module RDoc
# This is how you define the HTML that RDoc generates. Simply create
# a file in rdoc/generators/html_templates that creates the
# module RDoc::Page and populate it as described below. Then invoke
# rdoc using the --template option, and
# your template will be used.
# The constants defining pages use a simple templating system:
# * The templating system is passed a hash. Keys in the hash correspond
# to tags on this page. The tag %abc% is looked up in the hash,
# and is replaced by the corresponding hash value.
# * Some tags are optional. You can detect this using IF/ENDIF
# IF: title
# The value of title is %title%
# ENDIF: title
# * Some entries in the hash have values that are arrays, where each
# entry in the array is itself a hash. These are used to generate
# lists using the START: construct. For example, given a hash
# containing
# { 'people' => [ { 'name' => 'Fred', 'age' => '12' },
# { 'name' => 'Mary', 'age' => '21' } ]
# You could generate a simple table using
# START:people
# %name% | %age% |
# END:people
# These lists can be nested to an arbitrary depth
# * the construct HREF:url:name: generates %name%
# if +url+ is defined in the hash, or %name% otherwise.
# Your file must contain the following constants
# [*FONTS*] a list of fonts to be used
# [*STYLE*] a CSS section (without the