# $Id: $ # NOTE: # Never use optparse in this file. # Never use test/unit in this file. # Never use Ruby extensions in this file. require 'fileutils' def main @ruby = nil dir = 'bootstraptest.tmpwd' tests = nil ARGV.delete_if {|arg| case arg when /\A--ruby=(.*)/ @ruby = File.expand_path($1) true when /\A--sets=(.*)/ tests = Dir.glob("#{File.dirname($0)}/test_{#{$1}}*.rb") puts tests.map {|path| File.basename(path) }.inspect true else false end } if tests and not ARGV.empty? $stderr.puts "--tests and arguments are exclusive" exit 1 end tests ||= ARGV tests = Dir.glob("#{File.dirname($0)}/test_*.rb") if tests.empty? pathes = tests.map {|path| File.expand_path(path) } in_temporary_working_directory(dir) { exec_test pathes } end def exec_test(pathes) @count = 0 @error = 0 @errbuf = [] @location = nil pathes.each do |path| load File.expand_path(path) end $stderr.puts if @error == 0 $stderr.puts "PASS #{@count} tests" exit 0 else @errbuf.each do |msg| $stderr.puts msg end $stderr.puts "FAIL #{@error}/#{@count} tests failed" exit 1 end end def assert_equal(expected, really) newtest restr = get_result_string(really) check_coredump if expected == restr $stderr.print '.' else $stderr.print 'F' error "expected #{expected.inspect} but is: #{restr.inspect}" end rescue Exception => err $stderr.print 'E' error err.message end def get_result_string(src) if @ruby File.open('bootstraptest.tmp.rb', 'w') {|f| f.puts "print(begin; #{src}; end)" } `#{@ruby} bootstraptest.tmp.rb` else eval(src).to_s end end def newtest @location = File.basename(caller(2).first) @count += 1 cleanup_coredump end def error(msg) @errbuf.push "\##{@count} #{@location}: #{msg}" @error += 1 end def in_temporary_working_directory(dir) FileUtils.rm_rf dir Dir.mkdir dir Dir.chdir(dir) { yield } end def cleanup_coredump FileUtils.rm_f 'core' Dir.glob('core.*').each do |ent| FileUtils.rm_f ent end end class CoreDumpError < StandardError; end def check_coredump if File.file?('core') or not Dir.glob('core.*').empty? raise CoreDumpError, "core dumped" end end main