk_call('image', 'types').split
class TkBitmapImage<TkImage
def initialize(*args)
@type = 'bitmap'
class TkPhotoImage<TkImage
def initialize(*args)
@type = 'photo'
def blank
tk_send 'blank'
def cget(option)
* tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x. * tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval- and loop-proc TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc e.g. TkAfter.new( proc{|obj| 500 - obj.current_interval}, 10, [proc{|obj| p obj.current_args}, 'proc', 1], proc{|obj| p obj.current_args; ['return', 2]}, [proc{|obj| p obj.return_value p ['proc', obj.current_args[0].call(obj.return_value[1], obj.current_args[1])]}, proc{|*args| args[0] + args[1]}, 1], proc{p ['proc', 4]} ).start(100) * tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters. Allow new notation of constructor (also allow old notation). e.g. TkFrame.new('classname'=>'User'){|base| pack f = TkFrame.new(base, :classname=>'ButtonFrame').pack TkButton.new( :parent => f, :text => 'Quit', :command => proc{exit} ).pack( :fill => :x, :pady => 2 ) } * tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor). e.g. c = TkCanvas.new.pack l = TkcLine.new(c, :coords=>[[0,0], [100,100]]) * tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. The priority of their event-loop can be controlled. They accept an optional argument. If it false, they don't exit although the root widget is destroyed. This function is sometimes useful, if it is used with 'restart'. 'mainloop' can't treat Thread#join/value in a callback routine. (e.g. TkButton.new(:command=>proc{p Thread.new{button.invoke}.value}) ) 'mainloop_watchdog' can treat them, but watchdog thread is always running (so, a little heavier than 'mainloop'). If the purpose of using Thread#join/value is to do something under some safe-level, please use Proc object. (e.g. :command=>proc{$SAFE=1;proc{$SAFE=2;button.invoke}.call;p $SAFE}) * tk.rb: Support functions of new 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'. * tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and 'use' parameter. 'app-name' specifies the name and the resource class of the application. If 'app-name' is specified to 'xxx', the application class on the resource database is set to 'Xxx' and the application name is changed by the same rule of Tk.appname method. 'use' specifies the main window for embedding the root widget instead of generating a new window. * tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget constructor to support effective use of Resource Database. For example, the resource 'Xxx*quit.text: QUIT' can set the text of the button generated by the following code. e.g. Tk.restart('Xxx') TkButton.new(nil, 'widgetname'=>'quit', 'command'=>proc{exit}).pack Tk.mainloop * tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string. Add TkOption::new_proc_class. It generates a class to import procedures defined on the resource database. For example, there is a following resource file. ----< resource-test >------------ *CMD.foo: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :foo, args]} *CMD.XXX.bar: {|*args| p [$SAFE, :bar, args]} *Button.command: ruby {p self; p $SAFE; TkOption::CMD::XXX.bar(1,2,3)} --------------------------------- The following code is a sample of use of the resource file. e.g. require 'tk' TkOption.readfile 'resource-test' p TkOption.new_proc_class(:CMD, [:foo], 1) p TkOption.new_proc_class(:XXX, [:bar], 2, false, TkOption::CMD) TkButton.new(:text=>'test').pack Tk.mainloop git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2515 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2002-06-04 07:03:33 +00:00
case option.to_s
when 'data', 'file'
tk_send 'cget', option
tk_tcl2ruby tk_send('cget', option)
def copy(source, *opts)
args = opts.collect{|term|
if term.kind_of?(String) && term.include?(?\s)
tk_send 'copy', source, *args
def data(keys=nil)
tk_send 'data', *hash_kv(keys)
def get(x, y)
tk_send 'get', x, y
def put(data, *to)
if to == []
tk_send 'put', data
tk_send 'put', data, '-to', *to
def read(file, *opts)
args = opts.collect{|term|
if term.kind_of?(String) && term.include?(?\s)
tk_send 'read', file, *args
def redither
tk_send 'redither'
def write(file, *opts)
args = opts.collect{|term|
if term.kind_of?(String) && term.include?(?\s)
tk_send 'write', file, *args