From 51ae7f6e9aa24a136115dae1853779055bbd9eb4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: marcandre <marcandre@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 10:22:05 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * io.c: Fix documentation for each/each_line/lines,
 bytes/each_byte,   codepoints/each_code_point [ruby-core:23948]

* string.c: ditto

* ext/stringio/stringio.c: ditto

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
 ChangeLog               |   9 ++++
 ext/stringio/stringio.c |  20 +++++++
 io.c                    | 116 ++++++++++++++++------------------------
 string.c                |  75 ++++++++------------------
 4 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index fa872f91da..b7472c829d 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+Sun Mar  7 19:21:10 2010  Marc-Andre Lafortune  <>
+	* io.c: Fix documentation for each/each_line/lines, bytes/each_byte,
+	  codepoints/each_code_point [ruby-core:23948]
+	* string.c: ditto
+	* ext/stringio/stringio.c: ditto
 Sun Mar  7 13:49:49 2010  Tanaka Akira  <>
 	* file.c: add optional basedir argument for realpath/realdirpath.
diff --git a/ext/stringio/stringio.c b/ext/stringio/stringio.c
index faf974e78d..bc02d6fece 100644
--- a/ext/stringio/stringio.c
+++ b/ext/stringio/stringio.c
@@ -615,7 +615,11 @@ strio_get_sync(VALUE self)
  * call-seq:
+ *   strio.bytes {|byte| block }      -> strio
+ *   strio.bytes                      -> anEnumerator
+ *
  *   strio.each_byte {|byte| block }  -> strio
+ *   strio.each_byte                  -> anEnumerator
  * See IO#each_byte.
@@ -821,7 +825,11 @@ strio_readbyte(VALUE self)
  * call-seq:
+ *   strio.chars {|char| block }      -> strio
+ *   strio.chars                      -> anEnumerator
+ *
  *   strio.each_char {|char| block }  -> strio
+ *   strio.each_char                  -> anEnumerator
  * See IO#each_char.
@@ -840,7 +848,11 @@ strio_each_char(VALUE self)
  * call-seq:
+ *   strio.codepoints {|c| block }      -> strio
+ *   strio.codepoints                   -> anEnumerator
+ *
  *   strio.each_codepoint {|c| block }  -> strio
+ *   strio.each_codepoint               -> anEnumerator
  * See IO#each_codepoint.
@@ -1031,9 +1043,17 @@ strio_readline(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  *   strio.each(sep=$/) {|line| block }         -> strio
  *   strio.each(limit) {|line| block }          -> strio
  *   strio.each(sep, limit) {|line| block }     -> strio
+ *   strio.each(...)                            -> anEnumerator
+ *
  *   strio.each_line(sep=$/) {|line| block }    -> strio
  *   strio.each_line(limit) {|line| block }     -> strio
  *   strio.each_line(sep,limit) {|line| block } -> strio
+ *   strio.each_line(...)                       -> anEnumerator
+ *
+ *   strio.lines(sep=$/) {|line| block }        -> strio
+ *   strio.lines(limit) {|line| block }         -> strio
+ *   strio.lines(sep,limit) {|line| block }     -> strio
+ *   strio.lines(...)                           -> anEnumerator
  * See IO#each.
diff --git a/io.c b/io.c
index 7f5fc3548e..b1a89b4502 100644
--- a/io.c
+++ b/io.c
@@ -2611,35 +2611,29 @@ rb_io_readlines(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE io)
     return ary;
- *  call-seq:
- *     ios.lines(sep=$/)     => anEnumerator
- *     ios.lines(limit)      => anEnumerator
- *     ios.lines(sep, limit) => anEnumerator
- *
- *  Returns an enumerator that gives each line in <em>ios</em>.
- *  The stream must be opened for reading or an <code>IOError</code>
- *  will be raised.
- *
- *     f ="testfile")
- *     f.lines.to_a  #=> ["foo\n", "bar\n"]
- *     f.rewind
- *     f.lines.sort  #=> ["bar\n", "foo\n"]
- */
  *  call-seq:
  *     ios.each(sep=$/) {|line| block }         => ios
  *     ios.each(limit) {|line| block }          => ios
  *     ios.each(sep,limit) {|line| block }      => ios
+ *     ios.each(...)                            => anEnumerator
+ *
  *     ios.each_line(sep=$/) {|line| block }    => ios
  *     ios.each_line(limit) {|line| block }     => ios
  *     ios.each_line(sep,limit) {|line| block } => ios
+ *     ios.each_line(...)                       => anEnumerator
+ *
+ *     ios.lines(sep=$/) {|line| block }        => ios
+ *     ios.lines(limit) {|line| block }         => ios
+ *     ios.lines(sep,limit) {|line| block }     => ios
+ *     ios.lines(...)                           => anEnumerator
  *  Executes the block for every line in <em>ios</em>, where lines are
  *  separated by <i>sep</i>. <em>ios</em> must be opened for
  *  reading or an <code>IOError</code> will be raised.
+ *  If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
+ *
  *     f ="testfile")
  *     f.each {|line| puts "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }
@@ -2667,26 +2661,18 @@ rb_io_each_line(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE io)
  *  call-seq:
- *     ios.bytes   => anEnumerator
+ *     ios.bytes {|byte| block }      => ios
+ *     ios.bytes                      => anEnumerator
- *  Returns an enumerator that gives each byte (0..255) in <em>ios</em>.
- *  The stream must be opened for reading or an <code>IOError</code>
- *  will be raised.
- *
- *     f ="testfile")
- *     f.bytes.to_a  #=> [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
- *     f.rewind
- *     f.bytes.sort  #=> [101, 104, 108, 108, 111]
- */
- *  call-seq:
  *     ios.each_byte {|byte| block }  => ios
+ *     ios.each_byte                  => anEnumerator
  *  Calls the given block once for each byte (0..255) in <em>ios</em>,
  *  passing the byte as an argument. The stream must be opened for
  *  reading or an <code>IOError</code> will be raised.
+ *  If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
+ *
  *     f ="testfile")
  *     checksum = 0
  *     f.each_byte {|x| checksum ^= x }   #=> #<File:testfile>
@@ -2813,26 +2799,18 @@ io_getc(rb_io_t *fptr, rb_encoding *enc)
  *  call-seq:
- *     ios.chars   => anEnumerator
+ *     ios.chars {|c| block }      => ios
+ *     ios.chars                   => anEnumerator
- *  Returns an enumerator that gives each character in <em>ios</em>.
- *  The stream must be opened for reading or an <code>IOError</code>
- *  will be raised.
- *
- *     f ="testfile")
- *     f.chars.to_a  #=> ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
- *     f.rewind
- *     f.chars.sort  #=> ["e", "h", "l", "l", "o"]
- */
- *  call-seq:
  *     ios.each_char {|c| block }  => ios
+ *     ios.each_char               => anEnumerator
  *  Calls the given block once for each character in <em>ios</em>,
  *  passing the character as an argument. The stream must be opened for
  *  reading or an <code>IOError</code> will be raised.
+ *  If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
+ *
  *     f ="testfile")
  *     f.each_char {|c| print c, ' ' }   #=> #<File:testfile>
@@ -9116,24 +9094,23 @@ argf_readbyte(VALUE argf)
  *  call-seq:
- *     ARGF.lines(sep=$/)                      => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.lines(sep=$/)          {|line| }   => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.lines(sep=$/,limit)                => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.lines(sep=$/,limit)    {|line| }   => Enumerator
+ *     ARGF.each(sep=$/)            {|line| block }  => ARGF
+ *     ARGF.each(sep=$/,limit)      {|line| block }  => ARGF
+ *     ARGF.each(...)                                => anEnumerator
- *     ARGF.each_line(sep=$/)                  => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.each_line(sep=$/)       {|line| }  => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.each_line(sep=$/,limit)            => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.each_line(sep=$/,limit) {|line| }  => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.each(sep=$/)                       => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.each(sep=$/)            {|line| }  => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.each(sep=$/,limit)                 => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.each(sep=$/,limit)      {|line| }  => Enumerator
+ *     ARGF.each_line(sep=$/)       {|line| block }  => ARGF
+ *     ARGF.each_line(sep=$/,limit) {|line| block }  => ARGF
+ *     ARGF.each_line(...)                           => anEnumerator
+ *
+ *     ARGF.lines(sep=$/)           {|line| block }   => ARGF
+ *     ARGF.lines(sep=$/,limit)     {|line| block }   => ARGF
+ *     ARGF.lines(...)                                => anEnumerator
  *  Returns an enumerator which iterates over each line (separated by _sep_,
  *  which defaults to your platform's newline character) of each file in
  *  +ARGV+. If a block is supplied, each line in turn will be yielded to the
- *  block. The optional _limit_ argument is a +Fixnum+ specifying the maximum
+ *  block, otherwise an enumerator is returned.
+ *  The optional _limit_ argument is a +Fixnum+ specifying the maximum
  *  length of each line; longer lines will be split according to this limit.
  *  This method allows you to treat the files supplied on the command line as
@@ -9164,15 +9141,14 @@ argf_each_line(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE argf)
  *  call-seq:
- *     ARGF.bytes                => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.bytes     {|byte| }  => Enumerator
+ *     ARGF.bytes     {|byte| block }  => ARGF
+ *     ARGF.bytes                      => anEnumerator
- *     ARGF.each_byte            => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.each_byte {|byte| }  => Enumerator
+ *     ARGF.each_byte {|byte| block }  => ARGF
+ *     ARGF.each_byte                  => anEnumerator
- *  Returns an enumerator which iterates over each byte of each file in
- *  +ARGV+. If a block is supplied, each byte in turn will be yielded to the
- *  block. A byte is returned as a +Fixnum+ in the range 0..255.
+ *  Iterates over each byte of each file in +ARGV+.
+ *  A byte is returned as a +Fixnum+ in the range 0..255.
  *  This method allows you to treat the files supplied on the command line as
  *  a single file consisting of the concatenation of each named file. After
@@ -9180,6 +9156,8 @@ argf_each_line(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE argf)
  *  second file is returned. The +ARGF.filename+ method can be used to
  *  determine the filename of the current byte.
+ *  If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
+ *
  * For example:
  *     ARGF.bytes.to_a  #=> [35, 32, ... 95, 10]
@@ -9198,15 +9176,13 @@ argf_each_byte(VALUE argf)
  *  call-seq:
- *     ARGF.chars                 => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.chars      {|char| }  => Enumerator
+ *     ARGF.chars      {|char| block }  => ARGF
+ *     ARGF.chars                       => anEnumerator
- *     ARGF.each_char             => Enumerator
- *     ARGF.each_char  {|char| }  => Enumerator
+ *     ARGF.each_char  {|char| block }  => ARGF
+ *     ARGF.each_char                   => anEnumerator
- *  Returns an enumerator which iterates over each character of each file in
- *  +ARGV+. If a block is supplied, each character in turn will be yielded to
- *  the block.
+ *  Iterates over each character of each file in +ARGF+.
  *  This method allows you to treat the files supplied on the command line as
  *  a single file consisting of the concatenation of each named file. After
@@ -9214,6 +9190,8 @@ argf_each_byte(VALUE argf)
  *  character of the second file is returned. The +ARGF.filename+ method can
  *  be used to determine the name of the file in which the current character
  *  appears.
+ *
+ *  If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
 static VALUE
 argf_each_char(VALUE argf)
diff --git a/string.c b/string.c
index f8a858a179..435a06d76b 100644
--- a/string.c
+++ b/string.c
@@ -5651,28 +5651,20 @@ rb_str_split(VALUE str, const char *sep0)
- *  Document-method: lines
- *  call-seq:
- *     str.lines(separator=$/)   => anEnumerator
- *     str.lines(separator=$/) {|substr| block }        => str
- *
- *  Returns an enumerator that gives each line in the string.  If a block is
- *  given, it iterates over each line in the string.
- *
- *     "foo\nbar\n".lines.to_a   #=> ["foo\n", "bar\n"]
- *     "foo\nb ar".lines.sort    #=> ["b ar", "foo\n"]
- */
- *  Document-method: each_line
  *  call-seq:
  *     str.each_line(separator=$/) {|substr| block }   => str
+ *     str.each_line(separator=$/)                     => anEnumerator
+ *
+ *     str.lines(separator=$/) {|substr| block }       => str
+ *     str.lines(separator=$/)                         => anEnumerator
  *  Splits <i>str</i> using the supplied parameter as the record separator
  *  (<code>$/</code> by default), passing each substring in turn to the supplied
  *  block. If a zero-length record separator is supplied, the string is split
  *  into paragraphs delimited by multiple successive newlines.
+ *  If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
+ *
  *     print "Example one\n"
  *     "hello\nworld".each_line {|s| p s}
  *     print "Example two\n"
@@ -5794,23 +5786,15 @@ rb_str_each_line(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE str)
- *  Document-method: bytes
  *  call-seq:
- *     str.bytes   => anEnumerator
- *     str.bytes {|fixnum| block }    => str
+ *     str.bytes {|fixnum| block }        => str
+ *     str.bytes                          => anEnumerator
- *  Returns an enumerator that gives each byte in the string.  If a block is
- *  given, it iterates over each byte in the string.
- *
- *     "hello".bytes.to_a        #=> [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
- */
- *  Document-method: each_byte
- *  call-seq:
  *     str.each_byte {|fixnum| block }    => str
+ *     str.each_byte                      => anEnumerator
- *  Passes each byte in <i>str</i> to the given block.
+ *  Passes each byte in <i>str</i> to the given block, or returns
+ *  an enumerator if no block is given.
  *     "hello".each_byte {|c| print c, ' ' }
@@ -5833,23 +5817,15 @@ rb_str_each_byte(VALUE str)
- *  Document-method: chars
  *  call-seq:
- *     str.chars                   => anEnumerator
- *     str.chars {|substr| block } => str
+ *     str.chars {|cstr| block }        => str
+ *     str.chars                        => anEnumerator
- *  Returns an enumerator that gives each character in the string.
- *  If a block is given, it iterates over each character in the string.
- *
- *     "foo".chars.to_a   #=> ["f","o","o"]
- */
- *  Document-method: each_char
- *  call-seq:
  *     str.each_char {|cstr| block }    => str
+ *     str.each_char                    => anEnumerator
- *  Passes each character in <i>str</i> to the given block.
+ *  Passes each character in <i>str</i> to the given block, or returns
+ *  an enumerator if no block is given.
  *     "hello".each_char {|c| print c, ' ' }
@@ -5889,28 +5865,19 @@ rb_str_each_char(VALUE str)
- *  Document-method: codepoints
  *  call-seq:
- *     str.codepoints                   => anEnumerator
- *     str.codepoints {|fixnum| block } => str
+ *     str.codepoints {|integer| block }        => str
+ *     str.codepoints                           => anEnumerator
- *  Returns an enumerator that gives the <code>Integer</code> ordinal
- *  of each character in the string, also known as a <i>codepoint</i>
- *  when applied to Unicode strings. If a block is given, it iterates
- *  over each character in the string.
- *
- *     "foo\u0635".codepoints.to_a   #=> [102, 111, 111, 1589]
- */
- *  Document-method: each_codepoint
- *  call-seq:
  *     str.each_codepoint {|integer| block }    => str
+ *     str.each_codepoint                       => anEnumerator
  *  Passes the <code>Integer</code> ordinal of each character in <i>str</i>,
  *  also known as a <i>codepoint</i> when applied to Unicode strings to the
  *  given block.
+ *  If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
+ *
  *     "hello\u0639".each_codepoint {|c| print c, ' ' }
  *  <em>produces:</em>