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synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00
* ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb: update rdoc. [ruby-core:26022]
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@25626 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
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2 changed files with 245 additions and 235 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
Mon Nov 2 11:22:19 2009 NARUSE, Yui <naruse@ruby-lang.org>
* ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb: update rdoc. [ruby-core:26022]
Sun Nov 1 20:16:03 2009 NARUSE, Yui <naruse@ruby-lang.org>
* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: fixed rdoc. [ruby-core:26457]
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
= Win32 Registry I/F
require 'dl/import'
module Win32
=begin rdoc
= Win32 Registry
win32/registry is registry accessor library for Win32 platform.
It uses dl/import to call Win32 Registry APIs.
@ -24,247 +28,69 @@ It uses dl/import to call Win32 Registry APIs.
== Win32::Registry class
=== including modules
* Enumerable
* Registry::Constants
=== class methods
--- Registry.open(key, subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED)
--- Registry.open(key, subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) { |reg| ... }
Open the registry key ((|subkey|)) under ((|key|)).
((|key|)) is Win32::Registry object of parent key.
You can use predefined key HKEY_* (see ((<constants>)))
((|desired|)) and ((|opt|)) is access mask and key option.
For detail, see ((<MSDN Library|URL:http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/regopenkeyex.asp>)).
If block is given, the key is closed automatically.
--- Registry.create(key, subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED)
--- Registry.create(key, subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) { |reg| ... }
Create or open the registry key ((|subkey|)) under ((|key|)).
You can use predefined key HKEY_* (see ((<constants>)))
If subkey is already exists, key is opened and Registry#((<created?>))
method will return false.
If block is given, the key is closed automatically.
--- Registry.expand_environ(str)
Replace (({%\w+%})) into the environment value of ((|str|)).
This method is used for REG_EXPAND_SZ.
For detail, see ((<ExpandEnvironmentStrings|URL:http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/expandenvironmentstrings.asp>)) Win32 API.
--- Registry.type2name(type)
Convert registry type value to readable string.
--- Registry.wtime2time(wtime)
Convert 64-bit FILETIME integer into Time object.
--- Registry.time2wtime(time)
Convert Time object or Integer object into 64-bit FILETIME.
=== instance methods
--- open(subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED)
Same as (({Win32::((<Registry.open>))(self, subkey, desired, opt)}))
--- create(subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED)
Same as (({Win32::((<Registry.create>))(self, subkey, desired, opt)}))
--- close
Close key.
After closed, most method raises error.
--- read(name, *rtype)
Read a registry value named ((|name|)) and return array of
[ ((|type|)), ((|data|)) ].
When name is nil, the `default' value is read.
((|type|)) is value type. (see ((<Win32::Registry::Constants module>)))
((|data|)) is value data, its class is:
Array of String
String (contains binary data)
When ((|rtype|)) is specified, the value type must be included by
((|rtype|)) array, or TypeError is raised.
--- self[name, *rtype]
Read a registry value named ((|name|)) and return its value data.
The class of value is same as ((<read>)) method returns.
If the value type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, returns value data whose environment
variables are replaced.
If the value type is neither REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_DWORD,
REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, nor REG_QWORD, TypeError is raised.
The meaning of ((|rtype|)) is same as ((<read>)) method.
--- read_s(name)
--- read_i(name)
--- read_bin(name)
Read a REG_SZ(read_s), REG_DWORD(read_i), or REG_BINARY(read_bin)
registry value named ((|name|)).
If the values type does not match, TypeError is raised.
--- read_s_expand(name)
Read a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ registry value named ((|name|)).
If the value type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, environment variables are replaced.
Unless the value type is REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ, TypeError is raised.
--- write(name, type, data)
Write ((|data|)) to a registry value named ((|name|)).
When name is nil, write to the `default' value.
((|type|)) is type value. (see ((<Registry::Constants module>)))
Class of ((|data|)) must be same as which ((<read>))
method returns.
--- self[name, wtype = nil] = value
Write ((|value|)) to a registry value named ((|name|)).
If ((|wtype|)) is specified, the value type is it.
Otherwise, the value type is depend on class of ((|value|)):
--- write_s(name, value)
--- write_i(name, value)
--- write_bin(name, value)
Write ((|value|)) to a registry value named ((|name|)).
The value type is REG_SZ(write_s), REG_DWORD(write_i), or
--- each { |name, type, value| ... }
--- each_value { |name, type, value| ... }
Enumerate values.
--- each_key { |subkey, wtime| ... }
Enumerate subkeys.
((|subkey|)) is String which contains name of subkey.
((|wtime|)) is last write time as FILETIME (64-bit integer).
(see ((<Registry.wtime2time>)))
--- delete(name)
--- delete_value(name)
Delete a registry value named ((|name|)).
We can not delete the `default' value.
--- delete_key(name, recursive = false)
Delete a subkey named ((|name|)) and all its values.
If ((|recursive|)) is false, the subkey must not have subkeys.
Otherwise, this method deletes all subkeys and values recursively.
--- flush
Write all the attributes into the registry file.
--- created?
Returns if key is created ((*newly*)).
(see ((<Registry.create>)))
--- open?
Returns if key is not closed.
--- hkey
Returns key handle value.
--- parent
Win32::Registry object of parent key, or nil if predefeined key.
--- keyname
Same as ((|subkey|)) value of ((<Registry.open>)) or
((<Registry.create>)) method.
--- disposition
--- name
--- to_s
Full path of key such as (({'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\foo\bar'})).
--- info
Returns key information as Array of:
The number of subkeys.
Maximum length of name of subkeys.
The number of values.
Maximum length of name of values.
Maximum length of value of values.
Length of security descriptor.
Last write time as FILETIME(64-bit integer)
For detail, see ((<RegQueryInfoKey|URL:http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/regqueryinfokey.asp>)) Win32 API.
--- num_keys
--- max_key_length
--- num_values
--- max_value_name_length
--- max_value_length
--- descriptor_length
--- wtime
Returns an item of key information.
=== constants
Win32::Registry object whose key is predefined key.
For detail, see ((<MSDN Library|URL:http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/predefined_keys.asp>)).
For detail, see the MSDN[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/predefined_keys.asp] article.
== Win32::Registry::Constants module
=end rdoc
For detail, see ((<MSDN Library|URL:http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/registry.asp>)).
--- HKEY_*
Predefined key ((*handle*)).
These are Integer, not Win32::Registry.
--- REG_*
Registry value type.
--- KEY_*
Security access mask.
Key options.
If the key is created newly or opened existing key.
See also Registry#((<disposition>)) method.
require 'dl/import'
module Win32
class Registry
# For detail, see the MSDN[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/registry.asp].
# --- HKEY_*
# Predefined key ((*handle*)).
# These are Integer, not Win32::Registry.
# --- REG_*
# Registry value type.
# --- KEY_*
# Security access mask.
# Key options.
# If the key is created newly or opened existing key.
# See also Registry#disposition method.
module Constants
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = 0x80000000
HKEY_CURRENT_USER = 0x80000001
@ -365,7 +191,7 @@ module Win32
raise Error.new(5) ## ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
# Fake class for Registry#open, Registry#create
# Fake #class method for Registry#open, Registry#create
def class
@ -498,7 +324,10 @@ module Win32
# utility functions
# Replace %\w+% into the environment value of what is contained between the %'s
# This method is used for REG_EXPAND_SZ.
# For detail, see expandEnvironmentStrings[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/expandenvironmentstrings.asp] \Win32 \API.
def self.expand_environ(str)
str.gsub(/%([^%]+)%/) { ENV[$1] || ENV[$1.upcase] || $& }
@ -514,23 +343,43 @@ module Win32
@@type2name[Constants.const_get(type)] = type
# Convert registry type value to readable string.
def self.type2name(type)
@@type2name[type] || type.to_s
# Convert 64-bit FILETIME integer into Time object.
def self.wtime2time(wtime)
Time.at((wtime - 116444736000000000) / 10000000)
# Convert Time object or Integer object into 64-bit FILETIME.
def self.time2wtime(time)
time.to_i * 10000000 + 116444736000000000
# constructors
# constructor
private_class_method :new
# --- Registry.open(key, subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED)
# --- Registry.open(key, subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) { |reg| ... }
# Open the registry key subkey under key.
# key is Win32::Registry object of parent key.
# You can use predefined key HKEY_* (see Constants)
# desired and opt is access mask and key option.
# For detail, see the MSDN[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/regopenkeyex.asp].
# If block is given, the key is closed automatically.
def self.open(hkey, subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED)
subkey = subkey.chomp('\\')
newkey = API.OpenKey(hkey.hkey, subkey, opt, desired)
@ -546,6 +395,19 @@ module Win32
# --- Registry.create(key, subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED)
# --- Registry.create(key, subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED) { |reg| ... }
# Create or open the registry key subkey under key.
# You can use predefined key HKEY_* (see Constants)
# If subkey is already exists, key is opened and Registry#created?
# method will return false.
# If block is given, the key is closed automatically.
def self.create(hkey, subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED)
newkey, disp = API.CreateKey(hkey.hkey, subkey, opt, desired)
obj = new(newkey, hkey, subkey, disp)
@ -576,19 +438,37 @@ module Win32
@hkeyfinal = [ hkey ]
ObjectSpace.define_finalizer self, @@final.call(@hkeyfinal)
attr_reader :hkey, :parent, :keyname, :disposition
# Returns key handle value.
attr_reader :hkey
# Win32::Registry object of parent key, or nil if predefeined key.
attr_reader :parent
# Same as subkey value of Registry.open or
# Registry.create method.
attr_reader :keyname
attr_reader :disposition
# attributes
# Returns if key is created ((*newly*)).
# (see Registry.create) -- basically you call create
# then when you call created? on the instance returned
# it will tell if it was successful or not
def created?
@disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY
# Returns if key is not closed.
def open?
# Full path of key such as 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\foo\bar'.
def name
parent = self
name = @keyname
@ -603,23 +483,31 @@ module Win32
# marshalling
# marshalling is not allowed
def _dump(depth)
raise TypeError, "can't dump Win32::Registry"
# open/close
# Same as Win32::Registry.open (self, subkey, desired, opt)
def open(subkey, desired = KEY_READ, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED, &blk)
self.class.open(self, subkey, desired, opt, &blk)
# Same as Win32::Registry.create (self, subkey, desired, opt)
def create(subkey, desired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, opt = REG_OPTION_RESERVED, &blk)
self.class.create(self, subkey, desired, opt, &blk)
# Close key.
# After close, most method raise an error.
def close
@hkey = @parent = @keyname = nil
@ -627,7 +515,7 @@ module Win32
# iterator
# Enumerate values.
def each_value
index = 0
@ -649,6 +537,13 @@ module Win32
alias each each_value
# Enumerate subkeys.
# subkey is String which contains name of subkey.
# wtime is last write time as FILETIME (64-bit integer).
# (see Registry.wtime2time)
def each_key
index = 0
while true
@ -663,15 +558,31 @@ module Win32
# return keys as an array
def keys
keys_ary = []
each_key { |key,| keys_ary << key }
# Read a registry value named name and return array of
# [ type, data ].
# When name is nil, the `default' value is read.
# type is value type. (see Win32::Registry::Constants module)
# data is value data, its class is:
# String
# Array of String
# Integer
# String (contains binary data)
# reader
# When rtype is specified, the value type must be included by
# rtype array, or TypeError is raised.
def read(name, *rtype)
type, data = API.QueryValue(@hkey, name)
unless rtype.empty? or rtype.include?(type)
@ -695,6 +606,17 @@ module Win32
# Read a registry value named name and return its value data.
# The class of value is same as #read method returns.
# If the value type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, returns value data whose environment
# variables are replaced.
# If the value type is neither REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_DWORD,
# REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, nor REG_QWORD, TypeError is raised.
# The meaning of rtype is same as #read method.
def [](name, *rtype)
type, data = read(name, *rtype)
case type
@ -707,10 +629,20 @@ module Win32
# Read a REG_SZ(read_s), REG_DWORD(read_i), or REG_BINARY(read_bin)
# registry value named name.
# If the values type does not match, TypeError is raised.
def read_s(name)
read(name, REG_SZ)[1]
# Read a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ registry value named name.
# If the value type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, environment variables are replaced.
# Unless the value type is REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ, TypeError is raised.
def read_s_expand(name)
type, data = read(name, REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ)
if type == REG_EXPAND_SZ
@ -720,16 +652,33 @@ module Win32
# Read a REG_SZ(read_s), REG_DWORD(read_i), or REG_BINARY(read_bin)
# registry value named name.
# If the values type does not match, TypeError is raised.
def read_i(name)
# Read a REG_SZ(read_s), REG_DWORD(read_i), or REG_BINARY(read_bin)
# registry value named name.
# If the values type does not match, TypeError is raised.
def read_bin(name)
read(name, REG_BINARY)[1]
# writer
# Write data to a registry value named name.
# When name is nil, write to the `default' value.
# type is type value. (see Registry::Constants module)
# Class of data must be same as which #read
# method returns.
def write(name, type, data)
case type
@ -751,6 +700,18 @@ module Win32
API.SetValue(@hkey, name, type, data, data.length)
# Write value to a registry value named name.
# If wtype is specified, the value type is it.
# Otherwise, the value type is depend on class of value:
# :Integer
# :String
# :Array
def []=(name, rtype, value = nil)
if value
write name, rtype, value
@ -769,26 +730,51 @@ module Win32
# Write value to a registry value named name.
# The value type is REG_SZ(write_s), REG_DWORD(write_i), or
# REG_BINARY(write_bin).
def write_s(name, value)
write name, REG_SZ, value.to_s
# Write value to a registry value named name.
# The value type is REG_SZ(write_s), REG_DWORD(write_i), or
# REG_BINARY(write_bin).
def write_i(name, value)
write name, REG_DWORD, value.to_i
# Write value to a registry value named name.
# The value type is REG_SZ(write_s), REG_DWORD(write_i), or
# REG_BINARY(write_bin).
def write_bin(name, value)
write name, REG_BINARY, value.to_s
# delete
# Delete a registry value named name.
# We can not delete the `default' value.
def delete_value(name)
API.DeleteValue(@hkey, name)
alias delete delete_value
# Delete a subkey named name and all its values.
# If recursive is false, the subkey must not have subkeys.
# Otherwise, this method deletes all subkeys and values recursively.
def delete_key(name, recursive = false)
if recursive
open(name, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) do |reg|
@ -812,18 +798,38 @@ module Win32
# flush
# Write all the attributes into the registry file.
def flush
API.FlushKey @hkey
# key information
# Returns key information as Array of:
# :num_keys
# The number of subkeys.
# :max_key_length
# Maximum length of name of subkeys.
# :num_values
# The number of values.
# :max_value_name_length
# Maximum length of name of values.
# :max_value_length
# Maximum length of value of values.
# :descriptor_length
# Length of security descriptor.
# :wtime
# Last write time as FILETIME(64-bit integer)
# For detail, see RegQueryInfoKey[http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/regqueryinfokey.asp] Win32 API.
def info
# Returns an item of key information.
num_keys max_key_length
num_values max_value_name_length max_value_length
Add table
Reference in a new issue