require 'test/unit' require 'tempfile' require 'envutil' class TestBeginEndBlock < Test::Unit::TestCase DIR = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) def q(content) "\"#{content}\"" end def test_beginendblock ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin target = File.join(DIR, 'beginmainend.rb') io = IO.popen("#{q(ruby)} #{q(target)}") assert_equal(%w(b1 b2-1 b2 main b3-1 b3 b4 e1 e4 e3 e2 e4-2 e4-1 e1-1 e4-1-1), io.close end def test_begininmethod assert_raises(SyntaxError) do eval("def foo; BEGIN {}; end") end assert_raises(SyntaxError) do eval('eval("def foo; BEGIN {}; end")') end end def test_endblockwarn ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin # Use Tempfile to create temporary file path. launcher = errout = launcher << <<EOF errout = ARGV.shift STDERR.reopen(, "w")) STDERR.sync = true Dir.chdir(#{q(DIR)}) cmd = "\\"#{ruby}\\" \\"endblockwarn.rb\\"" system(cmd) EOF launcher.close launcherpath = launcher.path errout.close erroutpath = errout.path system("#{q(ruby)} #{q(launcherpath)} #{q(erroutpath)}") expected = <<EOW endblockwarn.rb:2: warning: END in method; use at_exit (eval):2: warning: END in method; use at_exit EOW assert_equal(expected, # expecting Tempfile to unlink launcher and errout file. end end