This commit implements arrays on Variable Width Allocation. This allows
longer arrays to be embedded (i.e. contents directly follow the object
header) which improves performance through better cache locality.
Header file include/ruby/internal/abi.h contains RUBY_ABI_VERSION which
is the ABI version. This value should be bumped whenever an ABI
incompatible change is introduced.
When loading dynamic libraries, Ruby will compare its own
`ruby_abi_version` and the `ruby_abi_version` of the loaded library. If
these two values don't match it will raise a `LoadError`. This feature
can also be turned off by setting the environment variable
This feature will prevent cases where previously installed native gems
fail in unexpected ways due to incompatibility of changes in header
files. This will force the developer to recompile their gems to use the
same header files as the built Ruby.
In Ruby, the ABI version is exposed through