diff --git a/lib/rexml/syncenumerator.rb b/lib/rexml/syncenumerator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a9d2ad7f9c..0000000000
--- a/lib/rexml/syncenumerator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-module REXML
- class SyncEnumerator
- include Enumerable
- # Creates a new SyncEnumerator which enumerates rows of given
- # Enumerable objects.
- def initialize(*enums)
- @gens = enums
- @length = @gens.collect {|x| x.size }.max
- end
- # Returns the number of enumerated Enumerable objects, i.e. the size
- # of each row.
- def size
- @gens.size
- end
- # Returns the number of enumerated Enumerable objects, i.e. the size
- # of each row.
- def length
- @gens.length
- end
- # Enumerates rows of the Enumerable objects.
- def each
- @length.times {|i|
- yield @gens.collect {|x| x[i]}
- }
- self
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb b/lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb
index 0f0e7a5627..8f107e5a2c 100644
--- a/lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb
+++ b/lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ require "pp"
require_relative 'namespace'
require_relative 'xmltokens'
require_relative 'attribute'
-require_relative 'syncenumerator'
require_relative 'parsers/xpathparser'
class Object
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ module REXML
when Array # nodeset
- result
+ [result]
@@ -341,26 +340,24 @@ module REXML
var_name = path_stack.shift
return [@variables[var_name]]
- # :and, :or, :eq, :neq, :lt, :lteq, :gt, :gteq
- # TODO: Special case for :or and :and -- not evaluate the right
- # operand if the left alone determines result (i.e. is true for
- # :or and false for :and).
- when :eq, :neq, :lt, :lteq, :gt, :gteq, :or
+ when :eq, :neq, :lt, :lteq, :gt, :gteq
left = expr( path_stack.shift, nodeset.dup, context )
right = expr( path_stack.shift, nodeset.dup, context )
res = equality_relational_compare( left, op, right )
trace(op, left, right, res) if @debug
return res
+ when :or
+ left = expr(path_stack.shift, nodeset.dup, context)
+ return true if Functions.boolean(left)
+ right = expr(path_stack.shift, nodeset.dup, context)
+ return Functions.boolean(right)
when :and
- left = expr( path_stack.shift, nodeset.dup, context )
- return [] unless left
- if left.respond_to?(:inject) and !left.inject(false) {|a,b| a | b}
- return []
- end
- right = expr( path_stack.shift, nodeset.dup, context )
- res = equality_relational_compare( left, op, right )
- return res
+ left = expr(path_stack.shift, nodeset.dup, context)
+ return false unless Functions.boolean(left)
+ right = expr(path_stack.shift, nodeset.dup, context)
+ return Functions.boolean(right)
when :div, :mod, :mult, :plus, :minus
left = expr(path_stack.shift, nodeset, context)
@@ -397,31 +394,34 @@ module REXML
when :function
func_name = path_stack.shift.tr('-','_')
arguments = path_stack.shift
- subcontext = context ? nil : { :size => nodeset.size }
- res = []
- cont = context
- nodeset.each_with_index do |node, i|
- if subcontext
- if node.is_a?(XPathNode)
- subcontext[:node] = node.raw_node
- subcontext[:index] = node.position
- else
- subcontext[:node] = node
- subcontext[:index] = i
- end
- cont = subcontext
- end
- arg_clone = arguments.dclone
- args = arg_clone.collect do |arg|
- result = expr( arg, [node], cont )
- result = unnode(result) if result.is_a?(Array)
- result
- end
- Functions.context = cont
- res << Functions.send( func_name, *args )
+ if nodeset.size != 1
+ message = "[BUG] Node set size must be 1 for function call: "
+ message += "<#{func_name}>: <#{nodeset.inspect}>: "
+ message += "<#{arguments.inspect}>"
+ raise message
- return res
+ node = nodeset.first
+ if context
+ target_context = context
+ else
+ target_context = {:size => nodeset.size}
+ if node.is_a?(XPathNode)
+ target_context[:node] = node.raw_node
+ target_context[:index] = node.position
+ else
+ target_context[:node] = node
+ target_context[:index] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ args = arguments.dclone.collect do |arg|
+ result = expr(arg, nodeset, target_context)
+ result = unnode(result) if result.is_a?(Array)
+ result
+ end
+ Functions.context = target_context
+ return Functions.send(func_name, *args)
raise "[BUG] Unexpected path: <#{op.inspect}>: <#{path_stack.inspect}>"
@@ -806,31 +806,28 @@ module REXML
- def equality_relational_compare( set1, op, set2 )
+ def equality_relational_compare(set1, op, set2)
set1 = unnode(set1) if set1.is_a?(Array)
set2 = unnode(set2) if set2.is_a?(Array)
if set1.kind_of? Array and set2.kind_of? Array
- if set1.size == 0 or set2.size == 0
- nd = set1.size==0 ? set2 : set1
- rv = nd.collect { |il| compare( il, op, nil ) }
- return rv
- else
- res = []
- SyncEnumerator.new( set1, set2 ).each { |i1, i2|
- i1 = norm( i1 )
- i2 = norm( i2 )
- res << compare( i1, op, i2 )
- }
- return res
+ # If both objects to be compared are node-sets, then the
+ # comparison will be true if and only if there is a node in the
+ # first node-set and a node in the second node-set such that the
+ # result of performing the comparison on the string-values of
+ # the two nodes is true.
+ set1.product(set2).any? do |node1, node2|
+ node_string1 = Functions.string(node1)
+ node_string2 = Functions.string(node2)
+ compare(node_string1, op, node_string2)
- end
- # If one is nodeset and other is number, compare number to each item
- # in nodeset s.t. number op number(string(item))
- # If one is nodeset and other is string, compare string to each item
- # in nodeset s.t. string op string(item)
- # If one is nodeset and other is boolean, compare boolean to each item
- # in nodeset s.t. boolean op boolean(item)
- if set1.kind_of? Array or set2.kind_of? Array
+ elsif set1.kind_of? Array or set2.kind_of? Array
+ # If one is nodeset and other is number, compare number to each item
+ # in nodeset s.t. number op number(string(item))
+ # If one is nodeset and other is string, compare string to each item
+ # in nodeset s.t. string op string(item)
+ # If one is nodeset and other is boolean, compare boolean to each item
+ # in nodeset s.t. boolean op boolean(item)
if set1.kind_of? Array
a = set1
b = set2
@@ -841,15 +838,23 @@ module REXML
case b
when true, false
- return unnode(a) {|v| compare( Functions::boolean(v), op, b ) }
+ each_unnode(a).any? do |unnoded|
+ compare(Functions.boolean(unnoded), op, b)
+ end
when Numeric
- return unnode(a) {|v| compare( Functions::number(v), op, b )}
- when /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/
- b = Functions::number( b )
- return unnode(a) {|v| compare( Functions::number(v), op, b )}
+ each_unnode(a).any? do |unnoded|
+ compare(Functions.number(unnoded), op, b)
+ end
+ when /\A\d+(\.\d+)?\z/
+ b = Functions.number(b)
+ each_unnode(a).any? do |unnoded|
+ compare(Functions.number(unnoded), op, b)
+ end
- b = Functions::string( b )
- return unnode(a) { |v| compare( Functions::string(v), op, b ) }
+ b = Functions::string(b)
+ each_unnode(a).any? do |unnoded|
+ compare(Functions::string(unnoded), op, b)
+ end
# If neither is nodeset,
@@ -880,13 +885,12 @@ module REXML
set2 = Functions::number( set2 )
- return compare( set1, op, set2 )
+ compare( set1, op, set2 )
- return false
- def compare a, op, b
- case op
+ def compare(a, operator, b)
+ case operator
when :eq
a == b
when :neq
@@ -899,22 +903,27 @@ module REXML
a > b
when :gteq
a >= b
- when :and
- a and b
- when :or
- a or b
- false
+ message = "[BUG] Unexpected compare operator: " +
+ "<#{operator.inspect}>: <#{a.inspect}>: <#{b.inspect}>"
+ raise message
- def unnode(nodeset)
- nodeset.collect do |node|
+ def each_unnode(nodeset)
+ return to_enum(__method__, nodeset) unless block_given?
+ nodeset.each do |node|
if node.is_a?(XPathNode)
unnoded = node.raw_node
unnoded = node
+ yield(unnoded)
+ end
+ end
+ def unnode(nodeset)
+ each_unnode(nodeset).collect do |unnoded|
unnoded = yield(unnoded) if block_given?
diff --git a/test/rexml/xpath/test_base.rb b/test/rexml/xpath/test_base.rb
index 5a03087ca6..210d6c7c81 100644
--- a/test/rexml/xpath/test_base.rb
+++ b/test/rexml/xpath/test_base.rb
@@ -369,11 +369,15 @@ module REXMLTests
assert_equal 2, c
+ def match(xpath)
+ XPath.match(@@doc, xpath).collect(&:to_s)
+ end
def test_grouping
- t = XPath.first( @@doc, "a/d/*[name()='d' and (name()='f' or name()='q')]" )
- assert_nil t
- t = XPath.first( @@doc, "a/d/*[(name()='d' and name()='f') or name()='q']" )
- assert_equal 'q', t.name
+ assert_equal([],
+ match("a/d/*[name()='d' and (name()='f' or name()='q')]"))
+ assert_equal([""],
+ match("a/d/*[(name()='d' and name()='f') or name()='q']"))
def test_preceding
diff --git a/test/rexml/xpath/test_node_set.rb b/test/rexml/xpath/test_node_set.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77f26f7a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rexml/xpath/test_node_set.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: false
+require_relative "../rexml_test_utils"
+require "rexml/document"
+module REXMLTests
+ class TestXPathNodeSet < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def match(xml, xpath)
+ document = REXML::Document.new(xml)
+ REXML::XPath.match(document, xpath)
+ end
+ def test_boolean_true
+ xml = <<-XML
+ assert_equal([true],
+ match(xml, "/root/child=true()"))
+ end
+ def test_boolean_false
+ xml = <<-XML
+ assert_equal([false],
+ match(xml, "/root/child=true()"))
+ end
+ def test_number_true
+ xml = <<-XML
+ 100
+ 200
+ assert_equal([true],
+ match(xml, "/root/child=100"))
+ end
+ def test_number_false
+ xml = <<-XML
+ 100
+ 200
+ assert_equal([false],
+ match(xml, "/root/child=300"))
+ end
+ def test_string_true
+ xml = <<-XML
+ text
+ string
+ assert_equal([true],
+ match(xml, "/root/child='string'"))
+ end
+ def test_string_false
+ xml = <<-XML
+ text
+ string
+ assert_equal([false],
+ match(xml, "/root/child='nonexistent'"))
+ end
+ end