... to disable a "method redefined" warning.
1) Failure:
TestObjSpace#test_objspace_trace [/export/home/chkbuild/chkbuild-gcc/tmp/build/20210514T050008Z/ruby/test/objspace/test_objspace.rb:621]:
<["objspace/trace is enabled"]> expected but was
<["/export/home/chkbuild/chkbuild-gcc/tmp/build/20210514T050008Z/ruby/.ext/common/objspace/trace.rb:29: warning: method redefined; discarding old p",
"objspace/trace is enabled"]>.
This file, when require'ed, starts tracing the object allocations, and
redefines `Kernel#p` to show the allocation site.
This commit is experimental; the library name and APIs may change.
[Feature #17762]
[Feature #17045] ObjectSpace.dump_all should allocate as little as possible in the GC heap
Up until this commit ObjectSpace.dump_all allocates two Hash because of `rb_scan_args`.
It also can allocate a `File` because of `rb_io_get_write_io`.
These allocations are problematic because `dump_all` dumps the Ruby
heap, so it should try modify as little as possible what it is