#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'reline' require 'optparse' require_relative 'termination_checker' opt = OptionParser.new opt.on('--prompt-list-cache-timeout VAL') { |v| Reline::LineEditor.__send__(:remove_const, :PROMPT_LIST_CACHE_TIMEOUT) Reline::LineEditor::PROMPT_LIST_CACHE_TIMEOUT = v.to_f } opt.on('--dynamic-prompt') { Reline.prompt_proc = proc { |lines| lines.each_with_index.map { |l, i| '[%04d]> ' % i } } } opt.on('--broken-dynamic-prompt') { Reline.prompt_proc = proc { |lines| range = lines.size > 1 ? (0..(lines.size - 2)) : (0..0) lines[range].each_with_index.map { |l, i| '[%04d]> ' % i } } } opt.on('--dynamic-prompt-returns-empty') { Reline.prompt_proc = proc { |l| [] } } opt.on('--auto-indent') { AutoIndent.new } opt.on('--dialog VAL') { |v| Reline.add_dialog_proc(:simple_dialog, lambda { return nil if v.include?('nil') if v.include?('simple') contents = <<~RUBY.split("\n") Ruby is... A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. RUBY elsif v.include?('long') contents = <<~RUBY.split("\n") Ruby is... A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. RUBY elsif v.include?('fullwidth') contents = <<~RUBY.split("\n") Rubyとは... オープンソースの動的なプログラミン グ言語で、シンプルさと高い生産性を 備えています。エレガントな文法を持 ち、自然に読み書きができます。 RUBY end if v.include?('scrollkey') dialog.trap_key = nil if key and key.match?(dialog.name) if dialog.pointer.nil? dialog.pointer = 0 elsif dialog.pointer >= (contents.size - 1) dialog.pointer = 0 else dialog.pointer += 1 end end dialog.trap_key = [?j.ord] height = 4 end scrollbar = false if v.include?('scrollbar') scrollbar = true end if v.include?('alt-scrollbar') scrollbar = true end Reline::DialogRenderInfo.new(pos: cursor_pos, contents: contents, height: height, scrollbar: scrollbar) }) if v.include?('alt-scrollbar') ENV['RELINE_ALT_SCROLLBAR'] = '1' end } opt.on('--complete') { Reline.completion_proc = lambda { |target, preposing = nil, postposing = nil| %w{String ScriptError SyntaxError Signal}.select{ |c| c.start_with?(target) } } } opt.on('--autocomplete') { Reline.autocompletion = true Reline.completion_proc = lambda { |target, preposing = nil, postposing = nil| %w{String Struct Symbol ScriptError SyntaxError Signal}.select{ |c| c.start_with?(target) } } } opt.on('--autocomplete-long') { Reline.autocompletion = true Reline.completion_proc = lambda { |target, preposing = nil, postposing = nil| %w{ String Struct Symbol StopIteration SystemCallError SystemExit SystemStackError ScriptError SyntaxError Signal SizedQueue Set SecureRandom Socket StringIO StringScanner Shellwords Syslog Singleton SDBM }.select{ |c| c.start_with?(target) } } } opt.on('--autocomplete-super-long') { Reline.autocompletion = true Reline.completion_proc = lambda { |target, preposing = nil, postposing = nil| c = 'A' 2000.times.map{ s = "Str_#{c}"; c.succ!; s }.select{ |c| c.start_with?(target) } } } opt.parse!(ARGV) begin stty_save = `stty -g`.chomp rescue end begin prompt = ENV['RELINE_TEST_PROMPT'] || 'prompt> ' puts 'Multiline REPL.' checker = TerminationChecker.new while code = Reline.readmultiline(prompt, true) { |code| checker.terminated?(code) } case code.chomp when 'exit', 'quit', 'q' exit 0 when '' # NOOP else begin result = eval(code) puts "=> #{result.inspect}" rescue ScriptError, StandardError => e puts "Traceback (most recent call last):" e.backtrace.reverse_each do |f| puts " #{f}" end puts e.message end end end rescue Interrupt puts '^C' `stty #{stty_save}` if stty_save exit 0 ensure `stty #{stty_save}` if stty_save end begin puts rescue Errno::EIO # Maybe the I/O has been closed. end