2003-07-31 16:52:40 -04:00
# filebox.rb
# This demonstration script prompts the user to select a file.#
# widget demo prompts the user to select a file (called by 'widget')
# toplevel widget
if defined? ( $filebox_demo ) && $filebox_demo
$filebox_demo . destroy
$filebox_demo = nil
# demo toplevel widget
$filebox_demo = TkToplevel . new { | w |
title ( " File Selection Dialogs " )
iconname ( " filebox " )
positionWindow ( w )
# label
TkLabel . new ( $filebox_demo , 'font' = > $font , 'wraplength' = > '4i' , 'justify' = > 'left' ,
2004-10-11 00:51:21 -04:00
'text' = > " Enter a file name in the entry box or click on the \" Browse \" buttons to select a file name using the file selection dialog. " ) . pack ( 'side' = > 'top' )
2003-07-31 16:52:40 -04:00
# frame
TkFrame . new ( $filebox_demo ) { | frame |
TkButton . new ( frame ) {
text 'Dismiss'
command proc {
tmppath = $filebox_demo
$filebox_demo = nil
tmppath . destroy
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' )
TkButton . new ( frame ) {
text 'Show Code'
command proc { showCode 'filebox' }
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' )
} . pack ( 'side' = > 'bottom' , 'fill' = > 'x' , 'pady' = > '2m' )
# frame
[ 'open' , 'save' ] . each { | type |
TkFrame . new ( $filebox_demo ) { | f |
TkLabel . new ( f , 'text' = > " Select a file to #{ type } : " , 'anchor' = > 'e' ) \
. pack ( 'side' = > 'left' )
TkEntry . new ( f , 'width' = > 20 ) { | e |
pack ( 'side' = > 'left' , 'expand' = > 'yes' , 'fill' = > 'x' )
TkButton . new ( f , 'text' = > 'Browse ...' ,
2004-10-11 00:51:21 -04:00
'command' = > proc { fileDialog $filebox_demo , e , type } ) \
2003-07-31 16:52:40 -04:00
. pack ( 'side' = > 'left' )
pack ( 'fill' = > 'x' , 'padx' = > '1c' , 'pady' = > 3 )
$tk_strictMotif = TkVarAccess . new ( 'tk_strictMotif' )
if ( $tk_platform [ 'platform' ] == 'unix' )
TkCheckButton . new ( $filebox_demo ,
2004-10-11 00:51:21 -04:00
'text' = > 'Use Motif Style Dialog' ,
'variable' = > $tk_strictMotif ,
'onvalue' = > 1 , 'offvalue' = > 0 ) . pack ( 'anchor' = > 'c' )
2003-07-31 16:52:40 -04:00
def fileDialog ( w , ent , operation )
# Type names Extension(s) Mac File Type(s)
types = [
[ 'Text files' , [ '.txt' , '.doc' ] ] ,
[ 'Text files' , [ ] , 'TEXT' ] ,
[ 'Ruby Scripts' , [ '.rb' ] , 'TEXT' ] ,
[ 'Tcl Scripts' , [ '.tcl' ] , 'TEXT' ] ,
[ 'C Source Files' , [ '.c' , '.h' ] ] ,
[ 'All Source Files' , [ '.rb' , '.tcl' , '.c' , '.h' ] ] ,
[ 'Image Files' , [ '.gif' ] ] ,
[ 'Image Files' , [ '.jpeg' , '.jpg' ] ] ,
[ 'Image Files' , [ ] , [ 'GIFF' , 'JPEG' ] ] ,
[ 'All files' , '*' ]
if operation == 'open'
file = Tk . getOpenFile ( 'filetypes' = > types , 'parent' = > w )
file = Tk . getSaveFile ( 'filetypes' = > types , 'parent' = > w ,
2004-10-11 00:51:21 -04:00
'initialfile' = > 'Untitled' ,
'defaultextension' = > '.txt' )
2003-07-31 16:52:40 -04:00
if file != " "
ent . delete 0 , 'end'
ent . insert 0 , file
ent . xview 'end'