diff --git a/numeric.c b/numeric.c
index 224232f603..7a28e32b27 100644
--- a/numeric.c
+++ b/numeric.c
@@ -3338,25 +3338,9 @@ rb_int_even_p(VALUE num)
* call-seq:
- * allbits?(mask) -> true or false
- *
- * Returns +true+ if all bits that are set (=1) in +mask+
- * are also set in +self+; returns +false+ otherwise.
- *
- * Example values:
- *
- * 0b1010101 self
- * 0b1010100 mask
- * 0b1010100 self & mask
- * true self.allbits?(mask)
- *
- * 0b1010100 self
- * 0b1010101 mask
- * 0b1010100 self & mask
- * false self.allbits?(mask)
- *
- * Related: Integer#anybits?, Integer#nobits?.
+ * int.allbits?(mask) -> true or false
+ * Returns +true+ if all bits of +int+ & +mask+
are 1.
static VALUE
@@ -3368,25 +3352,9 @@ int_allbits_p(VALUE num, VALUE mask)
* call-seq:
- * anybits?(mask) -> true or false
- *
- * Returns +true+ if any bit that is set (=1) in +mask+
- * is also set in +self+; returns +false+ otherwise.
- *
- * Example values:
- *
- * 0b10000010 self
- * 0b11111111 mask
- * 0b10000010 self & mask
- * true self.anybits?(mask)
- *
- * 0b00000000 self
- * 0b11111111 mask
- * 0b00000000 self & mask
- * false self.anybits?(mask)
- *
- * Related: Integer#allbits?, Integer#nobits?.
+ * int.anybits?(mask) -> true or false
+ * Returns +true+ if any bits of +int+ & +mask+
are 1.
static VALUE
@@ -3398,25 +3366,9 @@ int_anybits_p(VALUE num, VALUE mask)
* call-seq:
- * nobits?(mask) -> true or false
- *
- * Returns +true+ if no bit that is set (=1) in +mask+
- * is also set in +self+; returns +false+ otherwise.
- *
- * Example values:
- *
- * 0b11110000 self
- * 0b00001111 mask
- * 0b00000000 self & mask
- * true self.nobits?(mask)
- *
- * 0b00000001 self
- * 0b11111111 mask
- * 0b00000001 self & mask
- * false self.nobits?(mask)
- *
- * Related: Integer#allbits?, Integer#anybits?.
+ * int.nobits?(mask) -> true or false
+ * Returns +true+ if no bits of +int+ & +mask+
are 1.
static VALUE
@@ -3427,17 +3379,19 @@ int_nobits_p(VALUE num, VALUE mask)
+ * Document-method: Integer#succ
+ * Document-method: Integer#next
* call-seq:
- * succ -> next_integer
+ * int.next -> integer
+ * int.succ -> integer
- * Returns the successor integer of +self+ (equivalent to self + 1):
+ * Returns the successor of +int+,
+ * i.e. the Integer equal to int+1
- * 1.succ #=> 2
- * -1.succ #=> 0
- *
- * Integer#next is an alias for Integer#succ.
- *
- * Related: Integer#pred (predecessor value).
+ * 1.next #=> 2
+ * (-1).next #=> 0
+ * 1.succ #=> 2
+ * (-1).succ #=> 0
@@ -3457,15 +3411,13 @@ rb_int_succ(VALUE num)
* call-seq:
- * pred -> next_integer
+ * int.pred -> integer
- * Returns the predecessor of +self+ (equivalent to self - 1):
- *
- * 1.pred #=> 0
- * -1.pred #=> -2
- *
- * Related: Integer#succ (successor value).
+ * Returns the predecessor of +int+,
+ * i.e. the Integer equal to int-1
+ * 1.pred #=> 0
+ * (-1).pred #=> -2
static VALUE
@@ -3483,6 +3435,19 @@ rb_int_pred(VALUE num)
#define int_pred rb_int_pred
+ * Document-method: Integer#chr
+ * call-seq:
+ * int.chr([encoding]) -> string
+ *
+ * Returns a string containing the character represented by the +int+'s value
+ * according to +encoding+.
+ *
+ * 65.chr #=> "A"
+ * 230.chr #=> "\xE6"
+ * 255.chr(Encoding::UTF_8) #=> "\u00FF"
+ */
rb_enc_uint_chr(unsigned int code, rb_encoding *enc)
@@ -3505,24 +3470,6 @@ rb_enc_uint_chr(unsigned int code, rb_encoding *enc)
return str;
- * call-seq:
- * chr(encoding = Encoding.default_internal) -> string
- *
- * Returns a 1-character string containing the character
- * represented by the value of +self+, according to the given +encoding+.
- *
- * 65.chr # => "A"
- * 0..chr # => "\x00"
- * 255.chr # => "\xFF"
- * 255.chr(Encoding::UTF_8) # => "ΓΏ"
- *
- * Raises an exception if +self+ is negative.
- *
- * Related: Integer#ord.
- *
- */
static VALUE
int_chr(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE num)
@@ -3588,6 +3535,23 @@ rb_int_uminus(VALUE num)
+ * Document-method: Integer#to_s
+ * call-seq:
+ * int.to_s(base=10) -> string
+ *
+ * Returns a string containing the place-value representation of +int+
+ * with radix +base+ (between 2 and 36).
+ *
+ * 12345.to_s #=> "12345"
+ * 12345.to_s(2) #=> "11000000111001"
+ * 12345.to_s(8) #=> "30071"
+ * 12345.to_s(10) #=> "12345"
+ * 12345.to_s(16) #=> "3039"
+ * 12345.to_s(36) #=> "9ix"
+ * 78546939656932.to_s(36) #=> "rubyrules"
+ */
rb_fix2str(VALUE x, int base)
@@ -3630,27 +3594,6 @@ rb_fix2str(VALUE x, int base)
return rb_usascii_str_new(b, e - b);
- * call-seq:
- * to_s(base = 10) -> string
- *
- * Returns a string containing the place-value representation of +self+
- * in radix +base+ (in 2..36).
- *
- * 12345.to_s # => "12345"
- * 12345.to_s(2) # => "11000000111001"
- * 12345.to_s(8) # => "30071"
- * 12345.to_s(10) # => "12345"
- * 12345.to_s(16) # => "3039"
- * 12345.to_s(36) # => "9ix"
- * 78546939656932.to_s(36) # => "rubyrules"
- *
- * Raises an exception if +base+ is out of range.
- *
- * Integer#inspect is an alias for Integer#to_s.
- *
- */
static VALUE
int_to_s(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE x)
@@ -3676,6 +3619,15 @@ rb_int2str(VALUE x, int base)
return rb_any_to_s(x);
+ * Document-method: Integer#+
+ * call-seq:
+ * int + numeric -> numeric_result
+ *
+ * Performs addition: the class of the resulting object depends on
+ * the class of +numeric+.
+ */
static VALUE
fix_plus(VALUE x, VALUE y)
@@ -3702,21 +3654,6 @@ rb_fix_plus(VALUE x, VALUE y)
return fix_plus(x, y);
- * call-seq:
- * self + numeric -> numeric
- *
- * Performs addition:
- *
- * 2 + 2 # => 4
- * -2 + 2 # => 0
- * -2 + -2 # => -4
- * 2 + 2.0 # => 4.0
- * 2 + Rational(2, 1) # => (4/1)
- * 2 + Complex(2, 0) # => (4+0i)
- *
- */
rb_int_plus(VALUE x, VALUE y)
@@ -3729,6 +3666,15 @@ rb_int_plus(VALUE x, VALUE y)
return rb_num_coerce_bin(x, y, '+');
+ * Document-method: Integer#-
+ * call-seq:
+ * int - numeric -> numeric_result
+ *
+ * Performs subtraction: the class of the resulting object depends on
+ * the class of +numeric+.
+ */
static VALUE
fix_minus(VALUE x, VALUE y)
@@ -3747,21 +3693,6 @@ fix_minus(VALUE x, VALUE y)
- * call-seq:
- * int - numeric -> numeric
- *
- * Performs subtraction:
- *
- * 4 - 2 # => 2
- * -4 - 2 # => -6
- * -4 - -2 # => -2
- * 4 - 2.0 # => 2.0
- * 4 - Rational(2, 1) # => (2/1)
- * 4 - Complex(2, 0) # => (2+0i)
- *
- */
rb_int_minus(VALUE x, VALUE y)