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mirror of https://github.com/ruby/ruby.git synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

MicroJIT: generate less code for CFUNCs

Added UJIT_CHECK_MODE. Set to 1 to double check method dispatch in
generated code.

It's surprising to me that we need to watch both cc and cme. There might
be opportunities to simplify there.
This commit is contained in:
Alan Wu 2020-10-27 18:49:17 -04:00
parent 0c52371c47
commit c378c7a7cb
7 changed files with 270 additions and 37 deletions

View file

@ -2907,7 +2907,7 @@ vm_ccs_free(struct rb_class_cc_entries *ccs, int alive, rb_objspace_t *objspace,

View file

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ x86opnd_t imm_opnd(int64_t imm)
return opnd;
x86opnd_t const_ptr_opnd(void* ptr)
x86opnd_t const_ptr_opnd(const void *ptr)
x86opnd_t opnd = {

View file

@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ x86opnd_t mem_opnd(size_t num_bits, x86opnd_t base_reg, int32_t disp);
x86opnd_t imm_opnd(int64_t val);
// Constant pointer operand
x86opnd_t const_ptr_opnd(void* ptr);
x86opnd_t const_ptr_opnd(const void *ptr);
// Struct member operand
#define member_opnd(base_reg, struct_type, member_name) mem_opnd( \

View file

@ -21,6 +21,14 @@
#define UJIT_DUMP_MODE 0
bool rb_ujit_enabled;
// Hash table of encoded instructions
@ -35,7 +43,12 @@ typedef struct ctx_struct
// Difference between the current stack pointer and actual stack top
int32_t stack_diff;
// The iseq that owns the region that is compiling
const rb_iseq_t *iseq;
// Index in the iseq to the opcode we are replacing
size_t replacement_idx;
// The start of output code
uint8_t *region_start;
} ctx_t;
@ -82,6 +95,137 @@ addr2insn_bookkeeping(void *code_ptr, int insn)
// GC root for interacting with the GC
struct ujit_root_struct {};
// Map cme_or_cc => [[iseq, offset]]. An entry in the map means compiled code at iseq[offset]
// is only valid when cme_or_cc is valid
static st_table *method_lookup_dependency;
struct compiled_region_array {
int32_t size;
int32_t capa;
struct compiled_region {
const rb_iseq_t *iseq;
size_t replacement_idx;
uint8_t *code;
// Add an element to a region array, or allocate a new region array.
static struct compiled_region_array *
add_compiled_region(struct compiled_region_array *array, const rb_iseq_t *iseq, size_t replacement_idx, uint8_t *code)
if (!array) {
// Allocate a brand new array with space for one
array = malloc(sizeof(*array) + sizeof(struct compiled_region));
if (!array) {
return NULL;
array->size = 0;
array->capa = 1;
if (array->size == INT32_MAX) {
return NULL;
// Check if the region is already present
for (int32_t i = 0; i < array->size; i++) {
if (array->data[i].iseq == iseq && array->data[i].replacement_idx == replacement_idx) {
return array;
if (array->size + 1 > array->capa) {
// Double the array's capacity.
int64_t double_capa = ((int64_t)array->capa) * 2;
int32_t new_capa = (int32_t)double_capa;
if (new_capa != double_capa) {
return NULL;
array = realloc(array, sizeof(*array) + new_capa * sizeof(struct compiled_region));
if (array == NULL) {
return NULL;
array->capa = new_capa;
int32_t size = array->size;
array->data[size].iseq = iseq;
array->data[size].replacement_idx = replacement_idx;
array->data[size].code = code;
return array;
static int
add_lookup_dependency_i(st_data_t *key, st_data_t *value, st_data_t data, int existing)
ctx_t *ctx = (ctx_t *)data;
struct compiled_region_array *regions = NULL;
if (existing) {
regions = (struct compiled_region_array *)*value;
regions = add_compiled_region(regions, ctx->iseq, ctx->replacement_idx, ctx->region_start);
if (!regions) {
rb_bug("ujit: failed to add method lookup dependency"); // TODO: we could bail out of compiling instead
*value = (st_data_t)regions;
// Store info to remember that the currently compiling region is only valid while cme and cc and valid.
static void
ujit_assume_method_lookup_stable(const struct rb_callcache *cc, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme, ctx_t *ctx)
st_update(method_lookup_dependency, (st_data_t)cme, add_lookup_dependency_i, (st_data_t)ctx);
st_update(method_lookup_dependency, (st_data_t)cc, add_lookup_dependency_i, (st_data_t)ctx);
// FIXME: This is a leak! When either the cme or the cc become invalid, the other also needs to go
static int
ujit_root_mark_i(st_data_t k, st_data_t v, st_data_t ignore)
// FIXME: This leaks everything that end up in the dependency table!
// One way to deal with this is with weak references...
struct compiled_region_array *regions = (void *)v;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < regions->size; i++) {
// GC callback during mark phase
static void
ujit_root_mark(void *ptr)
if (method_lookup_dependency) {
st_foreach(method_lookup_dependency, ujit_root_mark_i, 0);
static void
ujit_root_free(void *ptr)
// Do nothing. The root lives as long as the process.
static size_t
ujit_root_memsize(const void *ptr)
// Count off-gc-heap allocation size of the dependency table
return st_memsize(method_lookup_dependency); // TODO: more accurate accounting
// Custom type for interacting with the GC
// TODO: compaction support
// TODO: make this write barrier protected
static const rb_data_type_t ujit_root_type = {
{ujit_root_mark, ujit_root_free, ujit_root_memsize, },
static int
opcode_at_pc(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, const VALUE *pc)
@ -247,6 +391,8 @@ ujit_compile_insn(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, unsigned int insn_idx, unsigned int* ne
ctx.pc = NULL;
ctx.stack_diff = 0;
ctx.iseq = iseq;
ctx.region_start = code_ptr;
ctx.replacement_idx = insn_idx;
// For each instruction to compile
size_t num_instrs;
@ -483,6 +629,27 @@ gen_opt_minus(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
return true;
// Verify that calling with cd on receiver goes to callee
static void
check_cfunc_dispatch(VALUE receiver, struct rb_call_data *cd, void *callee, rb_callable_method_entry_t *compile_time_cme)
if (METHOD_ENTRY_INVALIDATED(compile_time_cme)) {
rb_bug("ujit: output code uses invalidated cme %p", (void *)compile_time_cme);
bool callee_correct = false;
const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme = rb_callable_method_entry(CLASS_OF(receiver), vm_ci_mid(cd->ci));
if (cme->def->type == VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC) {
const rb_method_cfunc_t *cfunc = UNALIGNED_MEMBER_PTR(cme->def, body.cfunc);
if ((void *)cfunc->func == callee) {
callee_correct = true;
if (!callee_correct) {
rb_bug("ujit: output code calls wrong method cd->cc->klass: %p", (void *)cd->cc->klass);
MJIT_FUNC_EXPORTED VALUE rb_hash_has_key(VALUE hash, VALUE key);
@ -524,21 +691,24 @@ gen_opt_send_without_block(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
// Don't JIT if the inline cache is not set
if (cd->cc == vm_cc_empty())
//printf("call cache is empty\n");
if (!cd->cc || !cd->cc->klass) {
return false;
const rb_callable_method_entry_t *me = vm_cc_cme(cd->cc);
const rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme = vm_cc_cme(cd->cc);
// Don't JIT if the method entry is out of date
return false;
// Don't JIT if this is not a C call
if (me->def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC)
if (cme->def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC)
return false;
const rb_method_cfunc_t *cfunc = UNALIGNED_MEMBER_PTR(me->def, body.cfunc);
const rb_method_cfunc_t *cfunc = UNALIGNED_MEMBER_PTR(cme->def, body.cfunc);
// Don't JIT if the argument count doesn't match
if (cfunc->argc < 0 || cfunc->argc != argc)
@ -586,24 +756,14 @@ gen_opt_send_without_block(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
// Pointer to the klass field of the receiver &(recv->klass)
x86opnd_t klass_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offsetof(struct RBasic, klass));
// Load the call cache pointer into REG1
mov(cb, REG1, const_ptr_opnd(cd));
x86opnd_t ptr_to_cc = member_opnd(REG1, struct rb_call_data, cc);
mov(cb, REG1, ptr_to_cc);
// Check the class of the receiver against the call cache
mov(cb, REG0, klass_opnd);
cmp(cb, REG0, mem_opnd(64, REG1, offsetof(struct rb_callcache, klass)));
// Bail if receiver class is different from compiled time call cache class
mov(cb, REG1, imm_opnd(cd->cc->klass));
cmp(cb, klass_opnd, REG1);
jne_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Check that the method entry is not invalidated
// cd->cc->cme->flags
// #define METHOD_ENTRY_INVALIDATED(me) ((me)->flags & IMEMO_FL_USER5)
x86opnd_t ptr_to_cme_ = mem_opnd(64, REG1, offsetof(struct rb_callcache, cme_));
mov(cb, REG1, ptr_to_cme_);
x86opnd_t flags_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG1, offsetof(rb_callable_method_entry_t, flags));
test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(IMEMO_FL_USER5));
jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Store incremented PC into current control frame in case callee raises.
mov(cb, REG0, const_ptr_opnd(ctx->pc + insn_len(BIN(opt_send_without_block))));
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG_CFP, offsetof(rb_control_frame_t, pc)), REG0);
// If this function needs a Ruby stack frame
if (cfunc_needs_frame(cfunc))
@ -619,6 +779,9 @@ gen_opt_send_without_block(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
// sp += 3
lea(cb, REG0, ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, sizeof(VALUE) * 3));
// Put compile time cme into REG1. It's assumed to be valid because we are notified when
// any cme we depend on become outdated. See rb_ujit_method_lookup_change().
mov(cb, REG1, const_ptr_opnd(cme));
// Write method entry at sp[-3]
// sp[-3] = me;
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, REG0, 8 * -3), REG1);
@ -661,6 +824,29 @@ gen_opt_send_without_block(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
mov(cb, member_opnd(REG1, rb_control_frame_t, self), REG0);
if (UJIT_CHECK_MODE > 0) {
// Verify that we are calling the right function
// Save MicroJIT registers
push(cb, REG_CFP);
push(cb, REG_EC);
push(cb, REG_SP);
// Maintain 16-byte RSP alignment
sub(cb, RSP, imm_opnd(8));
// Call check_cfunc_dispatch
mov(cb, RDI, recv);
mov(cb, RSI, const_ptr_opnd(cd));
mov(cb, RDX, const_ptr_opnd((void *)cfunc->func));
mov(cb, RCX, const_ptr_opnd(cme));
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)&check_cfunc_dispatch);
// Restore registers
add(cb, RSP, imm_opnd(8));
pop(cb, REG_SP);
pop(cb, REG_EC);
pop(cb, REG_CFP);
// Save the MicroJIT registers
push(cb, REG_CFP);
push(cb, REG_EC);
@ -687,8 +873,11 @@ gen_opt_send_without_block(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
//print_str(cb, "before C call");
ujit_assume_method_lookup_stable(cd->cc, cme, ctx);
// Call the C function
// VALUE ret = (cfunc->func)(recv, argv[0], argv[1]);
// cfunc comes from compile-time cme->def, which we assume to be stable.
// Invalidation logic is in rb_ujit_method_lookup_change()
call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void*)cfunc->func);
//print_str(cb, "after C call");
@ -723,7 +912,7 @@ void
rb_ujit_compile_iseq(const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
VALUE *encoded = (VALUE *)iseq->body->iseq_encoded;
unsigned int insn_idx;
@ -745,10 +934,41 @@ rb_ujit_compile_iseq(const rb_iseq_t *iseq)
insn_idx += len;
// Callback when cme or cc become invalid
rb_ujit_method_lookup_change(VALUE cme_or_cc)
if (!method_lookup_dependency) return;
RUBY_ASSERT(IMEMO_TYPE_P(cme_or_cc, imemo_ment) || IMEMO_TYPE_P(cme_or_cc, imemo_callcache));
st_data_t image;
if (st_lookup(method_lookup_dependency, (st_data_t)cme_or_cc, &image)) {
struct compiled_region_array *array = (void *)image;
// Invalidate all regions that depend on the cme or cc
for (int32_t i = 0; i < array->size; i++) {
struct compiled_region *region = &array->data[i];
const struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body = region->iseq->body;
RUBY_ASSERT((unsigned int)region->replacement_idx < body->iseq_size);
// Restore region address to interpreter address in bytecode sequence
if (body->iseq_encoded[region->replacement_idx] == (VALUE)region->code) {
const void *const *code_threading_table = rb_vm_get_insns_address_table();
int opcode = rb_vm_insn_addr2insn(region->code);
body->iseq_encoded[region->replacement_idx] = (VALUE)code_threading_table[opcode];
if (UJIT_DUMP_MODE > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cc_or_cme=%p now out of date. Restored idx=%u in iseq=%p\n", (void *)cme_or_cc, (unsigned)region->replacement_idx, (void *)region->iseq);
array->size = 0;
@ -782,4 +1002,9 @@ rb_ujit_init(void)
st_insert(gen_fns, (st_data_t)BIN(setlocal_WC_0), (st_data_t)&gen_setlocal_wc0);
st_insert(gen_fns, (st_data_t)BIN(opt_minus), (st_data_t)&gen_opt_minus);
st_insert(gen_fns, (st_data_t)BIN(opt_send_without_block), (st_data_t)&gen_opt_send_without_block);
method_lookup_dependency = st_init_numtable();
struct ujit_root_struct *root;
VALUE ujit_root = TypedData_Make_Struct(0, struct ujit_root_struct, &ujit_root_type, root);

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "stddef.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include "stdbool.h"
#include "method.h"
#ifndef rb_iseq_t
typedef struct rb_iseq_struct rb_iseq_t;
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ bool rb_ujit_enabled_p(void)
void rb_ujit_method_lookup_change(VALUE cme_or_cc);
void rb_ujit_init(void);
uint8_t *ujit_compile_insn(const rb_iseq_t *iseq, unsigned int insn_idx, unsigned int *next_ujit_idx);
void rb_ujit_compile_iseq(const rb_iseq_t *iseq);

View file

@ -409,16 +409,7 @@ vm_cc_method_missing_reason_set(const struct rb_callcache *cc, enum method_missi
*(enum method_missing_reason *)&cc->aux_.method_missing_reason = reason;
static inline void
vm_cc_invalidate(const struct rb_callcache *cc)
VM_ASSERT(IMEMO_TYPE_P(cc, imemo_callcache));
VM_ASSERT(cc != vm_cc_empty());
VM_ASSERT(cc->klass != 0); // should be enable
*(VALUE *)&cc->klass = 0;
void rb_vm_cc_invalidate(const struct rb_callcache *cc);
/* calldata */

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "id_table.h"
#include "ujit_compile.h"
#define METHOD_DEBUG 0
@ -114,6 +115,19 @@ rb_vm_mtbl_dump(const char *msg, VALUE klass, ID target_mid)
vm_mtbl_dump(klass, target_mid);
rb_vm_cc_invalidate(const struct rb_callcache *cc)
VM_ASSERT(IMEMO_TYPE_P(cc, imemo_callcache));
VM_ASSERT(cc != vm_cc_empty());
VM_ASSERT(cc->klass != 0); // should be enable
*(VALUE *)&cc->klass = 0;
static inline void
vm_cme_invalidate(rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme)
@ -121,6 +135,7 @@ vm_cme_invalidate(rb_callable_method_entry_t *cme)