mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00
Implemented side-exits to interpreter. setlocal_WC_0
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 240 additions and 134 deletions
@ -127,6 +127,14 @@ x86opnd_t mem_opnd(size_t num_bits, x86opnd_t base_reg, int32_t disp)
return opnd;
x86opnd_t resize_opnd(x86opnd_t opnd, size_t num_bits)
assert (num_bits % 8 == 0);
x86opnd_t sub = opnd;
sub.num_bits = num_bits;
return sub;
x86opnd_t imm_opnd(int64_t imm)
x86opnd_t opnd = {
@ -149,11 +157,12 @@ x86opnd_t const_ptr_opnd(void* ptr)
return opnd;
void cb_init(codeblock_t* cb, size_t mem_size)
// Allocate a block of executable memory
uint8_t* alloc_exec_mem(size_t mem_size)
// Map the memory as executable
cb->mem_block = (uint8_t*)mmap(
uint8_t* mem_block = (uint8_t*)mmap(
@ -162,12 +171,19 @@ void cb_init(codeblock_t* cb, size_t mem_size)
// Check that the memory mapping was successful
if (cb->mem_block == MAP_FAILED)
if (mem_block == MAP_FAILED)
fprintf(stderr, "mmap call failed\n");
return mem_block;
// Initialize a code block object
void cb_init(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* mem_block, size_t mem_size)
cb->mem_block = mem_block;
cb->mem_size = mem_size;
cb->write_pos = 0;
cb->num_labels = 0;
@ -801,6 +817,26 @@ void cb_write_jcc(codeblock_t* cb, const char* mnem, uint8_t op0, uint8_t op1, s
cb_write_int(cb, 0, 32);
// Encode a relative jump to a pointer at a 32-bit offset (direct or conditional)
void cb_write_jcc_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, const char* mnem, uint8_t op0, uint8_t op1, uint8_t* dst_ptr)
//cb.writeASM(mnem, label);
// Write the opcode
cb_write_byte(cb, op0);
cb_write_byte(cb, op1);
// Pointer to the end of this jump
uint8_t* end_ptr = &cb->mem_block[cb->write_pos] + 4;
// Compute the jump offset
int64_t rel64 = (int64_t)(dst_ptr - end_ptr);
assert (rel64 >= -2147483648 && rel64 <= 2147483647);
// Write the relative 32-bit jump offset
cb_write_int(cb, (int32_t)rel64, 32);
// Encode a conditional move instruction
void cb_write_cmov(codeblock_t* cb, const char* mnem, uint8_t opcode1, x86opnd_t dst, x86opnd_t src)
@ -1097,6 +1133,38 @@ void jpo (codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx) { cb_write_jcc(cb, "jpo" , 0x0F, 0x
void js (codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx) { cb_write_jcc(cb, "js" , 0x0F, 0x88, label_idx); }
void jz (codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx) { cb_write_jcc(cb, "jz" , 0x0F, 0x84, label_idx); }
/// jcc - Conditional relative jump to a pointer (32-bit offset)
void ja_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "ja" , 0x0F, 0x87, ptr); }
void jae_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jae" , 0x0F, 0x83, ptr); }
void jb_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jb" , 0x0F, 0x82, ptr); }
void jbe_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jbe" , 0x0F, 0x86, ptr); }
void jc_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jc" , 0x0F, 0x82, ptr); }
void je_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "je" , 0x0F, 0x84, ptr); }
void jg_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jg" , 0x0F, 0x8F, ptr); }
void jge_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jge" , 0x0F, 0x8D, ptr); }
void jl_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jl" , 0x0F, 0x8C, ptr); }
void jle_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jle" , 0x0F, 0x8E, ptr); }
void jna_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jna" , 0x0F, 0x86, ptr); }
void jnae_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jnae", 0x0F, 0x82, ptr); }
void jnb_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jnb" , 0x0F, 0x83, ptr); }
void jnbe_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jnbe", 0x0F, 0x87, ptr); }
void jnc_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jnc" , 0x0F, 0x83, ptr); }
void jne_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jne" , 0x0F, 0x85, ptr); }
void jng_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jng" , 0x0F, 0x8E, ptr); }
void jnge_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jnge", 0x0F, 0x8C, ptr); }
void jnl_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jnl" , 0x0F, 0x8D, ptr); }
void jnle_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jnle", 0x0F, 0x8F, ptr); }
void jno_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jno" , 0x0F, 0x81, ptr); }
void jnp_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jnp" , 0x0F, 0x8b, ptr); }
void jns_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jns" , 0x0F, 0x89, ptr); }
void jnz_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jnz" , 0x0F, 0x85, ptr); }
void jo_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jo" , 0x0F, 0x80, ptr); }
void jp_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jp" , 0x0F, 0x8A, ptr); }
void jpe_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jpe" , 0x0F, 0x8A, ptr); }
void jpo_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jpo" , 0x0F, 0x8B, ptr); }
void js_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "js" , 0x0F, 0x88, ptr); }
void jz_ptr (codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr) { cb_write_jcc_ptr(cb, "jz" , 0x0F, 0x84, ptr); }
/// jmp - Direct relative jump to label
void jmp(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx)
@ -1119,19 +1187,6 @@ void jmp_rm(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd)
cb_write_rm(cb, false, false, NO_OPND, opnd, 4, 1, 0xFF);
/// jmp - Jump with relative 8-bit offset
void jmp8(CodeBlock cb, int8_t offset)
/// Opcode for direct jump with relative 8-bit offset
const ubyte JMP_REL8_OPCODE = 0xEB;
cb.writeASM("jmp", ((offset > 0)? "+":"-") ~ to!string(offset));
// jmp - Jump with relative 32-bit offset
void jmp32(codeblock_t* cb, int32_t offset)
@ -1204,7 +1259,7 @@ void mov(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t dst, x86opnd_t src)
0xC6, // opMemImm8
0xFF, // opMemImmSml (not available)
0xFF, // opMemImmLrg
0xFF, // opExtImm
0xFF, // opExtImm
@ -1517,6 +1572,30 @@ void sub(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd0, x86opnd_t opnd1)
/// test - Logical Compare
void test(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t rm_opnd, x86opnd_t imm_opnd)
assert (rm_opnd.type == OPND_REG || rm_opnd.type == OPND_MEM);
assert (imm_opnd.type == OPND_IMM);
assert (imm_opnd.imm >= 0);
assert (unsig_imm_size(imm_opnd.unsig_imm) <= 32);
assert (unsig_imm_size(imm_opnd.unsig_imm) <= rm_opnd.num_bits);
// Use the smallest operand size possible
rm_opnd = resize_opnd(rm_opnd, unsig_imm_size(imm_opnd.unsig_imm));
if (rm_opnd.num_bits == 8)
cb_write_rm(cb, false, false, NO_OPND, rm_opnd, 0x00, 1, 0xF6);
cb_write_int(cb, imm_opnd.imm, rm_opnd.num_bits);
cb_write_rm(cb, rm_opnd.num_bits == 16, false, NO_OPND, rm_opnd, 0x00, 1, 0xF7);
cb_write_int(cb, imm_opnd.imm, rm_opnd.num_bits);
/// Undefined opcode
void ud2(codeblock_t* cb)
@ -219,7 +219,8 @@ x86opnd_t imm_opnd(int64_t val);
x86opnd_t const_ptr_opnd(void* ptr);
// Code block methods
void cb_init(codeblock_t* cb, size_t mem_size);
uint8_t* alloc_exec_mem(size_t mem_size);
void cb_init(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* mem_block, size_t mem_size);
void cb_align_pos(codeblock_t* cb, size_t multiple);
void cb_set_pos(codeblock_t* cb, size_t pos);
uint8_t* cb_get_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, size_t index);
@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ void jnc(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void jne(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void jng(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void jnge(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
//void jnl(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void jnl(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void jnle(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void jno(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void jnp(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
@ -301,6 +302,36 @@ void jpe(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void jpo(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void js(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void jz(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void ja_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jae_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jb_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jbe_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jc_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void je_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jg_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jge_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jl_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jle_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jna_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jnae_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jnb_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jnbe_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jnc_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jne_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jng_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jnge_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jnl_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jnle_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jno_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jnp_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jns_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jnz_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jo_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jp_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jpe_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jpo_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void js_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jz_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t* ptr);
void jmp(codeblock_t* cb, size_t label_idx);
void jmp_rm(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd);
void jmp32(codeblock_t* cb, int32_t offset);
@ -321,6 +352,7 @@ void sar(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd0, x86opnd_t opnd1);
void shl(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd0, x86opnd_t opnd1);
void shr(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd0, x86opnd_t opnd1);
void sub(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd0, x86opnd_t opnd1);
void test(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t rm_opnd, x86opnd_t imm_opnd);
void ud2(codeblock_t* cb);
void xor(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t opnd0, x86opnd_t opnd1);
@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ void run_tests()
codeblock_t cb_obj;
codeblock_t* cb = &cb_obj;
cb_init(cb, 4096);
uint8_t* mem_block = alloc_exec_mem(4096);
cb_init(cb, mem_block, 4096);
// add
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); add(cb, CL, imm_opnd(3)); check_bytes(cb, "80C103");
@ -313,25 +314,13 @@ void run_tests()
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); sub(cb, RAX, imm_opnd(2)); check_bytes(cb, "4883E802");
// test
delegate void (CodeBlock cb) { cb.instr(TEST, AL, 4); },
delegate void (CodeBlock cb) { cb.instr(TEST, CL, 255); },
delegate void (CodeBlock cb) { cb.instr(TEST, DL, 7); },
delegate void (CodeBlock cb) { cb.instr(TEST, DIL, 9); },
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); test(cb, CL, imm_opnd(8)); check_bytes(cb, "F6C108");
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); test(cb, DL, imm_opnd(7)); check_bytes(cb, "F6C207");
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); test(cb, RCX, imm_opnd(8)); check_bytes(cb, "F6C108");
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); test(cb, mem_opnd(8, RDX, 8), imm_opnd(8)); check_bytes(cb, "F6420808");
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); test(cb, mem_opnd(8, RDX, 8), imm_opnd(255)); check_bytes(cb, "F64208FF");
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); test(cb, DX, imm_opnd(0xFFFF)); check_bytes(cb, "66F7C2FFFF");
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); test(cb, mem_opnd(16, RDX, 8), imm_opnd(0xFFFF)); check_bytes(cb, "66F74208FFFF");
// xor
cb_set_pos(cb, 0); xor(cb, EAX, EAX); check_bytes(cb, "31C0");
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ typedef struct ctx_struct
} ctx_t;
// MicroJIT code generation function signature
typedef void (*codegen_fn)(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx);
typedef void (*codegen_fn)(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx);
// Map from YARV opcodes to code generation functions
static st_table *gen_fns;
@ -37,24 +37,9 @@ static st_table *gen_fns;
static codeblock_t block;
static codeblock_t* cb = NULL;
// Initialize MicroJIT. Defined later in this file.
static void ujit_init();
// Ruby instruction entry
static void
ujit_instr_entry(codeblock_t* cb)
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ujit_pre_call_bytes); ++i)
cb_write_byte(cb, ujit_pre_call_bytes[i]);
// Ruby instruction exit
static void
ujit_instr_exit(codeblock_t* cb)
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ujit_post_call_bytes); ++i)
cb_write_byte(cb, ujit_post_call_bytes[i]);
// Code block into which we write out-of-line machine code
static codeblock_t outline_block;
static codeblock_t* ocb = NULL;
// Keep track of mapping from instructions to generated code
// See comment for rb_encoded_insn_data in iseq.c
@ -85,6 +70,15 @@ VALUE ctx_get_arg(ctx_t* ctx, size_t arg_idx)
return *(ctx->pc + arg_idx + 1);
Get an operand for the adjusted stack pointer address
x86opnd_t ctx_sp_opnd(ctx_t* ctx, size_t n)
int32_t offset = (ctx->stack_diff) * 8;
return mem_opnd(64, RSI, offset);
Make space on the stack for N values
Return a pointer to the new stack top
@ -113,6 +107,66 @@ x86opnd_t ctx_stack_pop(ctx_t* ctx, size_t n)
return top;
// Initialize MicroJIT. Defined later in this file.
static void ujit_init();
// Ruby instruction entry
static void
ujit_gen_entry(codeblock_t* cb)
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ujit_pre_call_bytes); ++i)
cb_write_byte(cb, ujit_pre_call_bytes[i]);
Generate an inline exit to return to the interpreter
static void
ujit_gen_exit(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx, VALUE* exit_pc)
// Write the adjusted SP back into the CFP
if (ctx->stack_diff != 0)
x86opnd_t stack_pointer = ctx_sp_opnd(ctx, 1);
lea(cb, RSI, stack_pointer);
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, RDI, 8), RSI);
// Directly return the next PC, which is a constant
mov(cb, RAX, const_ptr_opnd(exit_pc));
// Write PC back into the CFP
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, RDI, 0), RAX);
// Write the post call bytes
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ujit_post_call_bytes); ++i)
cb_write_byte(cb, ujit_post_call_bytes[i]);
Generate an out-of-line exit to return to the interpreter
ujit_side_exit(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx, VALUE* exit_pc)
uint8_t* code_ptr = cb_get_ptr(cb, cb->write_pos);
// Write back the old instruction at the exit PC
// Otherwise the interpreter may jump right back to the
// JITted code we're trying to exit
const void * const *table = rb_vm_get_insns_address_table();
int opcode = (int)(*exit_pc);
void* old_instr = (void*)table[opcode];
mov(cb, RAX, const_ptr_opnd(exit_pc));
mov(cb, RCX, const_ptr_opnd(old_instr));
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, RAX, 0), RCX);
// Generate the code to exit to the interpreters
ujit_gen_exit(cb, ctx, exit_pc);
return code_ptr;
Generate a chunk of machine code for one individual bytecode instruction
Eventually, this will handle multiple instructions in a sequence
@ -179,7 +233,7 @@ ujit_compile_insn(rb_iseq_t *iseq, unsigned int insn_idx, unsigned int* next_uji
// Write the pre call bytes before the first instruction
if (num_instrs == 0)
// Load the current SP from the CFP into RSI
mov(cb, RSI, mem_opnd(64, RDI, 8));
@ -187,7 +241,7 @@ ujit_compile_insn(rb_iseq_t *iseq, unsigned int insn_idx, unsigned int* next_uji
// Call the code generation function
codegen_fn gen_fn = (codegen_fn)st_gen_fn;
gen_fn(cb, &ctx);
gen_fn(cb, ocb, &ctx);
// Move to the next instruction
insn_idx += insn_len(opcode);
@ -202,56 +256,15 @@ ujit_compile_insn(rb_iseq_t *iseq, unsigned int insn_idx, unsigned int* next_uji
return NULL;
// Write the adjusted SP back into the CFP
if (ctx.stack_diff != 0)
// The stack pointer points one above the actual stack top
x86opnd_t stack_pointer = ctx_stack_push(&ctx, 1);
lea(cb, RSI, stack_pointer);
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, RDI, 8), RSI);
// Directly return the next PC, which is a constant
mov(cb, RAX, const_ptr_opnd(ctx.pc));
// Write PC back into the CFP
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, RDI, 0), RAX);
// Write the post call bytes
// Hack to patch a relative 32-bit jump to the instruction handler
int next_opcode = (int)*ctx.pc;
const void * const *table = rb_vm_get_insns_address_table();
VALUE encoded = (VALUE)table[next_opcode];
uint8_t* p_handler = (uint8_t*)encoded;
uint8_t* p_code = &cb->mem_block[cb->write_pos];
int64_t rel64 = ((int64_t)p_handler) - ((int64_t)p_code - 2 + 5);
//printf("p_handler: %lld\n", (int64_t)p_handler);
//printf("rel64: %lld\n", rel64);
uint8_t byte0 = cb->mem_block[cb->write_pos - 2];
uint8_t byte1 = cb->mem_block[cb->write_pos - 1];
//printf("cb_init: %lld\n", (int64_t)&cb_init);
//printf("%lld\n", rel64);
if (byte0 == 0xFF && byte1 == 0x20 && rel64 >= -2147483648 && rel64 <= 2147483647)
//printf("%02X %02X\n", (int)byte0, (int)byte1);
cb->write_pos -= 2;
jmp32(cb, (int32_t)rel64);
// Generate code to exit to the interpreter
ujit_gen_exit(cb, &ctx, ctx.pc);
addr2insn_bookkeeping(code_ptr, first_opcode);
return code_ptr;
void gen_dup(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
void gen_dup(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
x86opnd_t dup_val = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
x86opnd_t loc0 = ctx_stack_push(ctx, 1);
@ -261,25 +274,25 @@ void gen_dup(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
mov(cb, loc1, RAX);
void gen_nop(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
void gen_nop(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
// Do nothing
void gen_pop(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
void gen_pop(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
// Decrement SP
ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
void gen_putnil(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
void gen_putnil(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
// Write constant at SP
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_push(ctx, 1);
mov(cb, stack_top, imm_opnd(Qnil));
void gen_putobject(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
void gen_putobject(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
// Get the argument
VALUE object = ctx_get_arg(ctx, 0);
@ -291,7 +304,7 @@ void gen_putobject(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
mov(cb, stack_top, RAX);
void gen_putobject_int2fix(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
void gen_putobject_int2fix(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
int opcode = ctx_get_opcode(ctx);
int cst_val = (opcode == BIN(putobject_INT2FIX_0_))? 0:1;
@ -301,7 +314,7 @@ void gen_putobject_int2fix(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
mov(cb, stack_top, imm_opnd(INT2FIX(cst_val)));
void gen_putself(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
void gen_putself(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
// Load self from CFP
mov(cb, RAX, mem_opnd(64, RDI, 24));
@ -311,7 +324,7 @@ void gen_putself(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
mov(cb, stack_top, RAX);
void gen_getlocal_wc0(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
void gen_getlocal_wc0(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
// Load environment pointer EP from CFP
mov(cb, RDX, mem_opnd(64, RDI, 32));
@ -328,10 +341,8 @@ void gen_getlocal_wc0(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
mov(cb, stack_top, RCX);
void gen_setlocal_wc0(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
void gen_setlocal_wc0(codeblock_t* cb, codeblock_t* ocb, ctx_t* ctx)
//vm_env_write(vm_get_ep(GET_EP(), level), -(int)idx, val);
vm_env_write(const VALUE *ep, int index, VALUE v)
@ -348,40 +359,35 @@ void gen_setlocal_wc0(codeblock_t* cb, ctx_t* ctx)
// Load environment pointer EP from CFP
mov(cb, RDX, mem_opnd(64, RDI, 32));
// We could and the flags directly from the mem operand?
x86opnd_t flags_opnd = mem_opnd(64, RAX, 8 * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_FLAGS);
and(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED));
x86opnd_t flags_opnd = mem_opnd(64, RDX, 8 * VM_ENV_DATA_INDEX_FLAGS);
test(cb, flags_opnd, imm_opnd(VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED));
// Create a size-exit to fall back to the interpreter
uint8_t* side_exit = ujit_side_exit(ocb, ctx, ctx->pc);
// TODO: you need a label_idx to jump to here
// if (flags & VM_ENV_FLAG_WB_REQUIRED) != 0
jnz_ptr(cb, side_exit);
// Get value to write from the stack
// Pop the value to write from the stack
x86opnd_t stack_top = ctx_stack_pop(ctx, 1);
mov(cb, RCX, stack_top);
// Compute the offset from BP to the local
// Write the value at the environment pointer
int32_t local_idx = (int32_t)ctx_get_arg(ctx, 0);
const int32_t offs = -8 * local_idx;
// Store the local to the block
mov(cb, mem_opnd(64, RDX, offs), RCX);
static void ujit_init()
// 64MB ought to be enough for anybody
// Initialize the code blocks
size_t mem_size = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
uint8_t* mem_block = alloc_exec_mem(mem_size);
cb = █
cb_init(cb, 64 * 1024 * 1024);
cb_init(cb, mem_block, mem_size/2);
ocb = &outline_block;
cb_init(ocb, mem_block + mem_size/2, mem_size/2);
// Initialize the codegen function table
gen_fns = rb_st_init_numtable();
@ -396,5 +402,5 @@ static void ujit_init()
st_insert(gen_fns, (st_data_t)BIN(putobject_INT2FIX_1_), (st_data_t)&gen_putobject_int2fix);
st_insert(gen_fns, (st_data_t)BIN(putself), (st_data_t)&gen_putself);
st_insert(gen_fns, (st_data_t)BIN(getlocal_WC_0), (st_data_t)&gen_getlocal_wc0);
//st_insert(gen_fns, (st_data_t)BIN(setlocal_WC_0), (st_data_t)&gen_setlocal_wc0);
st_insert(gen_fns, (st_data_t)BIN(setlocal_WC_0), (st_data_t)&gen_setlocal_wc0);
Add table
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