# WSDL4R - WSDL SOAP operation definition. # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi . # This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license; # either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version. require 'wsdl/info' module WSDL module SOAP class Operation < Info class OperationInfo attr_reader :style attr_reader :op_name attr_reader :optype_name attr_reader :headerparts attr_reader :bodyparts attr_reader :faultpart attr_reader :soapaction def initialize(style, op_name, optype_name, headerparts, bodyparts, faultpart, soapaction) @style = style @op_name = op_name @optype_name = optype_name @headerparts = headerparts @bodyparts = bodyparts @faultpart = faultpart @soapaction = soapaction end end attr_reader :soapaction attr_reader :style def initialize super @soapaction = nil @style = nil end def parse_element(element) nil end def parse_attr(attr, value) case attr when StyleAttrName if ["document", "rpc"].include?(value) @style = value.intern else raise AttributeConstraintError.new("Unexpected value #{ value }.") end when SOAPActionAttrName @soapaction = value else nil end end def input_info name_info = parent.find_operation.input_info param_info(name_info, parent.input) end def output_info name_info = parent.find_operation.output_info param_info(name_info, parent.output) end def operation_style return @style if @style if parent_binding.soapbinding return parent_binding.soapbinding.style end nil end private def parent_binding parent.parent end def param_info(name_info, param) op_name = name_info.op_name optype_name = name_info.optype_name soapheader = param.soapheader headerparts = soapheader.collect { |item| item.find_part } soapbody = param.soapbody if soapbody.encodingstyle and soapbody.encodingstyle != ::SOAP::EncodingNamespace raise NotImplementedError.new( "EncodingStyle '#{ soapbody.encodingstyle }' not supported.") end if soapbody.namespace op_name = op_name.dup op_name.namespace = soapbody.namespace end if soapbody.parts raise NotImplementedError.new("soap:body parts") else bodyparts = name_info.parts end faultpart = nil soapaction = parent.soapoperation.soapaction OperationInfo.new(operation_style, op_name, optype_name, headerparts, bodyparts, faultpart, soapaction) end end end end