An almost universal convention for gems is to expose `Namespace::VERSION`
which makes it mcuh easier when debugging etc.
Many gems extracted from ruby don't do this, even though it would be even more
useful because they ship with ruby, so it's less clear which version it is.
`Date.parse` now raises an ArgumentError when a given date string is
longer than 128. You can configure the limit by giving `limit` keyword
arguments like `Date.parse(str, limit: 1000)`. If you pass `limit: nil`,
the limit is disabled.
Not only `Date.parse` but also the following methods are changed.
* Date._parse
* Date.parse
* DateTime.parse
* Date._iso8601
* Date.iso8601
* DateTime.iso8601
* Date._rfc3339
* Date.rfc3339
* DateTime.rfc3339
* Date._xmlschema
* Date.xmlschema
* DateTime.xmlschema
* Date._rfc2822
* Date.rfc2822
* DateTime.rfc2822
* Date._rfc822
* Date.rfc822
* DateTime.rfc822
* Date._jisx0301
* Date.jisx0301
* DateTime.jisx0301
They are assigned automatically when pushing gem file to
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Added following gemspecs.
* extensions: date, dbm, etc, fiddle, gdbm, sdbm, stringio, strscan, zlib
* pure ruby libraries: cmath, csv, fileutils, scanf, webrick
psych and rdoc is out of scope of this commit. I will merge after
upstream was change to `frozen_string_literal: true`.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e