diff --git a/lib/fileutils.rb b/lib/fileutils.rb
index 5aa761e100..23aef6e146 100644
--- a/lib/fileutils.rb
+++ b/lib/fileutils.rb
@@ -6,17 +6,90 @@ rescue LoadError
# for make mjit-headers
+# Namespace for file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.
-# = fileutils.rb
+# == What's Here
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Minero Aoki
+# First, what’s elsewhere. \Module \FileUtils:
-# This program is free software.
-# You can distribute/modify this program under the same terms of ruby.
+# - Inherits from {class Object}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/Object.html].
+# - Supplements {class File}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/File.html]
+# (but is not included or extended there).
-# == module FileUtils
+# Here, module \FileUtils provides methods that are useful for:
-# Namespace for several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.
+# - {Creating}[rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Creating].
+# - {Deleting}[rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Deleting].
+# - {Querying}[rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Querying].
+# - {Setting}[rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Setting].
+# - {Comparing}[rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Comparing].
+# - {Copying}[rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Copying].
+# - {Moving}[rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Copying].
+# - {Options}[rdoc-ref:FileUtils@Options].
+# === Creating
+# - ::mkdir: Creates directories.
+# - ::mkdir_p, ::makedirs, ::mkpath: Creates directories,
+# also creating ancestor directories as needed.
+# - ::link_entry: Creates a hard link.
+# - ::ln, ::link: Creates hard links.
+# - ::ln_s, ::symlink: Creates symbolic links.
+# - ::ln_sf: Creates symbolic links, overwriting if necessary.
+# === Deleting
+# - ::remove_dir: Removes a directory and its descendants.
+# - ::remove_entry: Removes an entry, including its descendants if it is a directory.
+# - ::remove_entry_secure: Like ::remove_entry, but removes securely.
+# - ::remove_file: Removes a file entry.
+# - ::rm, ::remove: Removes entries.
+# - ::rm_f, ::safe_unlink: Like ::rm, but removes forcibly.
+# - ::rm_r: Removes entries and their descendants.
+# - ::rm_rf, ::rmtree: Like ::rm_r, but removes forcibly.
+# - ::rmdir: Removes directories.
+# === Querying
+# - ::pwd, ::getwd: Returns the path to the working directory.
+# - ::uptodate?: Returns whether a given entry is newer than given other entries.
+# === Setting
+# - ::cd, ::chdir: Sets the working directory.
+# - ::chmod: Sets permissions for an entry.
+# - ::chmod_R: Sets permissions for an entry and its descendants.
+# - ::chown: Sets the owner and group for entries.
+# - ::chown_R: Sets the owner and group for entries and their descendants.
+# - ::touch: Sets modification and access times for entries,
+# creating if necessary.
+# === Comparing
+# - ::compare_file, ::cmp, ::identical?: Returns whether two entries are identical.
+# - ::compare_stream: Returns whether two streams are identical.
+# === Copying
+# - ::copy_entry: Recursively copies an entry.
+# - ::copy_file: Copies an entry.
+# - ::copy_stream: Copies a stream.
+# - ::cp, ::copy: Copies files.
+# - ::cp_lr: Recursively creates hard links.
+# - ::cp_r: Recursively copies files.
+# - ::install: Recursively copies files (with options different from ::cp_r).
+# === Moving
+# - ::mv, ::move: Moves entries.
+# === Options
+# - ::collect_method: Returns the names of methods that accept a given option.
+# - ::commands: Returns the names of methods that accept options.
+# - ::have_option?: Returns whether a given method accepts a given option.
+# - ::options: Returns all option names.
+# - ::options_of: Returns the names of the options for a given method.
# == Path Arguments
@@ -59,89 +132,6 @@ end
# |-- find_executable.rb
# `-- helper.rb
-# === Module Functions
-# require 'fileutils'
-# FileUtils.cd(dir, **options)
-# FileUtils.cd(dir, **options) {|dir| block }
-# FileUtils.pwd()
-# FileUtils.mkdir(dir, **options)
-# FileUtils.mkdir(list, **options)
-# FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir, **options)
-# FileUtils.mkdir_p(list, **options)
-# FileUtils.rmdir(dir, **options)
-# FileUtils.rmdir(list, **options)
-# FileUtils.ln(target, link, **options)
-# FileUtils.ln(targets, dir, **options)
-# FileUtils.ln_s(target, link, **options)
-# FileUtils.ln_s(targets, dir, **options)
-# FileUtils.ln_sf(target, link, **options)
-# FileUtils.cp(src, dest, **options)
-# FileUtils.cp(list, dir, **options)
-# FileUtils.cp_r(src, dest, **options)
-# FileUtils.cp_r(list, dir, **options)
-# FileUtils.mv(src, dest, **options)
-# FileUtils.mv(list, dir, **options)
-# FileUtils.rm(list, **options)
-# FileUtils.rm_r(list, **options)
-# FileUtils.rm_rf(list, **options)
-# FileUtils.install(src, dest, **options)
-# FileUtils.chmod(mode, list, **options)
-# FileUtils.chmod_R(mode, list, **options)
-# FileUtils.chown(user, group, list, **options)
-# FileUtils.chown_R(user, group, list, **options)
-# FileUtils.touch(list, **options)
-# Possible options are:
-# :force :: forced operation (rewrite files if exist, remove
-# directories if not empty, etc.);
-# :verbose :: print command to be run, in bash syntax, before
-# performing it;
-# :preserve :: preserve object's group, user and modification
-# time on copying;
-# :noop :: no changes are made (usable in combination with
-# :verbose which will print the command to run)
-# Each method documents the options that it honours. See also ::commands,
-# ::options and ::options_of methods to introspect which command have which
-# options.
-# All methods that have the concept of a "source" file or directory can take
-# either one file or a list of files in that argument. See the method
-# documentation for examples.
-# There are some `low level' methods, which do not accept keyword arguments:
-# FileUtils.copy_entry(src, dest, preserve = false, dereference_root = false, remove_destination = false)
-# FileUtils.copy_file(src, dest, preserve = false, dereference = true)
-# FileUtils.copy_stream(srcstream, deststream)
-# FileUtils.remove_entry(path, force = false)
-# FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(path, force = false)
-# FileUtils.remove_file(path, force = false)
-# FileUtils.compare_file(path_a, path_b)
-# FileUtils.compare_stream(stream_a, stream_b)
-# FileUtils.uptodate?(file, cmp_list)
-# == module FileUtils::Verbose
-# This module has all methods of FileUtils module, but it outputs messages
-# before acting. This equates to passing the :verbose flag to methods
-# in FileUtils.
-# == module FileUtils::NoWrite
-# This module has all methods of FileUtils module, but never changes
-# files/directories. This equates to passing the :noop flag to methods
-# in FileUtils.
-# == module FileUtils::DryRun
-# This module has all methods of FileUtils module, but never changes
-# files/directories. This equates to passing the :noop and
-# :verbose flags to methods in FileUtils.
# == Avoiding the TOCTTOU Vulnerability
# For certain methods that recursively remove entries,
@@ -2411,7 +2401,7 @@ module FileUtils
# Returns an array of the string names of \FileUtils methods
- # that accept one or more keyword arguments;
+ # that accept one or more keyword arguments:
# FileUtils.commands.sort.take(3) # => ["cd", "chdir", "chmod"]