diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index ee9ec24606..0b7d90afc6 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+Tue Dec  2 04:22:00 2003  Nathaniel Talbott  <ntalbott@ruby-lang.org>
+	* lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: fixed #assert_no_match message.
+	* test/testunit/test_assertions.rb: ditto.
 Tue Dec  2 00:43:00 2003  why the lucky stiff  <why@ruby-lang.org>
 	* ext/syck/syck.c: string buffering bug.  decrementing by full
diff --git a/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb b/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
index 9730fe2670..3c2f7b98c0 100644
--- a/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
+++ b/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ EOT
       def assert_no_match(regexp, string, message="")
         _wrap_assertion do
-          assert_instance_of(Regexp, regexp, "The first argument to assert_does_not_match should be a Regexp.")
+          assert_instance_of(Regexp, regexp, "The first argument to assert_no_match should be a Regexp.")
           full_message = build_message(message, "<?> expected to not match\n<?>.", regexp, string)
           assert_block(full_message) { regexp !~ string }
diff --git a/test/testunit/test_assertions.rb b/test/testunit/test_assertions.rb
index 0d79044dca..f62a6186e9 100644
--- a/test/testunit/test_assertions.rb
+++ b/test/testunit/test_assertions.rb
@@ -336,18 +336,17 @@ module Test
       def test_assert_no_match
-        check_nothing_fails {
-          assert_no_match(/sling/, "string")
-        }
-        check_nothing_fails {
-          assert_no_match(/sling/, "string", "message")
-        }
-        check_fails(%Q{</string/> expected to not match\n<"string">.}) {
+        check_nothing_fails{assert_no_match(/sling/, "string")}
+        check_nothing_fails{assert_no_match(/sling/, "string", "message")}
+        check_fails(%Q{The first argument to assert_no_match should be a Regexp.\n<"asdf"> expected to be an instance of\n<Regexp> but was\n<String>.}) do
+          assert_no_match("asdf", "asdf")
+        end
+        check_fails(%Q{</string/> expected to not match\n<"string">.}) do
           assert_no_match(/string/, "string")
-        }
-        check_fails(%Q{message.\n</string/> expected to not match\n<"string">.}) {
+        end
+        check_fails(%Q{message.\n</string/> expected to not match\n<"string">.}) do
           assert_no_match(/string/, "string", "message")
-        }
+        end
       def test_assert_throws