README for expect
		by A. Ito, 28 October, 1998

	Expect library adds IO class a method called expect(), which
does similar act to tcl's expect extension. 

The usage of the method is:


where `pattern' is an instance of String or Regexp and `timeout'
is Fixnum, which can be omitted. 
	When the method is called without block, it waits until the
input which matches the pattern is obtained from the IO or the time
specified as the timeout passes. When the pattern is obtained from the
IO, the method returns an array. The first element of the array is the
entire string obtained from the IO until the pattern matches. The
following elements indicates the specific pattern which matched to the
anchor in the regular expression. If the method ends because of
timeout, it returns nil. 
 	When the method is called with block, the array is passed as
the block parameter.