diff --git a/array.c b/array.c index e9e1773179..82d374d0ba 100644 --- a/array.c +++ b/array.c @@ -5001,7 +5001,7 @@ recursive_eql(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2, int recur) * * Otherwise, returns +false+. * - * This method is different from method {Array#==}[#method-i-3D-3D], + * This method is different from method Array#==, * which compares using method Object#==. */ @@ -8119,10 +8119,11 @@ rb_ary_deconstruct(VALUE ary) * #hash:: Returns the integer hash code. * * === Methods for Comparing - * {#<=>}[#method-i-3C-3D-3E]:: Returns -1, 0, or 1 - * as +self+ is less than, equal to, or greater than a given object. - * {#==}[#method-i-3D-3D]:: Returns whether each element in +self+ is == to the - * corresponding element in a given object. + + * #<=>:: Returns -1, 0, or 1 as +self+ is less than, equal to, or greater than a given + * object. + * #==:: Returns whether each element in +self+ is == to the corresponding element + * in a given object. * #eql?:: Returns whether each element in +self+ is eql? to the corresponding * element in a given object. @@ -8202,13 +8203,13 @@ rb_ary_deconstruct(VALUE ary) * * === Methods for Combining * - * {#&}[#method-i-26]:: Returns an array containing elements found both in +self+ and a given array. + * #&:: Returns an array containing elements found both in +self+ and a given array. * #intersection:: Returns an array containing elements found both in +self+ * and in each given array. * #+:: Returns an array containing all elements of +self+ followed by all elements of a given array. * #-:: Returns an array containiing all elements of +self+ that are not found in a given array. - * {#|}[#method-i-7C]:: Returns an array containing all elements of +self+ and all elements of a given array, - * duplicates removed. + * #|:: Returns an array containing all elements of +self+ and all elements of a given array, + * duplicates removed. * #union:: Returns an array containing all elements of +self+ and all elements of given arrays, * duplicates removed. * #difference:: Returns an array containing all elements of +self+ that are not found diff --git a/compar.c b/compar.c index e9d1ac41f9..c82d44c103 100644 --- a/compar.c +++ b/compar.c @@ -288,13 +288,11 @@ cmp_clamp(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE x) * * \Module \Comparable provides these methods, all of which use method <=>: * - * - {<}[#method-i-3C]:: Returns whether +self+ is less than the given object. - * - {<=}[#method-i-3C-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ is less than or equal to - * the given object. - * - {==}[#method-i-3D-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ is equal to the given object. - * - {>}[#method-i-3E]:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than or equal to - * the given object. - * - {>=}[#method-i-3E-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than the given object. + * - #<:: Returns whether +self+ is less than the given object. + * - #<=:: Returns whether +self+ is less than or equal to the given object. + * - #==:: Returns whether +self+ is equal to the given object. + * - #>:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than or equal to the given object. + * - #>=:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than the given object. * - #between? Returns +true+ if +self+ is between two given objects. * - #clamp:: For given objects +min+ and +max+, or range (min..max), returns: * - +min+ if (self <=> min) < 0. diff --git a/hash.c b/hash.c index ad8ce23e2e..630117ae8a 100644 --- a/hash.c +++ b/hash.c @@ -7063,11 +7063,11 @@ static const rb_data_type_t env_data_type = { * * ==== Methods for Comparing * - * {#<}[#method-i-3C]:: Returns whether +self+ is a proper subset of a given object. - * {#<=}[#method-i-3C-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ is a subset of a given object. - * {#==}[#method-i-3D-3D]:: Returns whether a given object is equal to +self+. - * {#>}[#method-i-3E]:: Returns whether +self+ is a proper superset of a given object - * {#>=}[#method-i-3E-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ is a proper superset of a given object. + * #<:: Returns whether +self+ is a proper subset of a given object. + * #<=:: Returns whether +self+ is a subset of a given object. + * #==:: Returns whether a given object is equal to +self+. + * #>:: Returns whether +self+ is a proper superset of a given object + * #>=:: Returns whether +self+ is a proper superset of a given object. * * ==== Methods for Fetching * diff --git a/io.c b/io.c index 2acecb550b..88897960ab 100644 --- a/io.c +++ b/io.c @@ -14432,7 +14432,7 @@ set_LAST_READ_LINE(VALUE val, ID _x, VALUE *_y) * - ::binwrite:: Writes the given string to the file at the given filepath, * in binary mode. * - ::write:: Writes the given string to +self+. - * - {::<<}[#method-i-3C-3C]:: Appends the given string to +self+. + * - ::<<:: Appends the given string to +self+. * - #print:: Prints last read line or given objects to +self+. * - #printf:: Writes to +self+ based on the given format string and objects. * - #putc:: Writes a character to +self+. diff --git a/numeric.c b/numeric.c index b2f41a3f86..61f93c4f01 100644 --- a/numeric.c +++ b/numeric.c @@ -975,25 +975,24 @@ num_negative_p(VALUE num) * * === Comparing * - * - {<}[#method-i-3C]:: Returns whether +self+ is less than the given value. - * - {<=}[#method-i-3C-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ is less than - * or equal to the given value. - * - {<=>}[#method-i-3C-3D-3E]:: Returns a number indicating whether +self+ is less than, - * equal to, or greater than the given value. - * - {==}[#method-i-3D-3D] (aliased as #=== and #eql>):: Returns whether +self+ is - * equal to the given value. - * - {>}[#method-i-3E]:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than the given value. - * - {>=}[#method-i-3E-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than - * or equal to the given value. + * - #<:: Returns whether +self+ is less than the given value. + * - #<=:: Returns whether +self+ is less than or equal to the given value. + * - #<=>:: Returns a number indicating whether +self+ is less than, equal + * to, or greater than the given value. + * - #== (aliased as #=== and #eql?):: Returns whether +self+ is equal to + * the given value. + * - #>:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than the given value. + * - #>=:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than or equal to the given + * value. * * === Converting * * - #% (aliased as #modulo):: Returns +self+ modulo the given value. * - #*:: Returns the product of +self+ and the given value. - * - {**}[#method-i-2A-2A]:: Returns the value of +self+ raised to the power of the given value. + * - #**:: Returns the value of +self+ raised to the power of the given value. * - #+:: Returns the sum of +self+ and the given value. * - #-:: Returns the difference of +self+ and the given value. - * - {/}[#method-i-2F]:: Returns the quotient of +self+ and the given value. + * - #/:: Returns the quotient of +self+ and the given value. * - #ceil:: Returns the smallest number greater than or equal to +self+. * - #coerce:: Returns a 2-element array containing the given value converted to a \Float and +self+ @@ -3512,32 +3511,31 @@ rb_num2ull(VALUE val) * * === Comparing * - * - {<}[#method-i-3C]:: Returns whether +self+ is less than the given value. - * - {<=}[#method-i-3C-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ is less than - * or equal to the given value. - * - {<=>}[#method-i-3C-3D-3E]:: Returns a number indicating whether +self+ is less than, - * equal to, or greater than the given value. - * - {==}[#method-i-3D-3D] (aliased as #===):: Returns whether +self+ is - * equal to the given value. - * - {>}[#method-i-3E]:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than the given value. - * - {>=}[#method-i-3E-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than - * or equal to the given value. + * - #<:: Returns whether +self+ is less than the given value. + * - #<=:: Returns whether +self+ is less than or equal to the given value. + * - #<=>:: Returns a number indicating whether +self+ is less than, equal + * to, or greater than the given value. + * - #== (aliased as #===):: Returns whether +self+ is equal to the given + * value. + * - #>:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than the given value. + * - #>=:: Returns whether +self+ is greater than or equal to the given + * value. * * === Converting * * - ::sqrt:: Returns the integer square root of the given value. * - ::try_convert:: Returns the given value converted to an \Integer. * - #% (aliased as #modulo):: Returns +self+ modulo the given value. - * - {&}[#method-i-26]:: Returns the bitwise AND of +self+ and the given value. + * - #&:: Returns the bitwise AND of +self+ and the given value. * - #*:: Returns the product of +self+ and the given value. - * - {**}[#method-i-2A-2A]:: Returns the value of +self+ raised to the power of the given value. + * - #**:: Returns the value of +self+ raised to the power of the given value. * - #+:: Returns the sum of +self+ and the given value. * - #-:: Returns the difference of +self+ and the given value. - * - {/}[#method-i-2F]:: Returns the quotient of +self+ and the given value. + * - #/:: Returns the quotient of +self+ and the given value. * - #<<:: Returns the value of +self+ after a leftward bit-shift. * - #>>:: Returns the value of +self+ after a rightward bit-shift. * - #[]:: Returns a slice of bits from +self+. - * - {^}[#method-i-5E]:: Returns the bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR of +self+ and the given value. + * - #^:: Returns the bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR of +self+ and the given value. * - #ceil:: Returns the smallest number greater than or equal to +self+. * - #chr:: Returns a 1-character string containing the character * represented by the value of +self+. @@ -3557,7 +3555,7 @@ rb_num2ull(VALUE val) * - #to_s (aliased as #inspect):: Returns a string containing the place-value * representation of +self+ in the given radix. * - #truncate:: Returns +self+ truncated to the given precision. - * - {/}[#method-i-7C]:: Returns the bitwise OR of +self+ and the given value. + * - #/:: Returns the bitwise OR of +self+ and the given value. * * === Other * @@ -6123,7 +6121,7 @@ int_s_try_convert(VALUE self, VALUE num) * * === Comparing * - * - {<=>}[#method-i-3C-3D-3E]:: Returns: + * - #<=>:: Returns: * - -1 if +self+ is less than the given value. * - 0 if +self+ is equal to the given value. * - 1 if +self+ is greater than the given value. diff --git a/object.c b/object.c index 586c5f9ccd..33715a5714 100644 --- a/object.c +++ b/object.c @@ -4119,11 +4119,9 @@ f_sprintf(int c, const VALUE *v, VALUE _) * These are the methods defined for \BasicObject: * * - ::new:: Returns a new \BasicObject instance. - * - {!}[#method-i-21]:: Returns the boolean negation of +self+: +true+ or +false+. - * - {!=}[#method-i-21-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ and the given object - * are _not_ equal. - * - {==}[#method-i-3D-3D]:: Returns whether +self+ and the given object - * are equivalent. + * - #!:: Returns the boolean negation of +self+: +true+ or +false+. + * - #!=:: Returns whether +self+ and the given object are _not_ equal. + * - #==:: Returns whether +self+ and the given object are equivalent. * - {__id__}[#method-i-__id__]:: Returns the integer object identifier for +self+. * - {__send__}[#method-i-__send__]:: Calls the method identified by the given symbol. * - #equal?:: Returns whether +self+ and the given object are the same object. @@ -4173,11 +4171,10 @@ f_sprintf(int c, const VALUE *v, VALUE _) * * === Querying * - * - {!~}[#method-i-21~]:: Returns +true+ if +self+ does not match the given object, - * otherwise +false+. - * - {<=>}[#method-i-3C-3D-3E]:: Returns 0 if +self+ and the given object +object+ - * are the same object, or if - * self == object; otherwise returns +nil+. + * - #!~:: Returns +true+ if +self+ does not match the given object, + * otherwise +false+. + * - #<=>:: Returns 0 if +self+ and the given object +object+ are the same + * object, or if self == object; otherwise returns +nil+. * - #===:: Implements case equality, effectively the same as calling #==. * - #eql?:: Implements hash equality, effectively the same as calling #==. * - #kind_of? (aliased as #is_a?):: Returns whether given argument is an ancestor @@ -4319,14 +4316,13 @@ InitVM_Object(void) * * === Converting * - * - {#Array}[#method-i-Array]:: Returns an Array based on the given argument. - * - {#Complex}[#method-i-Complex]:: Returns a Complex based on the given arguments. - * - {#Float}[#method-i-Float]:: Returns a Float based on the given arguments. - * - {#Hash}[#method-i-Hash]:: Returns a Hash based on the given argument. - * - {#Integer}[#method-i-Integer]:: Returns an Integer based on the given arguments. - * - {#Rational}[#method-i-Rational]:: Returns a Rational - * based on the given arguments. - * - {#String}[#method-i-String]:: Returns a String based on the given argument. + * - #Array:: Returns an Array based on the given argument. + * - #Complex:: Returns a Complex based on the given arguments. + * - #Float:: Returns a Float based on the given arguments. + * - #Hash:: Returns a Hash based on the given argument. + * - #Integer:: Returns an Integer based on the given arguments. + * - #Rational:: Returns a Rational based on the given arguments. + * - #String:: Returns a String based on the given argument. * * === Querying * diff --git a/range.c b/range.c index 27f681767f..0e04071ca6 100644 --- a/range.c +++ b/range.c @@ -2171,7 +2171,7 @@ range_count(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE range) * * A user-defined class that is to be used in a range * must implement instance <=>; - * see {Integer#<=>}[Integer.html#method-i-3C-3D-3E]. + * see Integer#<=>. * To make iteration available, it must also implement * instance method +succ+; see Integer#succ. * @@ -2243,8 +2243,7 @@ range_count(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE range) * * === Methods for Comparing * - * - {#==}[#method-i-3D-3D]:: Returns whether a given object is equal to +self+ - * (uses #==). + * - #==:: Returns whether a given object is equal to +self+ (uses #==). * - #===:: Returns whether the given object is between the begin and end values. * - #cover?:: Returns whether a given object is within +self+. * - #eql?:: Returns whether a given object is equal to +self+ (uses #eql?). diff --git a/string.c b/string.c index db6ad756d3..35615e464c 100644 --- a/string.c +++ b/string.c @@ -4188,7 +4188,7 @@ rb_str_rindex_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE str) * returned by object =~ self. * * Note that string =~ regexp is different from regexp =~ string - * (see {Regexp#=~}[Regexp.html#method-i-3D~]): + * (see Regexp#=~): * * number= nil * "no. 9" =~ /(?\d+)/ @@ -11323,9 +11323,10 @@ rb_str_unicode_normalized_p(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE str) * * === Methods for Comparing * - * - {#<=>}[#method-i-3C-3D-3E]:: Returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given symbol is smaller than, equal to, or larger than symbol. - * - {#==, #===}[#method-i-3D-3D]:: Returns +true+ if a given symbol - * has the same content and encoding. + * - #<=>:: Returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given symbol is smaller than, equal to, + * or larger than symbol. + * - #==, #===:: Returns +true+ if a given symbol has the same content and + * encoding. * - #casecmp:: Ignoring case, returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given * symbol is smaller than, equal to, or larger than symbol. * - #casecmp?:: Returns +true+ if symbol is equal to a given symbol @@ -12116,10 +12117,10 @@ rb_enc_interned_str_cstr(const char *ptr, rb_encoding *enc) * * === Methods for a Frozen/Unfrozen String * - * - {#+string}[#method-i-2B-40]:: Returns a string that is not frozen: - * +self+, if not frozen; +self.dup+ otherwise. - * - {#-string}[#method-i-2D-40]:: Returns a string that is frozen: - * +self+, if already frozen; +self.freeze+ otherwise. + * - #+string:: Returns a string that is not frozen: +self+, if not frozen; + * +self.dup+ otherwise. + * - #-string:: Returns a string that is frozen: +self+, if already frozen; + * +self.freeze+ otherwise. * - #freeze:: Freezes +self+, if not already frozen; returns +self+. * * === Methods for Querying @@ -12160,9 +12161,10 @@ rb_enc_interned_str_cstr(const char *ptr, rb_encoding *enc) * * === Methods for Comparing * - * - {#==, #===}[#method-i-3D-3D]:: Returns +true+ if a given other string has the same content as +self+. + * - #==, #===:: Returns +true+ if a given other string has the same content as +self+. * - #eql?:: Returns +true+ if the content is the same as the given other string. - * - {#<=>}[#method-i-3C-3D-3E]:: Returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given other string is smaller than, equal to, or larger than +self+. + * - #<=>:: Returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given other string is smaller than, + * equal to, or larger than +self+. * - #casecmp:: Ignoring case, returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given * other string is smaller than, equal to, or larger than +self+. * - #casecmp?:: Returns +true+ if the string is equal to a given string after Unicode case folding; diff --git a/struct.c b/struct.c index 0fd54591e8..8b19266e62 100644 --- a/struct.c +++ b/struct.c @@ -1587,8 +1587,8 @@ rb_struct_dig(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) * * === Methods for Comparing * - * {#==}[#method-i-3D-3D]:: Returns whether a given object is equal to +self+, - * using == to compare member values. + * #==:: Returns whether a given object is equal to +self+, using == + * to compare member values. * #eql?:: Returns whether a given object is equal to +self+, * using eql? to compare member values. * diff --git a/timev.rb b/timev.rb index 892740c5a2..a570f047c5 100644 --- a/timev.rb +++ b/timev.rb @@ -117,8 +117,7 @@ # - ::at: Returns a new time based on seconds since epoch. # - ::now: Returns a new time based on the current system time. # - #+ (plus): Returns a new time increased by the given number of seconds. -# - {-}[#method-i-2D] (minus): Returns a new time -# decreased by the given number of seconds. +# - #- (minus): Returns a new time decreased by the given number of seconds. # # === Methods for Fetching # @@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ # # === Methods for Comparing # -# - {#<=>}[#method-i-3C-3D-3E]: Compares +self+ to another time. +# - #<=>: Compares +self+ to another time. # - #eql?: Returns whether the time is equal to another time. # # === Methods for Converting