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[ruby/date] [DOC] Enhanced intro for Date (https://github.com/ruby/date/pull/72)

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Burdette Lamar 2022-08-15 08:16:13 -05:00 committed by git
parent e77c8397c2
commit 8d40ede2e0

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@ -4505,6 +4505,9 @@ date_s__parse_internal(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* <b>Note</b>:
* This method recognizes many forms in +string+,
* but it is not a validator.
* For formats, see
* {"Specialized Format Strings" in Formats for Dates and Times}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-Specialized+Format+Strings]
* If +string+ does not specify a valid date,
* the result is unpredictable;
* consider using Date._strptime instead.
@ -4537,6 +4540,8 @@ date_s__parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* <b>Note</b>:
* This method recognizes many forms in +string+,
* but it is not a validator.
* For formats, see
* {"Specialized Format Strings" in Formats for Dates and Times}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-Specialized+Format+Strings]
* If +string+ does not specify a valid date,
* the result is unpredictable;
* consider using Date._strptime instead.
@ -4671,7 +4676,7 @@ date_s_iso8601(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* Date._rfc3339(string, limit: 128) -> hash
* Returns a hash of values parsed from +string+, which should be a valid
* {RFC 3339 format}[https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339]:
* {RFC 3339 format}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-RFC+3339+Format]:
* d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3)
* s = d.rfc3339 # => "2001-02-03T00:00:00+00:00"
@ -4699,7 +4704,7 @@ date_s__rfc3339(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* Returns a new \Date object with values parsed from +string+,
* which should be a valid
* {RFC 3339 format}[https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339]:
* {RFC 3339 format}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-RFC+3339+Format]:
* d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3)
* s = d.rfc3339 # => "2001-02-03T00:00:00+00:00"
@ -4811,7 +4816,7 @@ date_s_xmlschema(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* Date._rfc2822(string, limit: 128) -> hash
* Returns a hash of values parsed from +string+, which should be a valid
* {RFC 2822 date format}[https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822]:
* {RFC 2822 date format}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-RFC+2822+Format]:
* d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3)
* s = d.rfc2822 # => "Sat, 3 Feb 2001 00:00:00 +0000"
@ -4841,7 +4846,7 @@ date_s__rfc2822(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* Returns a new \Date object with values parsed from +string+,
* which should be a valid
* {RFC 2822 date format}[https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822]:
* {RFC 2822 date format}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-RFC+2822+Format]:
* d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3)
* s = d.rfc2822 # => "Sat, 3 Feb 2001 00:00:00 +0000"
@ -4885,7 +4890,7 @@ date_s_rfc2822(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* Date._httpdate(string, limit: 128) -> hash
* Returns a hash of values parsed from +string+, which should be a valid
* HTTP date format:
* {HTTP date format}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-HTTP+Format]:
* d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3)
* s = d.httpdate # => "Sat, 03 Feb 2001 00:00:00 GMT"
@ -4911,7 +4916,7 @@ date_s__httpdate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* Returns a new \Date object with values parsed from +string+,
* which should be a valid
* {RFC 2616 date format}[https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2616]:
* {HTTP date format}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-HTTP+Format]:
* d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3)
s = d.httpdate # => "Sat, 03 Feb 2001 00:00:00 GMT"
@ -4953,7 +4958,7 @@ date_s_httpdate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* Date._jisx0301(string, limit: 128) -> hash
* Returns a hash of values parsed from +string+, which should be a valid
* JIS X 0301 date format:
* {JIS X 0301 date format}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-JIS+X+0301+Format]:
* d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3)
* s = d.jisx0301 # => "H13.02.03"
@ -4979,7 +4984,7 @@ date_s__jisx0301(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
* Date.jisx0301(string = '-4712-01-01', start = Date::ITALY, limit: 128) -> date
* Returns a new \Date object with values parsed from +string+,
* which should be a valid JIS X 0301 format:
* which should be a valid {JIS X 0301 format}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-JIS+X+0301+Format]:
* d = Date.new(2001, 2, 3)
* s = d.jisx0301 # => "H13.02.03"
@ -9383,151 +9388,65 @@ Init_date_core(void)
negative_inf = -INFINITY;
* date and datetime class - Tadayoshi Funaba 1998-2011
* \Class \Date provides methods for storing and manipulating
* calendar dates.
* 'date' provides two classes: Date and DateTime.
* Consider using
* {class Time}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/Time.html]
* instead of class \Date if:
* == Terms and Definitions
* - You need both dates and times; \Date handles only dates.
* - You need only Gregorian dates (and not Julian dates);
* see {Julian and Gregorian Calendars}[rdoc-ref:calendars.rdoc].
* Some terms and definitions are based on ISO 8601 and JIS X 0301.
* A \Date object, once created, is immutable, and cannot be modified.
* === Calendar Date
* == Creating a \Date
* The calendar date is a particular day of a calendar year,
* identified by its ordinal number within a calendar month within
* that year.
* You can create a date for the current date, using Date.today:
* In those classes, this is so-called "civil".
* Date.today # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* === Ordinal Date
* You can create a specific date from various combinations of arguments:
* The ordinal date is a particular day of a calendar year identified
* by its ordinal number within the year.
* - Date.new takes integer year, month, and day-of-month:
* In those classes, this is so-called "ordinal".
* Date.new(1999, 12, 31) # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* === Week Date
* - Date.ordinal takes integer year and day-of-year:
* The week date is a date identified by calendar week and day numbers.
* Date.ordinal(1999, 365) # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* The calendar week is a seven day period within a calendar year,
* starting on a Monday and identified by its ordinal number within
* the year; the first calendar week of the year is the one that
* includes the first Thursday of that year. In the Gregorian
* calendar, this is equivalent to the week which includes January 4.
* - Date.jd takes integer Julian day:
* In those classes, this is so-called "commercial".
* Date.jd(2451544) # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* === Julian Day Number
* - Date.commercial takes integer commercial data (year, week, day-of-week):
* The Julian day number is in elapsed days since noon (Greenwich Mean
* Time) on January 1, 4713 BCE (in the Julian calendar).
* Date.commercial(1999, 52, 5) # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* In this document, the astronomical Julian day number is the same as
* the original Julian day number. And the chronological Julian day
* number is a variation of the Julian day number. Its days begin at
* midnight on local time.
* - Date.parse takes a string, which it parses heuristically:
* In this document, when the term "Julian day number" simply appears,
* it just refers to "chronological Julian day number", not the
* original.
* Date.parse('1999-12-31') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* Date.parse('31-12-1999') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* Date.parse('1999-365') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* Date.parse('1999-W52-5') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* In those classes, those are so-called "ajd" and "jd".
* - Date.strptime takes a date string and a format string,
* then parses the date string according to the format string:
* === Modified Julian Day Number
* Date.strptime('1999-12-31', '%Y-%m-%d') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* Date.strptime('31-12-1999', '%d-%m-%Y') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* Date.strptime('1999-365', '%Y-%j') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* Date.strptime('1999-W52-5', '%G-W%V-%u') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* Date.strptime('1999 52 5', '%Y %U %w') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* Date.strptime('1999 52 5', '%Y %W %u') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* Date.strptime('fri31dec99', '%a%d%b%y') # => #<Date: 1999-12-31>
* The modified Julian day number is in elapsed days since midnight
* (Coordinated Universal Time) on November 17, 1858 CE (in the
* Gregorian calendar).
* See also the specialized methods in
* {"Specialized Format Strings" in Formats for Dates and Times}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/strftime_formatting_rdoc.html#label-Specialized+Format+Strings]
* In this document, the astronomical modified Julian day number is
* the same as the original modified Julian day number. And the
* chronological modified Julian day number is a variation of the
* modified Julian day number. Its days begin at midnight on local
* time.
* In this document, when the term "modified Julian day number" simply
* appears, it just refers to "chronological modified Julian day
* number", not the original.
* In those classes, those are so-called "amjd" and "mjd".
* == Date
* A subclass of Object that includes the Comparable module and
* easily handles date.
* A Date object is created with Date::new, Date::jd, Date::ordinal,
* Date::commercial, Date::parse, Date::strptime, Date::today,
* Time#to_date, etc.
* require 'date'
* Date.new(2001,2,3)
* #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
* Date.jd(2451944)
* #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
* Date.ordinal(2001,34)
* #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
* Date.commercial(2001,5,6)
* #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
* Date.parse('2001-02-03')
* #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
* Date.strptime('03-02-2001', '%d-%m-%Y')
* #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
* Time.new(2001,2,3).to_date
* #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
* All date objects are immutable; hence cannot modify themselves.
* The concept of a date object can be represented as a tuple
* of the day count, the offset and the day of calendar reform.
* The day count denotes the absolute position of a temporal
* dimension. The offset is relative adjustment, which determines
* decoded local time with the day count. The day of calendar
* reform denotes the start day of the new style. The old style
* of the West is the Julian calendar which was adopted by
* Caesar. The new style is the Gregorian calendar, which is the
* current civil calendar of many countries.
* The day count is virtually the astronomical Julian day number.
* The offset in this class is usually zero, and cannot be
* specified directly.
* A Date object can be created with an optional argument,
* the day of calendar reform as a Julian day number, which
* should be 2298874 to 2426355 or negative/positive infinity.
* The default value is +Date::ITALY+ (2299161=1582-10-15).
* See also sample/cal.rb.
* $ ruby sample/cal.rb -c it 10 1582
* October 1582
* S M Tu W Th F S
* 1 2 3 4 15 16
* 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
* 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
* 31
* $ ruby sample/cal.rb -c gb 9 1752
* September 1752
* S M Tu W Th F S
* 1 2 14 15 16
* 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
* 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
* A Date object has various methods. See each reference.
* d = Date.parse('3rd Feb 2001')
* #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
* d.year #=> 2001
* d.mon #=> 2
* d.mday #=> 3
* d.wday #=> 6
* d += 1 #=> #<Date: 2001-02-04 ...>
* d.strftime('%a %d %b %Y') #=> "Sun 04 Feb 2001"
* === Argument +limit+
* == Argument +limit+
* Certain singleton methods in \Date that parse string arguments
* also take optional keyword argument +limit+,
@ -9541,7 +9460,6 @@ Init_date_core(void)
* - Other non-numeric: raises TypeError.
cDate = rb_define_class("Date", rb_cObject);
/* Exception for invalid date/time */