= Code Comments Ruby has two types of comments: inline and block. Inline comments start with the <code>#</code> character and continue until the end of the line: # On a separate line class Foo # or at the end of the line # can be indented def bar end end Block comments start with <code>=begin</code> and end with <code>=end</code>. Each should start on a separate line. =begin This is commented out =end class Foo end =begin some_tag this works, too =end <code>=begin</code> and <code>=end</code> can not be indented, so this is a syntax error: class Foo =begin Will not work =end end == Magic Comments While comments are typically ignored by Ruby, special "magic comments" contain directives that affect how the code is interpreted. Top-level magic comments must start on the first line, or on the second line if the first line looks like <tt>#! shebang line</tt>. NOTE: Magic comments affect only the file in which they appear; other files are unaffected. # frozen_string_literal: true var = 'hello' var.frozen? # => true === Alternative syntax Magic comments may consist of a single directive (as in the example above). Alternatively, multiple directives may appear on the same line if separated by ";" and wrapped between "-*-" (see Emacs' {file variables}[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Specifying-File-Variables.html]). # emacs-compatible; -*- coding: big5; mode: ruby; frozen_string_literal: true -*- p 'hello'.frozen? # => true p 'hello'.encoding # => #<Encoding:Big5> === +encoding+ Directive Indicates which string encoding should be used for string literals, regexp literals and <code>__ENCODING__</code>: # encoding: big5 ''.encoding # => #<Encoding:Big5> Default encoding is UTF-8. It must appear in the first comment section of a file. The word "coding" may be used instead of "encoding". === +frozen_string_literal+ Directive Indicates that string literals should be allocated once at parse time and frozen. # frozen_string_literal: true 3.times do p 'hello'.object_id # => prints same number end p 'world'.frozen? # => true The default is false; this can be changed with <code>--enable=frozen-string-literal</code>. Without the directive, or with <code># frozen_string_literal: false</code>, the example above would print 3 different numbers and "false". Starting in Ruby 3.0, string literals that are dynamic are not frozen nor reused: # frozen_string_literal: true p "Addition: #{2 + 2}".frozen? # => false It must appear in the first comment section of a file. === +warn_indent+ Directive This directive can turn on detection of bad indentation for statements that follow it: def foo end # => no warning # warn_indent: true def bar end # => warning: mismatched indentations at 'end' with 'def' at 6 Another way to get these warnings to show is by running Ruby with warnings (<code>ruby -w</code>). Using a directive to set this false will prevent these warnings to show. === +shareable_constant_value+ Directive Note: This directive is experimental in Ruby 3.0 and may change in future releases. This special directive helps to create constants that hold only immutable objects, or {Ractor-shareable}[rdoc-ref:Ractor@Shareable+and+unshareable+objects] constants. The directive can specify special treatment for values assigned to constants: * +none+: (default) * +literal+: literals are implicitly frozen, others must be Ractor-shareable * +experimental_everything+: all made shareable * +experimental_copy+: copy deeply and make it shareable ==== Mode +none+ (default) No special treatment in this mode (as in Ruby 2.x): no automatic freezing and no checks. It has always been a good idea to deep-freeze constants; Ractor makes this an even better idea as only the main ractor can access non-shareable constants: # shareable_constant_value: none A = {foo: []} A.frozen? # => false Ractor.new { puts A } # => can not access non-shareable objects by non-main Ractor. ==== Mode +literal+ In "literal" mode, constants assigned to literals will be deeply-frozen: # shareable_constant_value: literal X = [{foo: []}] # => same as [{foo: [].freeze}.freeze].freeze Other values must be shareable: # shareable_constant_value: literal X = Object.new # => cannot assign unshareable object to X Note that only literals directly assigned to constants, or recursively held in such literals will be frozen: # shareable_constant_value: literal var = [{foo: []}] var.frozen? # => false (assignment was made to local variable) X = var # => cannot assign unshareable object to X X = Set[1, 2, {foo: []}].freeze # => cannot assign unshareable object to X # (`Set[...]` is not a literal and # `{foo: []}` is an argument to `Set.[]`) The method Module#const_set is not affected. ==== Mode +experimental_everything+ In this mode, all values assigned to constants are made shareable. # shareable_constant_value: experimental_everything FOO = Set[1, 2, {foo: []}] # same as FOO = Ractor.make_sharable(...) # OR same as `FOO = Set[1, 2, {foo: [].freeze}.freeze].freeze` var = [{foo: []}] var.frozen? # => false (assignment was made to local variable) X = var # => calls `Ractor.make_shareable(var)` var.frozen? # => true This mode is "experimental", because it might be error prone, for example by deep-freezing the constants of an external resource which could cause errors: # shareable_constant_value: experimental_everything FOO = SomeGem::Something::FOO # => deep freezes the gem's constant! This will be revisited before Ruby 3.1 to either allow `everything` or to instead remove this mode. The method Module#const_set is not affected. ==== Mode +experimental_copy+ In this mode, all values assigned to constants are deeply copied and made shareable. It is safer mode than +experimental_everything+. # shareable_constant_value: experimental_everything var = [{foo: []}] var.frozen? # => false (assignment was made to local variable) X = var # => calls `Ractor.make_shareable(var, copy: true)` var.frozen? # => false Ractor.shareable?(X) #=> true var.object_id == X.object_id #=> false This mode is "experimental" and has not been discussed thoroughly. This will be revisited before Ruby 3.1 to either allow `copy` or to instead remove this mode. The method Module#const_set is not affected. ==== Scope This directive can be used multiple times in the same file: # shareable_constant_value: none A = {foo: []} A.frozen? # => false Ractor.new { puts A } # => can not access non-shareable objects by non-main Ractor. # shareable_constant_value: literal B = {foo: []} B.frozen? # => true B[:foo].frozen? # => true C = [Object.new] # => cannot assign unshareable object to C (Ractor::IsolationError) D = [Object.new.freeze] D.frozen? # => true # shareable_constant_value: experimental_everything E = Set[1, 2, Object.new] E.frozen? # => true E.all(&:frozen?) # => true The directive affects only subsequent constants and only for the current scope: module Mod # shareable_constant_value: literal A = [1, 2, 3] module Sub B = [4, 5] end end C = [4, 5] module Mod D = [6] end p Mod::A.frozen?, Mod::Sub::B.frozen? # => true, true p C.frozen?, Mod::D.frozen? # => false, false