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Enhanced RDoc for Integer (#5120)


This commit is contained in:
Burdette Lamar 2021-11-16 13:42:05 -06:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8a816fbe7b
commit d8d5488631
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Notes: git 2021-11-17 04:42:39 +09:00
Merged-By: BurdetteLamar <BurdetteLamar@Yahoo.com>

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@ -3705,7 +3705,7 @@ rb_fix_plus(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* call-seq:
* self + numeric -> numeric
* self + numeric -> numeric_result
* Performs addition:
@ -3750,7 +3750,7 @@ fix_minus(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* call-seq:
* int - numeric -> numeric
* int - numeric -> numeric_result
* Performs subtraction:
@ -3780,15 +3780,6 @@ rb_int_minus(VALUE x, VALUE y)
/*tests if N*N would overflow*/
#define FIT_SQRT_LONG(n) (((n)<SQRT_LONG_MAX)&&((n)>=-SQRT_LONG_MAX))
* Document-method: Integer#*
* call-seq:
* int * numeric -> numeric_result
* Performs multiplication: the class of the resulting object depends on
* the class of +numeric+.
static VALUE
fix_mul(VALUE x, VALUE y)
@ -3813,6 +3804,20 @@ fix_mul(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* call-seq:
* self * numeric -> numeric_result
* Performs multiplication:
* 4 * 2 # => 8
* 4 * -2 # => -8
* -4 * 2 # => -8
* 4 * 2.0 # => 8.0
* 4 * Rational(1, 3) # => (4/3)
* 4 * Complex(2, 0) # => (8+0i)
rb_int_mul(VALUE x, VALUE y)
@ -3864,15 +3869,19 @@ rb_int_fdiv_double(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* Document-method: Integer#fdiv
* call-seq:
* int.fdiv(numeric) -> float
* fdiv(numeric) -> float
* Returns the floating point result of dividing +int+ by +numeric+.
* Returns the Float result of dividing +self+ by +numeric+:
* 4.fdiv(2) # => 2.0
* 4.fdiv(-2) # => -2.0
* -4.fdiv(2) # => -2.0
* 4.fdiv(2.0) # => 2.0
* 4.fdiv(Rational(3, 4)) # => 5.333333333333333
* Raises an exception if +numeric+ cannot be converted to a Float.
* 654321.fdiv(13731) #=> 47.652829364212366
* 654321.fdiv(13731.24) #=> 47.65199646936475
* -654321.fdiv(13731) #=> -47.652829364212366
@ -3884,15 +3893,6 @@ rb_int_fdiv(VALUE x, VALUE y)
return Qnil;
* Document-method: Integer#/
* call-seq:
* int / numeric -> numeric_result
* Performs division: the class of the resulting object depends on
* the class of +numeric+.
static VALUE
fix_divide(VALUE x, VALUE y, ID op)
@ -3930,6 +3930,22 @@ fix_div(VALUE x, VALUE y)
return fix_divide(x, y, '/');
* call-seq:
* self / numeric -> numeric_result
* Performs division:
* 4 / 3 # => 1
* 4 / -3 # => -2
* -4 / 3 # => -2
* -4 / -3 # => 1
* 4 / 3.0 # => 1.3333333333333333
* 4 / Rational(3, 1) # => (4/3)
* 4 / Complex(3, 0) # => ((4/3)+0i)
rb_int_div(VALUE x, VALUE y)
@ -3942,21 +3958,30 @@ rb_int_div(VALUE x, VALUE y)
return Qnil;
* Document-method: Integer#div
* call-seq:
* int.div(numeric) -> integer
* Performs integer division: returns the integer result of dividing +int+
* by +numeric+.
static VALUE
fix_idiv(VALUE x, VALUE y)
return fix_divide(x, y, id_div);
* call-seq:
* div(numeric) -> integer
* Performs integer division; returns the integer result of dividing +self+
* by +numeric+:
* 4.div(3) # => 1
* 4.div(-3) # => -2
* -4.div(3) # => -2
* -4.div(-3) # => 1
* 4.div(3.0) # => 1
* 4.div(Rational(3, 1)) # => 1
* Raises an exception if +numeric+ does not have method +div+.
rb_int_idiv(VALUE x, VALUE y)
@ -4132,22 +4157,19 @@ rb_int_divmod(VALUE x, VALUE y)
* Document-method: Integer#**
* call-seq:
* int ** numeric -> numeric_result
* self ** numeric -> numeric_result
* Raises +int+ to the power of +numeric+, which may be negative or
* fractional.
* The result may be an Integer, a Float, a Rational, or a complex number.
* Raises +self+ to the power of +numeric+:
* 2 ** 3 #=> 8
* 2 ** -1 #=> (1/2)
* 2 ** 0.5 #=> 1.4142135623730951
* (-1) ** 0.5 #=> (0.0+1.0i)
* 2 ** 3 # => 8
* 2 ** -3 # => (1/8)
* -2 ** 3 # => -8
* -2 ** -3 # => (-1/8)
* 2 ** 3.3 # => 9.849155306759329
* 2 ** Rational(3, 1) # => (8/1)
* 2 ** Complex(3, 0) # => (8+0i)
* 123456789 ** 2 #=> 15241578750190521
* 123456789 ** 1.2 #=> 5126464716.0993185
* 123456789 ** -2 #=> (1/15241578750190521)
static VALUE
@ -4887,41 +4909,42 @@ int_aref2(VALUE num, VALUE beg, VALUE len)
* Document-method: Integer#[]
* call-seq:
* int[n] -> 0, 1
* int[n, m] -> num
* int[range] -> num
* self[offset] -> 0 or 1
* self[offset, size] -> integer
* self[range] -> integer
* Bit Reference---Returns the <code>n</code>th bit in the
* binary representation of +int+, where <code>int[0]</code>
* is the least significant bit.
* Returns a slice of bits from +self+.
* a = 0b11001100101010
* 30.downto(0) {|n| print a[n] }
* #=> 0000000000000000011001100101010
* With argument +offset+, returns the bit at the given offset,
* where offset 0 refers to the least significant bit:
* a = 9**15
* 50.downto(0) {|n| print a[n] }
* #=> 000101110110100000111000011110010100111100010111001
* n = 0b10 # => 2
* n[0] # => 0
* n[1] # => 1
* n[2] # => 0
* n[3] # => 0
* In principle, <code>n[i]</code> is equivalent to <code>(n >> i) & 1</code>.
* Thus, any negative index always returns zero:
* Thus, negative index always returns zero:
* p 255[-1] #=> 0
* 255[-1] # => 0
* Range operations <code>n[i, len]</code> and <code>n[i..j]</code>
* are naturally extended.
* With arguments +offset+ and +size+, returns +size+ bits from +self+,
* beginning at +offset+ and including bits of greater significance:
* * <code>n[i, len]</code> equals to <code>(n >> i) & ((1 << len) - 1)</code>.
* * <code>n[i..j]</code> equals to <code>(n >> i) & ((1 << (j - i + 1)) - 1)</code>.
* * <code>n[i...j]</code> equals to <code>(n >> i) & ((1 << (j - i)) - 1)</code>.
* * <code>n[i..]</code> equals to <code>(n >> i)</code>.
* * <code>n[..j]</code> is zero if <code>n & ((1 << (j + 1)) - 1)</code> is zero. Otherwise, raises an ArgumentError.
* * <code>n[...j]</code> is zero if <code>n & ((1 << j) - 1)</code> is zero. Otherwise, raises an ArgumentError.
* n = 0b111000 # => 56
* "%010b" % n[0, 10] # => "0000111000"
* "%010b" % n[4, 10] # => "0000000011"
* Note that range operation may exhaust memory.
* For example, <code>-1[0, 1000000000000]</code> will raise NoMemoryError.
* With argument +range+, returns <tt>range.size</tt> bits from +self+,
* beginning at <tt>range.begin</tt> and including bits of greater significance:
* n = 0b111000 # => 56
* "%010b" % n[0..9] # => "0000111000"
* "%010b" % n[4..9] # => "0000000011"
* Raises an exception if the slice cannot be constructed.
static VALUE
@ -5024,26 +5047,6 @@ rb_int_bit_length(VALUE num)
return Qnil;
* Document-method: Integer#digits
* call-seq:
* int.digits -> array
* int.digits(base) -> array
* Returns the digits of +int+'s place-value representation
* with radix +base+ (default: 10).
* The digits are returned as an array with the least significant digit
* as the first array element.
* +base+ must be greater than or equal to 2.
* 12345.digits #=> [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
* 12345.digits(7) #=> [4, 6, 6, 0, 5]
* 12345.digits(100) #=> [45, 23, 1]
* -12345.digits(7) #=> Math::DomainError
static VALUE
rb_fix_digits(VALUE fix, long base)
@ -5120,6 +5123,22 @@ rb_int_digits_bigbase(VALUE num, VALUE base)
return digits;
* call-seq:
* digits(base = 10) -> array_of_integers
* Returns an array of integers representing the +base+-radix
* digits of +self+;
* the first element of the array represents the least significant digit:
* 12345.digits # => [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
* 12345.digits(7) # => [4, 6, 6, 0, 5]
* 12345.digits(100) # => [45, 23, 1]
* Raises an exception if +self+ is negative or +base+ is less than 2.
static VALUE
rb_int_digits(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE num)
@ -5154,26 +5173,32 @@ rb_int_digits(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE num)
return Qnil;
* Document-method: Integer#upto
* call-seq:
* int.upto(limit) {|i| block } -> self
* int.upto(limit) -> an_enumerator
* Iterates the given block, passing in integer values from +int+ up to and
* including +limit+.
* If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned instead.
* 5.upto(10) {|i| print i, " " } #=> 5 6 7 8 9 10
static VALUE
int_upto_size(VALUE from, VALUE args, VALUE eobj)
return ruby_num_interval_step_size(from, RARRAY_AREF(args, 0), INT2FIX(1), FALSE);
* call-seq:
* upto(limit) {|i| ... } -> self
* upto(limit) -> enumerator
* Calls the given block with each integer value from +self+ up to +limit+;
* returns +self+:
* a = []
* 5.upto(10) {|i| a << i } # => 5
* a # => [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
* a = []
* -5.upto(0) {|i| a << i } # => -5
* a # => [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0]
* 5.upto(4) {|i| fail 'Cannot happen' } # => 5
* With no block given, returns an Enumerator.
static VALUE
int_upto(VALUE from, VALUE to)
@ -5198,28 +5223,32 @@ int_upto(VALUE from, VALUE to)
return from;
* Document-method: Integer#downto
* call-seq:
* int.downto(limit) {|i| block } -> self
* int.downto(limit) -> an_enumerator
* Iterates the given block, passing in decreasing values from +int+ down to
* and including +limit+.
* If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned instead.
* 5.downto(1) { |n| print n, ".. " }
* puts "Liftoff!"
* #=> "5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Liftoff!"
static VALUE
int_downto_size(VALUE from, VALUE args, VALUE eobj)
return ruby_num_interval_step_size(from, RARRAY_AREF(args, 0), INT2FIX(-1), FALSE);
* call-seq:
* downto(limit) {|i| ... } -> self
* downto(limit) -> enumerator
* Calls the given block with each integer value from +self+ down to +limit+;
* returns +self+:
* a = []
* 10.downto(5) {|i| a << i } # => 10
* a # => [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5]
* a = []
* 0.downto(-5) {|i| a << i } # => 0
* a # => [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5]
* 4.downto(5) {|i| fail 'Cannot happen' } # => 4
* With no block given, returns an Enumerator.
static VALUE
int_downto(VALUE from, VALUE to)