# module to create Makefile for extension modules # invoke like: ruby -r mkmf extconf.rb require 'rbconfig' require 'find' require 'shellwords' CONFIG = Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG ORIG_LIBPATH = ENV['LIB'] SRC_EXT = ["c", "cc", "m", "cxx", "cpp", "C"] unless defined? $configure_args $configure_args = {} for arg in Shellwords.shellwords(CONFIG["configure_args"]) arg, val = arg.split('=', 2) if arg.sub!(/^(?!--)/, '--') val or next arg.downcase! end next if /^--(?:top|topsrc|src|cur)dir$/ =~ arg $configure_args[arg] = val || true end for arg in ARGV arg, val = arg.split('=', 2) if arg.sub!(/^(?!--)/, '--') val or next arg.downcase! end $configure_args[arg] = val || true end end $srcdir = CONFIG["srcdir"] $libdir = CONFIG["libdir"] $rubylibdir = CONFIG["rubylibdir"] $archdir = CONFIG["archdir"] $sitedir = CONFIG["sitedir"] $sitelibdir = CONFIG["sitelibdir"] $sitearchdir = CONFIG["sitearchdir"] def dir_re(dir) Regexp.new('\$(?:\('+dir+'\)|\{'+dir+'\})(?:\$\(target_prefix\)|\{target_prefix\})?') end commondir = dir_re('commondir') INSTALL_DIRS = [ [commondir, "$(rubylibdir)"], [dir_re('sitelibdir'), "$(rubylibdir)$(target_prefix)"], [dir_re('sitearchdir'), "$(archdir)$(target_prefix)"] ] SITEINSTALL_DIRS = [ [commondir, "$(sitedir)$(target_prefix)"], [dir_re('rubylibdir'), "$(sitelibdir)$(target_prefix)"], [dir_re('archdir'), "$(sitearchdir)$(target_prefix)"] ] if File.exist? Config::CONFIG["archdir"] + "/ruby.h" $hdrdir = $archdir elsif File.exist? $srcdir + "/ruby.h" $hdrdir = $srcdir else STDERR.print "can't find header files for ruby.\n" exit 1 end $topdir = $hdrdir # $hdrdir.gsub!('/', '\\') if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32|bccwin32/ CFLAGS = CONFIG["CFLAGS"] if RUBY_PLATFORM == "m68k-human" CFLAGS.gsub!(/-c..-stack=[0-9]+ */, '') elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /-nextstep|-rhapsody|-darwin/ CFLAGS.gsub!( /-arch\s\w*/, '' ) end if /mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM OUTFLAG = '-Fe' elsif /bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM OUTFLAG = '-o' else OUTFLAG = '-o ' end LINK = "#{CONFIG['CC']} #{OUTFLAG}conftest -I#{$hdrdir} #{CFLAGS} %s %s #{CONFIG['LDFLAGS']} %s conftest.c %s %s #{CONFIG['LIBS']}" CPP = "#{CONFIG['CPP']} -E %s -I#{$hdrdir} #{CFLAGS} %s %s conftest.c" def rm_f(*files) targets = [] for file in files targets.concat Dir[file] end if not targets.empty? File::chmod(0777, *targets) File::unlink(*targets) end end $log = nil $orgerr = $stderr.dup $orgout = $stdout.dup def xsystem command Config.expand(command) if $DEBUG puts command return system(command) end $log ||= open('mkmf.log', 'w') $stderr.reopen($log) $stdout.reopen($log) puts command r = system(command) $stderr.reopen($orgerr) $stdout.reopen($orgout) return r end def try_link0(src, opt="") cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.print src cfile.close ldflags = $LDFLAGS if /mswin32|bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM and !$LIBPATH.empty? ENV['LIB'] = ($LIBPATH + [ORIG_LIBPATH]).compact.join(';') else $LDFLAGS = ldflags.dup $LIBPATH.each {|d| $LDFLAGS << " -L" + d} end begin xsystem(Config.expand(format(LINK, $CFLAGS, $CPPFLAGS, $LDFLAGS, opt, $LOCAL_LIBS))) ensure $LDFLAGS = ldflags ENV['LIB'] = ORIG_LIBPATH if /mswin32|bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM end end def try_link(src, opt="") begin try_link0(src, opt) ensure rm_f "conftest*" if /bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM rm_f "c0x32*" end end end def try_cpp(src, opt="") cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.print src cfile.close begin xsystem(Config.expand(format(CPP, $CPPFLAGS, $CFLAGS, opt))) ensure rm_f "conftest*" end end def egrep_cpp(pat, src, opt="") cfile = open("conftest.c", "w") cfile.print src cfile.close begin xsystem(Config.expand(format(CPP, $CPPFLAGS, $CFLAGS, opt))+"|egrep #{pat}") ensure rm_f "conftest*" end end def try_run(src, opt="") begin if try_link0(src, opt) if xsystem("./conftest") true else false end else nil end ensure rm_f "conftest*" end end def install_files(mfile, ifiles, map = INSTALL_DIRS, srcprefix = nil) ifiles or return srcprefix ||= '$(srcdir)' Config::expand(srcdir = srcprefix.dup) dirs = [] path = Hash.new {|h, i| h[i] = dirs.push([i])[-1]} ifiles.each do |files, dir, prefix| dir = map.inject(dir) {|dir, (orig, new)| dir.gsub(orig, new)} if map prefix = %r"\A#{Regexp.quote(prefix)}/?" if prefix if( files[0,2] == "./" ) # install files which are in current working directory. Dir.glob(files) do |f| d = File.dirname(f) d.sub!(prefix, "") if prefix d = (d.empty? || d == ".") ? dir : File.join(dir,d) path[d] << f end else # install files which are under the $(srcdir). Dir.glob(File.join(srcdir,files)) do |f| f[0..srcdir.size] = "" d = File.dirname(f) d.sub!(prefix, "") if prefix d = (d.empty? || d == ".") ? dir : File.join(dir, d) path[d] << (srcprefix ? File.join(srcprefix, f) : f) end end end dirs.each do |dir, *files| mfile.printf("\t@$(MAKEDIRS) %s\n", dir) files.each do |f| mfile.printf("\t@$(INSTALL_DATA) %s %s\n", f, dir) end end end def install_rb(mfile, dest, srcdir = nil) install_files(mfile, [["lib/**/*.rb", dest, "lib"]], nil, srcdir) end def append_library(libs, lib) if /mswin32|bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM lib + ".lib " + libs else "-l" + lib + " " + libs end end def have_library(lib, func="main") printf "checking for %s() in -l%s... ", func, lib STDOUT.flush if func && func != "" libs = append_library($libs, lib) if /mswin32|bccwin32|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM if lib == 'm' print "yes\n" return true end r = try_link(<<"SRC", libs) #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> int main() { return 0; } int t() { #{func}(); return 0; } SRC unless r r = try_link(<<"SRC", libs) #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> int main() { return 0; } int t() { void ((*p)()); p = (void ((*)()))#{func}; return 0; } SRC end else r = try_link(<<"SRC", libs) int main() { return 0; } int t() { #{func}(); return 0; } SRC end unless r print "no\n" return false end else libs = append_library($libs, lib) end $libs = libs print "yes\n" return true end def find_library(lib, func, *paths) printf "checking for %s() in -l%s... ", func, lib STDOUT.flush libpath = $LIBPATH libs = append_library($libs, lib) until try_link(<<"SRC", libs) int main() { return 0; } int t() { #{func}(); return 0; } SRC if paths.size == 0 $LIBPATH = libpath print "no\n" return false end $LIBPATH = libpath | [paths.shift] end $libs = libs print "yes\n" return true end def have_func(func, header=nil) printf "checking for %s()... ", func STDOUT.flush libs = $libs src = if /mswin32|bccwin32|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM r = <<"SRC" #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> SRC else "" end unless header.nil? src << <<"SRC" #include <#{header}> SRC end r = try_link(src + <<"SRC", libs) int main() { return 0; } int t() { #{func}(); return 0; } SRC unless r r = try_link(src + <<"SRC", libs) int main() { return 0; } int t() { void ((*p)()); p = (void ((*)()))#{func}; return 0; } SRC end unless r print "no\n" return false end $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", func.upcase)) print "yes\n" return true end def have_header(header) printf "checking for %s... ", header STDOUT.flush unless try_cpp(<<"SRC") #include <#{header}> SRC print "no\n" return false end $defs.push(format("-DHAVE_%s", header.tr("a-z./\055", "A-Z___"))) print "yes\n" return true end def arg_config(config, default=nil) $configure_args.fetch(config, default) end def with_config(config, default=nil) unless /^--with-/ =~ config config = '--with-' + config end arg_config(config, default) end def enable_config(config, default=nil) if arg_config("--enable-"+config) true elsif arg_config("--disable-"+config) false else default end end def create_header() print "creating extconf.h\n" STDOUT.flush if $defs.length > 0 hfile = open("extconf.h", "w") for line in $defs line =~ /^-D(.*)/ hfile.printf "#define %s 1\n", $1 end hfile.close end end def dir_config(target, idefault=nil, ldefault=nil) if dir = with_config(target + "-dir", (idefault unless ldefault)) idefault = dir + "/include" ldefault = dir + "/lib" end idir = with_config(target + "-include", idefault) ldir = with_config(target + "-lib", ldefault) if idir idircflag = "-I" + idir $CPPFLAGS += " " + idircflag unless $CPPFLAGS.split.include?(idircflag) end if ldir $LIBPATH << ldir unless $LIBPATH.include?(ldir) end [idir, ldir] end def with_destdir(dir) /^\$[\(\{]/ =~ dir ? dir : "$(DESTDIR)"+dir end def winsep(s) s.tr('/', '\\') end def create_makefile(target, srcprefix = nil) save_libs = $libs.dup save_libpath = $LIBPATH.dup print "creating Makefile\n" rm_f "conftest*" STDOUT.flush if target.include?('/') target_prefix, target = File.split(target) target_prefix[0,0] = '/' else target_prefix = "" end if CONFIG["DLEXT"] == $OBJEXT libs = $libs.split for lib in libs lib.sub!(/-l(.*)/, '"lib\1.a"') end $defs.push(format("-DEXTLIB='%s'", libs.join(","))) end $DLDFLAGS = CONFIG["DLDFLAGS"] $libs = CONFIG["LIBRUBYARG"] + " " + $libs $configure_args['--enable-shared'] or $LIBPATH |= [$topdir] $LIBPATH |= [CONFIG["libdir"]] srcprefix ||= '$(srcdir)' Config::expand(srcdir = srcprefix.dup) defflag = '' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /bccwin32/ deffile = target + '.def' if not File.exist? deffile open(deffile, 'wb') do |f| f.print "EXPORTS\n", "_Init_", target, "\n" end end elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/ deffile = target + '.def' if not File.exist? deffile if File.exist? File.join(srcdir, deffile) deffile = File.join srcdir, deffile else open(deffile, 'wb') do |f| f.print "EXPORTS\n", "Init_", target, "\n" end end end defflag = deffile end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32|bccwin32/ libpath = $LIBPATH.join(';') else $LIBPATH.each {|d| $DLDFLAGS << " -L" << d} if /netbsdelf/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM $LIBPATH.each {|d| $DLDFLAGS << " -Wl,-R" + d} end end drive = File::PATH_SEPARATOR == ';' ? /\A\w:/ : /\A/ unless $objs then $objs = [] for f in Dir[File.join(srcdir, "*.{#{SRC_EXT.join(%q{,})}}")] f = File.basename(f) f.sub!(/(#{SRC_EXT.join(%q{|})})$/, $OBJEXT) $objs.push f end else for i in $objs i.sub!(/\.o\z/, ".#{$OBJEXT}") end end $objs = $objs.join(" ") mfile = open("Makefile", "w") mfile.binmode if /mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM mfile.print <<EOMF SHELL = /bin/sh #### Start of system configuration section. #### srcdir = #{srcdir} topdir = #{$topdir} hdrdir = #{$hdrdir} VPATH = $(srcdir) CC = #{CONFIG["CC"]} CFLAGS = #{CONFIG["CCDLFLAGS"]} #{CFLAGS} #{$CFLAGS} CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir) #{$defs.join(" ")} #{CONFIG["CPPFLAGS"]} #{$CPPFLAGS} CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) #{ if /bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM "DLDFLAGS = #$LDFLAGS -L\"$(topdir:/=\\)\"\n" + "LDSHARED = #{CONFIG['LDSHARED']}\n" else "DLDFLAGS = #{$DLDFLAGS} #{$LDFLAGS}\n" + "LDSHARED = #{CONFIG['LDSHARED']} #{defflag}\n" end } LIBPATH = #{libpath} RUBY_INSTALL_NAME = #{CONFIG["RUBY_INSTALL_NAME"]} RUBY_SO_NAME = #{CONFIG["RUBY_SO_NAME"]} arch = #{CONFIG["arch"]} ruby_version = #{Config::CONFIG["ruby_version"]} EOMF if destdir = CONFIG["prefix"].scan(drive)[0] and !destdir.empty? mfile.print "\nDESTDIR = ", destdir, "\n" end CONFIG.each do |key, var| next unless /prefix$/ =~ key mfile.print key, " = ", with_destdir(var.sub(drive, '')), "\n" end CONFIG.each do |key, var| next unless /^(?:src|top|(.*))dir$/ =~ key and $1 mfile.print key, " = ", with_destdir(var.sub(drive, '')), "\n" end mfile.print <<EOMF target_prefix = #{target_prefix} #### End of system configuration section. #### LOCAL_LIBS = #{$LOCAL_LIBS} #{$local_flags} LIBS = #{$libs} OBJS = #{$objs} TARGET = #{target} DLLIB = $(TARGET).#{CONFIG["DLEXT"]} RUBY = #{CONFIG["ruby_install_name"]} RM = $(RUBY) -rftools -e "File::rm_f(*ARGV.map do|x|Dir[x]end.flatten.uniq)" MAKEDIRS = $(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::makedirs(*ARGV)' INSTALL_PROG = $(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::install(ARGV[0], ARGV[1], 0555, true)' INSTALL_DATA = $(RUBY) -r ftools -e 'File::install(ARGV[0], ARGV[1], 0644, true)' EXEEXT = #{CONFIG["EXEEXT"]} all: $(DLLIB) clean: @$(RM) *.#{$OBJEXT} *.so *.sl *.a $(DLLIB) #{ if /bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM " @$(RM) $(TARGET).lib $(TARGET).def $(TARGET).ilc $(TARGET).ild $(TARGET).ilf $(TARGET).ils $(TARGET).tds $(TARGET).map $(CLEANFILES)\n"+ " @if exist $(target).def.org ren $(target).def.org $(target).def" else " @$(RM) $(TARGET).lib $(TARGET).exp $(TARGET).ilk *.pdb $(CLEANFILES)" end } distclean: clean @$(RM) Makefile extconf.h conftest.* mkmf.log @$(RM) core ruby$(EXEEXT) *~ $(DISTCLEANFILES) realclean: distclean install: $(archdir)$(target_prefix)/$(DLLIB) site-install: $(sitearchdir)$(target_prefix)/$(DLLIB) $(archdir)$(target_prefix)/$(DLLIB): $(DLLIB) @$(MAKEDIRS) $(rubylibdir) $(archdir)$(target_prefix) @$(INSTALL_PROG) $(DLLIB) $(archdir)$(target_prefix)/$(DLLIB) $(sitearchdir)$(target_prefix)/$(DLLIB): $(DLLIB) @$(MAKEDIRS) $(sitearchdir)$(target_prefix) @$(INSTALL_PROG) $(DLLIB) $(sitearchdir)$(target_prefix)/$(DLLIB) EOMF mfile.print "install:\n" install_rb(mfile, "$(rubylibdir)$(target_prefix)", srcprefix) install_files(mfile, $INSTALLFILES, INSTALL_DIRS, srcprefix) mfile.print "\n" mfile.print "site-install:\n" install_rb(mfile, "$(sitelibdir)$(target_prefix)", srcprefix) install_files(mfile, $INSTALLFILES, SITEINSTALL_DIRS, srcprefix) unless /mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM if /bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM src = '$(<:\\=/)' else src = '$<' end copt = cxxopt = '' else if /nmake/i =~ $make src = '$(<:\\=/)' else src = '$(subst /,\\\\,$<)' end copt = '-Tc' cxxopt = '-Tp' end unless /nmake/i =~ $make if /bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM mfile.print " {$(srcdir)}.cc{}.@OBJEXT@: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} {$(srcdir)}.cpp{}.@OBJEXT@: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} {$(srcdir)}.cxx{}.@OBJEXT@: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} {$(srcdir)}.c{}.@OBJEXT@: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{copt}#{src} " end mfile.puts " .cc.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} .cpp.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} .cxx.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} .C.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} .c.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{copt}#{src} " else mfile.print " {$(srcdir)}.c{}.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CC) -I. -I$(<D) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{copt}#{src} .c.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{copt}#{src} {$(srcdir)}.cc{}.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CXX) -I. -I$(<D) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} .cc.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} {$(srcdir)}.cpp{}.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CXX) -I. -I$(<D) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} .cpp.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} {$(srcdir)}.cxx{}.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CXX) -I. -I$(<D) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} .cxx.#{$OBJEXT}: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c #{cxxopt}#{src} " end if CONFIG["DLEXT"] != $OBJEXT mfile.print "$(DLLIB): $(OBJS)\n" if /bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM mfile.print "\t$(LDSHARED) $(DLDFLAGS) C0D32.OBJ $(OBJS), $@,, CW32.LIB IMPORT32.LIB WS2_32.LIB $(LIBS), #{deffile}\n" else if /mswin32|bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM if /nmake/i =~ $make mfile.print "\tset LIB=$(LIBPATH:/=\\);$(LIB)\n" else mfile.print "\tenv LIB='$(subst /,\\\\,$(LIBPATH));$(LIB)' \\\n" end end mfile.print "\t$(LDSHARED) $(DLDFLAGS) #{OUTFLAG}$(DLLIB) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) $(LOCAL_LIBS)\n" end elsif not File.exist?(target + ".c") and not File.exist?(target + ".cc") mfile.print "$(DLLIB): $(OBJS)\n" case RUBY_PLATFORM when "m68k-human" mfile.printf "ar cru $(DLLIB) $(OBJS)\n" else mfile.printf "ld $(DLDFLAGS) -r -o $(DLLIB) $(OBJS)\n" end end depend = File.join(srcdir, "depend") if File.exist?(depend) dfile = open(depend, "r") mfile.printf "###\n" while line = dfile.gets() line.gsub!(/\.o\b/, ".#{$OBJEXT}") line.gsub!(/(\s)([^\s\/]+\.[ch])/, '\1{$(srcdir)}\2') if /nmake/i =~ $make mfile.printf "%s", line end dfile.close end mfile.close $libs = save_libs $LIBPATH = save_libpath end $OBJEXT = CONFIG["OBJEXT"] $objs = nil $libs = CONFIG["DLDLIBS"] $local_flags = "" case RUBY_PLATFORM when /mswin32/ $local_flags = "-link /INCREMENTAL:no /EXPORT:Init_$(TARGET)" end $LOCAL_LIBS = "" $defs = [] $make = with_config("make-prog", ENV["MAKE"] || "make") $CFLAGS = with_config("cflags", arg_config("CFLAGS", "")) $CPPFLAGS = with_config("cppflags", arg_config("CPPFLAGS", "")) $LDFLAGS = with_config("ldflags", arg_config("LDFLAGS", "")) $LIBPATH = [] dir_config("opt") Config::CONFIG["srcdir"] = CONFIG["srcdir"] = $srcdir = arg_config("--srcdir", File.dirname($0)) $configure_args["--topsrcdir"] ||= $srcdir Config::CONFIG["topdir"] = CONFIG["topdir"] = $curdir = arg_config("--curdir", Dir.pwd) $configure_args["--topdir"] ||= $curdir