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synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00
2022-10-24 15:38:39 +00:00
Merged-By: BurdetteLamar <BurdetteLamar@Yahoo.com>
1 changed files with 188 additions and 260 deletions
@ -87,31 +87,28 @@ Many examples here use these variables:
=== Basic \IO
==== Reading and Writing
You can perform basic stream \IO with these methods:
===== \Method <tt>#read</tt>
- IO#read: Returns all remaining or the next _n_ bytes read from the stream,
for a given _n_:
Returns all remaining or the next +n+ bytes read from the stream, for a given +n+:
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.read # => "First line\nSecond line\n\nFourth line\nFifth line\n"
f.read(30) # => "First line\r\nSecond line\r\n\r\nFou"
f.read(30) # => "rth line\r\nFifth line\r\n"
f.read(30) # => nil
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.read # => "First line\nSecond line\n\nFourth line\nFifth line\n"
f.read(30) # => "First line\r\nSecond line\r\n\r\nFou"
f.read(30) # => "rth line\r\nFifth line\r\n"
f.read(30) # => nil
- IO#write: Writes one or more given strings to the stream:
===== \Method <tt>#write</tt>
$stdout.write('Hello', ', ', 'World!', "\n") # => 14
$stdout.write('foo', :bar, 2, "\n")
Writes one or more given strings to the stream:
$stdout.write('Hello', ', ', 'World!', "\n") # => 14
$stdout.write('foo', :bar, 2, "\n")
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
==== Position
@ -120,112 +117,92 @@ which is the byte offset at which the next read or write is to occur.
A new stream has position zero (and line number zero);
method +rewind+ resets the position (and line number) to zero.
===== \Method <tt>#tell</tt>
The relevant methods:
Returns the current position (in bytes) in the stream:
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.tell # => 0
f.gets # => "First line\n"
f.tell # => 12
Aliased as <tt>pos</tt>.
===== \Method <tt>#pos=</tt>
Sets the position of the stream (in bytes):
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.tell # => 0
f.pos = 20 # => 20
f.tell # => 20
===== \Method <tt>#seek</tt>
Sets the position of the stream to a given integer +offset+
(in bytes), with respect to a given constant +whence+, which is one of:
- +:CUR+ or <tt>IO::SEEK_CUR</tt>:
Repositions the stream to its current position plus the given +offset+:
- IO#tell (aliased as +#pos+):
Returns the current position (in bytes) in the stream:
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.tell # => 0
f.seek(20, :CUR) # => 0
f.tell # => 20
f.seek(-10, :CUR) # => 0
f.tell # => 10
f.tell # => 0
f.gets # => "First line\n"
f.tell # => 12
- +:END+ or <tt>IO::SEEK_END</tt>:
Repositions the stream to its end plus the given +offset+:
- IO#pos=: Sets the position of the stream (in bytes):
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.tell # => 0
f.seek(0, :END) # => 0 # Repositions to stream end.
f.tell # => 52
f.seek(-20, :END) # => 0
f.tell # => 32
f.seek(-40, :END) # => 0
f.tell # => 12
f.tell # => 0
f.pos = 20 # => 20
f.tell # => 20
- +:SET+ or <tt>IO:SEEK_SET</tt>:
Repositions the stream to the given +offset+:
- IO#seek: Sets the position of the stream to a given integer +offset+
(in bytes), with respect to a given constant +whence+, which is one of:
- +:CUR+ or <tt>IO::SEEK_CUR</tt>:
Repositions the stream to its current position plus the given +offset+:
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.tell # => 0
f.seek(20, :CUR) # => 0
f.tell # => 20
f.seek(-10, :CUR) # => 0
f.tell # => 10
- +:END+ or <tt>IO::SEEK_END</tt>:
Repositions the stream to its end plus the given +offset+:
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.tell # => 0
f.seek(0, :END) # => 0 # Repositions to stream end.
f.tell # => 52
f.seek(-20, :END) # => 0
f.tell # => 32
f.seek(-40, :END) # => 0
f.tell # => 12
- +:SET+ or <tt>IO:SEEK_SET</tt>:
Repositions the stream to the given +offset+:
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.tell # => 0
f.seek(20, :SET) # => 0
f.tell # => 20
f.seek(40, :SET) # => 0
f.tell # => 40
- IO#rewind: Positions the stream to the beginning (also resetting the line number):
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.tell # => 0
f.seek(20, :SET) # => 0
f.tell # => 20
f.seek(40, :SET) # => 0
f.tell # => 40
f.tell # => 0
f.gets # => "First line\n"
f.tell # => 12
f.rewind # => 0
f.tell # => 0
f.lineno # => 0
===== \Method <tt>#rewind</tt>
Positions the stream to the beginning (also resetting the line number):
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.tell # => 0
f.gets # => "First line\n"
f.tell # => 12
f.rewind # => 0
f.tell # => 0
f.lineno # => 0
==== Open and Closed Streams
A new \IO stream may be open for reading, open for writing, or both.
===== \Method <tt>#close</tt>
You can close a stream using these methods:
Closes the stream for both reading and writing.
- IO#close: Closes the stream for both reading and writing.
- IO#close_read (not in \ARGF): Closes the stream for reading.
- IO#close_write (not in \ARGF): Closes the stream for writing.
===== \Method <tt>#close_read</tt>
You can query whether a stream is closed using this method:
Closes the stream for reading,
Not in ARGF.
===== \Method <tt>#close_write</tt>
Closes the stream for writing
Not in ARGF.
===== \Method <tt>#closed?</tt>
Returns whether the stream is closed.
- IO#closed?: Returns whether the stream is closed.
==== End-of-Stream
===== \Method <tt>#eof?</tt>
Returns whether a stream is positioned at its end; aliased as +#eof+.
===== Repositioning to End-of-Stream
You can query whether a stream is positioned at its end using
method IO#eof? (also aliased as +#eof+).
You can reposition to end-of-stream by reading all stream content:
@ -243,65 +220,52 @@ Or by using method IO#seek:
=== Line \IO
You can process an \IO stream line-by-line.
You can read an \IO stream line-by-line using these methods:
===== \Method <tt>#each_line</tt>
- IO#each_line: Passes each line to the block:
Passes each line to the block:
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.each_line {|line| p line }
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.each_line {|line| p line }
"First line\n"
"Second line\n"
"Fourth line\n"
"Fifth line\n"
"First line\n"
"Second line\n"
"Fourth line\n"
"Fifth line\n"
The reading may begin mid-line:
The reading may begin mid-line:
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.pos = 27
f.each_line {|line| p line }
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.pos = 27
f.each_line {|line| p line }
"rth line\n"
"Fifth line\n"
"rth line\n"
"Fifth line\n"
- IO#gets (also in Kernel): Returns the next line (which may begin mid-line):
===== \Method <tt>#gets</tt>
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.gets # => "First line\n"
f.gets # => "Second line\n"
f.pos = 27
f.gets # => "rth line\n"
f.readlines # => ["Fifth line\n"]
f.gets # => nil
Returns the next line (which may begin mid-line); also in Kernel:
- IO#readline (also in Kernel; not in StringIO):
Like #gets, but raises an exception at end-of-stream.
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.gets # => "First line\n"
f.gets # => "Second line\n"
f.pos = 27
f.gets # => "rth line\n"
f.readlines # => ["Fifth line\n"]
f.gets # => nil
- IO#readlines (also in Kernel): Returns all remaining lines in an array;
may begin mid-line:
===== \Method <tt>#readline</tt>
Like #gets, but raises an exception at end-of-stream.
Also in Kernel; not in StringIO.
===== \Method <tt>#readlines</tt>
Returns all remaining lines in an array;
may begin mid-line:
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.pos = 19
f.readlines # => ["ine\n", "\n", "Fourth line\n", "Fifth line\n"]
f.readlines # => []
Also in Kernel.
===== Optional Reader Arguments
f = File.new('t.txt')
f.pos = 19
f.readlines # => ["ine\n", "\n", "Fourth line\n", "Fifth line\n"]
f.readlines # => []
Each of these reader methods may be called with:
@ -309,16 +273,14 @@ Each of these reader methods may be called with:
- An optional line-size limit, +limit+.
- Both +sep+ and +limit+.
===== \Method <tt>#puts</tt>
You can write to an \IO stream line-by-line using this method:
Writes objects to the stream:
- IO#puts (also in Kernel; not in \StringIO): Writes objects to the stream:
f = File.new('t.tmp', 'w')
f.puts('foo', :bar, 1, 2.0, Complex(3, 0))
File.read('t.tmp') # => "foo\nbar\n1\n2.0\n3+0i\n"
Also in Kernel; not in StringIO.
f = File.new('t.tmp', 'w')
f.puts('foo', :bar, 1, 2.0, Complex(3, 0))
File.read('t.tmp') # => "foo\nbar\n1\n2.0\n3+0i\n"
==== Line Separator
@ -406,21 +368,13 @@ which is the non-negative integer line number
in the stream where the next read will occur.
The line number is the number of lines read by certain line-oriented methods
(IO.foreach, IO#each_line, IO#gets, IO#readline, and IO#readlines)
according to the given (or default) line separator +sep+.
A new stream is initially has line number zero (and position zero);
method +rewind+ resets the line number (and position) to zero.
===== \Method <tt>#lineno</tt>
Returns the line number.
===== Changes to the Line Number
\Method IO#lineno returns the line number.
Reading lines from a stream usually changes its line number:
@ -460,128 +414,102 @@ that determine how lines in a stream are to be treated:
=== Character \IO
You can process an \IO stream character-by-character.
You can process an \IO stream character-by-character using these methods:
===== \Method <tt>#getc</tt>
- IO#getc: Reads and returns the next character from the stream:
Reads and returns the next character from the stream:
f = File.new('t.rus')
f.getc # => "т"
f.getc # => "е"
f.getc # => "с"
f.getc # => "т"
f.getc # => nil
f = File.new('t.rus')
f.getc # => "т"
f.getc # => "е"
f.getc # => "с"
f.getc # => "т"
f.getc # => nil
- IO#readchar (not in \StringIO):
Like #getc, but raises an exception at end-of-stream:
===== \Method <tt>#readchar</tt>
f.readchar # Raises EOFError.
Like #getc, but raises an exception at end-of-stream.
- IO#ungetc (not in \ARGF):
Pushes back ("unshifts") a character or integer onto the stream:
Not in \StringIO.
path = 't.tmp'
File.write(path, 'foo')
File.open(path) do |f|
f.read # => "тfoo"
===== \Method <tt>#ungetc</tt>
- IO#putc (also in Kernel): Writes a character to the stream:
Pushes back ("unshifts") a character or integer onto the stream:
File.open('t.tmp', 'w') do |f|
File.read('t.tmp') # => "тест"
path = 't.tmp'
File.write(path, 'foo')
File.open(path) do |f|
f.read # => "тfoo"
- IO#each_char: Reads each remaining character in the stream,
passing the character to the given block:
Not in \ARGF.
File.open('t.rus') do |f|
f.pos = 4
f.each_char {|c| p c }
===== \Method <tt>#putc</tt>
Writes a character to the stream:
File.open('t.tmp', 'w') do |f|
File.read('t.tmp') # => "тест"
Also in Kernel.
===== \Method <tt>#each_char</tt>
Reads each remaining character in the stream,
passing the character to the given block:
File.open('t.rus') do |f|
f.pos = 4
f.each_char {|c| p c }
=== Byte \IO
You can process an \IO stream byte-by-byte.
You can process an \IO stream byte-by-byte using these methods:
===== \Method <tt>#getbyte</tt>
- IO#getbyte: Returns the next 8-bit byte as an integer in range 0..255:
Returns the next 8-bit byte as an integer in range 0..255:
# => "\xFE\xFF\x99\x90\x99\x91\x99\x92\x99\x93\x99\x94"
# => "\xFE\xFF\x99\x90\x99\x91\x99\x92\x99\x93\x99\x94"
f = File.new('t.dat')
f.getbyte # => 254
f.getbyte # => 255
f.seek(-2, :END)
f.getbyte # => 153
f.getbyte # => 148
f.getbyte # => nil
# => "\xFE\xFF\x99\x90\x99\x91\x99\x92\x99\x93\x99\x94"
# => "\xFE\xFF\x99\x90\x99\x91\x99\x92\x99\x93\x99\x94"
f = File.new('t.dat')
f.getbyte # => 254
f.getbyte # => 255
f.seek(-2, :END)
f.getbyte # => 153
f.getbyte # => 148
f.getbyte # => nil
- IO#readbyte (not in \StringIO):
Like #getbyte, but raises an exception if at end-of-stream:
===== \Method <tt>#readbyte</tt>
f.readbyte # Raises EOFError.
Like #getbyte, but raises an exception if at end-of-stream:
- IO#ungetbyte (not in \ARGF):
Pushes back ("unshifts") a byte back onto the stream:
f.readbyte # Raises EOFError.
f.read # => "\u0001\u0000"
Not in \StringIO.
- IO#each_byte: Reads each remaining byte in the stream,
passing the byte to the given block:
===== \Method <tt>#ungetbyte</tt>
f.seek(-4, :END)
f.each_byte {|b| p b }
Pushes back ("unshifts") a byte back onto the stream:
f.read # => "\u0001\u0000"
Not in \ARGF.
===== \Method <tt>#each_byte</tt>
Reads each remaining byte in the stream,
passing the byte to the given block:
f.seek(-4, :END)
f.each_byte {|b| p b }
=== Codepoint \IO
You can process an \IO stream codepoint-by-codepoint.
===== \Method +each_codepoint+
Reads each remaining codepoint in the stream,
passing the codepoint to the given block:
You can process an \IO stream codepoint-by-codepoint using method
a = []
File.open('t.rus') do |f|
Add table
Reference in a new issue