mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00
Converted RD to RDoc and improved documentation. See comments at EOF.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@3407 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 320 additions and 260 deletions
@ -1,258 +1,84 @@
= fileutils.rb
Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Minero Aoki <aamine@loveruby.net>
This program is free software.
You can distribute/modify this program under the same terms of ruby.
== module FileUtils
The module which implements basic file operations.
=== Module Functions
--- FileUtils.cd( dir, *options )
--- FileUtils.cd( dir, *options ) {|dir| .... }
Options: noop verbose
changes the current directory to the directory DIR.
If this method is called with block, resumes to the old
working directory after the block execution finished.
FileUtils.cd '/', :verbose # chdir and report it
--- FileUtils.uptodate?( newer, older_list, *options )
Options: verbose
returns true if NEWER is newer than all OLDER_LIST.
Non-exist files are older than any file.
FileUtils.newest? 'hello.o', 'hello.c', 'hello.h' or system 'make'
--- FileUtils.mkdir( dir, *options )
Options: noop verbose
creates directorie(s) DIR.
FileUtils.mkdir 'test'
FileUtils.mkdir %w( tmp data )
FileUtils.mkdir 'notexist', :noop # does not create really
--- FileUtils.mkdir_p( dir, *options )
Options: noop verbose
makes dirctories DIR and all its parent directories.
For example,
FileUtils.mkdir_p '/usr/local/bin/ruby'
causes to make following directories (if it does not exist).
* /usr
* /usr/local
* /usr/local/bin
* /usr/local/bin/ruby
--- FileUtils.rmdir( dir, *options )
Options: noop, verbose
removes directory DIR.
FileUtils.rmdir 'somedir'
FileUtils.rmdir %w(somedir anydir otherdir)
# does not remove directory really, outputing message.
FileUtils.rmdir 'somedir', :verbose, :noop
--- FileUtils.ln( old, new, *options )
Options: force noop verbose
creates a hard link NEW which points OLD.
If NEW already exists and it is a directory, creates a symbolic link NEW/OLD.
If NEW already exists and it is not a directory, raises Errno::EEXIST.
But if :force option is set, overwrite NEW.
FileUtils.ln 'gcc', 'cc', :verbose
FileUtils.ln '/usr/bin/emacs21', '/usr/bin/emacs'
--- FileUtils.ln( list, destdir, *options )
Options: force noop verbose
creates hard links DESTDIR/LIST[0], DESTDIR/LIST[1], DESTDIR/LIST[2], ...
And each link points LIST[0], LIST[1], LIST[2], ...
If DESTDIR is not a directory, raises Errno::ENOTDIR.
include FileUtils
cd '/bin'
ln %w(cp mv mkdir), '/usr/bin'
--- FileUtils.ln_s( old, new, *options )
Options: force noop verbose
creates a symbolic link NEW which points OLD.
If NEW already exists and it is a directory, creates a symbolic link NEW/OLD.
If NEW already exists and it is not a directory, raises Errno::EEXIST.
But if :force option is set, overwrite NEW.
FileUtils.ln_s '/usr/bin/ruby', '/usr/local/bin/ruby'
FileUtils.ln_s 'verylongsourcefilename.c', 'c', :force
--- FileUtils.ln_s( list, destdir, *options )
Options: force noop verbose
creates symbolic link dir/file1, dir/file2 ... which point to
file1, file2 ... If DIR is not a directory, raises Errno::ENOTDIR.
If last argument is a directory, links DIR/LIST[0] to LIST[0],
DIR/LIST[1] to LIST[1], ....
creates symbolic links DESTDIR/LIST[0] which points LIST[0].
DESTDIR/LIST[1] to LIST[1], ....
If DESTDIR is not a directory, raises Errno::ENOTDIR.
FileUtils.ln_s Dir.glob('bin/*.rb'), '/home/aamine/bin'
--- FileUtils.ln_sf( src, dest, *options )
Options: noop verbose
same to ln_s(src,dest,:force)
--- FileUtils.cp( src, dest, *options )
Options: preserve noop verbose
copies a file SRC to DEST. If DEST is a directory, copies
FileUtils.cp 'eval.c', 'eval.c.org'
--- FileUtils.cp( list, dir, *options )
Options: preserve noop verbose
copies FILE1 to DIR/FILE1, FILE2 to DIR/FILE2 ...
FileUtils.cp 'cgi.rb', 'complex.rb', 'date.rb', '/usr/lib/ruby/1.6'
FileUtils.cp :verbose, %w(cgi.rb complex.rb date.rb), '/usr/lib/ruby/1.6'
--- FileUtils.cp_r( src, dest, *options )
Options: preserve noop verbose
copies SRC to DEST. If SRC is a directory, this method copies
its all contents recursively. If DEST is a directory, copies
# installing ruby library "mylib" under the site_ruby
FileUtils.rm_r site_ruby + '/mylib', :force
FileUtils.cp_r 'lib/', site_ruby + '/mylib'
--- FileUtils.cp_r( list, dir, *options )
Options: preserve noop verbose
copies a file or a directory LIST[0] to DIR/LIST[0], LIST[1] to DIR/LIST[1], ...
If LIST[n] is a directory, copies its contents recursively.
FileUtils.cp_r %w(mail.rb field.rb debug/) site_ruby + '/tmail'
FileUtils.cp_r Dir.glob('*.rb'), '/home/aamine/lib/ruby', :noop, :verbose
--- FileUtils.mv( src, dest, *options )
Options: noop verbose
moves a file SRC to DEST.
If FILE and DEST exist on the different disk partition,
copies it.
FileUtils.mv 'badname.rb', 'goodname.rb'
FileUtils.mv 'stuff.rb', 'lib/ruby', :force
--- FileUtils.mv( list, dir, *options )
Options: noop verbose
moves FILE1 to DIR/FILE1, FILE2 to DIR/FILE2 ...
If FILE and DEST exist on the different disk partition,
copies it.
FileUtils.mv 'junk.txt', 'dust.txt', '/home/aamine/.trash/'
FileUtils.mv Dir.glob('test*.rb'), 'T', :noop, :verbose
--- FileUtils.rm( list, *options )
Options: force noop verbose
remove files LIST[0], LIST[1]... This method cannot remove directory.
This method ignores all errors when :force option is set.
FileUtils.rm %w( junk.txt dust.txt )
FileUtils.rm Dir['*.so']
FileUtils.rm 'NotExistFile', :force # never raises exception
--- FileUtils.rm_r( list, *options )
Options: force noop verbose
remove files LIST[0] LIST[1]... If LIST[n] is a directory,
removes its all contents recursively. This method ignores
StandardError when :force option is set.
FileUtils.rm_r Dir.glob('/tmp/*')
FileUtils.rm_r '/', :force # :-)
--- FileUtils.rm_rf( list, *options )
Options: noop verbose
same to rm_r(list,:force)
--- FileUtils.cmp( file_a, file_b, *options )
Options: verbose
returns true if contents of a file A and a file B is identical.
FileUtils.cmp 'somefile', 'somefile' #=> true
FileUtils.cmp '/bin/cp', '/bin/mv' #=> maybe false.
--- FileUtils.install( src, dest, mode = <src's>, *options )
Options: noop verbose
If SRC is not same to DEST, copies it and changes the permittion
mode to MODE.
FileUtils.install 'ruby', '/usr/local/bin/ruby', 0755, :verbose
FileUtils.install 'lib.rb', '/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby', :verbose
--- FileUtils.chmod( mode, list, *options )
Options: noop verbose
changes permittion bits on the named FILEs to the bit pattern
represented by MODE.
FileUtils.chmod 0644, 'my.rb', 'your.rb'
FileUtils.chmod 0755, 'somecommand'
FileUtils.chmod 0755, '/usr/bin/ruby', :verbose
--- FileUtils.touch( list, *options )
Options: noop verbose
updates modification time (mtime) and access time (atime) of
LIST[0], LIST[1]...
If LIST[n] does not exist, creates an empty file.
FileUtils.touch 'timestamp'
FileUtils.touch Dir.glob('*.c'); system 'make'
== module FileUtils::Verbose
This class has all methods of FileUtils module and it works as
same, but outputs messages before action. You can also pass
verbose flag to all methods.
== module FileUtils::NoWrite
This class has all methods of FileUtils module,
but never changes files/directories.
# == fileutils.rb
# Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Minero Aoki <aamine@loveruby.net>
# This program is free software.
# You can distribute/modify this program under the same terms of ruby.
# == module FileUtils
# Namespace for several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.
# === Module Functions
# cd( dir, *options )
# cd( dir, *options ) {|dir| .... }
# uptodate?( newer, older_list, *options )
# mkdir( dir, *options )
# mkdir_p( dir, *options )
# rmdir( dir, *options )
# ln( old, new, *options )
# ln( list, destdir, *options )
# ln_s( old, new, *options )
# ln_s( list, destdir, *options )
# ln_sf( src, dest, *options )
# cp( src, dest, *options )
# cp( list, dir, *options )
# cp_r( src, dest, *options )
# cp_r( list, dir, *options )
# mv( src, dest, *options )
# mv( list, dir, *options )
# rm( list, *options )
# rm_r( list, *options )
# rm_rf( list, *options )
# cmp( file_a, file_b, *options )
# install( src, dest, mode = <src's>, *options )
# chmod( mode, list, *options )
# touch( list, *options )
# The <tt>*options</tt> parameter is a list of 0-3 options, taken from the list
# +:force+, +:noop+, +:preserve+, and +:verbose+. +:noop+ means that no changes
# are made. The other two are obvious. Each method documents the options that
# it honours.
# All methods that have the concept of a "source" file or directory can take
# either one file or a list of files in that argument. See the method
# documentation for examples.
# TODO: confirm correctness of all examples in doco. Some seem very wrong!
# == module FileUtils::Verbose
# This class has all methods of FileUtils module, but it outputs messages before
# acting. This equates to passing the +:verbose+ flag to methods in FileUtils.
# == module FileUtils::NoWrite
# This class has all methods of FileUtils module, but never changes
# files/directories. This equates to passing the +:noop+ flag to methods in
# FileUtils.
# See exp.rb for a summary of methods.
module FileUtils
# all methods are module_function.
# All methods are module_function.
def cd( dir, *options, &block )
# Options: noop verbose
# Changes the current directory to the directory +dir+.
# If this method is called with block, resumes to the old
# working directory after the block execution finished.
# FileUtils.cd '/', :verbose # chdir and report it
def cd( dir, *options, &block ) # :yield: dir
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
fu_output_message "cd #{dir}" if verbose
Dir.chdir dir, &block unless noop
@ -262,6 +88,14 @@ module FileUtils
alias chdir cd
# Options: verbose
# Returns true if +newer+ is newer than all +old_list+.
# Non-existent files are older than any file.
# FileUtils.newest? 'hello.o', 'hello.c', 'hello.h' or system 'make' FIXME
def uptodate?( new, old_list, *options )
verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :verbose)
fu_output_message "uptodate? #{new} #{old_list.join ' '}" if verbose
@ -277,6 +111,15 @@ module FileUtils
# Options: noop verbose
# Creates one or more directories.
# FileUtils.mkdir 'test'
# FileUtils.mkdir %w( tmp data )
# FileUtils.mkdir 'notexist', :noop # Does not really create.
def mkdir( list, *options )
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
list = fu_list(list)
@ -288,6 +131,22 @@ module FileUtils
# Options: noop verbose
# Creates a directory and all its parent directories.
# For example,
# FileUtils.mkdir_p '/usr/local/bin/ruby'
# causes to make following directories (if it does not exist).
# * /usr
# * /usr/local
# * /usr/local/bin
# * /usr/local/bin/ruby
# You can pass several directories at a time in a list.
def mkdir_p( list, *options )
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
list = fu_list(list)
@ -312,6 +171,16 @@ module FileUtils
alias makedirs mkdir_p
# Options: noop, verbose
# Removes one or more directories.
# FileUtils.rmdir 'somedir'
# FileUtils.rmdir %w(somedir anydir otherdir)
# # Does not really remove directory; outputs message.
# FileUtils.rmdir 'somedir', :verbose, :noop
def rmdir( list, *options )
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
list = fu_list(list)
@ -324,6 +193,28 @@ module FileUtils
# Options: force noop verbose
# <b><tt>ln( old, new, *options )</tt></b>
# Creates a hard link +new+ which points to +old+.
# If +new+ already exists and it is a directory, creates a symbolic link +new/old+.
# If +new+ already exists and it is not a directory, raises Errno::EEXIST.
# But if :force option is set, overwrite +new+.
# FileUtils.ln 'gcc', 'cc', :verbose
# FileUtils.ln '/usr/bin/emacs21', '/usr/bin/emacs'
# <b><tt>ln( list, destdir, *options )</tt></b>
# Creates several hard links in a directory, with each one pointing to the
# item in +list+. If +destdir+ is not a directory, raises Errno::ENOTDIR.
# include FileUtils
# cd '/bin'
# ln %w(cp mv mkdir), '/usr/bin' # Now /usr/bin/cp and /bin/cp are linked.
def ln( src, dest, *options )
force, noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :force, :noop, :verbose)
fu_output_message "ln#{force ? ' -f' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
@ -337,6 +228,28 @@ module FileUtils
alias link ln
# Options: force noop verbose
# <b><tt>ln_s( old, new, *options )</tt></b>
# Creates a symbolic link +new+ which points to +old+. If +new+ already
# exists and it is a directory, creates a symbolic link +new/old+. If +new+
# already exists and it is not a directory, raises Errno::EEXIST. But if
# :force option is set, overwrite +new+.
# FileUtils.ln_s '/usr/bin/ruby', '/usr/local/bin/ruby'
# FileUtils.ln_s 'verylongsourcefilename.c', 'c', :force
# <b><tt>ln_s( list, destdir, *options )</tt></b>
# Creates several symbolic links in a directory, with each one pointing to the
# item in +list+. If +destdir+ is not a directory, raises Errno::ENOTDIR.
# If +destdir+ is not a directory, raises Errno::ENOTDIR.
# FileUtils.ln_s Dir.glob('bin/*.rb'), '/home/aamine/bin'
def ln_s( src, dest, *options )
force, noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :force, :noop, :verbose)
fu_output_message "ln -s#{force ? 'f' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
@ -350,12 +263,32 @@ module FileUtils
alias symlink ln_s
# Options: noop verbose
# Same as
# #ln_s(src, dest, :force)
def ln_sf( src, dest, *options )
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
ln_s src, dest, :force, *options
# Options: preserve noop verbose
# Copies a file +src+ to +dest+. If +dest+ is a directory, copies
# +src+ to +dest/src+.
# If +src+ is a list of files, then +dest+ must be a directory.
# FIXME: There's no way examples 2 and 3 will work!!!
# FileUtils.cp 'eval.c', 'eval.c.org'
# FileUtils.cp 'cgi.rb', 'complex.rb', 'date.rb', '/usr/lib/ruby/1.6'
# FileUtils.cp :verbose, %w(cgi.rb complex.rb date.rb), '/usr/lib/ruby/1.6'
def cp( src, dest, *options )
preserve, noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :preserve, :noop, :verbose)
fu_output_message "cp#{preserve ? ' -p' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
@ -370,6 +303,23 @@ module FileUtils
alias copy cp
# Options: preserve noop verbose
# Copies +src+ to +dest+. If +src+ is a directory, this method copies
# all its contents recursively. If +dest+ is a directory, copies
# +src+ to +dest/src+.
# +src+ can be a list of files.
# # Installing ruby library "mylib" under the site_ruby
# FileUtils.rm_r site_ruby + '/mylib', :force
# FileUtils.cp_r 'lib/', site_ruby + '/mylib'
# # Examples of copying several files to target directory.
# FileUtils.cp_r %w(mail.rb field.rb debug/), site_ruby + '/tmail'
# FileUtils.cp_r Dir.glob('*.rb'), '/home/aamine/lib/ruby', :noop, :verbose
def cp_r( src, dest, *options )
preserve, noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :preserve, :noop, :verbose)
fu_output_message "cp -r#{preserve ? 'p' : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
@ -384,7 +334,7 @@ module FileUtils
def fu_copy_dir( src, dest, rel, preserve )
def fu_copy_dir( src, dest, rel, preserve ) #:nodoc:
fu_preserve_attr(preserve, "#{src}/#{rel}", "#{dest}/#{rel}") {|s,d|
dir = File.expand_path(d) # to remove '/./'
Dir.mkdir dir unless FileTest.directory? dir
@ -400,14 +350,14 @@ module FileUtils
private :fu_copy_dir
def fu_p_copy( src, dest, really )
def fu_p_copy( src, dest, really ) #:nodoc:
fu_preserve_attr(really, src, dest) {
copy_file src, dest
private :fu_p_copy
def fu_preserve_attr( really, src, dest )
def fu_preserve_attr( really, src, dest ) #:nodoc:
unless really
yield src, dest
@ -426,7 +376,7 @@ module FileUtils
private :fu_preserve_attr
def copy_file( src, dest )
def copy_file( src, dest ) #:nodoc:
bsize = fu_blksize(File.stat(src).blksize)
File.open(src, 'rb') {|r|
File.open(dest, 'wb') {|w|
@ -440,6 +390,18 @@ module FileUtils
# Options: noop verbose
# Moves file(s) +src+ to +dest+. If +file+ and +dest+ exist on the different
# disk partition, the file is copied instead.
# FileUtils.mv 'badname.rb', 'goodname.rb'
# FileUtils.mv 'stuff.rb', 'lib/ruby', :force
# FileUtils.mv 'junk.txt', 'dust.txt', '/home/aamine/.trash/' # FIXME
# FileUtils.mv Dir.glob('test*.rb'), 'T', :noop, :verbose
def mv( src, dest, *options )
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
fu_output_message "mv #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
@ -473,11 +435,24 @@ module FileUtils
alias move mv
def cannot_overwrite_file?
# For internal use.
def cannot_overwrite_file? #:nodoc:
/djgpp|cygwin|mswin32/ === RUBY_PLATFORM
# Options: force noop verbose
# Remove file(s) specified in +list+. This method cannot remove directories.
# All errors are ignored when the :force option is set.
# FileUtils.rm %w( junk.txt dust.txt )
# FileUtils.rm Dir['*.so']
# FileUtils.rm 'NotExistFile', :force # never raises exception
def rm( list, *options )
force, noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :force, :noop, :verbose)
list = fu_list(list)
@ -491,6 +466,12 @@ module FileUtils
alias remove rm
# Options: noop verbose
# Same as
# #rm(list, :force)
def rm_f( list, *options )
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
rm list, :force, *options
@ -498,6 +479,16 @@ module FileUtils
alias safe_unlink rm_f
# Options: force noop verbose
# remove files +list+[0] +list+[1]... If +list+[n] is a directory,
# removes its all contents recursively. This method ignores
# StandardError when :force option is set.
# FileUtils.rm_r Dir.glob('/tmp/*')
# FileUtils.rm_r '/', :force # :-)
def rm_r( list, *options )
force, noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :force, :noop, :verbose)
list = fu_list(list)
@ -517,12 +508,21 @@ module FileUtils
# Options: noop verbose
# Same as
# #rm_r(list, :force)
def rm_rf( list, *options )
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
rm_r list, :force, *options
def remove_file( fname, force = false )
# For internal use.
def remove_file( fname, force = false ) # :nodoc:
first_time_p = true
File.unlink fname
@ -539,7 +539,10 @@ module FileUtils
def remove_dir( dir, force = false )
# For internal use.
def remove_dir( dir, force = false ) # :nodoc:
Dir.foreach(dir) do |file|
next if /\A\.\.?\z/ === file
path = "#{dir}/#{file}"
@ -557,6 +560,16 @@ module FileUtils
# Options: verbose
# Returns true if the contents of a file A and a file B are identical.
# FileUtils.cmp 'somefile', 'somefile' #=> true
# FileUtils.cmp '/bin/cp', '/bin/mv' #=> maybe false
# FIXME: This method is not implemented properly!!!
def cmp( filea, fileb, *options )
verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :verbose)
fu_output_message "cmp #{filea} #{fileb}" if verbose
@ -588,6 +601,15 @@ module FileUtils
alias identical? cmp
# Options: noop verbose
# If +src+ is not same as +dest+, copies it and changes the permission
# mode to +mode+.
# FileUtils.install 'ruby', '/usr/local/bin/ruby', 0755, :verbose
# FileUtils.install 'lib.rb', '/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby', :verbose # FIXME
def install( src, dest, mode, *options )
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
fu_output_message "install -c#{mode ? ' -m 0%o'%mode : ''} #{[src,dest].flatten.join ' '}" if verbose
@ -603,6 +625,16 @@ module FileUtils
# Options: noop verbose
# Changes permission bits on the named files (in +list+) to the bit pattern
# represented by +mode+.
# FileUtils.chmod 0644, 'my.rb', 'your.rb' FIXME
# FileUtils.chmod 0755, 'somecommand'
# FileUtils.chmod 0755, '/usr/bin/ruby', :verbose
def chmod( mode, list, *options )
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
list = fu_list(list)
@ -611,6 +643,15 @@ module FileUtils
File.chmod mode, *list
# Options: noop verbose
# Updates modification time (mtime) and access time (atime) of file(s) in
# +list+. Files are created if they don't exist.
# FileUtils.touch 'timestamp'
# FileUtils.touch Dir.glob('*.c'); system 'make'
def touch( list, *options )
noop, verbose, = fu_parseargs(options, :noop, :verbose)
list = fu_list(list)
@ -723,6 +764,10 @@ module FileUtils
# This class has all methods of FileUtils module, but it outputs messages before
# acting. This equates to passing the +:verbose+ flag to methods in FileUtils.
module Verbose
include FileUtils
@ -749,6 +794,11 @@ module FileUtils
# This class has all methods of FileUtils module, but never changes
# files/directories. This equates to passing the +:noop+ flag to methods in
# FileUtils.
module NoWrite
include FileUtils
@ -775,7 +825,7 @@ module FileUtils
class Operator
class Operator # :nodoc:
include FileUtils
@ -804,3 +854,13 @@ module FileUtils
# Documentation comments:
# - Some methods should probably be private. They are marked :nodoc: to avoid
# RDoc pollution.
# - This module was already extensively commented using RD. I converted it to
# RDoc and attempted to improve it.
# - Some RDoc markup used here doesn't work (namely, +file1+, +:noop+,
# +dir/file+). I consider this a bug and expect that these will be valid in
# the near future.
Reference in a new issue